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The Galton Institute 1907-2011 Background Information Tables

The Eugenics Society, probably the first of its kind in the world, has had a comparatively long and somewhat chequered history, which falls into several different phases according to the special interests of prominent members and the pressure of outside events from History of the Eugenics Society, Eugenics Review 1967, by AS Parkes (President of the Eugenics Society 1968-1970)

The Names
One single eugenics society under several names has existed since the first meeting of the Eugenics Education Society in 1907, a meeting led by a provisional council. The unity of the society is clearly shown by the fact that the society which was founded in 1907 and began publishing the Eugenics Review in 1909 incorporated itself in 1926. The same incorporated company is still registered at Company House, London with the same number. Company House records show the company changing its name from the Eugenics Society Ltd. to the Galton Institute Ltd. The Galton Institute Ltd. should not be confused with the Galton Laboratory (London) or the Galton Society (New York) or the Galton Foundation (England). The Galton Foundation, now folded into the Parkes Foundation, published the Journal of Biosocial Science for some years. Names Eugenics Education Society - Formed Fifteenth November1907 Eugenics Society Ltd. 1926-1989 Registered as a Company 1926 The Company registered as a Charity in 1963 which meant that it could no longer campaign as a group for changes in the law. The registered company and charity renamed itself in 1989 Galton Institute Ltd. 1989-2011

The Addresses: 6 York Blds., Adelphi, London WC2 Kingsway House, Kingsway, London WC2 11 Lincoln's Inn Fields, London WC2 52 Upper Bedford Pl., London WC1 20 Grosvenor Gardens, London, SW1 69 Eccleston Sq., London SW1 1908-12 1912-17 1917-24 1924-26 1926-33 1933-1994

19 Northfields Prospect, London SW181PE 1994-2011

The Legal Status 2011

Company House - 2011 Company House Number 00217533 - 2011 The status of THE GALTON INSTITUTE recorded at Companies house is: Active The Galton Institute was first registered at Companies House on 15/11/1926 as a "Private company limited by guarantee without share capital claiming exemption under Section 30 of the act" company, registration number 00217533. On the last annual return they registered as SIC classification code 8532, stating that the main activity of the company was "Social Work Activities without Accommodation. The company last filed accounts on 08/07/2011 of type "TotalExemptionFull". Charities Commission - 2011 The Institute, incorporated by guarantee on the 15th November 1926, was registered with the Charity Commissioners in 1963 with whom its registration number is 209258. The governing instruments of the Institute are its Memorandum and Articles of Association and any subsequent resolutions.

Well known members

Neville Chamberlain, John Maynard Keynes, Margaret Sanger, Arthur Balfour, Marie Stopes, Havelock Ellis, Julian Huxley

Post-Nazi Activities of Members

Cyril Burt (IQ Fraud); RA Fisher (supplied Tobacco Institute statistics); JM Tanner (carelessly infected children with human mad cow disease); Cyril Burt, HJ Eysenck, Arthur Jensen, Richard Lynn, Chris Brand (Falsely linked the African race to a genetic IQ deficit)

Biodemography, the Galton Institute, and Galton Institute members

Biodemography is a new version of eugenics. Its followers are now in control of the American eugenics society which was renamed the Society of Biodemography and Social Biology in 2010 according to IRS filings. The Galton Institute is moving in the same direction in a more stately manner. There are three Council members of the Galton Institute who are connected with biodemography RIM Dunbar, Tom Dickins and Rebecca Sear. In 2006 the Institute began sponsoring conferences which have a biodemographic trend. Two of these conferences were co-sponsored by the Max Planck Institute of Demographic Research, the intellectual center of biodemography. The Galton Institute is also strongly promoting the European Human Behavior and Evolution Association which has a biodemographic trend. The ways in which evolution, genetics and behavior interact is a biodemographic theme, particularly in terms of family formation and the causes and consequences of low, low fertility. This presents a problem for the Galton Institute. Since one of the primary causes of low, low fertility is contraception, the Institute would find itself criticizing its heroic past as the nursery of the FPA and the IPPF if it openly said that a low, low birth rate was a sign of an unfit society. Moreover, the Institute is actively promoting contraception through its ownership of the Birth Control Trust which sponsors projects aimed at increasing contraceptive usage in African and Asian countries. Members of the Galton Institute Council are the Board members of the Birth Control Trust so that the Society is actively working to promote birth control. However Darwin did say that a birthrate below replacement level was the sign of an unfit society. The biodemographers tend to follow Darwin on this point. The Institute has solved the problem this presents by proceeding in two different directions: supporting the biodemographers in their effort to rebuild the European family while supporting contraception and the destruction of the traditional family in Africa and Asia. This kind of doubleness is always a possibility to be considered in the analysis of English affairs, as for example, freedom at home and imperialism abroad was characteristic of the late nineteenth century.

Important Galton Institute Biodemographers and their projects: RIM Dunbar (Lucy to Language); Rebecca Sear, Tom Dickins, Alex Mesoudi (European Human Behavior and Evolution Association conferences co-sponsored by the Galton Institute); David Coleman (Demographic workshop 2009 sponsored by the Galton Institute and the Max Planck Institute of Demographic Research); Rebecca Sear (IUSSP Evolutionary Perspectives on Demography Panel, 2nd meeting, co-sponsored by the Galton Institute and the Max Planck Institute of Demographic Research); Daniel Nettle (uniting genetics and the social sciences) Those who wish to understand biodemography in Great Britain might begin by reading Kenneth Wachters address on the significance of the Max Planck Institute of Demographic Research (see online address below) and then his interesting article Biodemography Comes of Age. (also below) Both are online at the Max Planck Institute website. With the background gained in this way, it is then possible to understand the significance of papers at biodemographic conferences and workshops such as the ones the Galton Institute co-sponsored with the Max Planck Institute. Reports from these conferences are online at the Galton website. The Past, Present and Future of Demography and the Role of the Max Planck Institute for Demographic Research p-2003-011.pdf Biodemography Comes of Age 'Trade-offs in female life histories workshop on Evolutionary Demography onferences.htm Fertility declines in the past, present and future: what we don't know and what we need

to know onferences.htm

The President:
The President is always an active leader and sometimes a major reformer. The most important Presidents were Leonard Darwin, who set tone of the Society and Alan S Parkes who reformed the Society in 1969 along the lines of reforms then taking place in the American eugenics society. To these we may add Walter Bodmer (2008-2012) who is bringing the society into line with biodemography, the new form of eugenics. Lord Horder is also important because he was President before, during and after World War II. There was a six year term limit on holders of that office which was waived for Horder. He served from 1935 to 1944. He again became President in 1946. Francis Galton was an Honorary President as was Leonard Darwin after 1929. This indicated that they were not active executive officers. After that the term Honorary came to mean past president. Initially, Society Presidents served for an undetermined period. By the late Thirties the President served a six year term. In 1959 the Society introduced three years terms for the President, with a two term limit; this had been the practice for some time. There are problems in defining the term of office of an individual. (These considerations apply to all officers and council members). The main problem is that the term of office runs through overlapping calendar years because changes usually happen in June at the General Meeting. But sources, such as the report to the Charities Commission, often report on the calendar year running from January 1 to December 31. In this situation the choices made by officers, trustees and others as to how to describe the overlapping calendar years of their terms of office have been somewhat random. This affects information derived from such sources as Whos Who, websites and CVs. For example, GA Harrison (1992-1993) became ill and probably served less than 365 days but those days were in two calendar years. Peter Diggory probably served one complete three year term; Margaret Sutherland probably served two consecutive terms. When these and other questions have not been resolved the Eugenics Watch lists what has been found in Society histories, in Eugenics Society/Galton Institute journals and newsletters, in reliable reference books, and in member CVs even though this causes slight gaps and overlaps in the chronology. It is better to leave unresolved questions unresolved even if they are quite minor. Presidents: Sir Francis Galton 1908-11 (Honorary) J. Crichton Browne 1908-09

Montague Crackanthorpe 1909-11 Maj. Leonard Darwin 1911-29 Major Leonard Darwin 1929-43 (Honorary) Sir Bernard Mallet 1929-1932 Sir H. Rolleston 1933-35 Lord Horder 1935-43, 1946-48 No president is shown for the years 1944-45 in the Eugenics Review. This was explained in the ER July 1946: The Society unites in welcoming the return of Lord Horder to the office of President. It will be recalled that, under the Articles of Association, this office can be held for only six successive years; but it was one of the few fortunes of war that we were able to keep Lord Horder for a further three-year period. When his resignation took effect we said that he was irreplaceable-and this was no mere figure of speech, for in fact he was not replaced Notes and Memoranda, ER v. 38 (2) July 1946 Sir Alexander Carr-Saunders 1949-53 Sir Charles Galton Darwin 1954-59 Julian Huxley 1959-62 Prof. Sir James Gray 1962-65 Prof. The Lord Platt 1965-68 Sir Alan S. Parkes 1968-70 Peter Cox 1970-72 Prof. C. O. Carter 1972-76 Prof. W. H. Armytage 1976-81 Prof. Bernard Benjamin 1982-87 Prof. M. Sutherland 1988-92 Prof. G. Ainsworth Harrison 1992, 1993 (d. 1994)

Dr. Peter Diggory (abortionist) 1994-96 Robert Peel 1996-99 John Timson 1999-2002 Prof. Steve Jones 2002-2008 Prof. Sir Walter Bodmer 2008-(2011)

P. von Fleischel 1907-22 W.H. Hazell 1922-29 B.S. Bramwell 1929-33 Clinton F. Chance 1933-46 Sir Godfrey Eley 1946-54 G. Aird Whyte 1954-61 Prof. James E. Meade 1963-67 John Peel 1967-1995, 2003-2006 Robert Peel 2006-2007 Prof. John Beardmore 2008-2011

The Vice-Presidents
The Society has often had several vice-presidents at one time. To be a vice-president indicates support for the aims of the society. It also indicates that the Society has not repudiated an individual or his aims. Note that John Maynard Keynes and Julian Huxley were vice-presidents throughout World War II; that JM Tanner who caused human mad cow disease was a vp; that David Coleman of Migration Watch was a vp; that Greta Jones, a historian of eugenics, was a vp; that Lionel Penroses mother was a vp (though only briefly); that Bishop Welldon who taught Winston Churchill was a vp (after the period in which he taught Churchill). Vice-Presidents

Havelock Ellis 1909, 1910 Mrs. John Penrose 1909 Sir James Barr 1909-1911, 1916 WR Inge 1909-1911 Alfred Ploetz 1911-16 (German Society for Racial Hygiene) Bishop Welldon 1914-20 Henry Fairfield Osborn 1921, 1922, 1931 CB Davenport 1922 Lord Horder 1932 Robert Langdon Down 1932 Prof. RA Fisher 1933 Sir Alexander Carr-Saunders 1937-38, 1945-47 John Maynard Keynes 1937-39, 1941-43 Julian Huxley 1937-44 R Langdon-Down 1937 Mrs. Neville Rolfe 1937-38 Lady Chambers 1937 Prof. JA Ryle 1938-39 Prof. R. Ruggles Gates 1938-39, 1941-44 Mrs. E.M. Hubback 1939, 1941-44, 1948 Charles Galton Darwin FRS 1939, 1941-45 Prof. Aubrey Lewis 1944-46, 1950-52, 1956 Dr. Eardley Holland 1944-45

Dr. Eliot Slater vp or Council member almost continuously from 1944-1978 LJ Cadbury 1945-46, 1950-51 Cecil Binney 1946 Clinton F Chance 1946-47 JA Fraser Roberts 1946-49, 1952-54, 1958, 1960 Mrs. Charles Bosanquet 1947-1949 Prof. Sir Walter Brain 1947-1950 Mrs. E.M. Hubback 1948 Prof. CH Waddington 1948-49 Prof. TH Marshall MD 1948-50, 1953-55 Prof. David Glass 1949-51 RA Pilkington MP, MC 1949, 1955-57 Prof. F Grundy 1950-52, 1956-58 Laurence John Cadbury 1951-52 Prof. Caradog Jones 1951-53 GCL Bertram 1952-53, 1968, 1970, 1980, 1992-1993 Prof. Sir AS Parkes CBE 1952-54, 1958-60, 1962 Prof. EC Dodds FRS 1953-55, 1959-61 CD Darlington 1954-56, 1959-61 Prof. Alexander Kennedy 1954-56 Mrs. Barbara Bosanquet 1955-57 JM Tanner (Human Mad Cow disease) 1957-59 Paul Bloomfield 1957-58

Peter R Cox 1957-59 Margaret Pyke (FPA) 1960-62 Prof. CH Waddington FRS 1960-62 Prof. PE Vernon 1961 Prof. AC Stevenson 1962-64 F Yates FRS 1962-64 Eliot Slater 1963-65 Prof. JM Thoday 1964-66 Lady Vera Houghton (IPPF) 1964-1966, 1969 William Milo Keynes 1964-1966, 1989 G Ainsworth Harrison 1965-68, 1978-81, 1988, 1989 Sir Gerald Thornton FRS 1965-66 Prof. P. Sargent Florence 1968 Prof. E. Grebenik 1968, 1970 Dr. Hermann Lehman 1969-71 David Malcom Potts aka Malcolm Potts 1970, 1978, 1992 Barbara Thompson 1971 Prof. Dugald Baird 1971-74 CO Carter 1972, 1979 Prof. Derek F Roberts 1972 Haydon B. Miles 1972, 1978-79, 1984 A.J. Boyce 1976, 1978 Clive Turner 1979, 1989

Peter Diggory 1979-81 John Timson 1979 Mrs. Elizabeth Still JP 1979-81, 1984, 1989 Prof. Eric Sunderland 1980, 1989 Bernard Benjamin 1981, 1991-1993 Prof. David Coleman 1981, 1992 Prof. Margaret Sutherland 1982, 1985 John Innes Clarke 1981-84 A.H. Bittles 1983 Sue Teper 1983 David Brothwell 1984 Robert Peel 1985, 1991-1992, 1994 Peter Diggory 1989-90 WHG Armytage 1989 Prof. Greta Jones 2003-2005 Prof. JA Beardmore 2005-2006 Prof. David Galton 2008-2012 Prof. Timothy Cox 2009-2012

The Secretaries The position of "Secretary", "General Secretary", or Honorary Secretary has varied in importance and meaning. The society usually had one officer whose title contained the word Secretary and who was a cross between a Chief Operating Officer and a part-time scientific advisor. This is individual was in the running to become President of the Society. At the same time, there was another officer whose title also included the word Secretary who functioned somewhat like an executive secretary in the USA and who

was not in line to be President. Specific titles changed in meaning. For example, when C.P. Blacker was General Secretary then that was a most important post but when he became Honorary Secretary then that was the most important post, due to Blacker's commanding position within the Society. I have divided the Secretaries into two groups which I believe reflect the functions the actual individuals carried out. Some women are in both lists because I think that those women were determined to become President though the society as a whole, I think, was equally determined to exclude unscientifically trained women from the post and succeeded in doing so. Empire building occurred. More research is needed to unravel the varying meanings of the job over the last eighty years. At present (2011) the Secretary is voted into position by the Fellows, is unpaid and is responsible for the operation of the Society while the General Secretary is paid to carry out administrative chores. General Secretary/Secretary Chief Operating Officer Mrs. A.C. Gotto 1907-1920

With Dr. E. Schuster 1916-1917 Lady Chambers Prof. R.A. Fisher D.W. Cutler Sec. Mrs. Grant Duff C.P. Blacker C.P. Blacker C.O. Carter 1920-1929 1920-30 1927-34 1927-33 1931-52 (General Secretary) 1952-61 (Honorary Secretary) 1953-57

Prof. G.C.L. Bertram 1957-65 Prof. J.M. Tanner Sir A.S. Parkes Prof. G.A. Harrison 1961-63 1963-68 1968-71

Prof. Robert Chester 1980-81 Derek Roberts 1981, 1989, 1992

Prof. David Coleman 1993, 1994

Anthony Smith W. Milo Keynes Patrick James

2003-2005 2005-2009 2009-2011

Secretary - Administrator Mrs. A.C. Gotto Sec. 1907-1920 Mrs. C.B.S. Hodson 1920-31 (She was the first editor of the Eugenics Review 19091920) Lady Chambers 1920-29 Mrs. Grant Duff 1927-33 Mrs. G. Collyer 1943 Mrs. Faith S. Cox 1965, 1966 (wife of Peter Cox, Pres. 1970-72) Miss S.E. Walters 1974 Miss S.E. Walters 1979-85 Linda Brooks 1986-89 Linda Brooks 1991 Linda Brooks 1994 Betty Nixon 1998-(2011)

Librarian The Librarian is a Society officer and able to vote on policy issues. This, I think, explains why the post has been held several times by persons who later became presidents of the Society. Originally it was held by Edith Corry, an actual librarian. Miss E Corry 1913-39, 1941-46, d. 1947 Cecil Binney 1947-59

CO Carter 1961-64 Peter Cox 1965 Robert Peel 2003-2005 Prof. David Galton 2006, 2008 Patrick F James 2008

The Journals: The Society has had five journals. They are: 1. The Eugenics Review; 2. The Journal of Biosocial Science; 3. The Bulletin of the Eugenics Society; 4. Biology and Society; 5. Galton Institute Newsletter. The Eugenics Review was the society journal from 1909 to1968, publishing scientific articles of eugenic interest together with less scientific articles and information about the Society. All its issues are currently online at Alan S. Parkes, Society Secretary, then President (1963-69), organized the replacement of the Eugenics Review by the Journal of Biosocial Science . Parkes intended to separate the Journal of Biosocial Science from the Eugenic Society in some sense and the Journal of Biosocial Science has not been the Eugenics Society / Galton Institute journal in the same sense as was the Eugenics Review. But the Journal of Biosocial Science has always been heavily influenced by the Eugenics Society / Galton Institute in terms of its publisher, editor and editorial board. The Journal of Biosocial Science was originally published by the Galton Foundation which Parkes controlled. Parkes became the first editor. The Journal is now published by the Biosocial Society, a dead little group with deep roots in the Eugenics Society which Alan Parkes revived for the purpose of publishing the Journal. (The Galton Foundation became the Parkes Foundation and the current (2011) editor of the Journal of Biosocial Science, Nicholas Mascie-Taylor, a Galton Institute ex-vp, is President of the Foundation (1998-2011)). The Journal of Biosocial Science has had three editors each of whom has served as an officer of the Eugenics Society / Galton Institute while editing the journal. These editors are: AS Parkes 1969-1980 (President); Derek Roberts 1980-1991 (vp); Nicholas CGN Mascie-Taylor 1991-2011 (vp). The original editorial board was composed of Eugenics Society members. The current editorial board (2011) is still dominated by supporters of eugenics but it has a more international flavor. There are twenty board members. Eight are from Great Britain, two from Australia, three from the USA, two from Denmark, two from Japan, one from Italy, one from Russia, one from France. The editor and five Board members are known Galton Institute members: Nicholas Mascie-Taylor, AH Bittles, GA Harrison, DM Potts, DF Roberts, LH Schmitt; two are known members of the American eugenics society: Peter Ellison and Gillian

Bentley; three are trustees (2011) of the Parkes Foundation: Nicholas Mascie-Taylor, Melissa Parker, Andrew Hinde. Nicholas Mascie-Taylor is President of the Parkes Foundation 1998-2011 and is on the Committee that runs the Biosocial Society. One major difference between the Eugenics Review and the Journal of Biosocial Science is that the Journal of Biosocial Science has always excluded information relevant only to the Eugenics Society such as the names of members as they joined the Society. Beginning in 1969, three separate, consecutive journals have been organized which cover this sort of information. That is the function filled by the Bulletin of the Eugenics Society, Biology and Society, and The Galton Newsletter. The Bulletin of the Eugenics Society (or Bulletin, Eugenics Society as it is sometimes called) began publication the same year as the Journal of Biosocial Science. It covered information of interest to Society members such as the names of those who joined the Society. Hence it was an integral part of the reform instituted by Alan Parkes. It is not in many libraries and little is known about it. It is possible that Derek Roberts was editor for an important period of time. Biology and Society listed itself as The Journal of the Galton Institute on its front cover; its editor, Derek Roberts, was simultaneously the editor of the Journal of Biosocial Science. He had previously been the editor of the Bulletin, Eugenics Society for at least one issue. When he resigned as editor of the Journal of Biosocial Science, Biology and Society ceased publication. The front cover of the Journal of Biosocial Science showed that Biology and Society had been folded into it. (see below) The Galton Newsletter began as soon as Biology and Society ceased publication. It does not list the names of members as they join so that for the first time since 1909 there is no listing of members as they join. After sixteen years of peaceful publication, the founder/editor Robert Peel resigned suddenly in 2007 without a designated successor. Ever since the Galton Institute has been scrambling to find a permanent editor. Two editors of the Newsletter have died since 2007. This Newsletter is interesting because it reports on conferences and workshops which the Galton Institute is funding. These began in 2006 and they show the Institute coming to terms with biodemography. This may be quite stressful. Eugenics Review April 1909 1968 the early history of the REVIEW is in many ways more interesting than that of the years within living memory, for one can trace from the very start the seeds of the policy which led to its end in 1968: it set out to be all things to all men - a news sheet, a scientific journal and an organ for eugenic propaganda. From History of the Eugenics Review, ER 1968 online in the Archive of the Eugenics Review at

The Eugenics Review was financed by the Eugenics Society from members dues and by subscriptions to the journal.
Editor: The first editor was An Executive person under the direction of the President 19091920 This was usually Cora Hodson Sir Alexander Carr-Saunders 1920-27 Eldon Moore 1927-1929 Ward Cutler 1929 Eldon Moore 1930-1933 Dr. Maurice Newfield 1933-48 Richard Titmuss January and April 1942 CP Blacker/ Kay Hodson 1948-1950 [The sudden death of Maurice Newfield left a vacancy filled by Blacker and Hodson while the search for a new editor was conducted] Cedric Carter 1950-1952 Kay Hodson 1952-1967 (Kay Hodson worked on the ER from 1935 on) Journal of Biosocial Science 1969-(2011) Editor: Prof. Alan S. Parkes 1969-1978, Consultant 1978-1990 Prof. Derek F. Roberts 1978-1990 (note that he is also editor of Biology and Society) Prof. C.G.N. Mascie-Taylor 1991 (2011) Bulletin of the Eugenics Society 1969-1983 Editor: Prof. Derek F Roberts edited v. 12 of the Bulletin Eileen Walters was assistant editor of v. 12 of the Bulletin

Biology and Society 1984-1990 Editor: -- Prof. Derek F. Roberts 1984-90 (note that he is the editor of the Journal of Biosocial Science in the same period) Biology and Society was folded into the Journal of Biosocial Science in 1991 Galton Institute Newsletter 1991-2011 The Newsletter was thrown into turmoil following the resignation of Robert Peel, its founding editor, in 2007. After having one editor for sixteen years, it has changed editors six times over the next four years. This may reflect turmoil within the Institute as it adapts to the new biodemographic eugenics. Editor: -- Prof. Robert Peel -- John Marsden -- Prof. Wm. M Keynes -- Prof. David Galton 1991- June 2007 Sept. 2007, d. August 2008 December 2007 June 2008, d. February 2009 Sept. 2008 - December 2008

-- Prof. Robert Cohen March 2009 December 2009 -- Prof. David Galton -- Prof. Geoffrey Vevers March 2010 September 2010 March 2011
Website July 2006-2011 Webmaster Robert Peel Website founder / Webmaster 2001-2007 Rebecca Sear 2008 2011

Birth Control Trust and Marie Stopes International

The history of Marie Stopes International is a section of the history of the Eugenics Society / Galton Institute; the two are linked to this day through the Birth Control Trust. Marie Stopes herself was an active Fellow of the Eugenics Society from 1921 on and was encouraged in her work by CP Blacker, the long serving Society Secretary (1931-1961). At her death in 1958, Marie Stopes left various legacies to the Eugenics Society including the freehold to the clinic at 108 Whitfield St, on condition that the clinic continued to serve the aims of the Society for Constructive Birth Control and Racial Progress. The Eugenics Society ran the clinic for several years through two groups, one of which managed the clinic, the other of which received and disbursed the profits on Eugenics Society approved projects. After some years, the clinic and the name Marie Stopes was sold to the present owners, who are presently called Marie Stopes International. (At the time they were called Population Services Family Planning Programmes Ltd. David Malcolm Potts of the Eugenics Society was one of the founders of the Company.) Under the terms of Marie Stopes will this sale would only have been legal if the new owners agreed with Marie Stopes own goals and she, as we have seen, was a committed eugenic society member who left her group and its resources to the Eugenics Society of England. After the sale, the Eugenics Society left dormant both of the groups which had been involved with the Marie Stopes clinic. The profits from the sale ultimately became the capital of a new group called the Birth Control Trust. The trustees of the Birth Control Trust are the members of the Council of Eugenics Society which is now called the Galton Institute. (This history can be found in the Galton Institute Newsletter which is online.) The Trust was a charity from 1978 to 1995 (276401) but then unregistered itself. This means that it has no oversight from the Charities Commission and that it can engage in political activity. It is not a limited company either which might mean that if it were successfully sued its trustees, i.e. the Council of the Galton Institute and possibly the Institute itself, would be liable for any damages.* The Birth Control Trust has been funding three year projects aimed at increasing birth control in various areas Indonesia, Vietnam, India, and Ethiopia. (This information is also online in The Galton Institute Newsletter.) This funding always goes to Marie Stopes International which indicates that Marie Stopes International has maintained its original eugenic orientation. Hence Marie Stopes, The Society for Constructive Birth Control, Marie Stopes International Ltd. and the Birth Control Trust have always been a part of the eugenics movement working for eugenic goals. Journal Covers showing the links between the Eugenics Society and the Journal of Biosocial Science

Everyone on the Editorial Board except Hilary Hill is a known member of the Eugenics Society

From the Galton Institute website

CGN Mascie-Taylor, DA Coleman, PLC Diggory, GA Harrison, DM Potts, PF Selman, JA Beardmore, R Chester, and DF Roberts are known Galton Institute members

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