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Energy Efciency Policy

C l i c k h e re f o r


Energy utilities

Worldwide Implementation Now

OECD/IEA, 2010

u  nergy Efficiency Governance - Handbook, 2010 E

u  oney Matters Mitigating Risk to Spark Private Investments in Energy Efficiency, 2010 M u ummary of Country Reports Submitted to the Energy Efficiency Working Party, S  January 2010; September 2010 u mplementing Energy Efficiency Policies Are IEA Member Countries on Track?, 2009 I  u rogress with Implementing Energy Efficiency Policies in the G8, 2009 P  u nnovations in National Energy Efficiency Strategies and Action Plans, 2009 I  u oosting the Economy with Energy Efficiency Financing, 2009 B  u nnovations in Multi-Level Governance for Energy Efficiency, 2009 I  u inancial Crisis and Energy Efficiency, 2009 F 
OECD/IEA, 2010

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u ind the Gap Quantifying Principal-Agent Problems in Energy Efficiency, 2007 M 

Worldwide Implementation Now


u  olicy Pathways: Energy Performance Certification of Buildings P A Policy Tool to Improve Energy Efficiency, 2010 u  romoting Energy Efficiency Investments Case Studies in the P Residential Sector, 2008 u  nergy Efficiency Requirements in Building Codes, Energy Efficiency E Policies for New Buildings, 2008 u  inancing Energy Efficient Homes Existing Policy Responses to F Financial Barriers, 2007 u  nergy Efficiency in the North American Existing Building Stock, 2007 E u  igh-Rise Refurbishment The Energy-Efficient Upgrade of Multi-Story H Residences in the European Union, 2006
OECD/IEA, 2010

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Worldwide Implementation Now

Appliances and equipment

u olicyPathways:Monitoring,VerificationandEnforcement P  Improving Compliance within Equipment Energy Efficiency Programmes,2010 u ransformingGlobalMarketsforCleanEnergyProductsEnergy Efficient T Equipment, Vehicles and Solar Photovoltaics,2010 u GadgetsandGigawattsPolicies for Energy Efficient Electronics,2009 u StandbyPowerUseandtheIEA1-WattPlan,Fact Sheet,2007 u IEAStandbyPowerPolicySummary,2007 u nergyEfficiencyofAirConditionersinDevelopingCountriesand E  theRoleofCDM,2007 u xperiencewithEnergyEfficiencyRegulationsforElectricalEquipment,2007  E
OECD/IEA, 2010

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u aisingtheProfileofEnergyEfficiencyinChinaCase Study of Standby R Power Efficiency,2006

Worldwide Implementation Now


u PhaseOutofIncandescentLampsImplications for International Supply and Demand for Regulatory Compliant Lamps,2010 u BarrierstoTechnologyDiffusionThe Case of Compact Fluorescent Lamps,2006 u LightsLaboursLostPolicies for Energy-efficient Lighting,2006

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OECD/IEA, 2010

Worldwide Implementation Now


u  ransport Energy Efficiency Implementation of IEA Recommendations T since 2009 and next steps, 2010 u  eview of International Policies for Vehicle Fuel Efficiency, 2008 R u  uel Efficient Road Vehicle Non-Engine Components Potential F Savings and Policy Recommendations, 2007 u  EA Vehicle Efficiency Workshops Drive New Vehicle Policy I Approaches, 2007 u Saving Oil in a Hurry, 2005

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Worldwide Implementation Now

OECD/IEA, 2010


u  nergy Management Action Network (EMAK), 2009 E u  ssessing Measures of Energy Efficiency Performance and A Their Application in Industry, 2008 u  racking Industrial Energy Efficiency and CO2 Emissions, 2007 T

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OECD/IEA, 2010

Worldwide Implementation Now

Energy utilities

u  nergy Efficiency Indicators for Public Electricity Production from E Fossil Fuels, 2008 u  nternational Standards to Develop and Promote Energy Efficiency I and Renewable Energy Sources, 2007 u  aving Electricity in a Hurry Dealing with Temporary Shortfalls in S Electricity Supplies, 2005

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OECD/IEA, 2010

Worldwide Implementation Now

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