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How To Select ports:
select [get_ports *]
Deselection of ports
select [get_ports *] -remove
To get macros in the design
get_cells -hier -leaf -filter "cell_class==macro" *
To Find out cell name with Instance name
select [ get_object_name inst_apc2/u_apc2_pwi_1/u_apc2_pwi_cmd/u_apc2_pwi_avs_cm
get_object_name [ get_select_set ]
get_attribute [ get_select_set ] ref_name
get_attribute [ get_object_name inst_apc2/u_apc2_pwi_1/u_apc2_pwi_cmd/u_apc2_pwi
_avs_cmd_0/U38] ref_name
To select net
select [ get_net inst_apc2/u_apc2_pwi_1/TIELBWPHVT_ATtie_i81_n]
To deselect net
select [ get_net inst_apc2/u_apc2_pwi_1/TIELBWPHVT_ATtie_i81_n] -remove
Driver Of net (net ==> pins ==> cells ==> output direction ==> Driver)
get_attribute [get_cells -of_objects [get_pins -of_objects [ get_net inst_apc2/u
_apc2_pwi_1/TIELBWPHVT_ATtie_i81_n] -filter "direction==out"]] ref_name
Instance to net (Instance ==> Pins ==> direction ==> net)
get_nets -of_objects [get_pins -of_objects [get_object_name inst_apc2/u_apc2_pwi
select [get_nets -of_objects [get_pins -of_objects [ get_object_name inst_apc2/u
_apc2_pwi_1/u_apc2_pwi_cmd/u_apc2_pwi_avs_cmd_0/avs_core_vol_reg_1_] -filter "di
To Deselect All Cells
select [ get_lib_cells * ] -remove
##########to delete filler cells#################

To find out the pins of cell
get_lib_pins -of_objects [get_lib_cells BUFFD3BWP]
To Place cell or Macro with fixed Instance
set_cell_placement -fixed R0 { 593.240 1.260 } {inst_phy_top_temp_sense_top_inst
To get Utilization
To find out the overlaps of pins
To delete Nets
delete_route -global
delete_route -detail -nets [get_nets sel*]
To findout overlaps of cells in the design
report_placement -check
To Avoid overlaps in the design
place_cell -legalize_only
To find out all input pins
To find out all output pins

To find out all_register names

To se the congestion
To resize celll
manual_optimize resize U1 BUF4X
To add buffer on term
manual_optimize start
manual_optimize add BUF2X U1/A
manual_optimize end
to check drcs,opens,shorts
Verify layout
To snap shot the layout
write_layout MyFile -format gif
### Net repairing to avoid shorts
add_route_guide -function no_signal -metals { 2 } {1242.9 2606.95 1243.5 2607.25
route -verify
route -repair -nets { PM_M161_TC/PM_USB_PHY_WRAPPER/PM_USB_PHY/n2020_ATdrc_33694
### ECO mode routing
route -eco_mode modified_only -repair -timing -fix_si -optimize_via
How find Instance name using cell name
What is the difference between get_lib_pins and get_lib_phy_pins
How to find Dimentions of Design #######
how to check congestion ?(show_congestion_map)
how to move the objects ?
how to add buffer on net?
how to add soft blockages and how to get their locations
how to move the ports ?

###How to execute the tcl scripts without changing the data base
Assume the following Tcl script, eco.tcl, that you want to test before executing
eco.tcl -->
set b [get_ports fcmu_pd\[*\]]
connect $b -net xcdr_fear[0]
add_cell xmlogic/xrtm/ingress_elastic_buf/U991 \
-location { 508.430 214.120 } -lib_cell BUFX4
add_cell dummy -location { 510.430 214.120 } -lib_cell BUFX
manual_optimize resize xmlogic/xrtm/xpcs/xpcs_rx/xpcs_des/U31* BUFX
manual_optimize remove xmlogic/xrtm/xpcs/xpcs_rx/xpcs_des/U31_none
You can test the correctness of the eco.tcl script without executing the command
s that modify the
database by running the following test script, eco_test.tcl.
eco_test.tcl -->
set cmds {manual_optimize add_repeater add_cell add_net connect}
source eco.tcl -no_op $cmds
In the script, the source Tcl command sources the eco.tcl script. However, all t
he commands that
have been defined with the set cmds Tcl command in eco_test.tcl will not be exec
uted because of
the -no_op $cmds argument.
manual_optimize resize inst_apc2/u_apc2_pwi_1/u_apc2_pwi_cmd/u_apc2_pwi_host_cm
d/u_apc2_pwi_auth/intadd_2_U3 FICOND2BWPHVT
manual_optimize add BUFFD4BWP inst_apc2/u_apc2_pwi_1/u_apc2_pwi_cmd/u_apc2_pwi_h
ost_cmd/u_apc2_pwi_auth/U24/A3 -use_prefix xxx -location {6.525 9.075 }
manual_optimize remove inst_apc2/u_apc2_pwi_1/u_apc2_pwi_cmd/u_apc2_pwi_host_cmd

move_object [get_cells {inst_apc2/u_apc2_pwi_1/u_apc2_pwi_cmd/u_apc2_pwi_host_cm

d/u_apc2_pwi_auth/xxx_ATusr_i1}] { -0.710 -0.010 }
To Check licenses
source /net/home/pragasam/scripts/csh/qcheck STAR-RC2_MANAGER=1
source /net/home/pragasam/scripts/csh/qcheck PrimeTime=1
source /net/home/pragasam/scripts/csh/qcheck AP=1
To See the Running Jobs :
Qstat u Pragasam
Qstat u vreddy

To Kill the Running Jobs

Qdel f <Job ID>
To Fix antenna violations
----------------->route insert_diode fix_antenna repair

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