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CPHL110 Final Exam 1.

Kants primary aim is to determine the limits and scope of pure reason. That is, he wants to know what reason alone can determine without the help of the senses or any other faculties. Metaphysicians make grand claims about the nature of reality based on pure reason alone, but these claims often conflict with one another. Furthermore, Kant is prompted by Humes skepticism to doubt the very possibility of metaphysics.
Critique of Pure Reason: This analysis is regarding reasoning which is used to find solutions to questions, in this analysis Kant questions reasoning? Kants ethics is deontological, an ethics of duty-defines moral duty to which we are obligated simply because it is right, and hypothetical imperatives, which on the other hand are teleological: we perform certain actions in order to attain certain ends. What is empirical realism and transcednetal idealism? What are things in themselves?

knowledge requires a certain sort of self-identity, the 'transcendental unity of apperception What is a transcendental deduction? In what sense has Kant shown that experience has to be 'objective'?

2. Friedrich Nietsche criticized many religions, especially Christianity, he felt Christianity ran on pity. Instead he believed in the will to power. Nietsches beliefs about God were that God is dead, this seems to put in question whether Nietsche was an atheist however if God died then Nietsche must believe that God did exist, or maybe he did not mean dead in a literal sense rather God is dead to us humans, it could be that God plays no importance in our lives or that God is unknown to us.

Fredrich nietzsche- God is dead (death of God), Master morality weighs actions on a scale of good or bad consequences unlike slave morality which weighs actions on a scale of good or evil intentions. Against a lot of religions *

Friedrich S. morality+and+ethics&source=bl&ots=P3Kjb3xemd&sig=b5EfJlZtiP32TDx6b_ESa2aIzfY&hl=en&sa=X&ei= hUfWT4jUFovE0AG5tfmWAw&ved=0CFwQ6AEwBw#v=onepage&q=friedrich%20schleiermacher%20%2 0on%20morality%20and%20ethics&f=false

3. Aurobindo ghose: Man is a transitional being. He is not final. The step from man to superman is the next approaching achievement in the earth evolution. It is inevitable because it is at once the intention of the inner spirit and the logic of nature's process two central movements in the process of creation: an involution of consciousness from an original omnipresent Reality, manifesting a universe of forms, including matter; and an evolution of those material forms in creation upward toward life, mind, and spirit, reconnecting to their spiritual source

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