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Group Discussion

The GD is an indicator of the confidence of a person as well as his ability to work in a group. Students are seated in a semicircle. A topic is given and after about a minute or so, the group is asked to proceed. Most discussions last for 10-12 minutes and the group size maybe anything up to 15 people. Some institutes are known to have about students in a group, which makes the task of contributing meanigfully all the more difficult. Almost all students will be anxious to make a mark and sometimes there may be pandemonium. Often, aggressive and loud-mouthed individuals may corner the discussion. One should have a strategy for dealing with such situations too. There are no fixed rules for a GD. There is usually a scramble to be the first one to speak. The first speaker should mention the topic and make a preface by stating the issues. He should not commit himself but only speak the introduction. Later, one may make some interjections and make one's stand clear. The group should move towards a consensus but so great is the tension to make one's point that this may not happen at all. The idea is to exhibit some leadership qualities in steering the group while making one's contribution. If the group is too noisy, the facilitator may allot one minute to each candidate to sum up the discussion. This is an opportunity to put on one's best effort. Without criticising the group, one can sum up and give one's own views. How is one rated in a GD? Firstly, a candidate is evaluated on how he speaks. Fluency plays a role here. But this is not enough: what matters is also whether any meaningful contribution was made by the person. Thirdly, a candidate will score if he shows leadership qualities, that is, of guiding the group towards a consensus. It is clear that one should have read a lot if he is to exhibit any depth of knowledge. If you have kept up with the newspapers and magazines, it will certainly be of help. Look at the last 12 issues of the Competition Master and you will find all the likely current topics discussed. Read carefully the debates and argumentative questions and chances are that you will get one of these topics for discussion. Read also items of economic importance and learn the figures of growth rates, GDP, deficits and so on. How to contribute in a GD There are always two ways to look at any topic: for or against. Take the example of economic liberalisation. It can be argued that it was a very good thing since a number of foreign companies came into the country, bringing technology and efficiency. Employment and growth rate improved. The people could buy all the world class products which earlier had to be smuggled. On the other hand, it can also be argued that all kinds of non-essential goods came into the country, like hamburgers, fried chicken and sodawater. The infrastructure remained poor. There was no fresh growth as the MNCs simply bought the Indian companies. The technology they imported was outdated and most of the goods were so expensive that most people could not buy them. Liberalisation was trumpeted to be a good thing since polticians were using it to rake in personal wealth. Whatever personal views one may have, it is important to know both sides of the argument. If the discussion is heading towards a particular direction, a candidate can take a totally opposite view and consequently will become the centre of the discussion. Of course one must be able to defend one's viewpoints and therefore the need to have read widely. In the case of liberalisation, many people will defend it, since that is the viewpoint most often published in newspapers. If a student can bring in an opposing viewpoint and mention some convincing reasons, there is no reason why he will not be selected. The trouble is that most students have not faced anything like the GD before. How is one to speak in a group of 15 strangers in a language we do not usually speak? One way is to read about a topic and then debate with parents, uncles or elder cousins. Tell them to ask you questions and try to trap you. The more

you do this, the more clear will your own thoughts become. Of course practice in a larger group can be obtained only by joining a professional institute. Another way to practice is to tape your speech. Try to speak about a topic for one full minute into the tape recorder. When you listen to the tape, you will be able to spot your mistakes, the points on which you falter and the words which you cannot easily speak. You will also be able to know whether you make any sense or not. Ask your friends to listen to the tape critically. Often, people can discover their weaknesses and speech impairments by this method. You can also use mirror therapy. Stand before a mirror and speak extempore on any topic. Practice sounding assertive and firm. If you think your voice is soft or shrill, especially for girls, speak loudly in front of the mirror as if you are speaking to a stranger. Have a conversation with yourself. The mirror will tell you whether you have a habit of looking away while speaking. It will tell you about your body language also. These will be invaluable insights for participating in groups. You must look at all the members when addressing them. Looking away will cause you to lose your chance and the other person will carry on without letting you complete. The mirror will also stop you from fidgeting, as many people are prone to do when they are speaking or are nervous. The therapy will be greatly enhanced if you can get your family members or friedns to practice with you. Interjections Take care also that you do not stray from the topic. One way to avoid this is to write it down and keep it in front of you. By periodically looking at it, you can arrange your thoughts mentally. Remember that the interjections should always be in the form of a paragraph, not a question. Do not get into cross talk with any person in the group. Do not start quarrelling if someone is against your stand. Instead, address the group. In any GD, a common situation is that everybody wants to speak all at once and some individuals will dominate on account of their loudness. After all, everybody wants to make a mark in the limited time and it is survival of the fittest. Making an interjection at this stage is rather difficult. Start off with meta-language: "I agree with you, but..." or "We have heard many viewpoints and I would like to say...." Do not lose your cool if nobody listens. It might pay to raise your voice for the opening sentence and then go ahead to make your point. Never criticise. If you do not agree with a particular viewpoint, start with: "You may be right, but I feel...." or even "I agree with you on certain points but there is a contrary opinion that...." Be polite but firm. A common situation is that whatever points you have thought of have already been said by someone else. Do not become nervous should this happen. Instead, quickly assess the situation and the direction of the discussion. Take a few deep breaths and think whether anything has been missed out or whether you can turn the discussion around. Usually, there is always some uncovered ground and a person can steer the discussion in a new direction. "We have been discussing the positive side of the matter", you can say. But there is a more serious dimension that we have ignored...." Chances are that you will become the centre of discussion after this. Even if you have not spoken during the first half of the session, you will have turned it around to your advantage. Assume a leadership role if you do not have much to say. Give a chance to others who have not spoken. Guide the discussion by restoring order. Keep an eye on the time and after 10 minutes or so, begin summing up. This will show your leadership qualities. However, if you do not contribute in any other way, this strategy will not be sufficient to see you through.

Interjections should be made without being rude. Do not cut into mid-sentence. On the other hand, if someone cuts into your speech, politely ask to be heard: "I would like to complete what I was saying...." rather than rudely asking a person to shut up. Sometimes all these rules do not work, especially if the group is a rowdy one. Since it is survival of the fittest, do not be cowed down and make a bold effort to make yourself heard. Why group discussions? Most jobs and management schools do not want bookworms, but people who are outgoing and smart as well. Group discussions help check whether a person can articulate his thoughts and hold his ground. What is observed? * Leadership skills * Confidence * Consideration for others * Manners * Aggressive behaviour * Substantial viewpoints vs frivolous viewpoints Some common topics for Group Discussions Reservation for women is desirable The impact of India's nuclear tests Advancement in science would lead to destruction Who is responsible for ills of our country: politicians or bureaucrats? Should there be a Presidential form of government? Management is an art or science? Are small States preferable to large States? Is our culture under threat from cable television? Environment vs development: which is preferable? The role of multinationals in the economy

GD topic - Should Internet be Censored.

Shivani Jain intro (teamc) Internet : The Internet, sometimes called simply "the Net," is a worldwide system of computer networks -The most widely used part of the Internet is the World Wide Web invented by "Tim" Berners-Lee Media sharing websites (e.g. Flickr and YouTube) Social networks (e.g. Facebook and MySpace) E-mail providers Web hosting sites Blog hosting sites such as Blogspot Microblogging sites such as Twitter Wikipedia Shivani Jain team c: Internet has been perhaps the most outstanding innovation in the field of communication in the history of mankind. As with every single innovation, internet has its own advantages and disadvantages. But usually, greater magnitude of advantages outweighs its disadvantages. Saurabh Ghule The Internet as a medium supports all kind of contents.In many countries, the Internet community is fighting to hold on to its freedom of speech inside the Internet, against attempts at censorship or pushes for restrictive legislation by the state, political groups or other kind of organizations. Saurabh Ghule Team c-Since approximately 1995, numerous governments around the world have been addressing the problems of material on the Internet that is illegal under their offline laws, and also that considered harmful or otherwise unsuitable for minors. The nature of material of principal concern has varied substantially. For example: political speech; promotion of or incitement to racial hatred; pornographic material. Vishal Baniya well when we r talking about censoring what exactly do we mean by it and what are our target content that one thinks need to be censored or the one thing that we need to look in to......... Saurabh Ghule TEam c-n this time, these days, the censors' desire is to close our eyes, shut our mouths and close our ears, too. In many countries, the Internet community is fighting to hold on to its freedom of speech inside the Internet, against attempts at censorship or pushes for restrictive legislation by the state, political groups or other kind of organizations. 21 hours ago Like Nitesh Narang A- i believe there should be censoring in terms of target audience....rating should be given to content and viewed accordingly by people Krunal Padh TEAM B - Internet is a open and free medium.It can be accessed by anyone by any where.That is the power of internet.If government start censoring voices of the people then internet will loose its charm. Nitesh Narang Krunal Padh A- dont u believe govt has some social resonsibilty towards their people

Saurabh Ghule TEAM C-advangtes of internet has sometimes avoided to notice the disadv of internet now a days like-Information The biggest benefit offered by the Internet is information. It functions as a valuable resource of information. You can find any type of information on any subject with the help of the search engines like Yahoo and Google.Social networking sites like fb,twitter or orkut brought ppl closer Shivani Jain team c : countries like Turkmenistan, Vietnam, Tunisia, Syria, Peoples republic of China, Iran, Saudi Arabia, Cuba, Burma, North Korea have sensored contnt on internet . th reasons ar as follows: Sex and erotic, fetishism, prostitution, and pornographic sites Child pornography and pedophile related sites Gay and Lesbian sites Sites seen as promoting illegal drug use Gambling sites Sites encouraging or inciting violence Sites promoting criminal activity Sites that include hate speech Sites that contain blasphemous contnt Sites that include political satire Theft of Personal Information Spamming Virus Threat Nitesh Narang if they start ignoring obscene stuff,,,it will surely create a nuisance Parwani Rajiv when we censor something we hv to see its pros and corns and in this case of internet which has become the basic necessity of lifetoday there r to many pros as compared to corns.censoring it is not a solution.regulating the content posted on internet can be a possible solution Milind Wagh TEAM A Lets look at the challenges parents may face these days. Controlling kids access to pornography on internet . These days, the access to the content is easier than before. The pornographic content could even be pushed to your kids even without their consent. And while search engine like Google Yahoo today is not intelligent enough to filter out every potential pornographic content out there... Sudarshan Rangarajan A : the powerful tool of information being misused for various malpractices the reason i consider that it should be censored is becoz of the growing usage of 1> pornography esp child 2> for spreading fatal and intentional rumors 3> cyber crime and many more Saurabh Ghule Team c-Internet censorship in China is among the most stringent in the world. The government blocks Web sites that discuss the Dalai Lama, the 1989 crackdown on Tiananmen Square protesters, Falun Gong, the banned spiritual movement, and other Internet sites. Shivani Jain but the advantages on the other hand cannot be undermined : Faster Communication: facilities of chat services, video conferencing, messenger services

Information Resources: The search engines like Google, Yahoo are at your service on the Internet. There is a huge amount of information available on the Internet for just about every subject known to man, ranging from government law and services, trade fairs and conferences, market information, new ideas and technical support, the list is simply endless. Entertainment: Downloading games , movies, songs , or just surfing the celebrity websites are some of the uses people have discovered Social Networking One cannot imagine an online life without Facebook or Twitter. Social networking has become so popular amongst youth that it might one day replace physical networking. It has evolved as a great medium to connect with millions of people with similar interests. Apart from finding long-lost friends, you can also look for job, business opportunities on forums, communities etc. Besides, there are chat rooms where users can meet new and interesting people. Some of them may even end up finding their life partners. Online Services Internet has made life very convenient. With numerous online services you can now perform all your transactions online. You can book tickets for a movie, transfer funds, pay utility bills, taxes etc., right from your home. Some travel websites even plan an Itinerary as per your preferences and take care of airline tickets, hotel reservations etc. e-commerce: Websites such as eBay,, allow you to bid for homes, buy, sell or auction stuff online Saurabh Ghule Team c-Web sites in China are required to employ people who monitor and delete objectionable content; tens of thousands of others are paid to "guide" bulletin board Web exchanges in the government's favor. Nitesh Narang A -- so china censors internet...still china is way ahead of india.... nobody's rights are being voilated and nobody is suffering 21 hours ago Like 1 Parwani Rajiv can we imagine life without google,wikipedia and in that case fb also.if google and wikipedia were not there then we would be living in stone age Prahlad Joisher Team C : The best way to solve this problem without encroaching upon anyone's rught of speech is to regulate the content available on the NET. Strict laws and ensuring their implementation will make the web a safe space. Saurabh Ghule team c-In India ,March 2011 the government banned several websites, Typepad, Mobango, Clickatell, without warning. Krunal Padh the government is based on the constitution and the constitution of india has gives each and every citizen of india a right of freedom of expression by censoring contents they are taking us our right which our constitution has provided Aditya Patel Team B: just as shivani has mentioned all thel examples. i would like to take one.. let say facebook... we all are connecting to our friends, relatives through this internet medium. we share our toughts, useful things, videos..almost everything.. which are very useful to make our lives at ease. so what any 1 of this info comes in negative or vulgar.. becoz of this .. this should b censored.. its a way of expressing medium..

Hriday Shah A- censorship is necessary cause of the problems it creates within a community hate messages plastered on facebook twitter, etc. Lead to disharmony among communities which further increase hatred between themselves creating law and order problems. Censorship should be done in moderation and only to the extent of keeping the country and its people away from harm's way and not to further any agenda of the ruling government, politicians, influential people. Krunal Padh TEAM B - I agree that on internet and on social media websites lot of content available which could be against few groups or government....But content available is a view of another group....We can not stop people of keeping a different perception....We cant hinder the freedom. Prahlad Joisher Team C : Even tough it's true that internet has brought us closer, it has somehow,ironically,separated us physically. How many times have we actually stepped out of our house to greet someone near to us tahn just posting a scrap or a comment on the wall? It's all about achieving a right balance between the two. Saurabh Ghule TEAM c-India recently told sites like torrent,You tube and google to ban their illegal contents but it is still present on larger scale till now Milind Wagh TEAM A we are supporting censorship on Internet only for specific content being citizen of this country. we also hv social responsibility toward our youth "jst sake of of Freedom expression u cant compromise on our value & social aspect Krunal Padh B - hriday different people have different just cannot ban something just because you dont like it Nitesh Narang open any facebook page...there u will find hindus and muslims fighting against each other...abusing each other.,...what impact would it make on the youg generation Sudarshan Rangarajan A- have we forgotten how a comic on newspaper abt prophet led to major riots and clashes the need for censorship is urgent and necessary unchecked rumors are spread leading to unnecessary panic mandira bedi's husband once made a irresponsible tweet abt the bandra worli sea link shaking it lead to major panic in the city

Saurabh Ghule team c- ADV OF INTERNET Entertainment Internet functions as a popular medium of entertainment. A wide variety of entertainment including video games, music, movies, chat room, news and others can be accessed through the Internet. E-commerce E-commerce is the idea that is implemented for any form of commercial strategy or business transactions that entails transmission of data from one corner of the world to another. E-commerce has become a fantastic option through which you can shop anything.

Prahlad Joisher Team C : Let's not forget that it was man himself who was responsible for inventing the net. It doesn't mean we have to depend on it wholly that it cripples us. We did survive when there was no net around. Saurabh Ghule C- Services A variety of services are offered via Internet, for example job searching, online banking, buying movie tickets, hotel reservations and consultation services etc. When you avail these services offline, they become more expensive. Hriday Shah a- its not about an individual liking it or not if there is a picture of Mahatma gandhi and someone taking a dump on him or spitting or someone setting his picture on fire. He doesn't have a view he just wants to create mischief. Rather post his view on a forum and have a reasonable discussion about it. Shivani Jain 1. Pseudo emotional security the ill-effects of the over-familiarity of children with the new media. disclosed a lot of personal information on the social networking systems, which they would not have otherwise revealed to anybody. They had confided personal information on their love, desire, affection, familys wealth and much more. This, in turn, lured potential threats to these young victims and finally led to their gruesome death. adolescents look up to social networking systems in order to vent their feelings, doubts and their uncertainties. Social networking systems give them a place to open their struggles, views and news and are assured that there is someone out there who is listening to you 2. Their sources of information were restricted to their peer group, teachers, parents and their kin. But the climate has changed now and there is an information technology explosion, many of which are not socially conscious or accountable. The umpteen pornographic sites vindicate this claim 3. The time spent on conversation with family has shrunk, thanks to the increase in time spent in front of the internet. Krunal Padh And the content available on different forums or social networking sites are always publish with a report feature....If a person or group find it offensive they can report it......And the site could take action on the content.....Need is to make generic standards for all sites to filter the content based on the hate.....This mechanism is already there so what is need to censor further??? Vishal Baniya any boon of invention comes with its disadvantages...........and some is the case with internet.......but to some extent the advantage that it posses are likely to over come its disadvantages...........for eg: when it provided us with the liberty to know any thing we want to with just a click away it also allowed certain anti social element (terrorists) to fullfill there motive when it come to getting information and using it in an unethical way.......................

Shivani Jain The remedy to the challenges is not to to boycott such media, but a better alternative is to educate children on the discretion needed in the use of such technology. It cannot be disputed that parents need to take responsibility for their wards. They surely need to know what their kids are up to on the world wide web, a web in every sense of the word. A pre-requisite of this is establishing a close bond with their offspring and the need to spend quality time in familial conversation. All these initiatives will help orient our youngsters and nurture in them a sense of resourcefulness.

Saurabh Ghule c-In India,In 2007 Indian law enforcement entered an agreement with the popular social networking site Orkut to track down what it deems defamatory content which, in their example, includes content critical of Bal Thackeray.

Shivani Jain team c : and harsh actions to be taken by the cybr crime police in catching and punishing all the techo minds hiding behing the computer screen playing with the lives of innocent ppl . Saurabh Ghule On the 7th of December 2011, The Times of India revealed that the search engine Google was asked to remove around 358 items by the Government of India out of which 255 items were said to criticize the government as per a Google transparency report. The government had asked Google to remove 236 items from Orkut and 19 items from YouTube for the same reason, it added. Other reasons include defamation (39 requests), privacy and security (20 requests), impersonation (14 requests), hate speech (8 requests), pornography (3 requests) and national security (1 request). Google admitted that 51 per cent of the total requests were partially or fully complied with. Hriday Shah A- no one has to suffer about anything the problem with censorship is that it never has been done correctly. Most of the countries where it exists (china, middle east countries, etc) have done it an extreme manner which affects yours and my thinking on what censorship actually is. We are talking about moderation and censoring things only which create problems in the community. And for that matter, tell me if the 15 year old actually uploads an inflamatory picture of mahatma gandhi, won't it cause problems? Better to avoid in the first place then placate later. And no one will suffer because of it. Prahlad Joisher Team C : Censorship is too harsh a measure for something which is still relatively misunderstood. Defamatory pics or abusive comments are not necessarily the domain of the net. Any random person can speak a few fiery words and incite hate. It all boils down to the maturity of the person reacting to it. Krunal Padh B- Why government wants to control the content coz Political parties can use the content for their personal profit. Parties would censor only content what is against them not against the opposition. So if required to regulate there must be a third party censorship firm or agency or regulatory body....Which can take action without partiality...

Ajinkya Jadhav history of the topic relating to most recent incident due to which it came in the limelight Stop Online Piracy Act (SOPA)was enacted by U.S to control trafficking in copyrighted intellectual property and counterfeit goods. largely it had affect on search engine like google and networking sites like Facebook and twitter. SOPA came with a bang when megaupload, a file sharing website was brought down overnight and its founder was arrested. Sudarshan Rangarajan filesharing though illegal was unnecessarily strongly dealt wid the SOPA act

it is illegal though awaiting a rebuttal i know there are many things illegal but widespread that doesnt make it right Ajinkya Jadhav why? i can take any side i mean most of the time i listen to what others have to say accordingly i mention and speak my points. so i wouldn't know which team i might belong. Anuradha Moharil the main motive behind censorship is to prevent pornoghrphy and indecent contents but those with wicked minds will go beyond limits to disable the censorware rendering the entire efforts futile. it is not the gun the gun but the mind behind the gun tht fires. so no matter however stringent laws are made ppl will find loopholes if at all they have to. Krunal Padh B - The funny things about SOPA was that the doctor who allegedly killed MJ got imprisonment of 4 years and if someone download MJ song illegally then he gets imprisonment of 5 years.....such was the complications of SOPA...i mean an censorship on content or internet is certainly not a good idea Vishal Baniya team c- looking through the social point of view internet through soial networking site could well act as a medium to create awareness amoung the people.......for eg the anna hazare moment..............but this same medium could be used to create unrest amoung the masses in the name of caste religion........ for eg: practice used by terrorist to promote jihad................ Saurabh Ghule 4 polcies of indian govt for internet censoring.1-Government policy to encourage Internet industry self-regulation and end-user voluntary use of filtering/blocking technologies. 2-Criminal law penalties (fines or jail terms) applicable to content providers who make content "unsuitable for minors" available online. 3-Government mandated blocking of access to content deemed unsuitable for adults. 4Government prohibition of public access to the Internet. Vaibhav Deshpande B: Internet is free for all. Anybody can host a website in germany and publish what ever he wants. The extent of internet expansion is immeasurable. Censoring the whole internet is impractical and unnecessary. Even if one country or one website censors the content, there will be some country like netherlands which do not have any international treaties with the UN regarding such issues, that is available for miscreants. So, basically you want to censor internet for all the people, whereas you fear for only little percentage of bad guys who you fear will spread bad content? (that they will do in spite of the censorship)

Krunal Padh B - Every citizen has the freedom to support his views on social media sites like facebook and google.If there is some content published offensively it must be monitored and take proper action against this,but the government can't force the social media sites to remove contents because they have their own policies and regulations.It is better to make a decision with Social media sites. Prahlad Joisher Team C : People think it was unnecessarily deal with simply because a supply of free stuff dried up. But if you think about the person who is suffering as a result of piracy, things would be clearer. Watching a major portion of your revenue drying up is not something anyone will take lying down. Shivani Jain c :i feel censoring or no censoring , if we are talking about porn here ,its available thru other means so let it b the way it is , censoring it would do a littl gud !

Ajinkya Jadhav This is the age where interest it directly related to freedom, liberty. taing down illegal activities is understood but censoring freedom of speech and express on internet is lil bit too much. sharing a file through internet let it be music file or video file is piracy ? why and how ? if i share my data with my friends through pen drive ( relative pen drive to internet ) is piracy ? i don't think so. Anuradha Moharil to some extent it can put a check to piracy..... many music companies are running into losses ... censorship can lessen tht if not eliminate Shivani Jain team c : but yes stuff like obscene stuff passed on fb thru spam is not only vulgar but also annoying ! Such stuff sent on random choosen names is preety disgusting , spoils ma wall :/ Sudarshan Rangarajan A : just because porn is avail from other source shudnt let it go thts just giving an excuse Ajinkya Jadhav team c... everything on internet and everything about censorship is not about PORN !! in fact even if it was about porn i doubt U.S would have taken such harsh steps where PORN industry is pretty next tp legal where porn industries has production house and much more things out in open. Ajinkya Jadhav sharing a file through internet let it be music file or video file is piracy ? why and how ? if i share my data with my friends through pen drive ( relative pen drive to internet ) is piracy ? would you term it as piracy ?! Shivani Jain team c: conclusion - censorship could help to an extent but the wrong doers would anyway find new ways an means to help out their intrests . All we need is a well sorted out awareness among kids , their parents , society ,strong motion towards piracy , cyber crimes . because by doing so we are not only finding a mature solution to the problem by avoiding going to the extremes of the topic but also thinking on the long terms .

TOPIC: Foreign Direct Investment (FDI) in retail sector.....!!

Hriday Shah At a time when the country is hit by currency fluctuations every few months, it has been realized that we require a steady flow of FDI, which can be achieved by allowing FDI in retail sector but the political paralysis that followed the announcement a few months back has proved that the country even though growing steadily has been affected by the narrow minded thinking of political parties and the concept of vote banks. Back to the topic, any country which has an open economy requires foreign currency to grow quick and to grow steadily, the retail sector in our country is affected by inefficient manner of storing vegetables, transporting, etc. In which a lot of produce is lost(ie, rotten) by the time it gets back to the consumer. Allowing FDI in retail not only takes care of the financial part of managing the business but also improves the efficiency of the operations and logistics department in a country where so many mouths need feeding, we have still not come up with refrigerated transportation and cold storage, due to which we end up losing 30-35% of produce in transportation. FDI in retail is being pushed away by the opposition who say that the farmer will be hurt financially by this decision, but the parties fail to realize that there was a clause or section added to the passing of the fdi in retail sector bill which said that foreign companies will have to buy a certain amount of their produce from local farmers, also with a foreign company the chances of corruption and exploitation of the farmer reduces considerably. What happens today is that the food ministry appoints 2-3 traders to deal with farmers in the state, creating a monopoly with the traders use to exploit the farmer. This would automatically stop with foreign companies. Saurabh Devkar Opening of retail can be seen as a solution for food inflation, which has been confounding policy-makers. FDI in retail would help in building much needed back end infrastructure. Additionally, he said, investments in cold storage chain infrastructure would reduce loss of agricultural produce and provide more options to farmers. Pankaj SK fdi basically reduces middle men bt dnt u thnk eliminating middle man can lead to unemployment of those ppl...also if a bigger organisation dominates fr eg walmart there can be a monopoly...whats the guarantee that da store continue to sell at affordable price... Namrata Shah Giving 51% to FDI in retail marketing also gives the foreign investors an advantage to exploit us more for their profit and betterment as compared to our development.. Pankaj SK ofcourse malls also create a lot of emplymnt opportunities whch is an advantage too Pankaj SK also fdi or mall culture increases price of a commodity bcoz of factors like branding,advertising etc....becoz of such high prices lower income grps are not able to meet their demands.... Pankaj SK another perspective can be viewed frm da pt that y not let indian gain profits rather than foreigners....however now Q of corruption arises whch can be properly taken care by da ppl using diff acts,laws available in our constitution

Sudarshan Rangarajan for country's growth we dont need more M&As as it wont lead to any new jobs but new companies which will employ more locals invest in the economy .. but most companies are sceptical about new investment so here comes in a foreign company thats interested in Indian market and can pump in money we need FDI but must be kept on a tab as complete ownership gives them to flee wenever they want an the Indian investors at large will get duped. so fdi must be limited in all sectors no matter what

JAN LOKPAL BILL: Also referred to as the Citizen's ombudsman Bill is a Bill to establish an independent authority to investigate offences under the Prevention of Corruption Act, 1988 to detect corruption by expeditious investigation and to prosecute offenders and to ensure timely redressal of certain types of public grievances and to provide protection to whistleblowers. ANNA HAZARE: Kisan Baburao Hazare popularly known as Anna Hazare is an Indian social activist and a prominent leader in the 2011 Indian anti-corruption movement, using nonviolent methods following the teachings of Mahatma Gandhi. Hazare also contributed to the development and structuring of Ralegan Siddhi, a village in Parner taluka of Ahmednagar district, Maharashtra, India.He was awarded the Padma Bhushanthe third-highest civilian awardby the Government of India in 1992 for his efforts in establishing this village as a model for others. SAILENT FEATURES OF JAN LOKPAL BILL: 1. An institution called LOKPAL at the centre and LOKAYUKTA in each state will be set up. 2. Like Supreme Court and Election Commission, they will be completely independent of the governments. No minister or bureaucrat will be able to influence their investigations. 3. Cases against corrupt people will not linger on for years anymore: Investigations in any case will have to be completed in one year. Trial should be completed in next one year so that the corrupt politician, officer or judge is sent to jail within two years. 4. The loss that a corrupt person caused to the government will be recovered at the time of conviction. 5. How will it help a common citizen: If any work of any citizen is not done in prescribed time in any government office, Lokpal will impose financial penalty on guilty officers, which will be given as compensation to the complainant. 6. So, you could approach Lokpal if your ration card or passport or voter card is not being made or if police is not registering your case or any other work is not being done in prescribed time. Lokpal will have to get it done in a months time. You could also report any case of corruption to Lokpal like ration being siphoned off, poor quality roads been constructed or panchayat funds being siphoned off. Lokpal will have to complete its investigations in a year, trial will be over in next one year and the guilty will go to jail within two years. 7. But wont the government appoint corrupt and weak people as Lokpal members? That wont be possible because its members will be selected by judges, citizens and constitutional authorities and not by politicians, through a completely transparent and participatory process.

8. What if some officer in Lokpal becomes corrupt? The entire functioning of Lokpal/ Lokayukta will be completely transparent. Any complaint against any officer of Lokpal shall be investigated and the officer dismissed within two months. 9. What will happen to existing anti-corruption agencies? CVC, departmental vigilance and anticorruption branch of CBI will be merged into Lokpal. Lokpal will have complete powers and machinery to independently investigate and prosecute any officer, judge or politician. 10. It will be the duty of the Lokpal to provide protection to those who are being victimized for raising their voice against corruption. KEY PEOPLE FIGHTING FOR JAN LOKPAL BILL: ANNA HAZARE ARWIND KEJRIWAL KIRAN BEDI SHANTI BHUSHAN PRASHANT BHUSHAN DIFFERENCE BETWEEN JAN LOKPAL & LOKPAL: HOW IT ALL STARTED? The Lokpal Bill issue picked up momentum when Gandhian activist Anna Hazare started a Satyagraha movement by commencing a fast unto death which apart from attracting a lot of attention and public support, also prompted Prime Minister Manmohan Singh to announce a reintroduction of the bill in the 2011 monsoon session of the Parliament. Accordingly a truce was negotiated and a 10 member Drafting committee was formed, with 5 members sourced from the cabinet of ministers and 5 from the civil society, to be co-chaired by one member on each side. CRITICISIMS: The bill has been criticised as being nave in its approach to combating corruption. According to Pratap Bhanu Mehta, President of the Center for Policy Research Delhi, the bill "is premised on an institutional imagination that is at best nave; at worst subversive of representative democracy". The very concept of a Lokpal concept has received criticism from HRDminister Kapil Sibal in that it will lack accountability, be oppressive and undemocratic. SCOPE: The matter of whether the Indian Prime Minister and higher judiciary should or should not be prosecutable by the Lokpal remains as one of the major issues of dispute. Anna's own nominee for co-chairing the joint panel Justice Verma, the former Chief Justice of the Supreme Court, has expressed his constitutional objections for including the Prime Minister and higher judiciary under Lokpal.[82] According to him, "this would foul with the basic structure of the constitution". PROS: 1.) Major advantage of this bill is all about solving the No.1 problem of India is CORRUPTION.

2.) Who will be the decision makers this time, nonpoliticians, non-bureaucrats, not a police officer. 3.) This bill is proposed to the government again and again in last 50 years so this holds the believe of generations and we all think this can change the system. 4.) The decision will be faster than what we have right now, the proposed decision will be 1 year and punishment will be executed in 2 years. 5.) People will not have to go through the grueling system to complain the crime. CONS: 1.) Huge burden on government to run this, it needs huge money to manage the head counts. 2.) why it needs 1 year for decision and another 1 year for the punishment. 3.) How someone can guarantee there will be No minister or bureaucrat influence on their investigations. 4.) How can it be assured that Lokpal members are not corrupted? Dont we have corrupted judges, citizens and constitutional authorities, who says only the politicians are corrupted?

CONCLUSION: In conclusion, although the intention of the Jan Lokpal bill is sound, the bill itself is startling on every level. Not only does it suffer from some serious issues, it has silly inconsistencies and errors which, quite frankly, should have been sorted out much before it was made public. Section 3 of the bill states that the first Lokpal committee is to be set up by the government itself. One can only hope this is an oversight. This entire exercise has instilled a great sense of pride thoughout the nation at achieving what people are claiming to be a revolution. But, what in the end was actually achieved? A committee to oversee drafting of an anti-corruption bill. This is scarcely the valiant struggle for freedom that its being made out to be. Especially when you consider that this drafting committee did not have any democratic basis to it; it is just Anna Hazare himself (who admittedly earned it), alongwith the Bhushan duo of father and son (who certainly have not), and two other people responsible for the drafting of the monstrosity I have described above. In its current form, the Jan Lokpal Bill seeks to create an undemocratic organization that has no basis in democracy, and give it an abnormally large amount of powers to do as it wishes against the government (and in some cases, against private citizens, who may be either involved in the subject matter of a complaint, or believed to have information useful in its investigation). A sort of reverse Secret Police, if you will. The battle against corruption hasnt ended with the passage of this legislation; it has barely even started. One set of elite will write the act, another set will enact it, and a third set will enforce it. If this really was a revolution, then it will go down as a particularly weak one.

Budget in Detail Union Budget 2012-13

Budget 2012-13: Income up to 2 lakhs - Nil -- Rs. 2-5 lakhs - - 10 per cent -- Rs. 5 lakhs -10 lakhs - 20 per cent -- Rs. 10 lakhs and above - 30 per cent GST will be operational by August 2012 Excise duty hiked from 10 per cent to 12 per cent Service Tax hiked from 10 per cent to 12 per cent Basis Exemption Limit 2 Lakhs STT cut to 0.1%. No change in corporate tax,DTC Deferred Further Global crude oil prices have crossed $115 per barrel Food and fertiliser subsidy largest expenditure. Fiscal deficit rose due to subsidy. Decided to fully provide for food subsidy in the budget FRBM implementation back on track Aadhar-enabled payment of select government schemes in 50 districts Rs 30,000 cr divestment target in FY 13 To bring down subsidy to 1.7 % of GDP in the next 3 years To roll out computerized scheme for fertilizer subsidy transfer The Nandan Nilekani panel recommendation on direct transfer of subsidy accepted FY13 subsidy to be under 2% of GDP Find ways to expedite implementation of decision, prompt delivery and good governance with transparency, while curbing black money and corruption Remove bottlenecks in agriculture, energy, transport, coal, power and national highways Ensure rapid rise in private investment Frame policies that trigger domestic demand recovery Direct cash subsity to LPG, Kerosene Efforts to arrive at broadbased consensus with state governments on allowing FDI in multibrand retail up to 51 per cent Direct transfer of subsidy for kerosene initiated Direct Tax Code (DTC) Bill to be enacted at the earliest To introduce Rajiv Gandhi [ Images ] Equity Scheme for retail investors Tax incentive for new investors, These make sense when you consider that the share of household savings delpoyed in capital markets has come down sharply. Changes in IPO norms to increase participation in small towns Plan outlay for agriculture raised by 18% to Rs 20208 crore in FY 13 Rs 300 crore for intensified irrigation program Retail stocks rally as Budget commits to multi-brand FDI Telecom towers made eligible for viability gap funding Agriculture credit target raised to Rs 5.75 lakh crore in FY13 Agriculture allocation increased to Rs 5,75,000 crore. To allocate Rs 10,000 cr for NABARD to refinance RRBs.

To allocate Rs 10,000 crore for NABARD for refinancing RRBs Government to set up Rs 5,000 crore venture fund for MSME sector To allow ECB borrowing to part-finance power projects. Agriculture credit target to be raised by Rs 1,00,000 crore to Rs 5,75,000 crore. Kisan credit cards can now be used for ATM machines. Change in IPO guidleines to promote small town participation Will allow external commercial borrowing for power, housing road construction companies To make 8,800 km of highways in FY13; outlay raised Plan outlay raised 18% to Rs 20,208 cr for agriculture Irrigation, dams to be eligible for special funding Telecom towers made eligible for viability gap funding Fuel supply constraints have hit power supplies nationally Current account deficit 3.6 percent in 2011-12; this put pressure on exchange rate. Advance Pricing Agreements in DTC to be in Finance Bill Corporate market reforms to be initiated. Allocation for national highways up 14 per cent. 8,800 km of highways to be developed under National Highway Development Project in 2012-13. Encourage small and medium artisans. Powerloom mega clusters to be set up. Foreign loans for low-cost housing projects. Foreign loan cap raised for airlines. To allow ECB funding to finance working capital needs of airlines for 1 year External commercial borrowings to the extent of $ 1 billion to be allowed for aviation sector for next year. Addressing malnutrition, black money and corruption in public life among five priorities in the year ahead. Budget to provide Rs 15,888 crore for recapitalisation of PSU banks, regional rural banks. Government examining new ways of providing subsidies for LPG, kerosene. Tax exemption on individual share investment below Rs 10 lakh. Govt to create Financial Holding company to meet financial needs of PSU banks. Income Tax deduction of 50 per cent on investments of up to Rs 50,000 in savings scheme named after Rajiv Gandhi. 3-year lock-in period exemption under Rajiv Gandhi scheme. Increase in investments in infrastructure through PPP. Coal India advised to sign FSA with power plants Infrastructure investment in 12th Plan to go up to Rs 50 lakh crore; half of it to come from private sector. To allow qualified FII into domestic corporate bonds Rs 15890 crore for recapitalisation of PSU banks Extend RRB capitalisation for 2 years Propose Central KYC depository Full exemption from basic customs duty for equipment for road and highway construction Full exemption from basic customs duty on natural gas, LNG, uranium for generation of electricity for two years. Customs duty on import of parts of aircraft, tyres and testing equipment fully exempted

Excise duty on handmade and semi-mechanised matches reduced from 10 to 6 per cent Increase excise duty on some cigarettes Solar energy plants exempted from Customs Duty Excise duty on all processed food brought down to merit rate of 6 per cent..

Ban Bailouts Life Insurance Corporation of India (LIC) is a financial institution that has familiarity and reach better than any other in the country. One fourth of Indians have insured their lives with it and many more will continue to rely on it for insurance and investment needs. For an entity of its size, with assets nearing Rs 14 trillion, LIC's influence on Indian financial markets is not surprising. Despite competition from several private sector players, the insurance behemoth has done well for itself. Both, in generating premiums as well as investment returns its track record is appreciable. That LIC has traditionally been a major participant in most public issues of PSUs is well known. It apparently also funds nearly 25% of government's expenses. But what about digging deep into its pockets to salvage the reputation of its debt strapped owner? Isn't that something policy holders and tax payers should oppose? The government may argue that LIC's investments in PSUs have swelled in market value over the years. But as per an article in Reuters, forced investments have eroded the insurer's investment book by nearly 25% in recent years. Take the recent Oil and Natural Gas Corporation (ONGC) public issue for instance. Buying shares in an overpriced issue that had been skipped by oth er investors is nothing but milking tax payer money. What is surprising is that the situation seems eerily familiar for millions of investors in India's first mutual fund, the US-64. The fund collapsed after the state-sponsored manager, the Unit Trust of India (UTI), took heavy losses on its investments. Especially, those in other state-owned units in the 1990s. Yet, the government seems well on its way to create more such US-64's by milking cash rich PSUs. LIC of course is not the only one. Coal India comes a close second and there are many others in the pipeline.

Meanwhile, the government's inclination towards bailing out loss making PSUs is also not new. It stepped in to bail out UTI in 2002. Now, Air India's bail out proposal is under consideration. If that goes through, others like Bharat Sanchar Nigam Limited (BSNL), Mahanagar Telephone Nigam Limited (MTNL) may also fit the bill. Hence unless tax payers raise their voice against this gross misuse of sovereign funds, such wealth destruction will prevail. If you feel the same way as we do, then raise your voice to Ban Bailouts. Remember, every vote counts! FINANCIAL TERMINOLOGIES. GROSS DOMESTIC PRODUCT (GDP) : Refers to the market value of all officially recognized final goods and services produced within a country in a given period. The mathematical representation of GDP is :

GDP = private consumption + gross investment + government spending + (exports imports) In simple terms, " Market value of all final goods and services calculated during 1 year . " Remember Frnds, GDP GROWTH AND GDP are 2 different things GDP GROWTH RATE of INDIA for 2011-2012 = 8.2% GDP= $1.73 TRILLION U.S Dollar.. GROSS NATIONAL PRODUCT (GNP): The market value of all products and services produced in one year by labour and property supplied by the residents of a country. Basically, GNP measures the value of goods and services that the country's citizens produced regardless of their location. GNP is one measure of the economic condition of a country, under the assumption that a higher GNP leads to a higher quality of living, all other things being equal. GNP of INDIA as on 31st Jan 2012 : 6,095,230 Rs.Crore BUDGET DEFICIT: The amount by which a government, company, or individual's spending exceeds its income over a particular period of time. also called deficit or deficit spending. The opposite of a budget deficit is a budget surplus, and when inflows are equal to outflows, the budget is said to be balanced. FISCAL DEFICIT: When a government's total expenditures exceed the revenue that it generates (excluding money from borrowings). Deficit differs from debt, which is an accumulation of yearly deficits. Government specifies a target for fiscal deficit during annual budget. Last year the figure was 4.6%. But the Govt. has failed to keep its promise and the fisc deficit has ballooned to 5.5%. This is one of the most sought after figure in Budget. (Do check out this figure on Friday after Budget) Revenue Budget: It consists of the revenue receipts of the government (which is tax revenues plus other revenues) and the expenditure met from these revenues. It has two components: Revenue Receipt and Revenue Expenditure.

Capital Budget: It consists of capital receipts and payments. It also incorporates transactions in the Public Account. It has two components: Capital Receipt and Capital Expenditure. Capital Expenditure: It consists of payments for acquisition of assets like land, buildings, machinery, equipment, as also investments in shares etc, and Loans and advances granted by the Central government to state and union territory governments, government companies, corporations and other parties.

Capital Receipt: The main items of capital receipts are loans raised by the government from public which are called market loans, borrowings by the government from the Reserve Bank of India and other parties through sale of Treasury Bills, loans received from foreign governments and bodies and recoveries of loans granted by the Central government to state and union territory governments and other parties. It also includes proceeds from disinvestment of government equity in public enterprises.

Expenditure Budget: It contains expenditure estimates made for a scheme or programme under both revenue and capital heads. These estimates are brought together and shown on a net basis at one place by major heads.

Finance Bill: This contains the governments proposals for levy of new taxes, modification of the existing tax structure or continuance of the existing tax structure beyond the period approved by Parliament. It is submitted to Parliament along with the Budget for its approval.

Fiscal Deficit: It is the difference between the revenue receipts plus certain non-debt capital receipts and the total expenditure including loans (net of repayments). This indicates the total borrowing requirements of the government from all sources.

Monetised Deficit: It indicates the level of support extended by the Reserve Bank of India to the governments borrowing programme.

Non-Plan Expenditure: It includes both revenue and capital expenditure on interest payments, the entire defence expenditure (both revenue and capital expenditure), subsidies, postal deficit, police, pensions, economic services, loans to public enterprises and loans as well as grants to state governments, union territory governments and foreign governments.

Plan Expenditure: It includes both revenue and capital expenditure of the government on the Central Plan, Central assistance to state and union territory plans. It forms a sizeable proportion of the total expenditure of the Central government.

Primary Deficit: It is the difference between fiscal deficit and interest payments.

Public Account: It is an account in which money received through transactions not relating to the Consolidated Fund is kept. Besides the normal receipts and expenditure of the government relating to the Consolidated Fund, certain other transactions enter government accounts in respect of which the government acts more as a banker, for example, transactions relating to provident funds, small savings collections, other deposits etc. Such money is kept in the Public Account and the connected disbursements are also made from it. Public Account funds do not belong to the government and have to be paid back some time or the other to the persons and authorities who deposited them. Parliamentary authorisation for payments from the Public Account is not required.

Revenue Deficit: It refers to the excess of revenue expenditure over revenue receipts. Revenue Expenditure: It is meant for the normal running of government departments and various services, interest charges on debt incurred by the government and subsidies. Broadly speaking, expenditure which does not result in creation of assets is treated as revenue expenditure. All grants given to state governments and other parties are also treated as revenue expenditure even though some of the grants may be for creation of assets.

Revenue Receipt: It includes proceeds of taxes and other duties levied by the Centre, interest and dividend on investments made by the government, fees and other receipts for services rendered by the government.

Appropriation Bill: It is presented to Parliament for its approval, so that the government can withdraw from the Consolidated Fund the amounts required for meeting the expenditure charged on the Consolidated Fund. No amount can be withdrawn from the Consolidated Fund till the Appropriation Bill is voted is enacted. Balance of Payment The statement that shows the transaction of the countrys trade and finance in terms of net outstanding receivable or payable from any other country with a certain period of time. Bill A legislative proposal draft is discussed and passed by both the houses of Parliament and then has to get an approval from the President and then finally it is a declared Act.

Contingency Fund If and when in emergencies the Government at such times helps with funds which is not authorized by the Parliament because of urgent needs that may arise.

Consumer price index It is a price index that features the rates of consumer goods.

Capital budget When a list of capital expenditure is planned and prepared annually it is termed Capital budget.

Custom Duty It is the tax that is put on imports and tariffs.

EUROPEAN DEBT CRISIS DEBT CRISIS: Debt crisis deals with countries and their ability to repay borrowed funds. Therefore, it deals with national economies, international loans and national budgeting. The most basic definition that all agree on is that a debt crisis is when a national government cannot pay the debt it owes and seeks, as a result, some form of assistance.

HOW IT STARTED: By 2009, many national economies started to buckle under the strain of the global financial crisis, and Greece was no exception. In additional to the global downturn, Greece also faced widening bond spreads. The news only got worse that October, when the newly elected Socialist Prime Minister George Papandreou released a new government budget for 2009, which revealed an existing deficit of 12.7 percent of GDP, three times the EU limit. (In April 2010, the EUs statistical office revised Greeces debt estimate once again to 13.6 percent.) In May 2010, Greece received a $152 billion bailout from the troika of the ECB, EU and the International Monetary Fund in exchange for rolling out deep cuts to public spending programs. That past June, the Greek government passed another round of public spending cuts in order to qualify for a second bailout package of $157 billion. EFFECTS OF CRISIS IN EUROPE: Meanwhile, the Greek government began to reduce the salaries of civil servants, pensions of retirees and public spending. A growing number of Greeks don't have enough money for their everyday expenditures, and therefore shops and local producers suffer as well. The whole country is simply running out of the official money and its GDP has been decreasing for the last three years.

HOW THIS AFFECTS U.S: Put simply by Robert Reich, A Greek (or Irish or Spanish or Italian or Portuguese) default would have roughly the same effect on our financial system as the implosion of Lehman Brothers in 2008. That is, financial chaos. The collapse of Lehman Brothers in 2008 and its harrowing aftermath revealed just how interconnected the worlds financial system had become. Many believe that a European state default, and its ripple effects, would produce another Lehman moment, possibly on the order of several magnitudes. What this means on a practical level is that the financial system would freeze up: banks would be less willing to lend to each other, and as a consequence, would be less willing to extend lines of credit to businesses and individual households. WHAT WILL HAPPEN NEXT? When in a community there is a dearth of monetary means (to facilitate production, exchange and consumption), however, we can simply create some new ones ex-nihilo. It becomes a "local money". States (or Europe in this case) disapprove strongly of this because money is one the pillars of State power, although one could say that it is none of their business to interfere with the way a

local community organizes its internal exchanges (see for instance household money). The emergence of local money happened in many places, and the phenomenon is accelerating at the beginning of the XXIst century, mostly as a consequence of the computer revolution. We foresee that it will happen in Greece. The Greek government will begin to pay its civil servants and state pensioners in part with something that may be called a "temporary system of vouchers", and for convenience it may write on them whatever name they like, for instance "drachma" or "eurodrachma" (introduced with an exchange rate 1Dr = 1 with the euro). These will be usable to buy goods and services in Greece, and it will be forbidden to refuse them. And if the government doesn't do this, it is even conceivable that some private outfit do it. SOLUTION: When banks run out of euro banknotes in their assets, they still have accounts of loans and of reserves at the central bank in debit in their assets, and accounts of deposits from citizens in credit in their liabilities. These accounts can henceforth function as a system of signs (like the slate of a grocer's); there is no need that they be partially "guaranteed" by real euros on the asset side of secondary banks. People can write checks, and banks belonging to the same clearinghouse can make the appropriate entries in their books : if individual "a" draws a check on its bank A, and gives it to individual "b" (as payment for something received from "b"), then "b" will take this check to his bank B, which in turn will send it to C, the common clearinghouse of A and B. Finally the clearinghouse C will ensure that, on the liability sides of both banks, the account of "b" at B is credited the check amount, while the account of "a" at A is debited the same figure. And the opposite entries are made on the asset sides of both banks, in some other accounts, "reserves at the central bank", "private debtors", or any other appropriate account, but not "banknotes". This is a local money, formally denominated in euros, but these are no longer real euros, because they are not accepted abroad. They function only within the country. In the case of Greece, they can be called eurodrachmas.

Why An MBA? The MBA qualification broadens and enhances knowledge and should be viewed in a sense of building up skills. Although the most popular reasons for undertaking the MBA is to increase salary, other reasons include widening career opportunities, furthering ones career and/or to extend personal networks.

There are other equally important reasons that any prospective MBA student will state, but by far the most compelling is to create career opportunities for oneself. The challenges imposed by the 21st century have made it an essential component that we upgrade skills and qualifications in order to meet the demands set by companies, customers and the environment we operate within. This is where the MBA becomes a tool to be utilized in building up existing competencies - the theory learned can be utilized to find plausible solutions to concurrent business issues. At the end of an MBA programme, one emerges with an upper level of functional managerial and business issues as well as new conceptual skills ready to meet the demands that are set by the competitiveness around us. With an MBA, you can: Advance Your Career Whether you're a doctor, an engineer, or an editor for your local newspaper, a graduate business degree can prepare you to move into a managerial position within your field. Change Your Career If your current career path is a less than perfect fit for your aptitudes and interests, business schools can give you the opportunity to explore your options, then provide you with the training you need to change careers entirely. Set-up Your Own Business Interested in starting your own business, but not sure that you have the necessary expertise to launch a start-up in a high-growth industry? An MBA can prepare you to do everything from writing a business plan to acquiring venture capital to launching an IPO. Research has shown that the failure rate for small businesses started by an MBA is about 50 percent less than the standard failure rate. Develop Technical Skill & Business Knowledge Can you advance to a managerial position or launch your own business without the benefit of a graduate degree in business? Yes. There is much to be learned from on-the-job training and employers certainly value work experience. However, an MBA programme will put you on the fast-track to career advancement by offering you the chance to develop a wide range of general business knowledge and a broad base of technical skill in a relatively short period of time.

Become a Leader in an Emerging Field Innovative education can lead to an exciting career in a newly emerging field, such as brand management, information technology, e-commerce, or mobile telecommunications. Network Networking is another key benefit. Business school teaching styles encourage teamwork and, over

the course of an MBA programme, you'll develop important relationships that can serve you well throughout your business career. And no matter the school, you can often get plugged into a network of alumni working at a wide range of companies. This is useful for professional contacts. Although the degree is considered the pathway to a successful career, it still does not guarantee a flood of job offers, but when one considers the positive options, it far outweighs the negative issues. It is a costly course and the time constraints that are associated with the study load are legendary. Thats why, in some circles, it has been termed Married, but away. Approach the studies with an open mindset and let your intentions be to develop yourself to your full capacity. Accept the programme as a challenge, set your personal as well as career objectives and, most importantly, utilise the Masters of Business Administration degree to close gaps that may exist within your skills and qualifications, so that you can facilitate and expedite your management caree. Why Should You Do An MBA? This is an invariable question in any MBA Entrance Interview. Getting this answer pat right is critically important because it shows how clear you are about your expectations from the course. It is imperative that you answer this question to yourself before you rush to fill up forms to various MBA colleges. It is crucial on two counts: 1. If you do qualify for a course and find yourself a complete misfit for the curriculum, it would mean you are actually not cut out for the management cadre in the corporate world. So you are likely to saddle yourself with a career that makes you unhappy. 2. An MBA course is an investment, both in terms of time and money; hence, wasting it is an offence. Moving on, lets look at a few caricatures wherein an MBA degree can be handy: a) The Anointed Heir who wants to hold the keys to his/her kingdom. This guy is someone like an industrialists son, who will have to take over the running of an existing corporate empire. b) The Shop Floor Enthusiast who wants to sit in the gilded corporate office. This guy is typically someone who has devoted many years on the shop floor (it could also be in a lab... or in sales... or in data collection...), mostly a technical person who executes rather than strategises. This guy now wants to be a part of the strategic team. c) The Intrepid Entrepreneur who wants to create an empire. This guy is someone who is all set to start his or her own business and wants to know the tools of how to do so. d) The Power Seeker who wants to crack the management ceiling he/she has hit because of the lack

of an MBA degree. This person is typically someone who is a part of management but sees many promotions pass by him/ her due to a perceived lack of managerial perspective. Most of the top management believe that a person with a management degree has managerial perspective. e) The Money Player who would like to increase his/her pay packet. An MBA degree immediately increases your market value. If a post-graduate in Economics is offered say Rs. 7,000 per month as a starting salary, an MBA graduate is typically offered at least Rs. 10,000 to 12,000 per month. f) The Reluctant Graduate who believes that he/she has learnt nothing at all that can get him/her a job. The non-professional graduate courses available today are not perceived to have any marketable value by the corporate world. These, therefore, need to be augmented to make the graduate market worthy. The underlying advantage in all the six caricatures is that an MBA degree immediately flags you off as someone who can be trained to take up positions of authority. Apart from the positive boost that a persons career gets, an MBA degree also offers three side benefits. Some may argue that these are the main benefits: 1. An MBA course is a hot-house where you are pushed to deliver. You are introduced to fierce competition. The conditions work on you in such a way that either you break-down and leave the course half-way, or you end up becoming a tough professional. 2. An MBA programme exposes you to a very wide area of experience in terms of subjects and people. You get exposed to varied subjects like macro-economics, consumer behaviour, psychology, marketing, cultural heritage, communication theory, operations research, quantitative techniques, finance, HR, etc. Most programmes cover over 30 subjects! Apart from exposure to subjects, you meet people from various backgrounds and places. This really broadens your outlook! 3. And last but not the least, an MBA course brings together impressionable young men and women, and you may just catch your soul mate while slogging over case studies!

PREPARATION FOR INTERVIEWS Because communication skills are such an integral part of effective management, some schools include personal interviews as part of the admissions process. Some tips to help you prepare for an interview:

o Review your application; the interviewer is likely to ask specific questions about it.

o Be ready to provide examples and specifics and to elaborate on info on your resume and application. o Be open and honest. o Ask questions, since the interview is as much an opportunity for you to learn about the school as for the school to learn about you. o Follow proper business decorum. o Watch your nonverbal clues, such as eye contact, posture, and fidgeting. o Be courteous to the administrative staff, since how you treat them can have an impact (positive or negative).

Some Frequently Asked Questions on Interviews :

"Tell us about yourself"?

In an interview how does one handle the question "Tell us about yourself?".

An often asked opening question. Perhaps the most frequently asked question across interviews. Your opening statement needs to be a summary of your goals, overall professional capabilities, achievements, background (educational and family), strengths, professional objectives and anything about your personality that is relevant and interesting. This question represents an opportunity to lead the interviewer in the direction you want him to go e.g., your speciality or whatever else you may wish to highlight.

Your intention should be to try subtly convincing the interviewers that you are a good candidate, you have proved that in the past and have a personality that fits the requirement.

Remember that the first impression you create will go a long way in the ultimate selection. Keep in mind, most candidates who are asked this question just blurt out their schooling, college, marks

and qualifications. All this is already there in the CV. Why tell the interviewer something he already knows?

A final word on approaching this question. Once you have said what you have to say - shut up. Don't drone on for the sake of speaking for you just might say something foolish. Sometimes interviewers don't interrupt in order to give the candidate the impression that he has not spoken enough. This is just a stress/error-inducing tactic. Don't fall for it, especially if you feel you have spoken enough. In case the pause gets too awkward for your liking, just add something like, "Is there something specific that you wish to know about me?"

Is it better to have a longer selection interview or a shorter one? The length of an interview in no way is an indicator of how well an interview went. This is especially so when there are a number of candidates to be interviewed, like in the Civil Services interview or the MBA entrance interview. In the past, a number of candidates have reported varying lengths of interviews. Nothing positive or negative should be read into this. An interview is only a device whereby the panel seeks information about the candidate. Information that will help the panel decide whether or not the candidate should be selected. If the panel feels that it has gathered enough information about the candidate in 15 minutes of the interview commencing and that it has no further questions to ask the interview will be terminated in 15 minutes. If on the other hand the panel takes an hour to gather the information required to take a decision the interview will last for an hour. In either case the decision could be positive or negative. It is a fallacy to believe that interview panels take longer interviews of candidates whom they are more interested in. No panel likes to waste its time. If an interview is lasting longer than usual then it only means that the panel is seeking more information about the candidate in order to take a decision.

In the MBA entrance interview how do I justify my decision to pursue the MBA programme? When you are asked this for God's sake don't tell the panel that you are looking for a"challenging job in a good firm with lots of money, status and glamour". That is the first answer that most candidates think of. Unfortunately, it is the last answer that will get you admission. In the answer to a direct question on this subject you must convey to the interview panel that you have made a rational and informed decision about your career choice and your intended course of higher study. There are broadly four areas which your answer could touch upon:

Career Objectives : You could talk about your career objectives and how the two year MBA programme will help you achieve them. This implies that you have a clear idea of what your career objectives are and how you wish to achieve them. For example, you may want to be an entrepreneur and wish to set up your independent enterprise after doing your MBA and then working for a few years in a professionally managed company. You could explain to the panel that

the MBA programme will provide you with the necessary inputs to help you run your business enterprise better. But then you must be clear about what the inputs you will receive in the MBA programme are.

Value Addition : That brings us to the second area that your answer should touch upon. What is the value you will add to yourself during your two year study of management. Value addition will essentially be in two forms knowledge and skills. Knowledge of the various areas of management e.g. marketing, finance, systems, HRD etc. and skills of analysis and communication. You will find it useful to talk to a few people who are either doing their MBA or have already done it. They will be able to give you a more detailed idea of what they gained from their MBA.

Background : Remember, there must be no inconsistency between your proposed study of management and your past subject of study or your past work experience. If you have studied commerce in college then management is a natural course of higher studies. If you are an engineer this is a tricky area. You must never say that by pursuing a career in management you will be wasting your engineering degree. Try and say that the MBA course and your engineering degree will help you do your job better in the company that you will join. But then you should be able to justify how your engineering qualification will help.

Opportunities and Rewards : You could also at this stage mention the opportunities that are opening up in organizations for management graduates. Highlight with examples. At the end you may mention that while monetary rewards are not everything they are also important and MBAs do get paid well. You must not mention these reasons as your primary motivators even if that may be the case.

What to Expect ?

In general, B-school interviews are not formulaic. The focus can range from specific questions about your job responsibilities to broad discussions of life. Approach the interview as a conversation to be enjoyed, not as a question-and-answer ordeal to get through. You may talk more

about your hobbies or recent cross-country trip. This doesn't mean that it won't feel like a job interview. It just means you're being sized up as a person and future professional in all your dimensions. Try to be your witty, charming, natural self. Interviews are conducted by students, faculty, admissions personnel and alumni. Don't dismiss students as the lightweights; they follow a tight script and report back to the committee. However, because they're inexperienced beyond the script, their interviews are most likely to be duds. You may have to work harder to get your points across.

How to Prepare ?

Prepare for the interview in several ways: Expect to discuss many things about yourself. Be ready to go into greater depth than you did in your essays (but don't assume the interviewer has read them). Put together two or three points about yourself that you want the interviewer to remember you by. Go in with examples, or even a portfolio of your work, to showcase your achievements. Practice speaking about your accomplishments without a lot of "I did this, I did that." Finally, be prepared to give a strong and convincing answer to the interviewer's inevitable question: "Why here?"

Self Awareness

1. How would you describe yourself ? 2. Tell me about yourself ? 3. How do you think a friend or professor who knows you would describe you? 4. What motivates you to put forth your best effort ? 5. How do you determine or evaluate success ? 6. What academic subjects did you like best ? Least ? 7. What led you to choose the career for which you are preparing ? 8. What personal characteristics are necessary for succeeding in the career that you are interested in? 9. What is your philosophy of life ?

10. Why have you switched career fields ?

Weaknesses / Negatives

1. What major problems have you encountered and how have you dealt with them ? 2. What have you learnt form your mistakes ? 3. What do you consider to be your greatest weakness ? 4. Did you ever have problems with your supervisor ?

Skills / Abilities / Qualifications

1. What do you consider to be your greatest strength ? 2. Are you creative ? Give an example. 3. What qualifications do you have that makes you think you will be successful ? 4. In what way do you think you can make a contribution to society? 5. Why should we take you ? 6. What are your own special abilities ? 7. Why should we take you over another candidate ? 8. What is your managing style ? 9. Why do you want to join this institute ? 10. What do you know about our institute ?


1. What is your attitude towards working hard ? 2. What part does your family play in your life ? 3. What are the most important rewards you expect in your career ? 4. What is more important to you : money offered, or the type of job ? 5. Do you enjoy independent research ? 6. In what kind of a work environment are you most comfortable ? 7. How would you describe the ideal job for you ? 8. What two or three things are most important to you in your job ? 9. Do you prefer working with others or all by yourself ? 10. How do you like to work ? 11. Under what conditions do you work best ? 12. What is the highest form of praise ?


1. In what part-time or summer job have you been most interested ? 2. Tell me about your experience. 3. What jobs have you held ? 4. How did your previous employer treat you ? 5. What have you learnt from some of the jobs that you have held ? 6. What jobs have you enjoyed most ? Least ? Why ? 7. What have you done that shows initiative and willingness to work ?

8. Describe your current job. 9. What did you like least about your last job ? 10. What did you like most about your last job ?

Goals / Objectives

1. What are your short-term and long-term goals and objectives ? 2. What specific goals other than those related to your occupation have you chosen for yourself for the next 10 years ? 3. What do you see yourself doing 5 years from now ? 4. What do you really want to do in life ? 5. How do you plan to achieve your career goals ?


1. How has your education prepared you for a career ? 2. Describe your most rewarding college experience. 3. Why did you select your college or university ? 4. If you could, would you plan your academic study differently ? 5. Do you think grades are a good indication of your academic achievement ? 6. What have you learnt from participation in extracurricular activities ? 7. Do you have plans for continuing your studies ? 8. Why did you pick your programme ? 9. What courses did you like best and why ?

10. What courses did you like least and why ? 11. How has your college experience prepared you for this job ? 12. How did you pick your dissertation ? 13. Describe your dissertation process.


1. What do you expect to earn in 5 years ? 2. What did you earn in your last job ?


1. What are your outside interests ? 2. What do you do with your free time ? 3. What are your hobbies ? 4. What types of books do you read ? 5. How interested are you in sports ? 6. How did you spend your vacations in school ?


1. What qualities should a successful manager possess ? 2. Describe the relationship that should exist between a supervisor and a subordinate. 3. What 3 accomplishments have given you the greatest satisfaction ? 4. If you were taking a graduate for this institute, what qualities would you look for ? 5. What can I do for you ? 6. Tell me a story. 7. Define cooperation.

Stress Questions

1. What causes you to lose your temper ? 2. How often have you been absent from school, work or training ? 3. Have you ever had trouble with other people on the job ? 4. Can you take instructions without getting upset ? 5. Don't you feel you are a little to old/young for this job ? 6. How does your family like you being away on business trips ? 7. With your background, we believe that you are overqualified to join this institute. 8. You haven't had sufficient experience in this field. 9. Our experience with women on this job has not been good. 10. What would irritate you most if I as a manager did it ? Influencing Others

1. Tell me about the time you were most persuasive in overcoming resistance to your ideas or point of view.

2. Tell me about the last time someone made an unreasonable request of you. 3. Describe the most disappointing and frustrating experience in gaining the support of others for an idea or proposal.

Interpersonal Skills

1. Describe a situation where it was most important for you to display tact and diplomacy. 2. Tell me about the last time you had a clash or disagreement with someone at school/college/workplace. 3. Tell me about a time when you felt most frustrated and disappointed at a person with whom you had worked.

Personal Adaptability

1. Tell me about the last time you were criticized by a supervisor or a professor. 2. Tell me about the time when you felt most pressured or stressed at work/ school/internship. 3. Tell me about the time when you felt most frustrated at your school/workplace. 4. In what aspects of your work/internship do you have the most confidence in your abilities.

Communication Skills

1. Tell me about the time when you felt best about your ability to draw out or solicit information from another person.

2. Tell me about the time when you had to work your hardest in order to fully understand what another person was saying to you. 3. Describe the last time when someone at school/work misunderstood what you were trying to communicate.


1. Tell me about the most long term, sustained extra hours of effort that you put into your work/college/internship. 2. Describe a time when you felt most frustrated or discouraged in reaching your goals or objectives. 3. What do you feel has been your most significant work/school/internship related achievement within the past year or so ? 4. Describe the last time you did something well which went beyond the expectations in your work/internship.

Administrative Skills

1. Tell me how you go about organizing your work and scheduling your own time. 2. What do you do to ensure that your goals and objectives are met in a timely way ? 3. Describe the most extensive planning that you have ever done.

Problem Solving and Decision Making

1.Tell me about the most difficult problem that you faced in your work/school/internship ? 2.Tell me about the last time you made a decision that backfired. 3.Tell me about the time when you regretted most not getting advice before you went ahead ?

Conflict Management Skills

1. Tell me about the last significant crisis situation that you faced in your work. 2. Tell me about a time when you were most persuasive in overcoming resistance to your ideas. 3. Tell me about the time when you had a disagreement with someone at work.

Nobody believes the official spokesman... but everybody trusts an unidentified source.


1. 2. 3. ur achievement in last 6 month One important decision taken by you in the last 6 months Where do you see yourself in next 5 years?

4. what is difference between in Marketing & sales 5. What did you learned from the book which you read? 6. Why less marks in graduation (be prepared for dis :p) 7. What is the meaning of your name? 8. What was your biggest failure? How did u learn from it 9. Which specialisation would u like to take 10. what is diff between 2G & 3G 11. )what was ur gd topic ? WHAT POINTS DID U MAKE 12. )What will be your reaction if you are not selected for MBA/MMS? 13. whats the definition fiscal deficit (Commerce graduate student) 14. Tell me name of 10 MNCs 15. what is the diffrence between Administration and Management. 16. Who is governor of RBI 17. which is the central bank of US 18. How do you update yourself . 19. do you know about the recent initiative taken by India to resolve dispute with 20. Pakistan?(ans AMAN KI AASHA) 21. Who is the MP and MLA of your area?Which ward does your area come under? 22. which newspaper do u read? 23. What was yesterday's headlines? 24. What is the Naxal problem? 25. Name five good s/w companies. 26. What is the difference between a product and a brand? 27. Give me 3 business related news from last 3 weeks 28. in your hobbies u hvn mentioned VolleyBall so who invented tht game? 29. What do you think on the awareness in India about the issue of climate change? 30. what is the difference between a person planning his finance and an economy or a nation 31. Chancellor of Germany 32. Prime minister of Nepal 33. Chief minister and Governor of Maharashtra 34. What do you think why we are not able to improve the infrastructure. 35. what was the recent problem faced by airlines in Europe? (Bcoz of the volcano in iceland) 36. What is Naxalism? 37. Who are the Maoists? 38. What is the difference between Naxalites and Maoists? 39. What is the role of a business analysist? 40. what happen on 26th jan? why its important? 41. tell me president from 1947 to 2011 42. Which is the most technologically advanced country in the world? 43. whats the realtionship between mahatma gandhi and rahul gandhi 44. whats the difference between market research and market survey 45. whats the difference between finanacial managment and financail accounting (Commerce stu)

46. what would u do if u r appointed as special officer in mayawati's UP,how would u pursue the villagers abt female foeticite..... 47. RbI should purchase gold Why? 48. Monetary policies of RBI 49. dollar value and euro value in terms of rupees 50. any idea how much is d current cash flow ind economy.. 51. What is CIA? 52. what is NASSCOM? 53. who is vice president of India? 54. diff between gsm and cdma 55. Do you think the terrorists problem will be solved if India gives Kashmir to Pakistan? 56. whats the price of petrol in your city? 57. why should we select you over other candidates 58. Name current 3 Ladies C.M in india 59. How can India become a global superpower? 60. what do you mean by wifi? 61. What is Superbug? 62. What is tsunami? How it is formed? 63. Asked about LTTE and trying the Sri lankan president for war crimes and how many persons had died in the war 64. President and PM of Pakistan 65. Mayor of Mumbai Tell something about yourself? Introduce yourself Its the most common interview question, but strangely most of the candidates dont spend time to prepare for it. I think because the question seems to be so disarming and informal, we drop our guard and shift into ramble mode. Resist all temptation to do so and prepare well because at the end of this question interviewer has almost made up his mind about you. Most of the candidates will answer this question in a monotonous style my name is xxx I am a student of yyy college or working in aaa company. Or others who just keep on jabbering for hours about themselves that panelist has to cut him out. Your interviewer is not looking for a very short description or a 10-minute dissertation here. Instead, offer a razor sharp sentence or two that sets the stage for further discussion and sets you apart from your competitors. Give them A synopsis about you answer, specifically your Unique Selling Proposition. Known as a personal branding or a value-added statement, the USP is a succinct, description of who you are, your biggest strengths and the major achievements in life. This answer will make a difference in your interview. You will feel more confident and proud about yourself and your interviewer will be sitting forward in her chair giving you her full

attention. The ball is now back in her court and you have the beginnings of a real discussion and not an interrogation process. Lets refine your answers in our Interview clinic.. post your comments below and we will verify your answers.

34 Responses to Introduce yourself

February 22, 2012 at 1:01 am I am posting my answer to introduce yourself:Hello Sir ,my name is abhimanyu jha.I am from Bihar and did my higher secondary from Kendriya Vidyalaya ,New Delhi.I am pursuing Five year integrated course in Physics from Visvabharati,Santiniketan,West Bengal.I am an INSPIRE fellow getting a fellowship of Rs.5000 p.m.Sir.i , along with some of my friends are in final stage of starting a society that aims to provide alternative source of energy to the villages that are yet to be electrified or where the condition of electricity supply is very bad.In India,60 % of the villages are yet to be electrified ,especially in states such as U.P,Bihar,West Bengal.So i feel in this way i could contribute my part. Reply

admin says:

February 24, 2012 at 9:09 am Good one.. you are saying too much about your alternate source of energy project. Tone it down to to one liner.. explain when he asks rest is fine.. add more achievements if u have any. Reply


kapil yadav says:

February 23, 2012 at 11:07 am myself kapil yadav from a small town noorpur in uttarpradesh.have done my garduation from indian institute odf space science and technology and schooling from my home father is a government emloyee and i learned having positive attitude abt life from him my mother is house wife and incolculated many family values in me.coming to my extra corricular i am passionate about various sports and participated during my college ..i may recall i have been able to organise a

cricket leauge in my college that is the part of college culutre now i feel this as the tacit compliment of my efforts. Reply

admin says:

February 24, 2012 at 9:11 am Avoid talking about your family.. talk more about u rest all is fine.. Reply


rohit kabra says:

February 25, 2012 at 1:23 am Hello, my name is Rohit Kabra. I am a BE (IT) from Bangalore with 2 years of work experience as a Technical Consultant working with Blue Star Infotech Mumbai. I completed my schooling from Lucknow and then moved to Bangalore for my engineering. After that i came to Mumbai for job. My father is retired and my mother is a housewife. I stay here with my brother who is in Indian Navy. In my college days i participated as a coordinator for our college fest, hence interacting and marketing for it. I also was a part of our college football team , getting many laurels to our college.My hobbies include listening music and cooking. Reply

shraddha says:

March 14, 2012 at 6:21 am Good morning sir/madam, Its my pleasure to introduce myself. I am Shraddha, persuing B-Tech degree in the field of ECE at Academy of Technology. The field of electronics was my interest. I am an optimistic person with a positive self image, who has the capability to work under pressure. My hobbies includes listening to music, playing outdoor games, surfing internet and dancing. I like the people who help others and dislike those who discourage others and spread negativity. My immediate goal is to complete my B. Tech with good CGPA and then get placed in any software company.



Leanora Rowback says:

March 1, 2012 at 12:37 pm Im still learning from you, while Im trying to achieve my goals. I definitely liked reading everything that is written on your blog.Keep the tips coming. I loved it! Reply


Shanti Jana says:

March 14, 2012 at 6:18 am Good morning sir/madam, Its my pleasure to introduce myself. I am Shanti Jana, persuing B-Tech degree in the field of ECE at Academy of Technology. The field of electronics was my interest. I am an optimistic person with a positive self image, who has the capability to work under pressure. My hobbies includes listening to music, playing outdoor games, surfing internet and dancing. I like the people who help others and dislike those who discourage others and spread negativity. My immediate goal is to complete my B. Tech with good CGPA and then get placed in any software company. Reply


Aejaz Dawva says:

March 15, 2012 at 5:31 am Good morning sir, My Name is Aejaz Dawva, I Was born in Gujarat and grown up in Mumbai, 2. I Have completed my Bachelor of Science degree with specialization in mathematics from Mumbai university, and I have recently completed my .NET course from NIIT Institute. 3. My family consist of 6 members, My father, mother, two Big brothers , one elder sister and a younger sister, My father and two brothers is a business man ,my Mother is House wife, and my elder sister has got married and younger sister is teaching in a private class as a teacher 4. My hobbies are surfing the Internet, Solving puzzles and Playing Cricket.

5. My Goal is to work as a Software developer and grow Up in Technical filed 6. My strengths are Hard working and Self confidence. 7. My Achievement is till now my entire life a is good achievement if I look back in my life. That`s all about me Sir. Thank you for giving me such a wonderful opportunity. Reply


Allen says:

March 15, 2012 at 11:46 am I graduated from University X and since then, I have been working in public relations with an agency where I have generated millions of PR hits for my clients. While Ive enjoyed working on the agency side, Im looking to expand my horizons and start doing PR for corporate companies such as this one. Reply


Saurabha says:

March 20, 2012 at 6:01 pm Good morning Sir/madam, Its my pleasure to introduce myself to you. Well My Name is Saurabha Kanojiya & I am from kandivali (E) Mumbai. I am BSc (I. T. ) Graduate & I did my graduation from Lords universal College, Mumbai in year 2011, HSC (sci. ) from MVLU College Andheri (e) and Currently I am doing my DDNT-3 course from NIIT Institute. About my family, there are 4 members, My father, mother, one younger brother, My father is a Western Government Employee, mother is houswife. And my brother in 9th std. About work Exp. Am completely fresher.

My Goal is to work as a Software developer and grow Up in Technical filed. My Strength is my attitute, I see challenging situation not as a problem, but rather as an opportunity to learn sometime new. This keeps me motivated to stick to the task no matter how difficult, and get it done. And I feel a great sense of accomplishment when this happens. My hobbies are surfing in the Internet, Solving puzzles and Playing Cricket and Chess. Drawing. I dont like to say weakness but I like to say scope for improvement that is. Due to in depth analytical skill, sometimes I spend a little more time on newly task. However, I will try to further improvement on this. My Goal is to see myself as a top performing employee in a well-established organization, like this one. Thats all about me sir. Thank you for giving me such a wonderful oppurtunity. Reply


Rishikesh says:

March 20, 2012 at 6:03 pm Hello Sir/Madam I am Rishikesh Bhimte. I live in Mumbai. I am an Engineering Graduate in Electronics and Telecommunication from Govt. College of Engineering, Amravati in 2010. I am working as a Application Developer on iOS platform for TCS. It has been over an year working with TCS. In my family, there are three members, My Mother, myself and my younger brother. My mother is a housewife. And my brother is pursuing Electrical Engineering in Govt . College of Engineering , Amravati. He is in his Final year. I have a positive attitude towards life and work, I see challenging situation as an opportunity to learn. This motivates me stick to the task no matter how difficult it is, and get it done. I am Hardworking and Self Confident. My goal is to perform well in the organization I work. Reply


Tanmay says:

March 20, 2012 at 6:06 pm Good morning Sir/madam,

Its my pleasure to introduce myself to you. Well My Name is Tanmay Thakur & I am from Faridabad. I am B.Com (H) Graduate & I did my graduation from Pt. Jawahar Lal Nehru College, Faridabad in year 2008. As my professional qualification concern, I am Qualified Cost Accountant & semi qualified Chartered Accountant. Till now, I performed well in my academic as well as training period and expecting the same in the future. In my academic period, I was awarded by Merit certificate by ICWAI for Having 26th Rank all over India in Intermediate Examination. Further I was also awarded by another Merit certificate by D. A. V Century College for best Performer in Inter State Quiz Contest. During my articleship training period, I was regularly appreciated by my Principal Sh. Subash Chand Jain. About my family, there are 5 members, My father, mother, one younger brother & sister, My father is a Central Government Employee, mother is houswife. My Strength is my attitute, I see challenging situation not as a problem, but rather as an opportunity to learn sometime new. This keeps me motivated to stick to the task no matter how difficult, and get it done. And I feel a great sense of accomplishment when this happens. About my weakness concern, Due to in depth analytical skill, sometimes I spend a little more time on newly task. However, I will try to further improvement on this. My Goal is to see myself as a top performing employee in a well-established organization, like this one. Thats all about me sir. Thank you for giving me such a wonderful oppurtunity. Reply


Ananth says:

March 20, 2012 at 6:07 pm Good Morning Sir/Madam 1. My Name is Ananth, am basically from Salem. 2. I Have completed my Bachelor of Engineering from Dr.Pauls Engineering College.

3. I have worked in Dsl Technical Team @ Alcatel Lucent as a Service Engineer for 6 months and then am currently working in Alcatel Lucent as a Backend Coordinator. 4. My family consist of 4 members, My father, mother one Elder Sister , My father is Farmer my Mother is House wife my Sister Got married. 5. My hobbies are surfing in the Internet, Solving puzzles and Playing Badminton. 6. My Goal is to work as a Tech Engineer and grow Up in Technical filed and my Aim is to Donate money to orphan students Old age homes as much as possible in my further life. 7. My strengths are Hard working and Self confidence. 8. My Achivement is till now my entire life a is good achivement if I look back in my life. Thats all about me Sir. Thank you for giving me such a wonderful oppurtunity. Reply


surendra says:

March 20, 2012 at 6:10 pm Good Morning Sir, 1. My Name is Surendra am basically from Andhrapradesh, nalgonda and locally staying in hyderabad, hayathnagar. 2.I Have compleated my dotnet training from satya Institute hyderabad and I have compleated my B.Tech from JNTU University AVANTHI college. 3. My family consist of 4 members, My father, mother and one Elder brother, My father is barber and my Mother is House maker my Elder brother working in medical field and giving his best services to the people and organisation. 4. My Hobbies are web browsing and traveling. 5. My strengths are Hard working,Self confidence,self motivatior and I am always moves with +ve attitude. 6. My Achivement is till now my entire life with dotnet is good achivement if I look back in my life. Reply


moyeeb abdul subhan says:

March 20, 2012 at 6:14 pm Good morning sir/madam, Its my pleasure to introduce myself. I am Moyeeb Abdul Subhan born and raised in Rayachoty in kadapa, I am persuing my B-Tech in Computer Science And Engineering in Global College Of Engineering And Technology kadapa, I did my schooling from APRS and I completed my intermediate in APRJC, Guntur. About my Family Background, I am from middle class family, There are 9 members in my Family that includes me. My father is farmar and my mother is housewife, My hobbies are Reading Books newspaper, doing Namaz and I would like to spend my much amount of free time with my family. My strength are positve attitude and continious hardworking in a selected field. I have to check more than one time to check my work because I want too much of perfection in my work its my weakness. My aim is to become a good software engineer. Thats all about me sir. Thank you for giving me such a wonderful oppurtunity. Reply


SHRUTI says:

March 20, 2012 at 6:15 pm Good morning sir/madam, Its my pleasure to introduce myself. Im shruthi from hyderabad. Currently, Im pursing my final year information technology engineering from sri indu college of engg n tech with an aggregate of 75%. I completed my +2 from narayana junior college with 90% and I have done my schooling from sri gowthami public school with 88%. My mother is a government employee and my brother is a software engineer.

About my strengths, I am optimistic, self motivated person. I am a good team player as well as has a good ability to lead the team. I can adopt to any kind of environment. I am a good listener and quick learner. My short term goal is to get placed in a reputed company like yours which will give me an opportunity to enhance my skills and knowledge. My long term goal to see your organisation at peek position where I am one of the persons responsible for it. Thats all about me sir. Thank you for giving me such a wonderful oppurtunity. Reply


Bhavin says:

March 20, 2012 at 6:17 pm I am Bhavin verma .I am person with strong interpersonal skill and has the ability to adapt relevant enviroments and learn from mistakes.challenges have been a part of my life and i am always looking ahead for newer ones so as i can hone my skills. About my Academic i have done my Engineering from Gwalior Engineering college from Gwalior(Madhyapradesh)Before graduation i also completed my 10th and 12th in mp board from Maharudra mandal higher secondary school at Gwalior. Now about my hobbiesI like to play chess and other outdoor games like badminton,kabbadi,Tennis,football. i also like to play video game and go for bike riding in my free time. About my family-Their are three member in my family including me .My mother is working as primary school teacher in a private convent school.My elder brother is working in guaragge he like to drives cars,bike and all these thing. My strength are i can adopt easily in any type of enviroment.I am belive to work smarter way.i am good listner and have a good learning ability That all about me sir/madam thank you Reply


Renu says:

March 20, 2012 at 6:19 pm

Good morning sir, Thank u very much for giving me this opportunity to introduce myself. Currently I am pursuing final year of from g.c.e.c.t.I passed both 10th and 12th standard in the year of 2006 and 2008 with a percentage of 87 and 90 respectively. when it comes to my family, I have a beautiful family of three, me and my parent. I am a type of person who is punctual at his work and if u ask me question and i dont know iti will say i dont knowbut i know how to find the answer. My weak point is i easily believe others. Reply


shiva says:

March 20, 2012 at 6:21 pm Hello sir, Its my pleasure to introduce myself, I am M. shiva and presently Im doing B.Tech Ist year in APIIIT RKV. Im specialised in human resources. I completed my UG in GBS and I have done my inter in sri chaitanya junior college. My father is a businessman, my mother is a homemaker, I have a sister who is working at jp. Morghans (banglore). I love listening to music, to meditate, to cook and I love to do lots of creative work. I have participated in many of the intercollege competitions and won prizes. Im presently doing sap course in hr field. My strengths are being optimistic, smart working, and I will never give up my work. My goal is to build up my career in a well reputed company. Thank you for giving me such a wonderful opportunity to introduce myself. Thank you so much. Reply


Devendra says:

March 20, 2012 at 6:22 pm Good Morning Sir/Madam. Its my pleasure to introduce myself.I am Devendra from kadapa.I have did my schooling at Z.P.H.S school in my villlage.Then I have got a seat to percieve plus2 as well as B.Tech in prestigious university called RGUKT.Now Im doing B.Tech second year in mechanical engineering there. My hobbies are listening to music and singing,photograpy,reading books.I have done a course in karnatik music. My strenth is hardworking and self motivation.My weakness is listen to everyones opinion and adaptation with any environment. My short-term goal is to be work in a reputed company like yours,then I want to achieve perfection and satisfaction in my work to develop your company.My long-term goal is to become business firm to help needy and poor people.At finally, I can say that I am capable to cope with any difficult and conflict situation. Thats all aboubt myself sir,thank you for giving such an wonderful opportunity. Reply


Ramesh says:

March 22, 2012 at 2:02 pm Thank you sir for the pleasure. I am Ramesh Pathak from Howrah, West Bengal. Currently I am pursuing B-Tech in AEIE from CEMK under WBUT. About my family background, my father is in service and my mother is a home-maker. I have an elder sister who is married. I have done my schooling from LSHS, Howrah under CISCE board. To tell about my hobbies, I love to listen to old hindi movie songs, watch and play cricket and hanging out with friends. About my achievements, I have represented my college as campus ambassador at EXperience Cognizant. I have also been a class representative. In addition to this, I have won the second prize in the debate competition held during the technical fest in my college. I strongly believe that nothing in this world is for free. One needs to put in a lot of effort coupled with good planning to achieve anything. I believe my strength lies in my optimistic approach to any situation. Also my calm composure helps me a lot in crunch situations. I love to take on challenges as opportunity with a positive

frame of mind. Also my friendly attitude and good management skills help me become a good team-man. My goal, as of now is to be part of a reputed organization as of yours that would help me gain as much exposure as possible. My long term goal is to be part of the organizational growth and help technology reach the common masses. Thats all about me sir. Thanks for giving me the opportunity to introduce myself. Reply


Mhmd Aaman says:

March 22, 2012 at 2:03 pm It is my pleasure to introduce my self. This is Muhammad Aamir.Im a boy who believes in myself I was born and raised in Lahore and graduated from University of Punjab about three years ago, and presently im doing MBA in IMS. i would like to engage my personal activities like Golfing, singing and parties. I hail from a middle class family. My father is a Businessman and Mother is a house-maker. I learned a lot from them. They are my ICONS. I am fresher and have no work experience in any company but im very energetic and organized person and want to avail oppertunities such as this one. I believe my strongest trait is my attention to detail. This trait has helped me tremendously in any field of work. I dont like to say weakness but I like to say scope for improvement that is I wont leave any ask in-completely, I believe in my self and my hard work and I want perfection in every thing. About my achievements, I never made any achievements at state level. But in my schooling I got certificate in singing level competition. My short term goal is to get placed in a reputed company like yours which will give me an opportunity to enhance my skills and Knowledge. MY long term goal is i want to be one of the reason for success of the organization and i want to be one of responsible person in organization growth. Thats all about me if you have any question feel free to ask about. Thank you very much for your valuable time sir. Reply


matin says:

March 22, 2012 at 2:05 pm Good morning Sir/madam, Its my pleasure to introduce myself to you. Well My Name is Matin Kanojiya & I am from kandivali (E) Mumbai. I am BSc (I. T. ) Graduate & I did my graduation from Lords universal College, Mumbai in year 2011, HSC (sci. ) from MVLU College Andheri (e) and Currently I am doing my DDNT-3 course from NIIT Institute. About my family, there are 4 members, My father, mother, one younger brother, My father is a Western Government Employee, mother is houswife. And my brother in 9th std. About work Exp. Am completely fresher. My Goal is to work as a Software developer and grow Up in Technical filed. My Strength is my attitute, I see challenging situation not as a problem, but rather as an opportunity to learn sometime new. This keeps me motivated to stick to the task no matter how difficult, and get it done. And I feel a great sense of accomplishment when this happens. My hobbies are surfing in the Internet, Solving puzzles and Playing Cricket and Chess. Drawing. I dont like to say weakness but I like to say scope for improvement that is. Due to in depth analytical skill, sometimes I spend a little more time on newly task. However, I will try to further improvement on this. My Goal is to see myself as a top performing employee in a well-established organization, like this one. Thats all about me sir. Thank you for giving me such a wonderful oppurtunity. Reply


bony says:

March 22, 2012 at 2:07 pm

My name is bony Singh and am basically from Delhi. I completed my Graduation from Delhi University in Commerce stream in year 2007. I have approx. 2.5 years of work experience prior to my Graduation with Chemist Firms and have 4.5 years post graduation experience with Ranbaxy which is also my first job after Grad. My father is a businessman and my sister is working with Atlas India. My hobbies include playing all kind of outdoors games, surfing internet and listening to Political debates on news channels. I like the people who help the others and I dislike the people who discourage others and spread negativity. About my strengths, I am optimistic person, good team player as well as has a good experience of leading team in my managers absence. Also I am a good listener and quick learner. My short term goal is to get placed in a reputed company like yours which will give me an opportunity to enhance my skills and knowledge. And long term goal is to reach good position in this company. Thanks for giving me this opportunity. Reply


Annie says:

March 22, 2012 at 2:29 pm Good morning sir/madam, It is my pleasure to introduce my self. This is ANNIE.B.Im a girl who beleives in myself. Im born and raised in luck-now I HAVE COMPLETED MY MBA IN ANNA UNIVERSITY. I DID MY SCHOOLINGS IN LUCK-NOW . MY career objective is to serve for the growth of the institution and to nourish and enhance my inner talents. My passion is to become an professor in an leading B-school My strengh is my self confidence,punctual, hard work,very sincere to my friends,and I can easily adapt with any type of environment. My weakness is if my team members failed in punctuality means I cant tolerate that act. Actually Im a very sensitive girl. My achievement are im a Gold medallist in MBA and im a national player in chess About my dad is an ex serviceman,mom is a teacher and my younger brother is a software engineer.. My hobbies are playing chess,listening to melodious musics,reading novels,thinking about

something i have missed in my past,beauty lover, playing with my cute dogs. Thats all about me. Reply


manisha says:

March 22, 2012 at 2:33 pm Good Morning Sir, My Name is Manisha.i Have Completed my graduation from the Sinhgad College and now I m Pursuing MSC(Comp.sci.)From The Same College. I have Two sisters and One Brother .My Father is Business is Business and My Mother is Housewife. My Hobbies are spending time with family,trekking and Vegetable Shopping. I hav passed Elementary And Intermediate Drawing Examination with B grade. My short term goal is,i want a platform where i can improve my knowledge and skills. My Long term goal is ,i want to bring my organisation at higher position where i am one of the responsible person. thats al about myslf sir. Reply


suhas says:

March 22, 2012 at 5:05 pm Well, its my pleasure to introduce myself. I am Suhas , pursuing B.Tech final year at S.S.Institute Of Technology with the stream of Electronics and Communication Engineering. About my technical skill, I knowledge on C and and Embedded C. About strengths,positive attitude,easily mingle with peoples and self confidence. About my achievements I have participated in Paper presentation at my college and I participated NSS harithon Program at naklesroad. About my Hobbes Playing chess and Cricket,surfing internet,chatting with friends. About my family my father is farmer and my mother is a home maker.I have a younger sister. Reply


kumar says:

March 22, 2012 at 5:06 pm Good morning. Its my pleasure to introduce my self. Well, Im kumar I born and raised in Theni. I have done my schooling in C. B. H. Schoolwith 65%, then I did my BSc computer science from Mohamed sathak college at sholinganallur, where I secured 60%. My strengths are my attitude that I like to take challenges that I CAN do it, my way of thinking that I take both success and failure in a balanced manner. I dont like to say weakness but I like to say scope for improvement that is I wont leave any ask in completely, I believe in my self and my hard work and I want perfection in every thing. My short term goal is I want a such a platform where I can grow my career along with the organisation growth like yours and. My long term goal is bring my company at peak position where I am one of the responsible for it. My ethic is i never neglect an opportunity for my improvement. About my family I have a small family. I have father, mother and one elder brother. My father owns his textile shops in t. Ngr, my mother is a home maker and my elder brother is working in madhura technology. Talking about my job. I working as a process executive in williams lee. Thats all about me sir. Thank you for giving me such a wonderful oppurtunity. Reply


Ritesh says:

March 22, 2012 at 5:08 pm Good morning sir/madam.

Its my pleasure to introduce my self. I was born and grown up in ritesh which belongs to guntur district. I did my MBA with hr and marketing in lakireddy balireddy college of engineering mylavaram. I have done my project in kcp sugar industries ltd in vuyyur the title of my project is EFFECTIVENESS OF VARIOUS MOTIVATIONAL TECHNIQUES. MY STRENGTHS ARE AM A SELF MOTIVATOR, n can adjust in any environment. I like to spend my lieser time by playing chess, n surfing net, n reading books. My short term goal is to get the job in a reputated company like yours. My long term goal is to stand in a branded company. Thats all sir, thank you. Reply


krishi says:

March 22, 2012 at 5:10 pm Good Morning Sir/Madam, Its my great pleasure to introduce myself .I am krishi and currently i am pursuing graduation in Electrical Engineering from Jorhat Engineering College. I did my schooling and +2 from Dhubri. I hail from a middle class family.My father runs a small business and Mother is a teacher.I learned a lot from them.They are my ICONS. Regarding my achievements,i received Anondoram Barua Award conferred by State government,rank holder in state level chemistry olympiad. My hobbies are reading newspaper,watching discovery science,badminton,cricket etc. would you like to know anything else, sir? Reply


krunal padh says:

March 26, 2012 at 7:01 am Its a pleasure to introduce myself. I am krunal udaykumar padh. Age-21. I am currently pursuing my final yr in electronics engineering from k j somaiya. My personality is defined by the meaning of my name..a kind and passionate person. I am hardworking, full of dedication and a focused guy. If i decide something then there is no coming back. I hardly find leisure time from engineering but what ever time i get i use it to listen music, reading and involving myself in social service. Speaking of social service i am currently elected as the vice president of an ngo named youth for change. The main motto of our organisation is to make todays youth aware of the various mal practices and to take a stand against them. We believe that we can bring a big chance in the society ,in our country but first we need to bring a change in ourselves. I want to pursue my mba in marketing and would like to shape myself in such a way that i can even sell an refrigirator to an eskimo. Reply


Rashm says:

March 26, 2012 at 10:27 am Good morning sir/madam, Its my pleasure to introduce myself to you. Myself Rashmi S. Dighe Im from Thane. Im B.E.( ELECTRONICS AND TELECOMM.) graduate from Parshvanath college of engineering(Mumbai university) in 2011. I have completed my HSC (sci) from B.N.Bandodkar college of science, thane through Maharashtra board. after complition of engg. i have completed Conversed Comm. course through MTNL(Gov approved). I have represented my college held in Sihngad COE in Project Presentation. Also participated in Inter college Paper Presentations. In graduation days I have co-ordinated Inter college level Robotics event in year 2010. I have won prize in Quiz competition held in college fest. Im fresher but Im very energetic and organised person and want to avail opportunities. Attention to minute details is my strong point. This trait has helped me in co ordination of inter college event. After 5 years I would like to see myself as better Entrepreneur in successful organization. Reply

admin says:

March 27, 2012 at 4:58 am your intro is too big.. make short n sweet.. no need to mention your college board in details. Just talk about participation in events dont name each college.

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