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Migrating Your Lotus Domino Applications to Google

Run-time Application Migrations are shortsighted; you need a Business Platform on cloud for the future. OrangeScape!
When moving from Lotus to a Cloud solution like Google, the Email equivalent, Gmail, is obvious. However, Domino applications, which are primarily workflow and transaction driven, do not fit directly into the Google platform. How do you migrate in a way that provides you with a technologically progressive upgrade that is also a long-term business advantage and not just a run-time platform migration? OrangeScape provides you with the complete solution for Lotus Domino migrating to Googles Cloud infrastructure.

Current Alternatives dont work

Business Applications Gap
Lotus applications are workflow applications requiring sophistication way beyond what Google Forms provides. The other option, Google App Engine, is too code-centric and requires technical expertise that is not suitable to former Lotus developers. Figure 1 Mapping the Google Alternative for Lotus. Due to the lack of a clear migration path for existing Notes applications and the resulting inability for developers to create new applications with similar ease in the future, the migration decision is often stalled or companies resort to interim approaches, which are flawed in many ways.

OrangeScape Solution for Domino Apps on Google

Key Problems with Current Approaches

Focus on Run-time Migration is short-sighted: First, Lotus Notes is both a development and a runtime platform. Most vendors, who provide just migration tools, miss this fundamental point. Second, Domino Apps are developed by a different class of developers who are not too technical. You need to assess the target platform from both a Run-time as well as a Development Environment perspective. Deferring the Application migration decision is problematic: Many enterprises migrate their email and documents to the Cloud but retain their Domino applications in absence of a direct equivalent. This requires users to move back and forth between the two environments resulting in confusion, frustration and an inefficient and less productive workplace. X-Pages is an incremental benefit, but does not address the core: This incremental option from Lotus does allow customers to eliminate client licensing once they migrate Email. However, this incremental benefit does not sustain in the long term. It only pushes the difficult decision - of migrating Lotus Domino Applications - into the future.

The Holistic Lotus-to-Google Migration

Lotus Applications require a Model-driven Platform
Considerations for a Lotus Notes Equivalent Platform

Ease of Development. A rapid development paradigm based on modeling. Ease of Access. Instant Availability of the Development Environment to power users without a complex workstation configuration. Visual & Model-driven. Model driven and a Visual development environment to maximize power user engagement. Abstraction & Functional focus. The environment must focus on function and abstract the underlying technology. Maintenance and Change Management. It should be as easy to make changes to the developed application, as it was to create initially.

Lotus Notes has functional characteristics that inspire business innovation, help respond quickly to business needs and have a functional focus. Often times, these benefits are offset due to a major dependence on IT. OrangeScapes Visual PaaS platform offers the best of both worlds A model driven rapid development paradigm with a robust, scalable, cloud-based architecture that is IT friendly.

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OrangeScape Solution for Domino Apps on Google

OrangeScape Completes the Google Cloud Solution for Lotus!

OrangeScape Visual PaaS makes the Google solution for Lotus Notes complete. The workflow applications can be developed on OrangeScape Visual PaaS in a Lotus-like environment while also providing a strong underlying technology stack that is provided as a service (PaaS model).

Figure 2 OrangeScape Completes the Cloud Solution

Important fact: OrangeScape based Applications integrate and interact seamlessly with the underlying cloud infrastructure as well as the user-facing messaging infrastructure on Google.

OrangeScape Solution for Lotus on Google

OrangeScape is a Global 10 Cloud Platform i.e. Platform-as-a-Service (PaaS) that brings in a new paradigm for developing business applications. It allows you to build comprehensive business applications using a visual-style modeling interface in a 5GL environment. Applications developed on the OrangeScape platform can be deployed to the public cloud of your choice, in this case Google App Engine.

OrangeScape Studio
OrangeScape Studio is a 5GL environment that enables users to create applications without writing code. The studio runs in a browser and uses a visual modeling approach for developing applications. The studio is organized into various perspectives to address the different components of Application Development. Figure 3 OrangeScape Studio - Visual Environment
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OrangeScape Solution for Domino Apps on Google

Data Design. The Business Data Model - entities, attributes, data types and relationships Rule Design. Spreadsheet like interface for developing & testing (asyou-go) business rules. Form Design. Grid based page/UI builder for WYSIWYG forms. Process Design. Drag & Drop Visual workflow modeler. Action Design. Composite command chain for system tasks such as mail notification, integration etc. Also supports procedural programming structure. Report Design. An interface to define reports and data filter parameters

Figure 4 OrangeScape Studio Supports Workflow Applications Development Lifecycle

Run-time Architecture
OrangeScape has a pre-integrated four-tier architecture on a SOA foundation. The following diagram depicts a simplified high-level architecture for a typical J2EE deployment:

Figure 5 OrangeScape 4-Tier Component Architecture

OrangeScape Technologies

OrangeScape Solution for Domino Apps on Google

Migration of Domino Apps to OrangeScape Platform

The migration of Domino Apps to OrangeScape is an accelerated and agile methodology that leverages the Meta-data definitions of Lotus Notes Applications into OrangeScapes 5 GL Meta-data based Architecture.

Figure 6 Lotus Notes Migration to OrangeScape - Methodology Heres a brief description of the phases involved: Discovery and Analysis (Automated). OrangeScape automates the Discovery and Analysis phase by identifying which applications can be moved quickly by assigning a Complexity Score which is derived from a combination of application type, Usage Frequency and User profiles. This phase provides a clear road-map on where to start. Accelerated Migration (Automated). The actual rapid migration that is possible with the meta-data based approach. Our Accelerator allows you to migrate the majority of the application automatically, resulting in time and cost savings and riskmitigation. Meta-data approach allows for the migration of all of the mapped elements such as Schema, Forms/Views, and Data to the corresponding elements in OrangeScape. Enhance (Business Logic, Rules, Workflow, Integration). After the automated migration activity, the full power of OrangeScapes 5 GL Studio Development Environment comes into play, allowing visual and model driven enhancements to the migrated Application.
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OrangeScape Solution for Domino Apps on Google This also offers an opportunity to update the Business Rules, Workflows, and even the Data Model for any functional upgrades that the business desires during the migration or at any point thereafter. OrangeScape based Application Development, being 3-to-5 times faster than traditional approaches, means that you can achieve an accelerated Migration path without compromising on the target platform capabilities from either a Development or a Run-time perspective.

3 Pragmatic Reasons to Select OrangeScape The Larger Picture.

Platform for the Future. As an IT Leader, you need to look beyond the immediate migration pressures and choose a platform that meets your Business needs in the future. OrangeScape is modern, cloud technology with an Application Stack based on an Advanced 4-Tier Architecture, leveraged by OrangeScapes patented Rules technology.
Time to Market. Automated Migration coupled with a 5GL visual and model-driven development environment gets you to market quicker. With OrangeScapes Test-As-YouDevelop capability, the development lifecycle is 3-to-5 times faster. Lower TCO. The tightly integrated visual platform with the sophistication of a complex application architecture with built-in flexibility, extensibility and cross-cloud portability leads to a lower overall TCO 40-50% less than that of a typical application stack with similar scale. Seamless Cloud Infrastructure Support. OrangeScape is the only PaaS platform that supports Google infrastructure natively. In fact, OrangeScape Studio itself runs on the OrangeScape platform that in turn runs on the Google App Engine Infrastructure. The platform offers you seamless interoperability with Googles underlying infrastructure as well as Google Apps.

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About OrangeScape
OrangeScape is a rare breed technology company, one of the Global 10 Cloud Platform-as-a-Service providers, with customers and partners in USA, India, UK & Europe. For details, visit 6 OrangeScape Technologies

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