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MCQS 1) The strength of concentrically loaded columns decreases with _______________ slenderness ratio kl/r. (a) increasing 2) (b) decreasing (c) do not change (d) none of these

In flexural members, the presence of axial compression causes additional ____________ and additional moments Py. Other things being equal, the additional moments increase with increasing slenderness ratio kl r. (a) shear (b) displacement (c) deflections (d) Strain


For compression members in nonsway frames, the effects of slenderness may be neglected when klu/r <___________, where ____________ is not taken greater than 40. (a) 36 - 12M1 M2 (b) 38 - 12MX M2 (c) 34 - 12M1/ M2 (d) 40 - 12MX/ M2


For compression members in sway frames, the effects of slenderness may be neglected when klu/r is less than __________. (a) 20 (b) 26 (c) 24 (d) 22 The maximum magnified moments caused by sway loading occur at the _________ of the column, but those due to gravity loads may occur somewhere in the midheight of the column. (a) mid height (b) quarter height (c) ends (d) none



A rational ____________ order analysis gives a better approximation of actual moments and forces than the moment magnifier method. (a) first (b) second (c) third (d) fourth Studies have shown that most columns in existing buildings are sufficiently stocky that slenderness effects _________ their capacity only a few percent. (a) enhance (b) reduce (c) no effect (d) none



A column is said to be slender if its cross-sectional dimensions are ______________ compared with its length. (a) small (b) large (c) equal (d) both (a) & (c)


The radius of gyration r for rectangular columns may be taken as ________ , where h is the overall cross-sectional dimension in the direction in which stability is being considered. (a) 0.20h (b) 0.25h (c) 0.30h (d) 0.35h


In homogeneous elastic members, such as steel columns. EI is easily obtained from.____________ and the usual moment of inertia. a) modulus of rupture (b) Young's modulus (c) shear modulus (d) none of these The buckling load of a frame not braced against sidesway is always substantially_______ than that of the same frame when braced. (a) smaller (b) larger (c) equal (d) both (a) & (c) A second-order analysis is required by ACI Code 10.11.5 for all compression members with klu /r greater than.____________. a ) 75 (b) 100 (c) 125 (d) 200




In columns that are braced against sidesway , the effective length kl, i.e., the distance between __________ points, falls between L/2 and L depending on the degree of end restraint. (a) converging (b) vertical (c) inflection (d) end


____________ order analysis provides the most accurate estimate of the magnified sway moments but requires more sophisticated techniques. (a) first (b) second (c) third (d) fourth The use of sway frames to resist sustained _________ loads, e.g. from earth or liquid pressures, is not recommended. (a) wind (b) vertical (c) lateral (d) earthquake


TRUE/ FALSE 1. The strength of concentrically loaded columns decreases with decreasing slenderness ratio kl/r. (F)

2. In flexural members, the presence of axial compression causes additional deflections and additional moments Py. Other things being equal, the additional moments increase with increasing slenderness ratio kl/ r. (T) 3. For compression members in nonsway frames, the effects of slenderness may be neglected when klu /r < (34 12 M1/M2 ), where (34 12 M1/M2) is not taken greater than 40. (T) 4. For compression members in sway frames, the effects of slenderness may be neglected when klu /r is greater than 22. (F) 5. The maximum magnified moments caused by sway loading occur at the ends of the column, but those due to gravity loads may occur somewhere in the mid height of the column. (T)

6. A rational second-order analysis gives a better approximation of actual moments and forces than the moment magnifier method. (T)

7. A column is said to be slender if its cross-sectional dimensions are greater compared with its length. (F)

8. The ends of columns in actual structures are rarely either hinged, fixed, or entirely free but are usually restrained by abutting members. (T)

9. Studies have shown that most columns in existing buildings are sufficiently stocky that slenderness effects reduce their capacity only a few percent. (T)

10. The radius of gyration r for rectangular columns may be taken as 0.30h, where h is the overall cross-sectional dimension in the direction in which stability is being considered. (T)

11. Second-order analysis provides the most accurate estimate of the magnified sway moments but requires more sophisticated techniques. (T)

12. A second-order analysis is required by ACI Code 10.11.5 for all compression members with klu /r less than 100. (F) 13. The use of sway frames to resist sustained lateral loads, e.g.. from earth or liquid pressures, is recommended. (F)

14. The buckling load of a frame not braced against sidesway is always substantially smaller than that of the same frame when braced. (T)

15. In columns that are braced against sidesway , the effective length kl, i.e., the distance between inflection points, falls between L / 2 and L depending on the degree of end restraint. (T)

1. Torsional forces may tend to: (a) Twist a member about its longitudinal axis (b) Twist a member about its transverse axis (c) bend a member about its longitudinal axis (d) both (a) & (c) 2. Torsional forces are almost always concurrent with: (a) Bending moment (b) Transverse shear (c) Axial force (d) All of above (e) None of above and act alone 3. Torsion is a central feature of behavior for example/s: (a) Curved bridge girders (b) Eccentrically loaded box beams (c) Helical stairway slab (d) All of above 4. Primary torsion may also called: (a) Statically indeterminate torsion (b) Compatibility torsion (c) Equilibrium torsion (d) destructive torsion

5. Secondary torsion may also called: (a) Statically indeterminate torsion (b) Compatibility torsion (c) Equilibrium torsion (d) Both (a) and (b) 6. Torsional stiffness is reduced due to: (a) Cracking (b) Bending (c) Twisting (d) All of above 7. The strength reduction factor applies to torsion is: (a) 0.65 (b) 0.70 (c) 0.75 (d) 0.85

True & False 1. Secondary torsion is produced in spandrel beam. T 2. Upon cracking Torsional resistance of the concrete drops to about half of that of the uncracked member. T 3. Members are rarely subjected to torsion alone. T 4. To control spiral cracking the maximum spacing of Torsional stirrups should not exceed ph/8 or 12 in., which is larger. F 5. Strength reduction factor for torsion is 0.70. F

Strip method for slab design

1. Strip method for slab design was developed by Hillerborg. True 2. Strip method of analysis is based on upper bound theorem False 3. By using strip method reinforcement can be varied at different sections of the slab True 4. In strip method torsional moment is taken equal to zero True 5. Strip method for slab design is not suitable for irregular slabs False

6. In strip method load is assumed to be resisted by twisting strength of the beam False 7. For the corners of the square slab load is distributed equally in both directions True 8. For the middle edges of the square slab k value is taken as 0 or 1 True 9. Strip method of analysis is also referred to as Equilibrium Theory True 10. In strip method equilibrium requirements are satisfied only at the middle strip of the slab False 11. Strip Method of slab design is not economical False 12. In strip method width of edge bands is equal to one-third of short span dimension False 13. For the corners and center of the square slab k value is taken as 0 False 14. In strip method the whole slab is divided in 5 strips, both in x and y direction False 15. For a rectangular slab with side lengths a and b in x and y directions respectively (a>b), width of middle strip in short direction is a-b/2 True

1. Strip method of analysis is also referred to as 1. Equilibrium Theory 2. Upper bound theory 3. Lower bound Theory 4. None of above 2. Strip method of slab design is 1. Upper bound approach 2. lower bound approach 3. None of above 3. In strip method equilibrium requirements are satisfied 1. Every where in the slab 2. Only at the middle strip of the slab 3. Only at the side strip of the slab 4. At supports of slabs 4. Strip Method of slab design

1. Gives results on safe side 2. Leads to economical arrangement of steel 3. Is easy to use 4. All of above 5. Strip Method of slab design is used 1. For slab with holes 2. For slab with irregular boundaries 3. For slab that carry unevenly distributed load 4. All of above 6. In strip method width of edge bands is equal to 1. One-forth of short span dimension 2. One-third of short span dimension 3. Half of short span dimension 4. None of above 7. For the middle edges of the square slab load is distributed 1. Equally in both directions 2. In short direction 3. In long direction 8. For the corners and center of the square slab k value is taken as 1. 0 2. 0.5 3. 1 4. None of above 9. For long direction of the middle strip of the rectangular slab k value is taken as 1. 0 2. 0.5 3. 1 4. None of above 10. For short direction of the middle strip of the rectangular slab k value is taken as 1. 0 2. 0.5 3. 1 4. None of above 11. For middle strip of the rectangular slab load is distributed 1. Equally in both directions 2. In short direction 3. In long direction 12. Strip method for slab design is suitable for 1. Irregular slabs 2. Square slabs 3. Rectangular slabs 4. All of above

13. In strip method the whole slab is divided in __________strips, both in x and y direction 1. 3strips 2. 4strips 3. 5strips 4. 7strips 14. For a rectangular slab with side lengths a and b in x and y directions respectively (a>b), width of middle strip in long direction is 1. b/3 2. b/2 3. a/2 4. a/3 15. For a rectangular slab with side lengths a and b in x and y directions respectively (a>b), width of middle strip in short direction is 1. a-b/3 2. a-b/2 3. b-a/2 4. b-a/3

Foundation Beam Footing

1-The minimum width of foundation beam is to be taken equal to column width plus (a) 65mm on both sides (b) 70mm on both sides (c) 75mm on both sides (d) 80mm on both sides 2-The depth of foundation beam usually lies b/w /10 & (a) /6 (b) /8 (c) /4 (d) /5 3- Foundation beam footing is provided to resist what type of pressure (a) Earth pressure (b) Soil pressure (c) Seismic pressure (d) Contact pressure 4- Width of footing in foundation beam footing is taken as: (a) R/qnL (b) R/2qnL (c) R/3qnL (d) R/4qnL 5-For the case where the exterior and interior loads are equal the cantilever length is approximately: (a) 0.5 x column spacing (b) 0.4 x column spacing (c) 0.8 x column spacing (d) 0.6 x column spacing

6-what type of shear is satisfied in foundation beam and overhanging slab: (a) 2-way shear (b) 1-way shear (c) both (a) and (b) 7-The uniform load that is considered over the full length of foundation beam is: (a) qn x 3B (b) qn x 2B (c) qn x B (d) qn x 4B 8-For the case where the exterior is half of interior loads the cantilever length is approximately: (a) 4% of column spacing (b) 6% of column spacing (c) 6% of column spacing (d) 8% of column spacing

(True /False ) 1-The minimum width of foundation beam is to be taken equal to column width plus 85mm on both sides (a) true (b) false 2-The depth of foundation beam usually lies b/w /10 & /7 (a) true (b) false 3- Foundation beam footing is provided to resist Contact pressure (a) true (b) false 4- Width of footing in foundation beam footing is taken as R/2qnL (a) true (b) false 5-For the case where the exterior and interior loads are equal the cantilever length is approximately 0.5 x column spacing : (a) true (b) false 6- 1-way shear is satisfied in foundation beam and overhanging slab: (a) true (b) false 7-The uniform load that is considered over the full length of foundation beam is qn x B: (a) true (b) false 8-For the case where the exterior is half of interior loads the cantilever length is approximately 8% of column spacing: (a) true (b) false

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