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Credenhill Park Wood archaeological open space management

Open spaces are vital: they are important to biodiversity and can benefit archaeology. Balancing the protection of archaeological remains with maintaining or improving biodiversity can be a challenge in woodland. Background Credenhill Park Wood is a 91.3 hectare (ha) ancient woodland located in a major concentration of ancient woods in the Hereford Hills. A scheduled ancient monument crowns the top of the site, with oval shaped ramparts forming an Iron Age Hill Fort enclosure of around 20 ha in size. The Woodland Trust acquired the site in 2005. Research, surveys and excavations of its archaeology and ecology (including fungi, butterflies and wet woodland species) were carried out. The Trust used this information and worked alongside Herefordshire Archaeology to devise an appropriate management plan. The Trust inherited two plantations within the hill fort. The northern half had been planted with larch, Larix decidua, which had begun to blow over. Trees uprooting can cause serious damage to archaeological sites. It was believed thinning would exacerbate the problem and cause more trees to blow over. Therefore, the plantation was clear felled. The southern half consists of beech, Fagus sylvatica, and Norway spruce, Picea abies. As this was stable and not causing immediate damage to the fort, a gradual thinning approach has been adopted. This should help to protect species from the massive disturbance that clear felling can cause. Vision The overall vision for the fort is of an open wood pasture system. Strong individual trees will be more stable and will prevent further damage to the important archaeology. Pollarding will also be carried out. This traditional technique increases tree stability and longevity. The individual trees will hopefully mature into veteran and ancient trees of the future, supporting a huge range of specialist species. Initial mowing of rides widened them and increased the volume of grasses present. After thinning/clearing operations

Credenhill Park Wood hill fort Jeremy Evans these species could then better expand into the resulting open spaces. Native ash, Fraxinus excelsior, oak, Quercus sp., wych elm, Ulmus glabra, and birch, Betula sp., will be encouraged through natural regeneration in the northern half. Gradual thinning in the southern half will slowly open up the ground and further allow grasses to spread in. In time these methods will produce a healthy wood pasture habitat Results The site now supports increasing populations of species such as common figwort, Scrophularia nodosa, bugle, Ajuga reptans, bluebell, Hyacinthoides non-scripta, and sheeps fescue, Festuca ovina. Topping is carried out in autumn to reduce the grass sward and enable other species to come through in spring when the growing season starts anew. The site is currently grazed by Highland cattle and Welsh mountain sheep from April through the remainder of the year. Their activities keep the ground vegetation low and increase its diversity. Short vegetation allows the forms of the underground archaeology to show through. Wood pasture and grassland are open habitats that will maintain visibility of the archaeology, enabling visitors to enjoy it for many years.

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