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Gloria Lu

Functionality Overview
Service Requests Record, track and quickly process customer requests for service and support (service tickets) Repairs Optimize our service repair processes by tracking and managing the complete service cycle. Service Level Agreements (SLAs) Create and manage service contracts. Accurately define the level of service that will be offered to our customers. Installed Base Record and track detailed information on all product items owned by our customers. Service Planning Set up our after sales service policy and processes in line with our individual business needs. Service Analysis Monitor the quality and profitability of customer service at all times. Benefit from a structured system for processing and handling product defects, enhancement requests or software upgrades.



Gloria Lu

Service Requests
Efficiently handle and resolve all types of customer problems and requests, including helpdesk calls, complaints, repairs, hardware and software problems, and information requests:

Assign service requests to appropriate personnel or teams. Classify service requests into categories. Associate service requests with any customer product. Define stages in resolving a service request. Define activities and/or repairs needed to resolve any service request. Outsource service requests and related activities to our business partners. On reception of a service request, automatically check for coverage by an SLA or warranty. View and modify all the services requests handled by our subordinates on-line. View history of all customer service requests on-line. View history of all changes made to service requests on-line. Calculate time, units and amount spent for any service request based on all related activities and tasks. Cater for on-site and out-of-working-hours calls through post-dated service request logging.

Differentiate our service offering from that of our competition by automating planning, execution and control of repairs in a structured and flexible manner:

Assign repair activities to appropriate personnel, teams or selected business partners. Plan, execute and control any type of repair (including field repairs). Define deliverables for every type of repair. Define resources for every service and task included in a repair. Define budget and time. Define costs and expenses (including products and spare parts). Attach time, cost and expenses to any repair and record them in a repair card. Attach forms to repairs. Quote budget estimates. Quote repairs products and services. Define approvals to be obtained in the repair process. Define dependencies between repair services and tasks. Define dependencies between repair activities and customer acceptance. Link repairs to SLAs and warranties. Link repairs to project, customer opportunities and communications. Track all changes made to a repair. Monitor the progress of work on-line. Obtain updates for repairs.



Gloria Lu

Control resource utilization. Control actual time and cost against plans and budgets. Control repair profitability. Obtain detailed reports. Track customer satisfaction.

Service Level Agreements (SLAs)

Leverage our customer service and increase profitability through automated management of customer contracts:

Support any type of SLA including subscription, support, and facilities management. Links SLAs to specific customers or customer segments. Specify coverage for any user of the customer or of any company in the customer Group. Use multiple billing options for SLAs, such as billing per service, per SLA, etc. Define different levels of service by configuring response time, time to fix and hours of service. Specify effective and expiry date. Define different statuses for SLAs (e.g. active, inactive, etc.). Define different stages for SLAs. View the complete history of transactions on any SLA on-line. Link SLAs to related file, such as signed contracts or Knowledge Base articles. Create SLA templates with pre-defined services, billing information and level of service. Define 'blanket' SLAs for multiple products and services. Associate attributes of an SLA with existing attributes of the system e.g. link the response time of an SLA to the response time of a customer service request).

Installed Base
Record and retrieve details of all products purchased by our customers or business partners:

Track complete records for all customer products, including information on version, serial number, customer location, purchased date/price, warranty and end user. Maintain information on the channel or business unit through which the customer bought the product. Tracks items bought as members of other products or product sets. Maintain multiple installed bases for every customer or partner. Define functionality based on type of installed base, such as main, stock, inactive, repairs, scrap, loan, etc. Manage installed bases for groups of companies or individuals (e.g.



Gloria Lu

households). Maintain a global view of all products in them. Move one or more products from one Installed Base to another. Link installed base products to related files, like invoices, warranty cards, or Knowledge Base articles. Execute and track various transactions on purchased products, such as upgrading, repairing, moving, deleting, etc. View the complete on-line history of transactions for any purchased product. View all repairs or service requests related to a purchased product on-line. Associate installed bases with specific channels or business units. Configure installed base so as to match our individual business needs.

Service Planning
Set up our after sales service system, and define the parameters of its behaviour:

Define whether or not specific types of customer service requests are to be handled exclusively through SLAs or not. Create mass service requests, and mass assign them to personnel teams. Create mass SLAs. Manage Preventive Maintenance: automatically schedule visits, and generate work orders and material lists for SLA items requiring preventive maintenance, or for items having reached a certain usage counter. Identify and manage customer-specific product warranties about to expire. Identify and manage items on loan to customers. Maintain lists of supported and unsupported products. Set up standard, uniform processes for handling similar service requests based on their type. Define the work needed to fulfill the request. >Define the personnel, departments or teams to be handling different types of requests. Define the escalation path to be followed by similar service requests when they are escalated to higher-level users or departments. Define automatic triggering of escalation based on specific conditions.

Service Analysis
Effectively manage our service performance:

Define SLA Usage and Profitability metrics. Monitor SLAs renewal. Obtain detailed data on the volume and type of service requests concerning specific customers or customer segments, products, SLAs, or activities. Obtain accurate analyses on product quality based on the service and repairs performed on specific products and product types, common problems encountered on them, as well as received customer complaints.



Gloria Lu

View service requests and SLAs handled by each business unit on-line. Monitor the quality of SLAs-related service offered by each business unit.

Service Quality Management

Track the complete process of planning, handling and controlling defects, from the first time they are reported, until the customer complaint is resolved.

Define common types of defects, enhancements or upgrades. Define processes for managing defects, enhancements or upgrades. Classify defects according to product, product family, etc. Classify defects into categories. Classify enhancements into feature categories. Define list of resources to be notified when defect is changed and/or resolved. Link related files and Knowledge Base articles to defects, enhancements or upgrades. Track all customers affected by a defect. Identify all customers that are eligible to an upgrade or enhancement. Automatically update the product records of customers who have received an upgrade or enhancement. Obtain detailed reports on defects, enhancements or upgrades.

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