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~ sg - If [| ae 5 QUICKIE + CQ) == CONSTRUCTION Li , PLANS GENERAL TABLE OF CONTENTS Quickie documentation ie available in the following documents: CONTENTS ywickie Construction Plans includes education on com posite aaterials and con | struction, and complete . | Plans to build the Quickie aixframe, except the eng- ine installation. Quickie Engine Installation includes complete instruct- | fons on installing the Onan engine in the Quickie. wal-Flight and cenance manual includes noroel and emergency pro- cedures, weight & balance, k lists, detailed fly- ing qualities descriptions, operating limitations, per formance charts, maiden flight test procedures, pilot checkout procedures, d record keeping require- Quickie Nevsletter-published quarterly (Jan., April, July, and Oct.); includes plans changes, options, future de- velopments, and dates and loc-| ations of seminars and visits. 4 subscription to this publi- cation 1s mandatory for all Quickie Builders. Quickie Inforaation Package 420 page, 49 photo publicat- ion that provides general in- formation on the Quickie, and includes an 8" x 10” | black and white photo. DATE OF FIRST PUBLICATION 30 June, 1978 1 Aug., 1978 1 Aug., 1978 25 May, 1978 10 Jan., 1978 QUICKIE CONSTRUCTION PLANS TABLE OF CONTENTS Chapter Title TY _ Deseription/Introduction % 2 Bill Of Materials/ Sources 1 3 Composite Materials Education 23 4 Miscellaneous Parts 7 5 Hot Wiring 4 6 ALlexons and Elevators 2 7 Building the Fuselage a 8 Vertical Fin and Rudder 3 9 Building the Main Wing rT 10 Building the Canard 13 n Wheel Pants/Wheels/Brakes 9 12 Fuel systea 3 13 Mounting the Wing and Canard 3 ers Fuselage Details ? 45 Canopy, 8 16 Instruments and Pitot-static 1 uv Engine Installation 2 18 Electrical System 1 19 Pinishing/Painting 7 Appendix Large Drawings section are included with the Engine Package. age /-/ The remaining pages of the Engine Installation * Deseription and Introduction ‘The Quickie 4s a mediua performance, honebuile alreraft. Its compact external size and extremely efficient design results in superb performance and unequalled fuel economy using a very low horsepower engine. Inside, Lt provides comfort for a pilot up to 65! tall and 210 1b, plus sone baggage capability in the roomy compartment behind the sesc. Its canard configuration was designed not only for performance, but to provide improved flying qualities and safety as compared to the conventional light plane. ‘The Quickie's high-lift canard(forward wing) is Eiteed with a plain elevator that controls the aircraft's pitch attitude. The nad also serves as the main landing gear spring since the main gear is mounted on the tips of the canard, This feature results in 2 remarkably smooth ride as well as outstand- ing ground stability during taxling, takeoff nd landing Roll capability ts provided by ailerons on the inboard portion of the main wing. Yew control is provided by a rudder mounted on the vertical fin, and is actuated by conventional rudder pedais. ‘The: pitch and roll capability is pro- vided by @ side stick controller on the right de of the cockpit. This feature peraits precise control of the Quickie while reducing pilot Eatigue and cockpit clutter. ‘The tallwheel is actuated directly from the rudder pedals, without any springs, thus providing positive steering at all times while fon the ground. Since the tailwheel is not raised on takeoff roll like other taidraggers, this positive steering is available until the aircraft 1s airborne, making for very safe takeoff and lending characteristics. Even though the Quickie has very low horsepower, {t can outperform aany general aviation aircraft while retaining unequalled fuel economy. The maximum speed 1s actually faster than a Cessna 150, and the fuel econoay exceeds 100 miles per gallon. The composite structure of your Quickie provides some important advantages over conventional metal, wood, or fabric construc- tion. It has been’ tested to loads far in excess of those required for FAA certifica- tion. Fatigue margins are higher. Contour is maintained underload, the etructure does hot “oil can," buckle, or distort. Tt pro- vides excellent insulation and damps nolees Zt has no hidden joints, no water trape, and is far less susceptible to corrosion, it ib easier to inspect, more redundant and easi- er to repair, Tt is'not susceptible to thermal stress due to temperature changes. Properly protected from WV, it has an unilaited life, ‘The engine that powers the Quickie 1s @ reliable four-stroke, direct drive, two- cylinder opposed, engine developed by Quickie Alreraft Corporation specifically for The Quickie. The basic engine on which the Quickie powerplant is based, is an industrial engine made by the Onan company, which has been building engines of this configuration for over 20 years. cones eyniead * QUICKIE ee ~!

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