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Inclusion North Bulletin

Issue Number 19 13th June 2012

In this bulletin you will hear about some of the work Inclusion North is doing. What we did with our members last year
The team at Inclusion North have been working very hard with all our member areas to help make changes happen locally and help people be included in what is happening. This page shows you some of what we did from April 2011 March 2012 1082 people have come to public training sessions or meetings. We have worked with people to help them understand the big changes and have a voice We ran 137 training sessions or meetings We have supported families networks in Yorkshire and Humber and the North East We have worked on more than 10 projects including Making Health services better and Advocacy and Leadership

84 of those meetings were just for member areas using their vouchers

You can find out in this bulletin about more ways we will continue to work with you.

Understanding the Mental Capacity Act and Deprivation of Liberty Safeguards

The Mental Capacity Act and DoLs are an important way of protecting the rights and liberty of people with learning disabilities. Lots of family members and carers have told us that making sense of what it means for them and their loved ones is difficult. These sessions will help family members and carers do this.

Who are the sessions for? These sessions are for Inclusion North member areas only and do not use any vouchers. They are aimed at a minimum of 5 or a maximum of 15 family members and carers at each session.

For more details you can contact Scott on: Tel: 07767 776 125 E-mail:

Being Part of all the Big Changes

The Coalition Government have been in power for over 2 years now. They have made some important changes to how things work that affect YOU!! Some of these changes are: Localism Big Society Health and Wellbeing Boards The Health and Social Care Bill

Our members have told us that some of these words and ideas are confusing. We can help you work out what these changes mean to you and people in your area We are asking members to work together with a nearby Partnership Board if possible this will help us offer this support to all our members. For more details on how we can work with you can contact Sam on: Tel: 07823 536 603 E-mail:

Being a Great Chair

Training Sessions for Self advocates Whats it all about? Lots of self advocates are involved in chairing different meetings. This might include Your local partnership Board Your local self advocacy group A tenants meeting The training session will help you Understand the role of a chair person Learn some practical skills to be a great chair

Who is this training for? This training is for self advocates who already chair meetings or are wanting to develop their skills so they can chair meetings. How to book a session? To run one of these sessions you will need a minimum of 15 people. If you would like us to run a session in your are in partnership with another local Inclusion North area contact Scott on: Tel: 07767 776 125 E-mail: What we are doing in the North East North East Advocacy Project The Learning Disability Clinical Network and Inclusion North are working together on a project about advocacy for people who are in special NHS services or living away from their home area. We want to find out how Advocacy works for these people now and work out together how it can work well in the future. In June and July we will hold big meetings in 4 areas to work out with everyone what is important about advocacy for these people. The dates of these meetings are: 27th June South of Tyne area 3rd July Durham and Darlington 4th July Tees Valley area 6th July North of Tyne Contact us for more details

What we are doing in Yorkshire and Humber

Checking our Local progress & our Areas work after Winterbourne View The Health & Well Being Collaborative has asked Inclusion North to work with each Partnership Board in Yorkshire & Humber to help them check How they are doing against their local targets What work they are doing after the abuse at Winterbourne View If you want to talk about this for your area contact Sam on: Tel: 07823 536 603 E-mail: Aswell as the above we are also doing these sessions Best ways of supporting people with complex needs We are doing some research into what is good support for people with additional support needs looking at areas that really matter to people like supporting friendship, good health, work, advocacy, PAs and family involvement. We want to make a book that shares all of these good examples and helps everyone develop good support options for people with complex needs. To find out more or tell us about the good ways of working you know contact Kate Changing Transport To Travel We are working with areas to help them think about travel rather than transport and support local and creative travel solutions Contact Scott to find out more

If you would like any information on any of our meetings, training or projects you can contact the office on: Tel: 0113 262 6409 Or E-mail: Or you can write to us at: Inclusion North 191 Belle Vue Road Leeds LS3 1HG

Or you can contact any member of the Inclusion North team: Samantha Clark Tel: 07823 536 603 Email:

Danny Casper Tel: 0113 262 6409 Email:

Scott Cunningham Tel: 07767 776 125 Email:

Kate Fulton Tel: 07876 145 390 Email:

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