Biblical Worship Workshop

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Worship Part 1


Among the so-called Christian activities a believer must engage in, worship occupies the top in the priority list. 1. Man was created to worship God. The creature should worship His Creator. 2. Israel was raised by God to be a witness nation a different nation from the rest of the nations of the world then that is they worship the One True God. Deut 14:2-3 For thou art an holy people unto the LORD thy God, and the LORD hath chosen thee to be a peculiar people unto himself, above all the nations that are upon the earth. 3. Great men of old who were instruments to accomplish Gods purposes made worship their priority Enoch lived in intimate communion with God and God took him. Noah the first he did after the flood was to worship God, built an altar to the Lord Abraham Abraham lived in tents and built altars unto the Lord wherever he settled. David characterized as a man after Gods heart, later made official in His kingdom the worship of God when he became king of Israel. 4. Worship was the reason given by God to Moses when he commanded him to go to pharaoh to demand the freedom of the Israelites. Exod 8:1 Then the LORD said to Moses, Go to Pharaoh and say to him, This is what the LORD says: Let my people go, so that they may worship me. 5. Worship was the first law in the Decalogue the Moral Law for Israel. Exod 20:1-5 And God spoke all these words: "I am the LORD your God, who brought you out of Egypt, out of the land of slavery. "You shall have no other gods before me. "You shall not make for yourself an idol in the form of anything in heaven above or on the earth beneath or in the waters below. You shall not bow down to them or worship them; for I, the LORD your God, am a jealous God, punishing the children for the sin of the fathers to the third and fourth generation of those who hate me, 6. The purpose of redemption is worship. 1Thes 1:9 for they themselves report what kind of reception you gave us. They tell how you turned to God from idols to serve the living and true God 7. The Church is a Royal Priesthood chosen to worship God. 1 Pet 2:9 But ye are a chosen generation, a royal priesthood, an holy nation, a peculiar people; that ye should show forth the praises of him who hath called you out of darkness into his marvellous light 8. Worship is our eternal activity, (We should know how to do it well) Rev 7:9-109 After this I beheld, and, lo, a great multitude, which no man could number, of all nations, and kindreds, and people, and tongues, stood before the throne, and before the Lamb, clothed with white robes, and palms in their hands; And cried with a loud voice, saying, Salvation to our God which sitteth upon the throne, and unto the Lamb.

Divine Order For Worship

THE NEED TO DISCOVER GODS ORDER FOR WORSHIP. Man being made in the image of God was made to be a worshiper of God. But because of the effect of sin, man by himself does not know how to worship God (ROM 1:18-23). Yet man longs to worship. This is the reason why man designs his own way or program of religious services and then asks God to bless his program. A variety of forms resulted from which people can choose. Furthermore, people generally congregate to the particular form that suits their tastes, spiritual disposition and which does not offend their mentality and reason.

BUT worship is for God, hence we have to discover Gods divinely ordered kind of worship. We must the patterns God spelled out in His word after which we must pattern our praise and worship ministry.


Jesus came to reveal to us the Father. As sons of God, we approach God as Father. If we want to satisfy the Fathers desire, we must know His perfect ways of spiritual worship - the way He wants our worship to be. The words of Jesus Himself: God is spirit, and His worshipers must worship in spirit and in truth (John 4:24) is the richest line of truth available to us on the subject of worship. It teaches us this truth about worship: THE FATHER IS SEEKING FOR A SPECIFIC KIND OF WORSHIP - that is, worship in spirit and in truth. 1. WORSHIP IN SPIRIT - to allow the Holy Spirit to move upon the believers redeemed spirit, causing love, adoration, devotion, honor and respect to ascend to God. a. The worshiper is one who has been born again in his spirit by the Spirit of God (JOH 3:1-5). The dead in spirit cant worship God. b. His spirit must be in union with the Spirit of God (1CO 6:17) But he who unites himself with the Lord is one with him in spirit. A true worshiper is one who is in step with and sensitive to the Holy Spirit. c. In worship, the Holy Spirit moves upon the redeemed spirit of man and worship ascends to God. Man cannot worship without the help of the Holy Spirit. WORSHIP IN TRUTH - worship according to the Word of God. God has laid in His word how we are to worship Him. He has shown acceptance of a variety of expressions of praise and worship form those who truly love Him. WORSHIP IN SPIRIT AND IN TRUTH - involves the believer honoring and adoring God by the QUICKENING of the Holy Spirit and the according to the INSTRUCTION of the Word of God. The Spirit and the Word are both needed in worship. If the Spirit is not there, worship is dead. All becomes an empty form. If the Word is not there, then worship can become mere sentimentalism, emotionalism and can lead to fanaticism.

2. 3.

Spirit To Spirit Worship Requires: 1. Rebirth through which the human spirit once dead because of sin has been made alive again by the Spirit of God, 2. Being attune with the Spirit of God, being filled with the Holy Spirit, overflowing in the Holy Spirit. THEREFORE, divine worship is dependent upon the Spirit and the Word operating in the midst of the congregation. The order of program and the forms are spontaneously ordered by Gods Spirit.

Understanding & Appreciating Worship

As priests, we are to offer the sacrifice of praise and thanksgiving to God. Hence. It is very important that we understand these terms.

a. The OT meaning for the word 'thanks' is different from our English meaning. In the OT culture, it is not merely saying to somebody 'Thank you' but it really means to tell another of what God has done. It is public acknowledgment of what God has done by TELLING others about His character or love, with special reference to His Name. To say 'I give thanks to you. Lord' means 'I WILL TELL OF YOUR NAME'. We approach God with thanksgiving. Psalm 100, The Psalm of Thanksgiving - says in v.4 - Enter his gates with thanksgiving and his courts with praise. The first song in the tabernacle of David is a Psalm to thank the Lord (1CH 16:7,8) That day David first committed to Asaph and his associates this psalm of thanks to the Lord: Give thanks to the Lord, call on his name; make known among the nations what he has done.


c. d.

Thanksgiving is our response to God's REVELATION OF SALVATION. Ps 100:4 - Enter into his gates with thanksgiving, and into his courts with praise: be thankful unto him, and bless his name. Thanksgiving - to be a trademark of the church as against the ungrateful attitude that prevails among the unbelieving world (2TI 3:2). Col 2:6-7 So then, just as you received Christ Jesus as Lord, continue to live in him, rooted and built up in him, strengthened in the faith as you were taught, and overflowing with thankfulness. 2 Tim 3:2 For men shall be lovers of their own selves, covetous, boasters, proud, blasphemers, disobedient to parents, unthankful, unholy, 1. 2. Thanksgiving therefore should not only come out from our lips as programmed in our church services, but must be a lifestyle of every believer. Thanksgiving must be AUDIBLE. It is inner health made audible.

PRAISE - is to comment the merits of, to glorify, extol the attributes of God in a way that could be either vocal, visible, audible or a combination of these. a. Character of praise:: Praise is ALWAYS ACTIVE AND DEMONSTRATIVE. It involves movements, actions, and songs, sounds that are both seen and heard. It may be audible without being vocal such as in clapping. But it can never be without being audible. Combining this concept about praise and the Bible dictionary, we come up with this definition: Understanding praise from Hebrew words translated praise: 1. HALLAL - To laud, shine, boast, celebrate, to rave about God until it seems foolish. Most common word in scriptures, used approximately 100X. 2. TOWDAH - The sacrifice of praise initiated in the believer's will. Accepting God's word without question.PS23.5 3. YADAH - To praise with extended hands, to throw out the hands. Used over 90X. PSA 142.7 4. SHABACH - To commend, shout, triumph in a loud voice, address in a loud tone. An 5. exclamatory form of praise. An exhortation even if we are shy, not because God is deaf but because He is worthy of bold expression. Used about 7X. PSA.63:3;117:1;45:4 6. ZAMAR - To pluck the strings of an instrument to praise with song. Also involves prophesying upon the instruments. Appears in Psalms 40X. Ps.l49:3; 47:7; 57:7; 68:4;98:4;147:7. 7. BARAK - To kneel down, bow, bless, salute. Jdg. 5:2;72:12-15. Reverence and quietness before God. Expecting by faith a response, waiting upon God. Used app. 70X. 8. TEHILLAH - Among the 7 meanings of based on the OT words above, Tehillah is different from among them. (PSA 100:4) Enter his gates with thanksgiving and his courts with praise (tehillah). Tehillah is the praise that God inhabits. It is praise that implies that God has responded to our faith to the extent that He literally inhabits and is enthroned in the midst of our praise. It is the residual song of the Spirit and brings a new dimension of revelation and transformation of lives. It is also called the 'high praise'. Too often we fail to enter into this dimension because we are impatient or program oriented. Ex.l5:ll; 2 Chron. 20:22; Ps. 22:3. Understanding praise from Greek words translated praise. 1. DOXA (noun), DOXAZO (verb) - generally translated glory and glorify. Signifies an opinion, estimate or an honour resulting from a good opinion. Used in ascribing to God the honour due Him. Applied to Christ, it means that His innate glory is brought to light, made manifest. Luk 2:14;18:45;Acts 12:23. 2. EULOGATOS, EULOGIA - used of God alone. It means to bless, commend with words. Luk 1:68. 3. HUMNEO, HUMNOS - simply means to 'sing praise'. Mat.26:30; Acts 15:26; Eph 5:19; Col 3:16. 4. MEGALUNO - means to make great, large or long, to magnify. Luk 1:46; Acts 10:46; Acts 19:17.



5. d.

PSALIO (verb), PSALMOS (noun) - to sing praise in spiritual ecstasy or to make melody. The noun simply means a song of praise. Rom. 15:9,1; ICor 14:15; Jam 5:13. Praise is evidence of life in the believer. 1. Those who are redeemed by the blood of Jesus Christ should evidence the life of God in them by their praise - (PSA 115:17,18) It is not the dead who praise the Lord, those who go down to silence; it is we who extol the Lord, both now and forevermore. There is no praise in the heart of one who is going to hell, only gnashing of teeth. Eternal separation kills the song of praise. (MAT 13:42) They will throw them into the fiery furnace, where there will be weeping and gnashing of teeth. 2. Ps 115:17-18 The dead praise not the LORD, neither any that go down into silence. But we will bless the LORD from this time forth and for evermore. Praise the LORD. 3. Matt 13:42 And shall cast them into a furnace of fire: there shall be wailing and gnashing of teeth.

a. Basic meaning. There can hundreds of definitions of worship but basically, worship is an expression of our response to Gods Presence, in whatever form of outward demonstration it takes. Here are some definitions: 1. The outpouring or out flowing of the whole being: spirit, soul and body under a sense of Divine favor in the Presence of God. 2. All that we are reacting to all the He is. 3. The overflow of our understanding of God as He reveals Himself. Meaning of English word 'worship' - from 2 words WORTH and SHIP which together means - to recognize the value of a person or object by expressions of courtesy, reverence or homage. Meaning from Original Hebrew and Greek words SHACHAH and Greek PROSKUNEO translated worship both carry the meaning - to prostrate oneself before an object of worship. SHACHAH gives us the picture of a person fall on his face before a king as a sign of his submission or to beg for mercy, signifying that his life belongs to the one before whom he bows. PROSKUNEO is best pictured by a dog licking his master's hands, indicating the love between the dog and its master From these, we see 3 principles on worship: 1. The worshiper is seen as one who allows the object of his worship to rule his life. Worship is performed in mutual love. Worship is an intimate thing, not distant. Worship Completes a Divine Cycle of Giving. The cycle started with God who gave His all to man through Jesus. Jesus gave His all to us (His life). Man gives his all (in worship) back to God by the help of the Holy Spirit. God gives more back to man through Jesus.

b. c.

2. 3.

d. a. b. c. d.

e. Worship is the flow of spiritual life from God to us and returns to Him in worship


PRINCIPLE: The depth of worship is always proportional to the extent of our revelation of God. "That they may know You, the only true God (JOH 17.3). Worship - is the dramatic celebration of God in His supreme worth in such a manner that His 'worthiness' becomes the norm and inspiration of human living. This definition teaches us several things about worship: 1. 2. 3. 4. The right focus - God at the center. The weight of worship-His supreme worthiness. The unique intention - to seek His honor. Its relatedness to life - the God we worship becomes our inspiration for living.


1. The things of God are known by our spirit. With his spirit dead unto God, Adam lost that perfect knowledge he had about God. The knowledge of God is necessary before we can worship Him. But God has initiated to restore this knowledge to man. 2. The Scripture is rich with illustrations to show that man worshipped God in response to God's disclosure of Himself. Moses worshipped the Covenant-Keeping God on MT. Horeb; Joshua worshipped when He met the Captain of the Lord of Host. 3. It is clear that this revelation of God is what makes worship possible and meaningful. Our own worship experiences today needs this element of REVELATION - God's disclosure or manifestation of Himself when the worshipper is in HIS PRESENCE. Only then can you worship God meaningfully. His presence is the essence of worship. In His presence we receive His revelation of Himself and there respond to God according to how He disclosed Himself to us.


1. Whenever we gather. God literally wants us to meet Him. This happens as we enter into God's Presence in worship. Therefore, our worship service needs to be free enough to allow us to flow into the specific revelation that God desires for us each time we approach Him. This revelation comes as an enlightening of the Word of God or truth about God to our spirit. For some time in the past, perhaps even years, you may have an intellectual understanding of such truth, but it is only as you worship that that truth has become 'revelation' knowledge of the truth. God is infinite, we have to continue to realize the extent of even one aspect of His character or person. In fact, it will take eternity before we have even begun to understand one small aspect of God. If you sing 'Emmanuel, His Name Is Called Emmanuel', don't just sing the words without expecting the truth and the depths of the meaning of those words to be understood deep in your spirit. Then, as you sing the song, the Spirit of God takes you beyond the words, and adds layer upon layer, upon layer, upon layer of powerful truth and revelation within your spirit. God has a plan and purpose for every worship service which He develops as we move into praise and worship until there will be a clear unfolding of revelation in the midst of His people. Then, the worshipers should respond accordingly. If the Spirit seems to be directing you to rejoice and celebrate in your redemption, then, don't just sing 'Rejoice in the Lord' - really explode into rejoicing over your Redeemer!



Worship Part 2
QUESTION: Since the Father seeks worshipers who will worship Him in spirit and in truth, does this mean that the body is excluded in the expression of our praise and worship. The body has an important role in worship. Some religions reduce its importance, some deny its value and consider it a hindrance to worship; some go to the extent of trying to get out of the body in order to be near God. But Scriptures teach us the importance of the body in worship, it is important that the redeemed will have their bodies resurrected. We are told to "Love the Lord, your God...with all your strength!" 1. The greatest command involves loving God with our all including our strength. Deut 6:5"You shall love the LORD your God with all your heart, with all your soul, and with all your strength. 2. Worship is spiritual in essence but it has 2 elements: the work of the Holy Spirit and the use of human faculties which include our bodies. We are to offer our bodies as living sacrifices...which is our reasonable worship.. Rom 12:1 Therefore, I urge you, brothers, in view of God's mercy, to offer your bodies as living sacrifices, holy and pleasing to God-- this is your spiritual act of worship. 3. We were created by God with bodies. Our bodies serve as constant reminder of our humble position - made from dust and made alive only by God - thus causing us to see our need to worship our Creator-God which is our purpose for being Rev 4:11 Thou art worthy, O Lord, to receive glory and honour and power: for thou hast created all things, and for thy pleasure they are and were created. 4. The body of the redeemed is the temple of the Holy Spirit and believers are commanded to glorify God with their bodies. 1 Cor 6:19-20 Or do you not know that your body is a temple of the Holy Spirit who is in you, whom you have from God, and that you are not your own? For you have been bought with a price: therefore glorify God in your body. 5. In worship, our emotions are given the highest expressions as we are involved in giving glory to God. Emotions come from the combined reaction of the body and mind. So our entire being, spirit, soul and body must be involved in worship. 6. The importance of the body is also seen in God's greatest revelation: His Son - who came in an earthly body. Christ's body was prepared to do God's will It is therefore with the body that we express obedience to God. Heb 10:5-7 Therefore, when Christ came into the world, he said: "Sacrifice and offering you did not desire, but a body you prepared for me; with burnt offerings and sin offerings you were not pleased.Then I said, 'Here I am-- it is written about me in the scroll-- I have come to do your will, O God.'" 7. The different forms with which we glorify God in praise and worship involve our body parts: our hands, mouth, feet,body. Ps 63:1-5 O God, you are my God, earnestly I seek you; my soul thirsts for you, my body longs for you, in a dry and weary land where there is no water. I have seen you in the sanctuary and beheld your power and your glory. Because your love is better than life, my lips will glorify you. I will praise you as long as I live, and in your name I will lift up my hands. My soul will be satisfied as with the richest of foods; with singing lips my mouth will praise you.

The following are forms of expressing praise and worship revealed in the Scriptures. These forms are not denominational, they are Biblical. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. 15. 16. STANDING - a sign of respect and attentiveness (Ps. 134:1; 135:1-2) KNEELING - act of submission of will and reverence (Ps. 95:6) BOWING - to prostrate oneself in humility (Ps. 95:6) LIFTING HANDS - sign of deep longing for God, solemn declaration, in war, to lift heart (Ps.28:2) CLAPPING - applauding, calling for an encore, showing joy (Ps.47:1) DANCING - rejoice, spin, skip, jump for joy, sign of victory (Ps. 149:3) WEEPING - in brokenness of love and gratitude (Lk 7:37-38) LAUGHING - a way of releasing joy, not triviality (Ps. 126:2) SHOUTING - sign of triumph, release of joy, exultant praise (Jo6:20) QUIETNESS - holy solemnity in the presence of God, waiting and listening for the voice of God LOUD NOISE - proclaim an extreme and dynamic feeling (Ps. 98:4) SINGING - any mood of heart can be expressed in song TONGUES - personal overflow of love to the Lord, not the tongues to edify the body (1Cor.l4:13-17) NEW SONG - a song of the Lord inspired by the Spirit (Ps.33:3;40:3) HIGH PRAISE-overflow of the Spirit expressed in tongues and the song of the Lord (Ps. 149) PROCESSION - solemn ceremony in the sanctuary (Ps. 68:24). There are times when the presence of God is so powerful, that it would seem that we need to come before His Majesty the King of Kings with all that we are, and walk solemnly in procession as if we were in heaven itself, declaring our worship and adoration. 17. RESPONSIVE SINGING -1 Samuel 18:7. This was a fundamental form of singing in Israel; designed to teach and accentuate the words of the song. The repetition causes the hearers to hear the words twice, resulting to a more intelligent and thoughtful expression of worship (Ps. 145:5).


During worship times, how would a worshipper know through which form will h express his worship? 1. Forms should represent what is in the heart. These forms are not spiritual in themselves - unless they truly express and demonstrate what is in the heart. Without genuine reasons in the heart, these forms are mere formality. But these forms coming out from the heart make tangible the worship of heart. Illustration: If the heart is repenting in the presence of the Holy God, then weeping and tears are meaningful, otherwise, they are just a show - dead form. If the heart is rejoicing and we feel to dance - then there will be powerful significance in the dance. 2. Forms should best express what God is saying and doing', and our corresponding response to such revelation of Himself. If God discloses Himself as Jehovah-Shalom; the worshiper can respond in silence, or the keyboard player in the worship band can begin to play very softly an appropriate tune. When God discloses Himself as the King of Kings telling you of His sovereignty over your circumstances - bowing before Him as a subject would will be appropriate. Therefore, in determining which form to use, appropriateness will be the order of the Holy Spirit who is the true worship leader. The worshiper who is sensitive to the Holy Spirit will be aptly guided with what form he will express his praise & worship. If God is speaking to you about repentance, don't clap your hands and pretend that God doesn't really mean what He said.


1. Eph.5:19 - Speak to one another with Psalms, hymns and spiritual songs. Sing and make music in your heart to the Lord. 2. Music is intrinsic to the believer - Paul in Eph 5.18,19 is saying that the point of overflow for the Spirit is singing and suggests that the Spirit would energize us to sing. We have as believers a song within us - a song borrn of the Holy Spirit and a Saviour who is the consistent theme of that song. 3. Music per se, is not worship - however, music in itself is not worship and no musical instrument is an instrument of worship. Worship cannot be mechanical or inanimate. It is a persons spirit responding to Gods Spirit. Worship requires an awareness of Gods Presence. and music may create that awareness or may distract from it. Here are some clarifiying ideas: a. Musical performances can be worship, but are not necessarily expressions of worship unto God. b. Singing slow songs is not worship. Just leading people in singing is not leading them in worship. c. worship will occur during singing, it may not. d. Music is not synonymous with worship. 4. A priority - It is far less the quality of the music than the content of that music that makes it vital in worship. Although we should seek excellence in what we offer to God, we need not wait for technical perfection before singing with grace unto God. What is more important is that our singing makes us aware of God's presence and makes God aware of our love and adoration.


1. Music can unite worshippers - Psa. 34.1-3 No two people seated in the pew are from the same background and life situations. Because of diversity, united action is difficult. 2. Congregational singing best functions to weave them into one. 3. Music can shelter the worshippers - proper music herds us into one fold and then builds a protective wall around us. Everything that occupies our minds draws attention to God and His provision for approaching Him. We actually sing ourselves out of the natural realm into the spiritual. 4. Music can release our emotions: Ex-Paul & Silas in prison ACT.16 5. Music gives vocabulary to worship 6. Because worship is dynamic, musicians should be skilful enough to be also dynamic in expressing through their instrument.


Worship in its reality cannot be led, we cannot manipulate it - the true worship leader is the Holy Spirit. We will just use the term worship leader for convenience to refer to the person or the team that leads in the song service with the eventual purpose of causing the body gathered in a worship service to have the awareness of Gods Presence which is necessary before true spiritual worship can happen. SPIRITUAL QUALIFICATIONS IS PRIORITY 1. Singing and playing musical instruments are skills, but spiritual qualifications are a priority consideration for those who will lead in worship 2. Loyalty - (1 Chron. 15:2) 3. Love of Gods house - In Num.3:15,23,29,35 4. A servants heart - Num. 8:15-19; 1Chron.16:37; Num.3:7 5. A teachable spirit - Num. 8:19, 23-26 5_A sanctified life-style - before the Levites do their ministry, they have to undergo:

6. Spiritual maturity which is equal or higher than that of the group he is leading 7. Genuine humility - seeks to hide behind the cross that peoples attention be focused on God Must be a worshiper himself - free in his own spirit 8. Knows how to recognize Gods voice - first in his private communion with God, then while in a group.


1. Leading the people in You are leading people to the throne room of God Set to them the goal call their attention to the goal Start where the people are, be just a few steps ahead of them You lead by being the first to be led by the Spirit. Lead them at the front and dont drive them from behind Dont abandon them, dont lead with closed eyes Do not tire the people, very long praise time makes them weary, even too tired to enter into the presence of God Your goal is to lead them to Gods presence, not to finish your line up of songs Bring them in dont stop short But do not let them express worship if they are not yet in. But if they are in, get out of the way 2. When the people are in the throne room of God Let the people worship commune with God. Carefully selected songs have lyrics that can provide worshippers the vocabulary to express worship Singing is a great form of expressing worship, but not the only form of expression. Allow worshippers to express worship through other appropriate forms of worship Appropriate behavior in Gods presence is in response to Gods disclosure/revelation of Himself Remember it is all about God, not all about you The song service need not be long to be meaningful. Worship God as much as the people do. 3. When God Sits on His throne He is ready to make decrees Enter the prophetic aspect of worship receiving Gods apt word He can decree blessings on you and for your circumstances He can decree judgments against your enemies He can order provisions for your needs

4. When people get out of His Presence Live with Gods revelation of Himself as their inspiration for living They implement Gods decrees and pronouncements Face and defeat the enemy, dispel the attacks of the enemy through Gods decrees Worship Leading Team Sensitive to the leading of the HS Front-liner in expression Leads by example

Holy Spirit Order & dynamics of worship When & what forms Leads by quickening our spirits

Music Part 1
Sound is everywhere. Some are pleasing to the ear, others not so much. As musicians & singers, our goal is to produce music not noise. Having an understanding of these basic elements will help us produce the sounds that others will appreciate.

Rhythm - Rhythm is, by its simplest definition, musical time. The origin of the word is Greek, meaning "flow." Rhythm is indeed the embodiment of timely flow. As meter regulates and pulsates a poem, rhythm organizes music in much the same way. The regular pulsations of the music are called the beat. Stronger beats are referred to as "accented" beats. Measures of music divide a piece into time-counted segments. Strong beats occur in patterns. For instance, in 4/4 time, the conductor would beat a strong beat on the first beat of every measure and another accented beat - although not as strong - on the third count of the measure. Because the conductor's arms move downward on strong beats, especially those that begin a measure, accented beats are also referred to as "downbeats." Meter - Time patterns in music are referred to in terms of meter. Two beats to a measure is duple meter, while the three beat measures of a waltz indicate triple meter. Four beats to a measure is known as common time, or quadruple time. Six beats to a measure is representative of time that can be divided by three, such as six beats to a measure with accented beats on the first and fourth beats. When the melody falls on notes that occur between beats, it said to be syncopated time. Tempo - Along with rhythm comes the idea of rate or pace. Not every song is slow. Neither is every song fast. Tempo is the musical term that indicates the overall pace of an arrangement. Tempo markings include grave, meaning solemn and extremely slow or allegro, meaning fast and cheerful. A gamut of musical terms for rhythm exists. Swing Meter is not always counted in constant beats. Other musical forms use beats that are grouped into pairs creating a swing feel to the song.

Melody is a musical and successive line of single tones or pitches perceived as a unity. Its characteristics include range, shape, and movement. Range -- The range of a piece is the distance between the lowest and highest tones. Singers refer to an arrangement being in a low, medium, or high range, meaning that the notes focus on those scale pitches. A piece that has a narrow range is one in which the melody centers around a few given notes. In contrast, an arrangement calling for a wide range takes the musician from low to high pitches, often encompassing as many as fifteen whole steps on the scale. Shape -- Melody takes its own direction, or shape. When musicians talk about the shape of a melody line, they are referring to the literal geometric line that could be made if the notes were joined together as in a dot-to-dot puzzle. Notes that ascend up the scale take on an upward shape, while phrases that descend are shaped in a downward motion. If the phrase stays within a narrow range, the shape is wavelike. Movement -- Movement can be either conjunct or disjunct. When the melody moves stepwise and is connected, the movement is termed conjunct. Melody that leaps from pitch to pitch with no natural connection or flow is said to be disjunct.

Melody is structured by its length and intensity much like sentences in a spoken language. For instance, a phrase in music is a unit of meaning within the larger structure of the song in its entirety. Other examples include the cadence and the climax. A cadence is a final ending to a musical section. A climax is a high point of intensity.

Harmony is the relation of notes to notes and chords to chords as they are played simultaneously. Harmonic "patterns" are established from notes and chords in successive order. Melodic intervals are those that are linear and occur in sequence, while harmonic intervals are sounded at the same time. Whether or not a harmony is pleasing is a matter of personal taste, as there are consonant and dissonant harmonies, both of which are pleasing to the ears of some and not others. Chords have meaning as they lead to other chords. Certain progressions are encouraged as acceptable in certain styles of music. But basic to all harmony - regardless of style - is the triad. A triad is the most common chord form. It is built on the first, third, and fifth notes of the scale - do, mi, and so - and is symbolized in musical notation by the Roman numeral I. A triad built on the second note of the scale would include the second, fourth, and sixth notes of the scale, still keeping one scale degree between each jump. A triad built on the second note of the scale is written as ii. Triad chords may be built on all seven notes of the scale (with the eighth note a repeat of the first.) Chord symbols for the triads built on the third through seventh notes of the scale are as follows: iii, IV, V, vi, and vii. The I chord is named the Tonic, and the IV chord is called by the name Sub-Dominant. The V chord is the dominant. The vii is referred to as the Leading Tone, as it is often used to change (or "lead") into a new key. This organization around tones is known as "tonality."

Degrees of loudness or softness. If all sounds produced by a musician or a singer, are all in one constant velocity, music will be artificial and expressionless. Even when we talk, dynamics is what differentiates the different emotions we portray. Dynamics is a very simple concept but one of the most difficult to master. Every singer and musician should be able to master dynamics into their singing/playing.

Our modern music is based on a 12-pitch standard scale. The scale repeats itself every 12 intervals. Each interval is called an Octave. As musicians, we must consider in what octave we are playing as not to step on each others sound. If all instruments play on the same octave, we result to a muffled and overlapping sound.

Harmony Melody Rhythm

Musicians Roles in a band

Our perspective of our role is based on the elements that music needs. Instrument Drums/Percussions Keyboards Lead Guitar Rhythm Guitar Bass Guitar Rhythm Melody Harmony Dynamics

Drums the drums and other percussion instruments sets the standard rhythm of the song. All other instruments SHOULD base their rhythm to the drums. Rhythm consists of the tempo (the speed of the song), the meter(the rhythmic pattern) or the swing. All of these are controlled by the drums. The drums also have a big role in setting the overall dynamics of the song. Drummers should learn when to play loud, soft or sometimes, not play at all. Bass Guitar the bass guitar supports the drummer. It also provides rhythm and feel to the song in a melodic way. The bass guitar puts tune to the drums. The melodic pattern played by the bass guitar is the basis of the harmony in the song. Keyboards this instrument can provide basic melody to a song when no singer is singing and also provide harmony through chords. Modern keyboards can produce different melodic instrument sounds. The keyboards can also be used to play short melodic loops called arpeggios. Sometimes, it also makes sense to just play a soft, long sound (technical term is pads) to set a foundational harmony to the song. Lead guitar the main instrument for soloing or for providing arpeggios and riffs. Guitar players should watch out not to step over and dominate other instruments. A good lead guitar player knows how to avoid where other instruments are playing and to fill in where the singer or other instruments leave a space. Rhythm guitar if the bass guitar gives melodic support to the drums, the rhythm guitar does a harmonic approach. Can also provide the rhythm when drums are silent. Rhythm guitars should be careful not to compete with the keyboards.

As we are a team, we work as a team. Each of us has our own unique vocal timbre and range so not one of us will be able to sing all songs. Your voice can be perfect to one song but it will be less convincing to another. Transposition of a song to a different key to suit a singers voice is not a good practice. Singers can assume different roles in a singing group. This does not mean one is more important than another, we work to complement each other. Lead vocals The dominant singer when it comes to clarity and dynamics. Being the lead vocals doesnt mean you should be the loudest. Your goal is for the songs lyrics to be clear and its emotions strong to the listener. Backup vocals provide the foundational melody to the song. There are times that the lead vocals need to stop to provide breathing space so the backup vocals should be there so that the song will still have continuity. Backup vocals can also sing in different voices to provide harmony. Backup vocals should avoid using unnecessary vocal styles as this role is foundational. Counterpoint the lead vocals or someone else can also shift to a role of counterpoint vocals. This role provides, vocal embellishments through the application of styles to make the song a little more interesting and to lessen the redundancy of the song as it progress from start to finish. Ex. Pop singers will usually just sing the first verse and the first chorus. The rest will all be counterpoint.

Music Part 2
Common dilemma of beginner musicians is what chords to play for a certain song. This problem piles up when you need to play multiple songs and gets more scary when you are tasked to play a song youve never heard before. Mastering the Nashville Number system is the first step in overcoming this problem.

The 12-Note Musical Scale

1 C Tonic C# 2 D D# 2 E 1 F Subdominant F# 2 G Dominant G# 2 A A# Leading tone 2 B

Nashville Number System

Key C C# D D# E F F# G G# A A# B 1 major C D E F G A B 2 minor D E F# G A B C# 3 minor E F# G# A B C# D# 4 major F G A A# C D E 5 major G A B C D E F# 6 minor A B C# D E F# G# 7 B C# D# E F# G# A# 8 Octave major C D E F G A B

1. 2. 3. 4.

The Root chord or 1 and the 4th and 5th chords are major chords The 2nd, 3rd and 6th chords are minor chords The 2nd note is usually used as a base note for a mixed chord with the 4th. The 7th note (also known as the Leading Tone) is rarely used and is mostly used as a stepping stone for progressions or for mixed chords.

Chord Progressions
The next step in using the Nashville Number System is using it in Chord Progressions. The NSS will help you identify common progression patterns in songs. Identifying the progression is based on the bass note of the harmony. When you have identified the note that is used on the scale, knowing the chord will be an easy task. Section Intro Verse Chord Progression (Based on Nashville Number System) 16451 1245 645 654 1542 4536 4563

14/15 154 4515

145/154 1545 415

Your Voice & Singing

Singing in its simplest term is prolonged speech combined with the oscillation of pitch dynamics dynamics. Important Note: You should sound the same when you speak and when you sing Singing is the zipping up of your vocal chords Singing is a muscle work Muscle strength & accuracy is attained through regular & consistent practice & exercise. A good singer should also be a good listener Sing only through your vocal range. A good singer knows his/her vocal registers and knows when to use them. Your vocal range is expanded through exercise

Singing Styles
Dynamics in singing is change in volume & accent to put emotion and feel to the interpretation of a song. Technique is necessary to facilitate style Trills, licks & runs a rapid variation in a vocal melody most commonly resembling a scale sung dynamically Pronunciation singing the words with the same personality that you would say them to your friends in a natural way. Involves dialects and accents. Attitude reflects emotion, state of mind or the confidence of a singer. Scoops a simple slide from underneath a note up to the note that is to be sung. Note bend simple momentary bending of a note up and then back down to the original pitch Vowel bends makes the song like just a conversation to the audience Falsetto is best used as an effect, not as a singing voice through and through Vibrato a rapid oscillation of pitch from the original pitch down 1 semi-tone and back up again. Proper use of vowels and consonants

VOICED a. These have Tone + Pitch + Length (like singing) i. MM NN LL VV RR ZZ TH(There) UNVOICED a. These have Length but NO Tone + NO Pitch (lots of air) i. SS SH FF HH CH TH(Things) TT(Sometimes) STOPPED a. These have No Tone + NO Pitch + NO Length (short with a space in front of them) i. DD GG BB CK PP TT(Sometimes) WORDS THAT START WITH VOWELS a. Like the stopped consonants, use a break before and a glottal stop i. SOMETIMES YY AND WW ii. Y is always like EE iii. W is always like OO (as in food)

Final Notes for worship leading teams

Personal level 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. Remember that you minister first to God. Worship is personal and intimate. It is between you and God. Maintain your Spiritual life alive and intimacy with God. Be continually filled with the Spirit to the overflowing. Sharpen your Spiritual ears. Discipline yourself to have a regular personal time with God. Learn to venture out into the different forms of expression. Continually expand your vocabulary for worship. Read the Bible. Sing/play skilfully with great humility. Thankfully accept peoples appreciation. Do not despise correction. Be a team player. You are not the most important person in your team. Submit to your leaders, especially your pastor. They are given to the church to equip and guide you for works of service. 10. God has given each one of us gifts and talents. Each of us is given a specific shape to fill in the body of Christ. Dont force yourself to fit into a ministry that youre not intended to. Ask guidance from your pastor concerning this. Team level 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. Lead as a team. Bawal ang low self esteem at pride Develop your skills together. Implement your own communication signs. You should have a library/database of songs that are updated regularly. Categorize them by theme (ex. Faith, Love, etc.) and purpose (ex. Thanksgiving, Praise, Commitment, Worship, etc.) Practice time is not just run-through time. It is a change to also get creative. Learning a new song should be a team effort. Your listening should be 10 times more than your singing. Be thorough. Dissect the song. Dont look at it as a whole. Introduce songs 1 at a time. Give time to teach the song before worship time. Take into consideration the target audience when choosing a song. We dont just sing any song we like in a congregational setting. Some are just for special numbers or for evangelistic concerts. Choose songs that have unity in theme and message and arrange them to have a logical order that climax to the target theme.


Song lineup example: Target theme: Commitment to missions 1. 2. 3. 4. Run a call to the whole body to be aflame for God Shout Your fame a declaration of who this God is and a self-commissioning to telling the world about Him. The greatness of our God a personal reflection of who this God is and a prayer of humility and submission to Him. With everything His greatness and awesomeness is what gives us the reason to give our lives in dedication to the cause of making Him known.

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