Prisoner Guide Book

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)irector Varden
IIPDATEDz 4l6l20lL

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6 ......".... LEGAL WRITER PROGRAM or @Fprisoners without a GED, or in Segregation, who havea mentalor physicalimpainnentthat prevents 6 .....'...... from the Legal Writer Program. assistance themfrom usingthe Law Library,may request relatedto and with their criminalappeals civil rights issues The Legal Writir programhelpsprisoners 6 ...'................ the Contact libraryfor legalwriterassistance. of conditions confiaement.

* .SPEC The cl two Sfbcial ebfrvitiesprograms, Aonffits"of activities:.....-........ """'-"""' 8 the includes following programming.orr"rug" ;pgr sponsored to with musicalabilitiesareencouraged kite the Special groupmusicpro$am. lnmates guitarprogram. Thereis alsoa beginner goups currentlyrunning. Activities to enroil inlo oneof the several 8 --...........-...... Activitiesto enroll. flMestsideonly) can lnmates kite Special I *Two ievelsof art programming beginner experienced. Activities flMestsideoniy).-........ Special Kite and 8 *The PBF rporrtoridphotoprogram theVisitingRoom. (West/Recreation Eastside).....'.'-......-.--......on in *Specialactivitiessurh as Kwerv;a4BlackHistory Month andothersarecoordinated throughSpecial *The Coordination the appliances use,suchasmicrowaves, population within the units usedfor general of *Mp3 playeioversight. Inmates plug their unit into the piayerat the outsideMP3 window whenopen... 8 can *Administrative Forum.....'. """""""""' 8 liaisonfor theWardens ...."..8 SIIBSTANCEABUSE/}IPRI PROGRAMMING.............. are for available Level II prisoners the is on Depending the unit in which the prisoner housed, programs and phasei andPhase AA andIJA, Thinkingfor Change, lr4atters CageYo';r Thi::king 2, Abuse S-,:bstance ThinkingMatters programs 1, AbusePhase Thinkingfor Change, are availablefor Level fV prisoners Substance

these regarding qualifiedstafffacilitators. Questions on offeied at anytime depend available Theprograms """"" 8 AbuseCoordinator...'........'... be ptogru-t should sentto the Substance 8 ...........'........ GENERAL CONDUCT- DISCIPLINARYAND GRIEYANCEPROCESS.......... 8 .-.....--... CONDUCT............ PRTSONER ......---... GRIEVANCEPROCESS..........

rIEARrNGS............ NrrscoNDUCT

9 -.'...'.......'...
9 .....".."..


16 ............"


N{ISSION STATEMENT given to adult convicted felons in a shall enhancepublic safetyby carrying out the sentences of honesty, integrity, equality, and respect of dipity for stafi humane, cost efficient manner while maintaining an environment
prisoners, and the pubiic.

of and communicationshall be appliedto ensurethe achievement our ultimate faimess,professionalism, to Stict adherence openness, goal- public safety.

INTRODUCTION The PIIRPOSE of this.guidebook is to inform prisonerswho live at exPectanons. Generalconduct,information/rulesand availableprisonerserviceswill alsobe discussed. It is your responsibilityto readthis guidebookandbecomefamiliar with its contents. Title Warden Deputy Warden ADW Custody ADW Housing ADW Operations

of staff

N ame

Manager Business Assistant Administ'ativeAssistant Classification Food Sewice Chaplains MAILING ADDRESS AND PHCi\iE I.i*UMBER.



PRISONER SERVICES AND PROGRAMS CLASSIFICATION p"r"*tr by ,11t"i"g this facility will be screened their RUM or ARUS to determinetheir proper security level. Each prisoner's "t classificationwill be reviewedat leastannually. secwity institutional needsand individual prisonersare classifiedto programsor work assig:rments basedupon their RG&C recommendations, prisoner wiil bi given a chanceto participatein the process. Prisonerswill be called out for orientation within seven interests. The will be interviewed daysafter u11i"'-g at this facilifl Chssification *ill o"r* 48 hoursafter orientationwheneverpossible. Prisoners work pools will be explained they have in regardto work and schoolassignments'The uod gin"o the opporrunityto ask any questions so that they will makethe most informed decisionon the availabiiity of work assignments.Prisonerswho are terminatedfrom work assigr,-enis should notry the Unit ARUS to be reclassified- Prisonersmust have a social security number before they wiil be to classified ajob assignment. Frisonersrequestingindigent statusmust have fheir written pquest to the ClassificationDirector's office no iater than the 30d day of r' i eaehmonth. fney wiU bi notified no later than the tenth (lOe) of the fbliowing month. RECLASSIFICATION @requestedbytheprisoneroranystaffmember.Prisonerswhowishtoberec1assifiedmustsend on the Directormakes final decision all reclassifications' to correspondence theUnit anUS. The Classification 2) schooling, if they refusea or prisoners as will be classified UNEMPLoYABLE if 1) theyrefusea work assimment mandatory or disruptivebehavior. or formal vocationalcourserequiredaspart of their work assignment 3) if they exhibit irresponsible as is Of6cewill be notifiedwhena prisoner beingclassified I-INEMPLOYABLE. A TheUnit ARUS, RUO, SchoolandRecords of to days,duringwhich he will be confined his celVarea prisonerwill remainSNEMpLOyABLE for a minimumof 30 calendar Notice. on controlfor theperiodof time stated his RoomRestriction in reclassification orderto be placedon a work pool. In addition,the days,the prisonermustseek of Upon completion th'er3O need/orschoolassisment dueto his due Directormay assip u priroo"r to a work assignment to institutional Classification requirements. educational

noon/ Dinner5:00p.m. Deparhent servestlree meals daily: Brealf,ast 6:30a.m./ Lunch- 12:00

The menu will be postedweekly in eachUnit. Prisonersassiped to early calloutsmay b9 assiped to an early chow callout. A meal Your housingunit will be calledwhen it is your unit's turn to reportto the dining room. If you ii rotationschedule posted to -ootriy. io arelate,you may noi be permitted eat. You haveten minutes report1efts diningroom afteryour Unit hasbeencalled. ACADEMIC AND VOCATIONAL are classes offeredin the following areas: Academicandvocational (ABE) Pre-GED(6* - 8* gradelevel) Adult BasicEducation (GED) Development Education General Skills (levels1 and2) Seeking Pre-Release/Job Building Trades(carpentry,plumbing, electical andblueprintreading)Qevel2) porter)(level2) (required be an institutional to Custodial Maintenance (formeriyknownasFoodTech)(level2) HospitalityManagement Food Service (level2) Technology Education Business are Academic and vocational classes held Monday throughFriday, both in the morning andthe afternoon(CMT will only be taught i:: will attend learning. Students to will haveexposure computer-assisted assip.edto academic Students the Afternoonat*). "lasses with rules. Classassismentsaremadein accordance the schoolwaiting the schoolandclassroom classes assip.edandwill follow as under21), ERD date,Lifers. on: Title One(students orderis based iist for eachlevel. Placement Those individuals who refuse and/or are dropped from academicschool will be placed on a 30 day room restriction and will be resticted from the weight pit andgym usageuntil they are emolledin school. must have a haif test scoreno iower ihan 44 in an1 The GED test is given every month. To be eiigible to take the GED test, a stucient teacherwith the Principal will recommenda studentfor the 50. The classroom individual subjeci areaand an overall averagescoreof GED test. require z EducationTechnologyclasses and Building Trades,Food ServiceHospitality Managemen!CustodialMaintenance Business diploma or GEt high scf,ool diploma or GED certificate. It is the prisoner'sresponsibilityto provide proof of his high school certificate upon requestby the schoolstaff.

LIBRARY catalogs, audiotapesandvideosfor prisonersto checkout andto use i:r the iibrary. newspapers, 1.n" titruty hasbools, magazines, programmingand for The Library hasmaterialsto meetthe recreationalreadinginterestof prisonersto supporteducational learnersat this facility. independent GeneralLibrarv Ilours rg|"* daysa week. The hours/timesavailableto eachcustodylevel arepostedin the units. To get on the callout Th. Llb*D, ts "p"r material deliveries,if you arenot in generalpopulation,senda written request the Library. to or to receiveLibrary Service &O&Window @gyaIdtimesandtimesarepostedonthewindow.WindowserviceisforGenera1Libraryservices only. Hffihasaunitiibrarywithgenerallibrarymateria1s.Pikeprisonersmayalsowritetoreceivelawandgenera11ibrary arenoi in ihe unii Library. anri&ihat mareriaisfrom both rhe * LosVDanased Librarv Materials to ptt**tr costwill be charged the accountof the prisoner *r t*p"rribl. f* Libpry materialthey checkout. The replacement may be written. and for responsible lossor damage a misconduct Librarv Card it to as Vo* pnsonert.D. cardserves aLibrary card. You arerequired present to checkout Library materials. ReferenceMaterial are magazines for in-libraryuseonly. and books,videos,newspapers current Law books,reference tapesand equipmentmay be usedby prisonersin the main Library *@


Inter-Librarv Lcan throughthe inter-library loan system. Forms are availablein the Library. Library materialnot ownedby the Library may be requested Librarv Collection pttr"*tr materialsby sendinga written requestto the Librarian. All prisonermaterialsrequests r"q*st that the Library purchase practices. -"y based the Library Collection on for will be reviewed purchase Donations library material donationsfrom staffand approvedorganizations. Not all itemsdonatedwill be placed in the tne tittury accepts Library. The Library is not permittedto acceptdonationsfrom prisonersor their families. LAW LIBRARY if is lh. L"* Ltbr*y rchedule postedin the units. To receivea Law Library calloutor to receivedeliveryof Law Library materials, you arenot in generalpopulation,senda written requestto the Library. Prisonerson Law Library callout arenot permitted to usethe Library. General


a unit library with somelaw library materials. Pike prisonersmay write to receivelaw library materialsfrom @L*"nhas the East Library that arenot in the unit Library. Thereis a typewriter for legal typing - seeunit staffto sign up to usethe typewriter. LeealPhotoconies ph"t*opy;ffi*r and are limited to iegal documents library ownedmaterialneededfor legal researchlPrisonersmay tum in photocopy,requests Library staffwhite on Library calloutsor during Library deiivery roundsin their trnit. Prisonersmay alsoturn in to are to completeaphotocopyrequests housingunit staff for delivery to the Library. Photocopies generallyavailablethe next business day.-indigint prisonersor thosewithout fundswho havea pendingcourt deadlineshouldtalk to Library staffbefore tuming in delays. photocopies orderto avoidprocessing in
T--^*.-:4^-I YUEW I I ] EI S



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@int$westsideLibraryfor1egalwork'PrisonersmustbeonLforarycailouttouSeatypewriter. Typewritersare availableon a first come,first servebasis. Notary for legal documents prisonerswho are on Library callouts. Library staffwill notarfue

prisoners or without a GED, or in Segregation, who have a mental or physicalimpairmentthat preventsthem from using the Law from the Legal Writer Program' Library, may requestassistance The Llgal writer program helps prisoners-withtheir criminal appealsand civil rights issuesrelated to conditions of confinement. Contactthe library for legal writer assistance. RECREATION _@ffersawidevarietyofrecreationalactivities.TheRecreationDeparbnentcoordinatesindoor outdooryard activities,hobbycraftprograms,photo lines Board games, penooslgrm and*"ignt room), intamural leagues, recreatron andthe movie program. Indoor RecreationPeriods prisonersmustwear stateshoesand carry gnn shoes will haveuseof t.hegym as well asthe indoor weight room' with them.Prisoners for may be checkedout from the RecreationofEce in exchange a before enteringthe gyn. Atbletic equipment mustbe changed Shoes prisoner I.D. cardthat *Unit G),n - prisonersnay sip up in tleir respective r-rnrt. Prisonersmust sign up for eachindividual gyn period. Prisoners gyn -*'tll recei'"ean itineraiy foi'.he Propcrday andtime. havesiped up for *35 and Over G1m t+o ana o"erdlg@l'may attendthis gym period. Contactthe All prisonemo,rl, 35 (over 40 - fiAf,flD Departnent to be plaied on callout. The prisoner'snamewill appearon the daily callout sheetandwill be given an Recreation itinerary. Level II Only. *DetailGym - All prisbnerswith a valid work detail may attendthis gym period. Contactth: RecreationDeparbnentto be placedon callout. The prisgner,snamewill appearon the daily callout sheetandwill be given a passby his unit officer. Level II Only. *Ticket free Cym - erisonerswho lave beensix monthsmisconductfreemay contacttheir ARUS to be placedon callout for a weekly misconductfree gym period. The prisoner'snamewill appearon the daily callout sheetand will be given an itinerary. Level IV Only. Deparhent. Fitness * Fitress G1,rnFrisonerswishing to exerciseor lift indoorsduring the winter monthsmay kite the Recreation on namewill appear the daily calloutsheetandwill be approximxetyZ-Zmomingsa week.The prisoner's will sessions te held given an itinerary. Level II Only. Movie Prosram will ty ttree (-?)movies a week are shownat the facility on Channel16.Weekly schedules be postedin the units. Attt"tl*"t which movieswill be shown' regarding makeselections Forummembers Warden's Intramural Leagues for Department more information. L""g""- *lX b" f""""d for activities with sufficient interest.Contactthe Recreation Board Games will be retumedafter oneweek' Games prisonersinterested checki:ng a board gamemustkite the Recreation Deparhnerit. out in Outdoor Yard Activities ffia[,runningtrac1gvo1leyba11,softballandaweightpitarea11availableontheBigYard.Recreation and equipmentmust be checkouts may be checkedout during yard periods. i.D. cardsmustbe shownfor all equipment equipment the yard period. retumedat the end of *Early Liffers - prisonerswishing to gain access the Big Yard weigbt pit in the mo:ning.priorto the yard openingmay contactthe to Deparbrentto be placid on callout. The prisoner'snamewill appearon the daily callout sheetandwill be given an Recreation itinerary. Level II Only. Theprisoner'snamewill *Horseshoes prisoneiwishingto usethe outdoor Deparbnent. pits horseshoe mustkite the Recreation appearon the daiiy callout sheetandwill be given an itinerary. Level II Only. *Full Co'rt Basketball- prisoner,swishing io usethe full court basketballcourtsmust kite the RecreationDepartment. The prisoner's on namewill appear the daily callout sheetandwill be glven an itinerary. Level II Only' Hobbvcraft in of in cell projectsonly. Anyone interested obtaininginformationaboutthe program shouldsenda written ff"UUV*"t "onsists requestto the RecreationDepartnent to be placedon callout' Photo lines to Deparbnent be piacedon callout. Hsoner must photo lines are doneon a weekly basis.Senda written requestto the Recreation Phototickets are availablefrom the prisoner store. Phototickets from properly weaxa stateblue shirt and tousers - no exceptions. otler facilities wili not be honored. Deparhent current$ maintainschannel#6 on the prisonercablesystem' Recreation Information Channel - The Recreation tuneto channel#6 if you have questionsaboutcurrent *ti"ities aswell ur oth"t important informationcanbe found there. Please in g availability. programm

RELIGIOUS SERVICES @icesarepostedinthehousingrrnitandtheprogramsbuitding.ReligiongrouPSmeetweek1ywithlistingsof activities will the meetingsport"d in the rmit. prisbnerswith work or Jchoolassignments not be given time offfor religious servicesor to a religious serviceor activity by sendinga written requestto the Chap1ain. if there is a conflict. A prisonermay be placedon callout Lock The prisoner,sname*iil upp.* on the daily callout sheetandhe will be given an itinerary by his unit officer. Prisonerson Top Prisonersdesipated as STG may attendtheir reiigious serviceonlY, may not attenda religious r"*ic" or activity. mlsl senda requestto the Chaplainrequestinga A prisonerwishing 1s slange to a serviceotherthan his CMIS religion preference the prisoner'sreligious Declarationof Ref,giousprlference Form, fill out the form andreturn it to the Chaplainwho will then change thantwice in a year'stime. Thereareno of preference CMIS andplacehim on callout. A change religionmay be madeno more in from the calloutfor a minimumof four missingtwo t"-i"m in a row will be removed visits allowedto religiousservice.A prisoner weeksand must contactthe Chaplainto be put back on. for and MSTA, NOI, Al Islam,Protestant NativeAmericanWay studyhoursarescheduled Level tr. In addition' Buddhis! .Iewish, prisoners. Prisonerssigningup for a primary ser';iceautonatically ae placedon call for Levei iI Bible Sfudy is opento aii Chris{an the stuciygroup ior their reiigion. for minimum of four (4) weeksand of Groupswith attendance lessthan three(3) prisonersfor two weeksil a row will be suspended a at prisonersmust be in attendance the the untii five (5) prisonerscontactthe Chaplainrequesting servicebe restarted.Five (5) or more suspended' will be immediately restartmeetingor the groupservice first scheduied by mustbe received the chaplain per observance year. Theproposal is Eachreligiousgroupwith regularservices allowedonespecial mealswill not be providedby Food Service. is not allowed. Special date. outside catering no lessthan30 daysbeforetie requested unsealed Storeitemsthat do not require preparation(suchasheating)may be providedby the religious group members.Food in units. Locked cabinetsor lockersare availablefor individual religious groupsin all packages may not be takenUact to the housing levels. are A:r Islamic seminarled by volunteersfrom the Greaterlslamic Centerof Detoit and a Christianseminarcalled a Keryx Weekend are the sem.inats scheduled. are both normally heid twice yearly for Level IL A-nnouncements postedin the housingunits when prisonerswho have and Seminars rel-igiousevlnts are opento prisonersof any faith. Keryx holds montirly andweekiy meetingsfor identifiedreligion. religiouspropeltyonly for their may possess beenthrougha Wiekend. Prisoners that had not previouslybeenlisted asapprovedfor A prisonerrequestingthat the MDoC approvea religious group for meetings, etc.),which will lists of reiigiousneeds, of description service, documents with supporting *tit. t1e Chaplain @eliefs, meetings, Directorof the MDOC for a decision -ortby be forwarded the Wardento the Depury

A list of authorizedreligious vendorsis postedin the units or availablefrom the Chaplain. Religious ordersarelimited to these Religiousmaterialsmaybeorderedbyfamilyorfriendsfromlnternetvendorslis vendorsandvendorslistedinpD05.03.ll88. pD 05.0311gA. Thesematerials be directlysentto a prisoner.The Chaolain cannot receivematerialsfrom familv or friends can . prisonerswho andthen forward thesematerialsto an individual prisoner. A Religion Library is available. Calloutsme held weekly for when tapes)or given@ibles,calendars' and Qur'ans) can of kite to attend. Limited nmounts religiousresources be lent @ooks on depending availability. Kite the Chaplainstatingwhat type of avaiiable. Up to four GreetingCardspir month may be requested to cardsyou wisUpirtlaay, miitcing-oi-you, Mothei's Day, andFathir's Day]. ChristnasCardsaregivenin equalnumbers all prisoners whenavailable. photocopying. It is Someprisoner Benefit Fund moneyis budgetedthroughthe Chaplainfor religious groupuse,suchasmaterialsor are be materiats for ongoinggroupusesothatresources built up overtime. or that requested purchased photocopied for prisonersmay -writeto the Chaplainrequesiingrehgiousco'mselingon a time availablebasis. H.soners areresponsible checking calloutsto the Chaplain'soffice. prisonerswishing to be marriedmust write to the Chaplain. The Chaptainwill sendthe prisonera worksheetandtwo marriage and be The worksheet-must completed retumedto the at pamphlets:oneio be sentto the prisoner'sfianc6e theprisoner'sexpense. date. A weddingdatewill got be confirmeduntil the clergy personor legal official tnuprui" at least30 daysbeforethe desired ,ootu.e the Chaplainby phoneor mail. The Chaplaindoesnot conductprisonervvsddings. prisonerswishing to apply for a specialdiet listed in MDOC Policy mustkite the Chaplainaskingfor a Diet Interview. After the ActivitiesDirector[ConectionallacilitiesArlminist'ation]in Lansingandthe it interviewis completed will be sentto the Special apply to If Director will decidewhetherthat prisonerqualifies for the specialdiet requested. the requestis denied'the prisonermay take the interview againin no lessthan oneyear.

SPECIAL ACTTYITTES one t*" Sfiial Activities programs, on the@ ilt[""tt"r. "f the following activities:

andoneon the lE![!}.

coverage includes The prograncming

*pBF sponsored to witi musicalabilitiesaxeencouraged kite the SpecialActivities to enroll in to one groupmusicprogram. Tnmates guitar program. Inmatescan kite SpecialActivities to enroll' (West of the siveral groupsiunentlyrunning. Thereis also a beginner side only) *Two levels of art programming- beginnerand experienced.Kite SpecialActivities CFC*'***V) *The PBF rponso."d photo programin the Visiting Room. (@) *special activities srrCh Kwanza4Black History Month and othersare coordinated tbrough SpecialActivities. as toasters irons. and *TLe Coordination the appliances population use,suchasmicrowaves, within theunitsusedfor general of *GardenFrogram. *MP3 Player oversight. Tnm4lgs plug their unit into the player at the outsideMP3 window when open. can *Administative liaison for the WardensForum PROGRAMMING SUBSTANCEABUSE/IVIPRI

ed'theprogramsavailabieforLevelIIprisonersareSubstanceAbusePhase Phase2, AA andNA, Thinking for Change,Thinking Matters and CageYour Rage. Thinking Matters and CageYour Rage. programsavailablefor Level fV prisonersare Substance AbusePhase1, Thinking for C-hange, regardingtheseprogramsshouldbe sentto ThJprograms offered at anytime dependon availablequalified staff facilitators. Questions AbuseCoordinator. the Substance


PRISONER CONDUCT are pdsonetsshoutdieaa andrmderstand 03.03.105, PD "FrisonerDiscipline", a copy of which is in the Law Library' All prisoners you feel that you have been given imFroper instructions or deait with expectedto obey directions and instructions from stafi. if *,Ie *,he to you uriairly, complywith the orderfirst and-rhen shouldcontacta supervisor discuss issue. If you cannotresolve issue,you procedure. grievance may follow the estabiished and rulis, policy directives,operatingprocedures postedruies that tell who doeswhat, when andhow. Posted There are adminiskative arein the housingunits, schooi, Wm,yaril dining room and visiting room. It is your responsibilifyto be awareof thoserules that rules needed, etc. for review. If there are any questionsor explanations affect you. The Library has all othei rules, policies, procedures, contacta staffmember. GRTEVANCEPROCESS violationsof policy or procedwe p."t pD a"d Op O: OZl3g;'Frisoneriparolee regarding prisoners may submitgrievances Grievances", directly affectthe grievant. A grievautis permittedto grieve only one issueper or unsatisfactoryconditionsof confnement which Properly BoardPrisoner with also grievance form. Grievances may be filed in accordance OP 03 02 130-A"StateAdministrative while in the Deparhent's solepossession. for reimbursement propertylost or destroyed if the grievantis seeking Reimbursement" mustbe filed at StepL If you il's filing a grievance Grievancemay not be filed direct$ to StepItr for anyreason. A1l grievances of because the conductwhich falls underthejurisdiction of the Internal Affairs Division, you may file that grievanceeitherwith the what conductfalls uirderthejurisdiction (SeePD 01.01.140 "lntemal Affairs" regarding or Coordinator the Inspector. StepI Grievance of the Internal Affairs Division.) provided on The grievant shall attemptto resolvethe issuewith staffbefore writing a grievanceandindicatethis attempton the space amountof time for a response' allow a reasonable in the grievanceform. If you arecontactingsomeone writing, Your grievanceshouldinclude: x1d times,places, aamS o A clearconcise of statement whatyou aregleving (i.e.who, wha! when,where,why, how). Dates, prisoners)of thoseinvolvec. (staff and r A descriptionofthe words or actionsusedby personnel' to to Additional pagesmay be attached the grievanceform if necessary provrderequiredinformation; however,grievant'sare the to ti-it tle informationto the grievanceform. If additionalpagesarenecessary, grievantshall submit four copiesof "o"o*ug"d page;grievanceforms shall not be usedfor this purpose. eachadditional

ffie:subjecttodiscip1inary.actidh.Thisactionmayvaryfromaverba1reprimandbyastdffmember the violation to a formal hearingbeforethe HearingsOfficer' ;;;;g level is prisonerbehaviorto deternine whetheran increasein custody The Security classification committee (SCC) routinely reviews custodylevel' a tansfer to an increased in warranted. Any increase custodylevel by SCCcaniesuit in ihe ffivenanamFlechance-toprepare'adp'fonseataClassIMisconductHearing,whichinc1udesifrequested'the is t i-prttial evidencegatherer,not an advocatefor either of assistance a Hearings Investigator. rn" H"uf,od, investi,elor for witnessesor and presentmaterial prisoner or the reporting officer.- rhq *s conduJt,"^ooubr. investigations,l:"*1."id:o_ classlll misconduct "e hearings' avaitibtefoi classtr and are lnvestigator not of sworntestimony.The services the Hearings for Sanctions ClassI Misconductsinclude: *Top iock noi io exceed days seven *Detentionnoi to exseed rfuys 30 *Exfa dutv uPto 240 hours *Restitution of propertv damagl *Lossof Hvileges not to exceed Days 30

processin the contol Center will be heardthroughthe class II Misconducthearing prisonerscharged with class II Misconducts HearingsOffice for Sanctions ClassII Misconductsinclude: *Loss ofPrivilegesnot to exceed days 15 *Top lock oot to ,,eJays *Any combinationof the above "x"e"a-n *Restitution *Exra Duty up to 120hours

in the housingunit' will be heardthroughthe class III misconducthearingprocess prisonerscharged with class III misconducts include: for Sanctions ClassItr misconducts *Toplocknot to exceed day one *Assigment of exffadutynotio exceed hours 20 *LossofPrivilegesnot to exceed days 15 *Counseling reprimand and


systeg permittedwhen authorizedby an offender callout Management iregunits will b-e_ of prisoners' OCMS will movement * Uy u staff=member, J*i"g approvedmass itinerary,written purr, (OCMS) generated health care "r*i"a the facility, ut A;t *r "Jud"a-o:t'' jot school, work assimments' track and control each offender,s movementwithin to any activity for which an offenderis t"t- "call-out" refers religious sewices,recreationalactiviti"r, "t". under oCus a" services, andtrackedby the system' or-tneircell that will be managed "uu"a-oot a:rival and they are scheduledto attend on that day, includi:rg their Each ocMS generateditinerary will contain all the activities prisoner by g.o"ru*a daily. schedules-will be distributed daiiy to each deparhiretimes and where to report. A new itinerary will be wiil be each io uauuo". so tley will be available for distribution' It for staff. Schedules weekendsand holidays wiil be generated unit officer before roitne day, contactyour Resident tiyou loseyour schedule to responsibility maintaintheir schedule. prisoner,s you leavethe Unit.

Pass pas ocMS Itinerary, he is requiredto have a pass' The a scheduled whenever a prisonermoves from one location to anotherwithout wherethe prisoner is to go lnoigati"g wherethe.priroo", it leaving and is issuedby a staffmember and mustbe *ipJ uv tnut member sendin b;;ift"a ur n*i"g arrivedthere and will be siped before pass once the prisoner arrivesat the point he was *"ot to, the point of origin' in tum-"{ his passwhen he returnsto the tbe prisonerback to the original point. The prisoner'must

Count are in the facility that should bt dutiesthe institution must carry out to ensureth{ all prisoners Formal count is one of the necessary be on their assiped bunk for coun mlst physically tbere. counts are taken at 0430, ttoo, teoo, zioo *a 24qg 44 itiro""tr ihey are visibie to staff durinl *iii ;; subjectto riiscipfinJry action., Prisonirs mu't "**" prisonersnot on their bunla at count ti-" the body/skin of the prisoner and be able tr statr;ust be able to see count. prisonersmust not be completelycovereaduring count; seethat the prisoneris breathing' +ffis,andwithintheunits,thereisnovisitingbetweenfloors.Prisonersassipedtoeachrrnitmayvis one anofherwithin that unit in one of the day rooms or TV room'

EnergvUsage lh. D"prfr"""t's goal is to cut down on the amountof gasandelectricity usedi:r operatingeachinstitution. Eachprisoner is required when he leaveshis cell or when it is not in use. Failure to do so is a violation of posted of his electronic appliances to turn of prisoners are required to iurn off electonic appliancesthat use institutional power at midnight rrnlessther has been prior -y rules. approval for late night power. Twenty-four (24) hour power is pernaittedfor fans only from May-october and for verified medical reasons. In Caseof Emersencv Aat bo-thstaiTand prisonersare awareof mobiiizationsand the actionsto be takenwhen the siren is sounded'the testing of 1'o "osur"is conductedregularly. prisoners will move immed.iately into their housinBunits and roons when the siren is sounded. the siren exiting their rooms. Prisonersshall wait for frrther insfuctions from staffbefore Plan in Caseof Fire Evacuation
:- ^ 1 1 L ^ ,,^:--,- - :+ - ^ - +^ l P U S T g U U& u vu D u 6 |.ru D.

ana1a:msystem.Whenthea1armsystemsounds,allprisonerswillleavethebuilding.Pr pian is on will assemble the basketballcourt in front of the housingunit for count and firrther instructionsfrom stafi. The evacuation

Fire Drills in to fire dtitts ar" held monthly and all prisonersare expected respondand cooperate the testing of the fire/protectionequipment.

and/or Tornadoes Other EmergencvSituationsSuchas S,torms tausethesirenstobeused.Therefore,prisonersshouldrespon their housingunits androoms andwait for staffinstruction. alarmsquickly by returningto Forum Wardents The purposeof Warden,sForum is to createappropriatecommunicatioasfiannelsbetweenprisonersand administation of Chippewa Conectional Facility. The Forum is advisory io ounrr. and servesas a methodfor prisonersto provide information and suggestions. with PD 04.01.150, of to All housingunits electrepresentatives thd *arden's Forum. Frequency meetingswill be in conjrmction " "PrisonerRepresentatives. Yard ilottu1, volleyball, basketball,handball,racquetball, and jogging are allowed in desipated areasof the yard dwing leisure time. areasborderingthe yard Checkyour unit buletin board for information abouttheseargasand "off limits" areas. Sidewalks/roadway p-i of the yard. Blankets,Statetowels,readingmaterialof anykind or TVs arenot allowedin the yard. Loiteringis not allowed -. the walls/roadways or in front of the housi:rgunits. on Yard Hours Level I 0630-1045 Morning 1130-1545 Aftemoon comes first) Evenins After2"dhalf of unit is calledto chow- 2100(or duslgwhichever II Level *0830-1 030 Morning * 1430-1 530 Aftemoon *1800-2020 duslgwhichever months) (or comes first duringthe summer Evening *IIOO-2020 (or duslgwhichevercomesfirst during the winter months) Level [V o?oo-o8oo Morning CdbDlll) l2oo-1330 Aftemoon c$DE) Ie30-203s Evening @g||@ll)
*starting times are approximate and depend on how quickly meal lines are run. The yard time will open when the housing units are called to the yardRoom and Sanitation Sanitation i5 slganliness. Each prisoner is requhed to keep his area of control and room in a clean, neat and orderly fashion at all times. All wastebaskets are emptied daily. Refer to Housing Unit Rules for cell compliance. Insoections ffi'p"'uonsarehe1dineachunitandeachprisoner'sareaofcontrolistobeinaneatandorderlyfashionatalltimes.


Area of Control of what is in his areaof contol at his The prisoner,sareaof control is considered room or work area. Eachprisoner shouldbe-aware properlyandwork or schoolarea' An areaof contol personal wall, ceiling and floor, bed, locker,surrsunding all times. This means to diagramfor your cell is attached the unit rulesyou havebeenissued. Room Furnishinss and sip a propefy sheet' cSJ-241, At the time a prisoner is assiped a roomshe is askedto inventory all items within the room furniihi"gs which may be in needof repair. No cell lio6i5hingsor unit it showingthat he hasinspected andto makea noteof any cell Nothing is allowed to be o, may be misusedor damaged priroo.r, *iit U. charged- freceptaclesare provided for tash. 1iry1i5hings peipp 04.0i.110,nude picturesmust be kept in a folder and not on taped,pastedor hung from walls or the sidesof firmishings. display. Searches contol the introduction of contraband will Both routine and random searches be doneon prisonersas well as their visitors. Searches into the faciliqv. hatr,prosfhesis, slnilar items' ald pat Do'*,:rSearches body s':rfrce,clorhino, j.. Griskr - A sesch of yo,.:r Iri9s, brief cases, Search* A thorough manual and visual inspection of al-l body-surfaces,hair, clothing, Clothed Body Z. nasal cavity. Removal of clothing is not prosthesisand similar items; includet ui.oa inspection oJ tle mouth, ears, and and ofthe shoes solesofthe feet' to and outerwear,is. jacketor coatandshoes socks allow inspection required """"p A search ofyour iiving areaand/oryour areaofcontrol. Room Search-3. Strip Search A searchmadeto all partsof your body after all clothing hasbeenremoved. 4. (moutb,ears'noseandrectum)' of Body Cavity Search A search thebody caity area 5. prisoners,areaof control will be shakendown randomly. At any time, staff can requirea pat search'clothedbody searchor may ofa a request strip search prisoner'
T elep ho ne p , r , L- - - - i- ^- - - : 1 ^ *^ - +L ^ - ^ - i ^ - on 3 . f ^ a n n l r r :u Hours will be postedin the n i t. prisonertelephones locatedin eachhousingunit or on the, yard+L ^thei tUFide only' H n are arerecorded. to calls,except lawyers, minutespgr ihoo" call. NOTE: All telephone L i m i to fl 5

VISITING POLICY Forinformation on local transportation'visitors cancall: for UpperPeninsuhflansportationAuthority at906-632-2898 local bus schedule Eastern Northwest Airlines at I'800-225'2525 for flight schedules 0r HerrzCarRentalat 1-800-654-3131 906495-5190for carrentals Airport Auto Rental at 906495-4312 for carrentals EIIP CarRental at906495-2300for carrentals for l2l2 sr 906495-5900 carrentals Avis car Rentalat 1-800-331from the Lower Peninsula personal for Serviceat313-537-6991 transportation Transportation Visitine llours list visitor list andmust bring valid identification. 411minorsmustbe on the approvedvisitors All visitors must be on the approved andbring the original or certified true copy of their birth certificate.

11 II

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Visitine Attire or in L Virit*s must be firlly dressed cleanclothesthat arein good repair while they arevisiting. Visitors will not exchange to a prisoner' glve any part oftheir attire gloves,or outerbootsthat slip over a shoearenot allowed in the visiting Z. Outer ga:mentssuchaswinter coats,headgear, -Bl-rrs, NOTE: Hoodedgamentsareprohibitedand suit coats jacketsto jogging suitsarepennissible. ,oo-. . tt:-:a---:*' ==r"rand tc is this hJadgeaiinio tre visiting room;however, headgear subject search inspection' It religio-us V lSlLU[s Uray \ J. the visiting process. rheseiiems at any time during ior may be necessary rireIffOC srafiio searcivinspect breas! chest,bach thigb, etc, is prohibited. This clothing includes,but is not 4. Clotning which ixposes skin; e.g. abdomen, which aremore than 3" (tlree inches)above tops, andshorts,skirts, and/ordresses limited io, seethroughclothing, tube,&alter thelnee when seated. t tops are allowed oniy if the armholesare fashionedin a is J. Clothing which displaysundergarments prohibited. Sleeveless r.;6dnner.thatconceals undergarments breasVchest Jhe'.visitor' of and the "secondskin", includingbut not limitedto runningtights,leggings, 6. Exfeme form-fiuing slsthingthatmightbe considered unitards,etc. may not be wom asundergarments. 7. Extemely looseclothingis not allowed. as or which may be percqived obscene inflammatory'are or slmbols,gestures pictures, B. Qlethingwhich displayJwords, prohibited. mustbe wom at all times. 9. Footwear will 10. Visitors who arrive in clothing that doesnot comply with thesestandards not be permittedto visit. A:r exceptionmay be the in faciiity (verificationin visitingrecordnecessary); this case, Person first visit to anMDOC madeif this is the person's are permittedto visit. The visiting record shouldnote when smocics useri. NOTE: Under no would be provided a smockand visit to any on circlmstancesare visitors per-ittea t9 visit if they arrive inappropriatelydressed the secondor any subsequent facilitY. MDOC with regardto visitor attire. will the 11. Whennecessary, shift ssmmander makethe final decision

Items Visitors Mav Brine into the Visiting Room $25pervisitor.Themaximumallowedforavisitingpar|yofthreeormoreperS the is $60. prisonersarenot allowedto haadlemooey. Only visitors are allowedto operate vendingmachines.No sharingof prisoner allowed. is a between visitor(s)anda food or beverage babyblanket (no quilts or Z. When an infani is on the visit two clearplastic bottles,onepacifier and onesingle-layered plastic spill proof cup "sippy cup" is permittedwhen a toddler is a memberof the visiting parfy' comforterstyles). A clear walkers,oxygenequipmenta prosthesis, canes, by 3. Medicationwhich maybe needed the visitor duringa visit, wheelchairs, etc.,upon approvalof the shift commander. 4. Phototickets in may in as family members, defi:red PD 05.03.140, bring legaldocuments on a visit for review only with the 5. Immediate prisoner. The doflments camot be left with the prisoner,nor left at the front deskfor the prisoner. Theseitems are subjectto beforebeing takeninto the visiting room. search or legal paraprofessional, law clerk on attorneyvisits may takethe foliowing with them into 6. Attorneys or their iepresentative, pleadings, e.g.,correspondence, sase, file the attorney's on the prisoner's including thevisiting too-, uj Legalpapers, padsand implements(pen and/orpencil). c) Softboundcopiesof law books Laptop computers transcripts,etc. b) Writing arenot permiued. Otheriiems will not be allowedunlessthe Wardenhasgiven prior approval. All items are subjectto search. for 7. Attorneys may leavelegal documents the prisonerat the front deskat the conclusionof their visit. Documentscannotbe given to the prisonerdirecfly. Theseitems are subjectto searchandwill be deliveredto the prisoneras legal mailOtherrelevantinformation concerningvisits at @ '?risoner Visiting", locatedin the Library. canbe found by reviewing'{ElElEl,


U.S.MAIL may sendor receive. Outgoingmail must containa compleie ti*it to the amountof outgoingandincomingmail a prisoner fn.t. ir "o of return addresswhich ssaf4insthe name and number of the prisoner and the name and address the correctionalfaciliqy. brcoming it will be retumedto the sender. mail nust containat leastthe prisonernameandnumberor containingfirst-classpostagemust Letter-writing suppliesare availableat no cost from your HousingUnit OfEcer. Metered envelopes the Prisoner Storewith your regular store order. Mail requiring specialhandling such as mail that weighs more be orderedtlto"gn process. If a prisoner has no money, he may apply for thanZ ouncesor oversizeditems must be handledthrough the disbursement indigent statusby contacting fhe Classification Director. hrdigent prisonerswill be provided with the equivalent of 10 first class per envelopes month. metered Legal mail (for purposesof the expeditedhandling procedure)- Mail clearly identified asbeing to a court or an attomey, or to a parry consistentwith the contentsof the papers or'pending lawsuit, containedin an envelopeor other mailing packageaddressed to " ""* to a lawsuit. This shall also include a tanscript requestaddressed a court or being mailed. This Lcludes the initial filing and serviceof irnits to requestthis service and approval of the ResidentUnit Manager or Assistant .oott reporter. Forms are available in the " is Unit Supervisor requiredbeforeproeessing. Resi<ient by mustbe accompanied a disbursement you may sendpackages yolrl own expense.Mait requiringspecialfi6dling or packages at of authorizationindicating the completename and address the parry it is being sent to. Contentswili be inspectedby staff prior to Roomandyou will be placedon a callout. Property seaiinga package.Kite the Prisoner Mail mustbe sentthroughthe U.S. PostOffice. and for and inspected contraband moneyorders. If an item of mail is not allowed,a Notice of Rejectionwiil lagsmingmail is opened items is handledby HousingUnit staff. Money orderswill be retumedto Senderwith instructions be sentout. The dispositionof slid to to reseridto the CentralizedReceptionOffice. First classmail for prisonerswho havetransferred other facilities will be forwarded.

for Fer pD 05.03.118,,,prisonerMail", all incoming prisonermail, including iegal mail, is requiredto be searched tbr pD" prior to deiivery to the prisoner. Aii iegai maii sentto a and its written content skimmedto determineif it vioiatespolicy contraband
prisoner who has requested special handling shall be sent to Control Center and searchedand opened in ttre presenceofthe prisoner. Frisoners will sign for receipt of legal mail.

Mail is deliveredto the units in the afternoonandpickedup from the units dwing the night shift. Thereis no mail delivery or pick up to mail maybe directed the Mail Room staff. regarding on holidaysor weekends.Questions RXCORDS OFFICE The R"*rds Offi"e maintains your commitment fiie. Requestsfor commituent information and questions about your time computationmay be directed to the Michigan Departuent of Corrections,Central Time ComputationRecordsOffice, 4000 Cooper ivlichigan 49201,.Copiesare no longer availableunder the Freedomof hrformation Act; however,the RecordsOffice Streit, Jackson, will attemptto answerquestionsregardingyour time computation. If requestedin writing, the RecordsOffice will provide a letter verifying your incarcerationwhich you may use to clear up pending to agencies clear Office alsoworkswith law enforcement etc. The Records charges, topporqmisdemeanor legal matterssuchas detainersthat may exist. This may involve further prosecutionor it may involve cancellationof outdatedor duplicate *y felony "p -hitd warrants. The prisonerwill be informed of any informationgainedin this process. shouldbe or in processing coordinated the RecordsOffice if you are discharging have beengranteda parole. Questions is Release Supervisor. Resident or Unit Manager Assistant to directed your Resident Time Computation may involve goodtime, disciplinary credit, disciplinary time, flat time or a combinationof any Th. ti-. t" b. **"d for your sentence to may be servedconcurrentlyor consecutively eachother' and all ofthe type listed. Sentences will showall of the particulartype of credit dates your PMI/,PIIDVSGT to Whensentenced tbeMichiganDepartuentof Corrections, availableto you. A Basic Information Sheetshouldhavebeenprovidedto you with the first calculationof your outdates.If you lose credits duet-omajor misconducts,forfeituresor time not grantedon reviews,that datemay go up to matchyour AMVAIIDVRGT dates. on you are eligible io be considered paroleon yow PMVSGTdateandyou ile eligible to discharge your PI\DVSGT dateso your for may havedifferent methodsof computation. or behaviorwill have direct imFact oo ybur outdates.Eachsentence seriesof sentences Manual in the Law Library. Detailed information is availablein the Time Computation


HEAITH CARE H'"1thcurrecoveragga1@isavailable24hoursaday'Routineneedswillbehandledduringregu1ar working hours. Emergencfcare is availableat all times. The prisonermay notiff the unit officer to contactthe nurseand the prisoner directly *itn tl" nurse. Routinehealth carerequiresprisonerswith healthneedsto fill out a "Health CareRequesf' form as is to spEak and detailedu, porribi. andput it in the Health CareKite Box in Food Servicefor Level 2 & 4. Level OneU|tsGr are andDetentionHealth CareRequests to be placedat the top of your door and a nursewill pick-up daily in the unit kite Segregation the boi. eI Health CareRequestforms arepickedup daily. From theserequests, sick call list will be formulatedand an individual requestform shouldbe usedfor Dental,optometric, Nurse andPsychologicalneeds. It is the itinerary will be provided. A separate morethanten (i0) minuteslatemay not be seenandmay needto to prisonei'sresponsibility be on time foihis appointuent.Prisoners initiate anotherrequest. iiens usedfor shori-teimreljef or for personalhygiene aspirirr,Tylenol and o",ierover-ihe-co-unier has The Sior=e avaiiabiefor piir-chase his own small supply of theseitems so he may teat his own minor ailment ashe preferences.It is advisedfor eachprisonerto obtain must remain would on the outside. Prescriptiormedications,when indicated,areprovidedby the pharmacy. Prescriptionmedications for containlr until used. Certainmedicationscannotbe carriedby prisoners. Specialarrangements in the original marked will admini5fsring be made. *g-.ol or. requesting of to may be addressed mbmbers HealthCarestaff. Prisoner's any regarding HealthServices A1y questions in self-injuriousbehavior after an evaluationhasbeenmade. Prisonersinvolved rorrio" health caremayle iubject to a co-payment incurredfor treatuent. may be responsiblefor medical charges may disease be a commoncold' personal Communicable disease. communicable contracting against hygene is thebestdefense washingwith soapandrunning waterbefore eating,beforebathroomuse,and after the or in-fluenza antibiotic resistantorganiim. Hand disease.Sports preventingthe potential spreador personallycontractinga communicable use of the bathroomis an essentialsafeguard towelsor uses.Do not share between moist from individualsweat.Wearcottonglovesandor disinfectequipment equipment becomes rtlzors. Unit (PSL) PsvcholosicalServices @nitprovidesMenta1HealthteabnentandevaluationaswelIasbehavioraImanagementservices.PSUis ParoleBoardrequested evaluations, segregation who MentalHealthprofessionals providecrisisinterventions, stafiedby Staielicensed by inmatemay requestPSU services sending health care"kite" that evaluations,group therapyandbrief indiyidual therapy. Any -a for includesa Urief aescriptionof the problemswith which he is concemed.PSU staff alsoact asgatekeepers the OutpatientMental teatnent, to the moreintensive judgedto be havinga serious mentalillnessthatrequires HealthDeparbnent.pSU will rcfgl inmates Mental llealth Departmentfor fi;frJrerevaliraiionby a Psychiatrisi. The Psychiatrist'will make"'hefinal detemiaaticn Oupatienf admission. regarding pSU staff alsoconducts Any prisonerwho meetscriteriafor theseprograms and both assault sexoffendergrouptherapyprogramming. inmate'searliest date@RD). Whena level tr release sssslrling1sfts WaitingList arranged GroupTherapy is placedon a Statewide iis! he wiil be placedin the next groupto start at bis Group TherapyWaiting the o, Io*", inmate,sERD reaches top of the Statewide custodylevel anywherein the State. Grouptherapyprogrammingis not offered in higher custodylevels. Any inmatewho has questionsaboutwhetheror not he is eligibie for group therapyprogrammingor who wantsto veriff that he is on the StatewideWaitiag List, may senda heaithcare"kite" to PSU describinghis question.

(OPMH or CMIIP) Outpatient Mental Health Services psycho1ogica1consu1tationServicesfortheemotional1yandmentallyillprisoner.Atal to are rorrslymonitoredand services inproved throughoutthe continuumof care. To createopportunities improve outcomesare "ootin *d to heightencommunication bestpracticeprogramswhile maintainingthe efficacy and efficiency of of mentalhealth servic"r outcomes. desired of providedwithin the CMHP in orderto facilitate effective imFlementation mentalhealth services To continually assess requirements and maintenance, monitoringof varyingaccreditation developmen! in and processes/systems outcomes.To assist the treatmentprogramsand facilitation of tbrough sondnued ijnoughoui iire conli:nuum.To maintainhigh ievels of perfi:rmance PrisonerRe-Entry,and other as FrogramServices a resourcenetworkto mentalhealtb,healthcare, the services. To establish CMHP futuredesiped programs. of To provide evaluation,planning,and implementation serviceswhile striving for optimal outcomes.



OUARTERMASTER Upon arrival et this.institutio& everyprisonershouldhavehis full issueof stateclothing, with their prison numberclearly markedon Transfer,was Ai r"q"it"a iteffiants, shirts,t-shiris, coat, andlaundry bags). A CSI-254,PrisonerReceiptfor State-Issue-On institution verifing the itemspackedup for transfer. This form will compieted,and siped by the prisonerand staff at the sending show what was actually in the prisoner'spropertywhen tansferred The propefy OfEcer at the receiving facility wiii checktlis over whenhe doesa propertyinspectior, veriff the contentsare correct or makechangls if they arenot, and sip tle documentagain,alongwith the prisoner,beforeforwarding this inventory to fhe Quartermaster. OUARTERMASTER A full Stateissueof clothingis: )pair of pants 9 under shorts 1 belt 1 pair of gloves 1 summercap 1 duffle bag

1 coat 2 pair of pajamas 1 winter knit cap 2 pair of athleticshorts

lsbirts 2 setsof thermalunderwear 1 pair black stateshoes 5 pair ofsocks 2 laundrybags

to prisoners,who do not havetheir full issueupon arrival, must request a temporaryissuefrom the Quartermaster useuntil catch-up daysof a prisoner'sarrival, prop"rty doesnot arrive within ten (10) business laundry arrivesfrom the sendingfaciJity. If the catch-up issueof the itemsneeded. thenthe prisonercanresuesta permanent Upon a:rival the housingunit staffwill issuethe prisonerhis beddingandlinens consistingof: 2 oillow cases 2 sets ofsheets 2 blankets 3 wash cloths 3 towels due prisonersmay alsorequestthe exchange any stateissueditem that may havebecomeunserviceable to normal wear andtear' of of will makethe final decision possession. or Quartermaster of change sizl, or loss,regardless sJason lengthof time in prisoner's in beforeexchange. unserviceable in Bedding and linenswill be exchanged the housingunits by the housingunit staff. 1, upon receiptof a prisonerrequest. A CSJ-25 PrisonerRequestfor Stateclothing items and shoes The euartermasterwill exchange with sizesand quantitiesof eachitem being be should completed (or a raritten..qnit if the forms arenot available), issued Items lt exchanged. is the prisoner'sresponsibilityto haveunit staffverify lost itemsprior to submittinga requestfor new stateissue. The and unserviceable, completethe euafiefuaster will ptaceprisoneri on callout to view theseitems,determineif they havebecome if pick the exchange, it cannotbe completedat that time' dayslaterto eichange. The prisonerwill then be called out up to two business Forms without prisonername,numberand lock will not be processed. In the eventthe prisonerrides out or hasto go on a callout that requiressate slsrhing to be wonl the prisonerneedsto have at leastone that at bluesin his possession all times. Therearecertainitems(i.e.hat, coat,shoes) the prisoneris completesetof stateissued with the Quartermaster' the exchange allowed to keepuntil he makes if Emergencysituationsshouldbe handledtbroughthe unit RUO or ARUS, who can contactthe Quartermaster they feel the normal callout procedurewill not solvethe problem soonenough. All clothing, bedding andlinens will be issuedin a cleanand sanitizedcondition a:rdin good repair. All shoesor bootswill be cleaned" polished anl airiof"it"d prior to beingreissued. be reissuedto other prisoners."


items on which requireprotectiveclothing and or footwearwill be issuedthe appropriate Frisonerswho are given work assignments supervisor. of receiptby the Quartermaster written requestftom the prisoner'swork assimnent Protectiveitemsthat are availableand may be requiredinclude: -Steeltoed boots@nlll!8l$;LEVEL ONE) -rubberboots jumpsuit -Mittens andkitchen whites. -insutated

upon transferor terminationfrom assignment. Protectiveclothing mustbe retuned to the Quartermaster prisonerswho tansfer to anotherfaciiity shall take all their Stateissuedclothing with them exceptfor Level ry 6 higher prisoners tramferring to Level II or lower. Theseprisonersmusttum in their Stateissuedgym shoes. beyondnormal wear and prisonerswho haveitems in their possession belongto otherprisoners, that havebeenaltereds1 damaged that or glsfhing items that werenot turnedin upon terminationfrom an assiSrment upon transfer,may be subjectto tear, or haveprotectivs for propenyandmay alsobe charged and/ordestuctionof State of pro..r, for possession contraband the prisonerdisciplinary thoseitems. costsof replacement bui requesi, a Noiice of inient io Conduci2s ,{tiministraiive uponprisoner wiii s1 itemsthat areiosq airered .iamaged be repiacec! costsof thoseitems. for Hearingmay be written to determineif the prisoneris responsible replacement

PRISONER ACCOUNTING An account will be establishedfor each prisoner at the facility, your previous facilitY accormt information will be forwarded to throughU.S. can be madeto an account Chippewa shortly after your arrival Funds are no longer accepted at the facility, Mai1. and g will be deposited madeavailablefor Fundsreceived !!fr, 'r' t -, spendin|withintwobusiness.daysfollowingreceipt.@prisonerpayrollisrepor1edmont}lyandposted of to prisoner accountson the 5e oi th. folo*iog month. Priioners will receivea montlly statement accountactivity during the first weekof the month. J-PAY SERVICE to family and friends the abiiity to tansfer money or elecronic messaging prisoners. J-Payis a private company ;p"y *ttt". "ff;s with credit/debit or by phone(800)574-5729.Moneytransfercanbe processed tbroughthe internetat offering service daily at a low cost' printedand delivered offersa fastway to senda message, Messaging cardor cash.Electonic PRISONER STORE AX pttr"*tr *tlt t.*ive their storeorderson their units storeday from the storetruck. Prisonersshouldcheckthe Cenkal Prisoner regularilgmslslaling a may be allowedto purchase postedin thehousingunitsfor their unitsstoreday.Prisoners StoreSchedule on in maximumof $100.00 eachtwo weekperiodbased the postedschedule. with unit in Thoseprisoners the Segregation will havestoreprivilegesonceeverytwo weeksin accordance the [dminisfative will be broughtto the unit. Unit day roomswill be closedwhile storelines are StoreOrderprocedure. Completedorders Segregation running. by The regular items availableto the prisonerwill be determined the PrisonerStoreCommittee(whosemembersare appointedby which Manageror desipee will chairthe committee by witn Anatapproval the Warden. TheBusiness Warden'sForummembership) will meet at leastoncea month and will act as liaisonbetweenthe s6mmitteemembersandthe Warden. throughthe CentralPrisonerStoreafter the prisonerobtainsthe photo albums)will be purchased Specialorder items (i.e. adapters, (CAR-100). Authorization properapproval his Disbursement on prisonersmusthave sufficient firnds in their accounts coverthe costsof their purchases.Therewill be no shippingon credit. to Inaddition,newlyarrivingprisoners loanforthepurchaseoftoiletries. Iadigentprisonerswillalsobegrantedamaximumof$i0.00 and is receivedin their accormt. A listing of prisonerstoremerchandise prices is provided to *til p*"nure a carepackage *uy storeday. prisonersprior to their scheduled -oory SECUREFAK PROGRAM programis a Deparbrent-approved prcgramthat allows family membersand otbersto send package suslemized The Secgrepak in againstthe innoduction of contraband.Prisoners generalpopulationalsomay place authorizedit"-, to ptiroo"r, *hi]" safeguaraing orderingprocedures.A vendorcatalogidentiffing items availablefor with-institutional ordersfor their persbnalusein accordance Programshallbe availableto prisonersin eachgeneralpopulationhousingunit and in other areasof purchase throughthe Securepak the institution asidentified by the Warden.


orderplaced. For prisoners,this is in additionto the $100biThereis a limit of $85,1e1iaglurling tax andshipping,per Securepak a Stoie tis[ items from the prisonerstore. If, at $l |m9"fte order is processed' prisoner weekly limit on the purchaseof Standardized which the prisonerhas only foi-thd$E{&ht+or doesnot have suf6cientfunds for all items s/heordered,the order shallbe processed OrderFormavailablefunds in the order listed on the Secure,pak order may be placedby or for a prisonerper quartr(i.e., Jan-Mar;Apr-Jun; Jul-Sep;Oct-Dec). Only the first Only one Securepak ofwho placedthe order or the value ofthe order. orderplacedby or for a prisoner eachquarler'will be processedregardless CATALOG ORDERS prisonersareallowedto selectitems from designated catalogvendors. Itemspermissiblefor catalogorderingwill be postedin the Wintercoatsaretheexceptionwithamaximumcostof$150'00andap units.Eachitemmustbelimitedto$75.00lnritaitvalue. $75.00. maynot exceed of shoes



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