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Posted on June 14, 2012 by Tony Dean Rant On UK!

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World In Our Hands The Rio+20 Earth summit has started and the agenda is world over-population and unsuitability of lifestyles using up all available resources at an alarming rate. Consider some of the quotes at this UN forum here:By 2050, the worlds population is projected to rise from seven billion to between eight and 11 billion. Meanwhile consumption of resources is rising rapidly as a result of a growing middle class in developed countries and the lavish lifestyles of the very rich across the planet. We are living beyond the planets means. Thats scientifically proven, said Gisbet Glaser of the International Council for Science, who cited research on ocean acidification, climate change and biodiversity loss. Were now at a point in human history where we risk degrading the life support system for human development. For too long population and consumption have been left off the table due to political and ethical sensitivities. These are issues that affect developed and developing nations alike, and we must take responsibility for them together, said Charles Godfray, a fellow of the Royal Society and chair of the working group of IAP, the global network of science academies. scientists said they wanted to remind policymakers at Rio+20 that population and consumption determine the rates at which natural resources are exploited and Earths ability to meet the demand for food, water, energy and other needs now and in the future. The current patterns of consumption in some parts of the world were unsustainable. A sharp rise in human numbers can have negative social and economic implications, and a combination of the two causes extensive loss of biodiversity. Consider our own country the United Kingdom, we have a current rising population of 61.3 million people in a very small island nation, the population in 20 years will be over 70 million - totally unsustainable and wants drastically reducing. Even water resources some years of drought will be unavailable what do we do then? Drink sea-water! Our farming industry cannot cope with the current population, according to the Office Of National Statistics we import 40% of our food - thats nearly HALF! We are allowing uncontrolled immigration into this small island at an alarming rate, if masses of immigrants dont live near you in your shire county, they soon will, then you will be taking notice. Our small towns and villages are stuffed full of them you trip over them everywhere, and they serve no useful purpose in Britain because of the Welfare

State. We have no employment for them and no homes either some in my area are renting out a mattress on a floor with ten people sleeping in each of four rooms in a small terrace, garden sheds are brought into use as bedrooms accessed down the back alley and the Labour Party in government last time allowed in 3 million immigrants and the Office Of National Statistics stated that 86% did not come for work purposes! So what do you think they came for? The WELFARE STUPID!

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