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4 Ps of Nestle Ps of Marketing Mix are divided into 4different Parts.

1:- Product2:- Place3:- Price and4:Promotion Any Product has to get through these 4Marketing Mix stages to survive and tomake an place in the Potential consumermarket.Nestle also have these MarketingMix(4 Ps) which can b describedbelow. 1:- Product In Marketing a product is anything thatcan be offered to a market that may satisfy a needor can be of Two types:1) Tangible(Physical)or 2) In-tangible(Non-Physical).Since services havebeen the forefront of all modern marketingstrategies, some intangibility has become theessential part of marketing offers. It is thereforethe complete bundle of satisfaction or benefits thata buyer perceive they will obtain if the purchasethe product. Nestle Product Nestle is the world's largest food manufacturer, operatingin 77countries with 480 factories. Naturally, Nestls range of productsvaries greatly from one area of the world to anotherMilo (A healthy malt extract powdered chocolate drink) Nesquik (Banana/Caramel/Chocolate powdered drink.Add milk) Milo Bar (A chocolate bar with Milo malt-powder centre) Other Products: Smarties (Bite size milk chocolates with a crisp coating of sugar) Milkybar (Smooth creamy white milk chocolate) Chokito (Caramel fudge bar coated in rice crisps andchocolate) Pollywaffle (Wafers and marshmallow covered inchocolate) White Knight (Chocolate bar with a hard mint flavouredcentre) Peppermint Crisp (Chocolate bar with a crispy mintcentre) Crunch (Rice crisps and creamy milk chocolate) Club ("Rich Dark Chocolate" - comes in a bar or a block)Golden Rough (Shreds of roasted coconut in milkchocolate 2:- Place Nestle again has spread worldwide. Nestle when entering a new market does not goingalone but it looks for partners and mergers. Till nown e s t l e h a s c o l l a b o r a t e d w i t h c o m p a n i e s m a n y MNCs etc.It is because of this world wide spread that now iti s c o m i n g u p w i t h A d v e r t i s e m e n t s w h i c h c a n b e b r o a d c a s t e d i n t h e different nations in the world. T h e r e c e n t e x a m p l e w i t h would be the Nestle a d v e r t i s e m e n t s h a v i n g D e e p i k a P a d u k o n e a s i t brand ambassador.

3:- Promotion Promotion is one of the four aspects of marketing.Promotion comprises four subcategories:1:Advertising2:Personal selling3:Sales promotion4:Publicity and public relations The specification of these four variables creates apromotional mix or promotional plan. Apromotional mix specifies how much attention topay to each of the four subcategories, and howmuch money to budget for each. A promotionalplan can have a wide range of objectives,including: sales increases, new productacceptance, creation of brand equity, positioning,competitive retaliations, or creation of a corporateimage.Nowadays nestle going in for Brand Ambassadorsto promote their product. These brandambassadors are famous people who usuallypeople idolize and people can relate to them. Nestle launches new campaign for KIT-KAT;usesanimation for the first time in india.this is aadvanced promotional activity used by Nestle inIndia. 4:- Pricing Nestle again decides it price onthe basis of competition. The best think about thecompany nestle is that it is very flexible and it cancome down with the price veryquickly. The company is renowned to bring theprice down even up to half if needed. But this risktaking attitude has also earned nestle losses. Though lowering the price would attract thecustomers but it would not help them cover up thecost incurred in production hence causing themlosses. This was the situation earlier but now nestle is afull-fledged and growing company.It has covered allits losses and is now growing at a rapid rate. NestleS T P s Nestle is 1 of the worlds leadingproduct.and it has captured a huge marketon the world.. Nestle comes with the hugevariety of products. It has around 250products in all.We are taking Maggi (The largestselling and market capturing product of Nestle) in order to make you understand theStrategies,Targeting and Positioning of Nestle Pvt Ltd.. * Its a Brand of instant noodle made by NestleInd ltd.* It was founded by the Maggi Family inSwitzerland in 19 th centuary* Nestle launched Maggi for the first time inindia in 1982..* The Brand is popular in . Australia, India,Malaysia, New zealand, Singapore nd southAfrica..*Over the years maggi has launched severalproducts under its brand name..* Now maggi enjoys around 90% of Marketshare in its segment. STP Analysis Of Maggi Segmentation : Based on Life style andhabbits of urban families. Targeting : Kids , students , Working class andrest. Positioning

:with segments such as 2 minuteNoodles and Easy to Cook,good to Eat. H A T CONCIOUSPEOPLE E LH MARKET PENETRATIONSTRATEGIES Promotional campaigns in School. Advertising Strategies: focusing on kids. New product innovation according to the need of the consumers: Veg Atta Noodles. Dal Atta Noodles. Cuppa Mania. Availability in Different Packages: - 5 o g m s - 1 0 0 pack(400 gms) Conducting regular market Research g m s - 2 0 0 g m s -Family

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