My Dream Organization

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Assignment 2 Prepare 500 words write up on My Dream Organization

We all have dreams varying from time to time and from person to person. By the time we grow up and notice the upoh of the external world we prioritize our priorities and to embark upon a successful career becomes our foremost priority and our dream organization shall aide us in achieving the same. Dream organization the term is boundless as it suffixes the word DREAM. As Mr. Warren Buffet said No one is perfect, there is always a scope for improvement. We all are on a learning curve. I tried to figure out my dream organization by attracting the best parameters from the corporate stalwarts which are illustrated in following paras I foresee my dream organization with VISSION AND MISSION, as it is said An organization without vision and mission is like a rudder less ship. Vision and Mission helps in bringing harmony of objectives and hence reduces ambiguity and employee potential is concentrated in right path Toyota Motors being the best example.Also I would like my dream organization to grow and reap profits but also to invest the same for the upliftment of the society and country so as to bring up a HOLISTIC DEVELOPEMENT. ESPIRIT DE CORPS shall take my dream organization to a new epitome. Espirit De Corps can be explained as people working together cohesively concentrating to achieve organizations goals effectively and efficiently ,hence it would bring in the work force together and build up a conducive work place atmosphere. Where in new Chairman of TATA Group of Industries Mr. Cyrus Mistri seconded the notion of espirit de corps. Another driving force which I foresee in my dream organization is FREEDOM OF EXPRESSION. Communication barriers should be eradicated as decision making should be instant and pro active rather than being reactive also I would like my organization to strive for decentralization as it is said by Spider Man With great powers come great responsibilities.

Another driving force which I see in my dream organization is EFFECTIVE REMUNERATION/COMPENSATION. One cannot run away from the fact that when it comes to dream organization the foremost thought that strikes our minds is the remuneration and tinkling

sound of coins and currency notes. A dream organization will always pay effective remuneration for effective work done. The most common attribute which is most uncommon in corporate world is QUICK GRIEVANCE REDRESSAL SYSTEM and keeping IN TOUCH AFTER SEPERATION. Most employees discontinue due to unsettled grievances. Grievance is inevitable devil which can be tamed by setting up effective and quick redressal system which gives opportunity to the parties aggrieved to keep their view point and troubleshooters to resolve such grievances. Also I wish my organization to keep in touch with me after I get separated from the organization by way of annual get together and other mode of correspondence. This brings sense of belongingness for years served for and with the organization. I foresee myself embarking my career in field of management with MY DREAM ORGANIZATION and with corporate honchos and shall strive hard to convert my AMBISSION INTO MY MISSION.

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