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To achieve something you have never achieved before you must become someone yo u have never been before . 2.It is better to take time and do something error free than to do something fas t and make mistakes . 3.You must not forsake quality for time.Always you must produce error free work . 4.Set your goals for the day and try to achieve it .They should also be realisti c. 5.It is better to keep your mouth shut and be considered a fool than to open you r mouth and clear the doubts or act smart. 6.Make a timetable and stick to it. 7.Once you have realized what people are don't try to change your opinions based on what they say . 8.To get along well with others you must always stay on a neutral ground .If you try to take sides you will be lost and lose your friendship. 9.Try to learn from everything you do. 10.Try not to waste a minute . 11.People talk and will criticize you or laugh at you .As far as you have peace of mind doing something ,just continue. 12.If you do something without thinking then you will not feel free and will hav e heartaches and repentense etc. 13.If people are talking something negative to you or something that make you fe el uncomfortable or some gossip(talking about a third person or third person's p roblems when he/she is not present.)DON'T listen or encourage as they are trying to drain your positive energy .That is the main reason people tell their proble ms to GOD ,since he has lots of positive energy and by listening to you he can g ive you some positivity . 14.To advice someone or be able to solve someone's problems you MUST have a lot of positive energy in you for free which can be given .If you are struggling you rself and try to advice then you will lose out and lose your little energy that you have. 15.It is a sin to curse others if they have cursed you or done wrong to you .Onl y GOD has the right to do it .But that does not mean we should keep quiet .We mu st fight with prayers and actions and do so for the wrong they have done to us . 16.Relationships once tarnished cannot be the same again.That is why it is impor tant to be our best at all times .Be it with friends , children or spouse .How m uch ever you be good or loving after that there is no point .A part of the brain would have registered the incident previously and it is very difficult to chang e it and requires enormous efforts from our end .S prevention is better than cur e . 17.If you have made a mistake it should not be repeated again .At the same time don't try to correct the mistake and make a mistake . 18.It is very important to stick to your time table and be disciplined otherwise difficult times cannot be faced . 19.There is no turning back .People may have hurt you or damaged you , but nothi ng can be done .AND once this has happened nobody is going to like you .BUT noth ing can be done .Just move efficiently with belief in GOD and we can see where i t reaches . 20.Forget about any kinds of pleasures like ornaments or dress or even TV .Just do everything and dedicate each thing to GOD 21.It is too late to turn backa nd correct .Look forward and proceed . 22.If you open up you lose .Come what may and how ever attractive it looks or ot hers try to woo you just ShutUp! 23.Your desire to succeed MUST be greater then the pain you currently have . 24.The more we pay attention to something the more likely we are to move towards to that thing. 25.carry a card written with what you want to accomplish and look at it 20 times a day . FIVE SECRETS TO HAPPY LIFE

1.BE TRUE TO YOURSELF-You have to know what you are , you have to follow your he art(true positive feeling in the heart like principles) and why you are here and what matters to you .else it is like passing the secret. 2.LEAVE NO REGRETS 3.BECOME LOVE 4.LIVE THE MOMENT 5.GIVE MORE THAN YOU TAKE . 26.Dont be Jealous .Each of us have different gifts. 27.Do not be ruled by fear . 28.Work as hard as you can .Set your goals high . 29.Keep a checklist and increase your chance of learning like "did i shout at my kids today"or "did i beat my kids today""did i study well today"and ask these q uestions daily . 29.Aphysicist has once told that Don't count on cramming .If you follow your hea rt ,leave a legacy and focus on what matters it will be ok. 30.Dont dwell on negative in your life .Bad things happen all the time .See the positive in it . 31.If you are unappy focus on helping others .If you focus on yourself you will be more unhappy.Happiness comes from serving and loving . 32.keep your vision and keep focused .Trust in yourself and keep going .You will get there .You might not know how but you will:) 33.If you are working on something thing do so one at a time .It is not possible to do more than 1 thing at a time as the brain can concentrate only on one thin g at a time . 1.Secret to success is LOVE .love broadens vision , love enables creativity , an d love expands intelligence .success intelligence is the wisdom to keep putting love first in your life . 2.If your success has no place for love , you won't feel successful no matter wh at you achieve .hence love is central to work , what you do . 3.Ultimate secret to success is"Love Dedication". 4.First dedicate yourself to love .Decide let love be your intention,purpose and point . 5.Love is intelligent because love inspires vision ,love strengths values ,love excites imagination ,love expands possibility and love is creative . 6.No matter how much cynicism may try to belittle love , the truth is that when you make way for love ,you tap into something more universal and miraculous . 7.There is no difficulty that love will not conquer .You are in business to spre ad love , your hair salon spreads love ,your screenplay spreads love ,your agenc y spreads love . and be whole hearted in what you do . 9.If your heart is not open you will not feel any success you experience . 10.positive relationships promote strength , resilence and happiness . 11.i am always doing that which i cannot do , in order that i may learn how to d o it .quote from pablo picasso. 12.Only a person who risks is free . 13. Forgiveness is the greatest master stroke that helps a person release past m istakes and reset for success . 14.First we have to forgive ourselves for the mistakes we have made , otherwise the shame and denial is too heavy to carry . 15.Second we have to forgive others for their part in our heart breaks ,betrayal s and disappointments .why do this ? because our life's purpose is not to carry grievances;it is to grow and live . 16.A person cannot think of him or herself as a victim and be successful .Forgiv eness releases us from the past and makes us succesful. 17.Risk must be taken because the greatest hazard in life is to risk nothing .He may avoid suffering sorrow , but he cannot learn , change , grow ,love and live :)

18.Success is not about working harder , it is about letting go of what blocks y our heart .Be willing to let go of all the previous heartbreaks and wounds to wh ich you still cling.You din't come to this world to shrink and play small .You h ave gifts to share and contributions to make .Each time you say "Yes " to succes s and happiness you make it easier for GOD and everyone else to help you . 19.Until one is committed there is hesitency and ineffectiveness . 20.It is a mark of intelligence that no matter what you are doing to have a good time doing it .else it becomes sacrifice and is not wise . 21.To stay successful we mus stop each day to reconnect again to your vision , w isdom and purpose . without this you will lose your way . 22.If a person stops loving or dreaming he or she is dead . 23.Failure is not as bad as giving up on something which you love . 24.Whatever people aim to succeed at is likely that they will experience failure along the way . 25.You do not have to like failure , but you must learn not to be afraid of it . FAIL-First action in learning. 26.Greatest block to success is the person's own familiar psychology .change it and things will look a new . 27.Our thoughts can hold us back or set us free . 28.Dont get bogged down in the past defeats , but dont make the same mistakes ei ther . 29.Each person is unique , distinct .Once you have learnt what makes you unique , commit yourself to being the best you can be .The more you practice your talen t and cultivate your speciality the more happier you will be and creative you wi ll become in applying yourself . 30.Do the best you can and accept that as enough .Be yourself .You are no better or worse than anyone else .You know what you can do so set your limits .Think y our own thoughts and dream your own dream .Make your own plans .Do your own thin g .Make your actions line up with what you believe .You are depending on you .Ha ve confidence in yourself and dont let yourself down. 31.Whether your life is moving according to your plans or fate is taking you els e where , how you play the cards you are dealt is another golden opportunity for you to be the "best you " that can be . 32.If you find yourself burning out find a new slant on exercising your talent b efore you lose interest .Talent needs freedom to grow and life is more interesti ng when you are engaged , productive and progressive . 33.You are the one who is writing your story and there are beautiful surprises a nd marvelous wonders waiting for you .Your story is a marvelous unfolding and th e hero of the story is you . 34.Your purpose and dreams belong to you .They define you .Handle them with care .Have confidence in your thoughts and actions .Be flexibile and open .Get all t he experience you can related to the field you are interested in .It is importan t that you love what you do and that you are good at it . 35.Make sure you are living by the principles you believe and not just thinking or talking about them . 36.Be happy no matter what things could be worse . 37.Don't waste your time . 38.Dont only be a thinker , talker and dreamer ..BE A DOER TOO .You are the arch itect of your life .Start now without waiting for an opportunity to strike and y ou are unprepared . 39.Visualize the job done and your dream come true .Imagine the photograph taken at the time of success will look like .See it enclosed in a frame .Write a spee ch of gratitude .Only universe and you will be listening .And dont forget to say thankyou . 40.Respect your feelings .They are composite response to what has influenced you .Sometimes feelings may be reliable and sometimes they are not but right or wro ng they are your feelings , so respect them question them and understand them . 41.Respect yourself .Respect your mind and watch what you feed it .Thoughts are like seeds .They will grow when nourished and die when left unattended .Your tho ughts and action have a cumulative effect on you .

42.Eat to live and not live to eat . 43.Be truthful to yourself always .Else you will inhibit growth and prevent grad ual unfolding to higher self . 44.If you find negativity haunting you to finish a job , say things like "Of cou rse you can do this .Others have done it .You have accomplished many things.If y ou make habit you can break it . 45.Dont put yurself last if you want proper boundaries in your relationship. 46.The more love we give the more supply is enlarged , the greater the return an d richer our lives become . 47.Loving others means accepting them , encouraging them and not judging them .S top punishing yourself or someone else for things that could have happened diffe rently but can't be undone now . 48.You were born to love and be happy . 49.Loving heart is no place for resentments . 50.Don't share your hurt .Because it is harder to be objective when you are hurt ing . 28.When we concentrate too much on why we dont have a chance we recycle negativi ty in to our belief system and we keep getting what we have been getting . 51.Do not blame the person who hurt you because you would not be hurt if you had not allowed it . 52.The person may not have felt that he is doing something wrong because he is j ust being himself , but i need to do this so that i can move on . 53.Who is hurt when we hold a grudge .The person who is holding it and not the o ne it is held against .So dont hold resentment . 54.Love your child unconditionally .Express your love by listening , understandi ng and showing appreciation . 55.When you are about to lose your temper take a time out .Be aware of your infl uence .Someone is listening ,watching and foundation is being laid . 56.Assist your child in becoming who they want to be . 57.Teach your children by the law of love . 58.Respect your children and be worthy of their respect . 59.Remember you will get back what you give . 60.When there is no sunshine in your life make your own . 61.If you are at the bottom get busy moving up. 62.If someone hurts your feelings don't let it cause you to become hardened .You will only be hurting yourself .If someone is projecting his or her bias , you d on't have to agree with it .It dosen't belong to you . 63.Keep a steady perspective .Know that you can handle what ever comes in your w ay . 64.Dont relive something after it is done .It is out of your hands , too late , over!! learn the lesson and move on ..Refuse to be discouraged for long .The lon ger you stay down the harder it will be for you to get up.. 65.Ask no more than the best you can do .Give without expecting a thankyou in re turn .But when someone does something be appreciative of even the smallest gestu re . 66.Choose your thoughts and feelings or they will choose you . 67.Worrying will usually delay progress and not further it .Worrying takes away concentration that you could put to better use . 68.Find a healthy way to process anger .Don't let it destroy the love in your he art and take control of your senses.The anger is inside you , you must deal with it and not blame it on anyone . 69.Anger is the flip side of joy and you can turn this energy around. 70.We hang on to guilt to punish ourselves for the wrong doings but if it dosen' t lead to anything productive then it is a waste of energy and power .Apologize and admit your mistake quickly .The forgive yourself and let go of guilt .Alter your behaviour to avoid falling in to trap again . 71.Live one day at a time .Make a todo list and do one small task at a time be i t small or big .Give yourself creadit when you make progress . 72.Dont waste time being anxious .Just let your heart and mind lead you to do th e act.

73.If you are not excited about your life you are cheating yourself . 74.Choose to be happy .Refuse to let anything steal your joy .Happiness is reali zing that no one is perfect .It is a feeling that you know who you are , why you are here and no matter what happens you will be alright . 75.Even if you seem to have more obstacles than windows of opportunity , you can choose to be joyful.Choose to be happy and you will be . 76.If you find yourself getting stressed up and worried , stop yourself and say "Relax.I can't do this any faster ". 77.If you find yourself feeling down , dont forget there is a field of positive energy surrounding you , just waiting for you to engage it ., but you have to go there .Play in this field.Think possible . 78.The secret to making right decisions is knowledge .Inform yourself and act ac cording to what you believe is right .Don't imitate someone else just beacuse so me one else do . 79. Respect your own thoughts even when they are not in agreement with others .D ont sell yourself to the highest bidder .Know what you want of life and go after it . 80.Treat others fairly ..Not as they treat you ..Stand up for what you believe . 81.When we meet people who are courteous and willing to offer a helping hand , t hey make us feel connected . 82.Do not do things that harm your body .take care of it and respect yourself .Y ou need to eat only when you are hungry .. 83.Always remember .."Listen to your heart ..Trust what you hear ..and do what y ou believe is right ..." 84.We cannot change people , but we can be the best at what we can be and do thi ngs so that we don't create unhappiness .We try to aim at happiness at all times by being the best we can without compromising on our values and beliefs .Any of it compromised will cause unhappiness . 85.if we are in hell or pain means 86.there are lot of demons to thalarthal our mind ..we should be alert .our mind should love GOD .the more we love god we can go forward with courage .we must p ractice , practice everyday and create a deposit for our mind , so when we face issues we know how to deal .. we must not stick our mind to anything , we should keep flowing ie mind should b e flowing .Life means mind should not stop it should be flowing and must be posi tive flow . 87.the mind should not be stuck on anything .it will cause pain .it should flow, flow, flow ... we are living in GOD , not before or after , because we have god we can wake up , perform etc .. without mind , nobody is there ...our mind is always with GOD , then why to worr y .behind the mind GOD is there we must always practice then we have a feeling w e are not alone and we will have courage . if we practice GOD will lift us , else no ..if we dhyanam HIM he will lift us it is a guarantee ..we must do so consistently .. Better remain silent, better not even think, if you are not prepared to act.

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