2012 Gay Bowl Rule Change Results

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2012 Gay Bowl Rule Change Proposals

Here are the 2012 Gay Bowl rule change proposals that the NGFFL board has passed along to city leaders for a vote. It takes a simple majority vote for a proposal to pass. If you have any questions about any of the rules, please contact Lance Burage (lburage@gmail.com). Answer Options Name City Email address Response Percent 100.0% 100.0% 100.0% Response Count 12 12 12 12 0

answered question skipped question

Atlanta Houston San Antonio Boston Toronto Cleveland Denver San Francisco Washington, DC Phoenix Chicago Philadelphia

Here are the 20 120.0% 100.0% 80.0% 60.0% 40.0% 20.0% 0.0% Name City Email address

Email address

2012 Gay Bowl Rule Change Proposals

Rule proposal: Game will expire at or inside the two minute warning if a team is winning by 36 points or more. Rationale/benefits: Saves time and reduces the risk of injuries to both teams. The maximum point differential is 36 points in the tournament seeding structure, so a team thats up by 55 points will not get penalized in the seedings if theyre not able to score any more points. Answer Options Yes, I approve this rule change proposal. No, I do not approve this rule change proposal. Response Percent 75.0% 25.0% Response Count 9 3 12 0

answered question skipped question

Rule proposal: Game will expire at or inside the two minute warning if a team is winning by 36 points or more. Rationale/benefits: Saves

Yes, I approve this rule change proposal. No, I do not approve this rule change proposal.

ning if a team is

pprove this rule change

not approve this rule

2012 Gay Bowl Rule Change Proposals

Rule clarification: The run will have been considered used when a penalty occurs downfield; if behind the line of scrimmage run will be sustained. Exact rule proposed verbage: If the penalty is accepted for a foul which occurs during a scrimmage running play, the spot of enforcement will determine if Team A is considered to have used a running play. If the spot of enforcement is beyond the line of scrimmage, a running play has been used. If the spot of enforcement is at or behind the line of scrimmage, a running play has not been used. As of right now, theres no real rules coverage for this, so if theres an accepted penalty on a running play that includes a replay of the down, we give the offense their run back. Heres a good example: Under the current rules, if a QB runs for 30 yards, and then gets held by the defense, then deflagged, the penalty would be enforced 10 yards from the end of the run, AND the offense would get their run back in addition to the penalty. That doesnt seem fair because it was the use of the run that allowed the QB to gain the 30 yards. Under this rule proposal, the offense would not get their run back. However, if theres a penalty and the enforcement is from at or behind the line of scrimmage, the offense would get their run back. For example, the defense is flagged for encroachment of the rush zone on a play. The QB scrambles and runs for 3 yards. The offense would likely accept the encroachment penalty (5 yards), and because the enforcement for that foul is from the previous spot (line of scrimmage), the offense gets their run back following the enforcement of the penalty.

Answer Options Yes, I approve this rule change proposal. No, I do not approve this rule change proposal.

Response Percent 91.7% 8.3%

Response Count 11 1 12 0

answered question skipped question

Rule clarification: The run will have been considered used when a penalty occurs downfield; if behind the line of scrimmage

Yes, I approve this rule change proposal. No, I do not approve this rule change proposal.

pprove this rule change

not approve this rule

2012 Gay Bowl Rule Change Proposals

Rule clarification: Add a post-scrimmage kick foul definition and provision for penalty enforcement. This is a rarely used provision in flag football, and exists in every other level of football (high school, college, NFL, and NIRSA flag football rules). This would only be relevant if there is a foul by the receiving team on a punt or kickoff. Under our current rules, if the kicking team (K) punts the ball away to the receiving team (R), and R is flagged for a hold on a K player during the kick, technically by our rules, then the penalty would go back to the previous spot, penalize R 5 yards, and let K re-kick or gain a first down. The general thinking in football is that K has elected to give up the ball with a punt, and once the ball crosses the neutral zone, it belongs to R. Any penalty by R after the ball crosses the neutral zone, should not award the ball back to the kicking team. All other levels of football have this special rule provision in their rulebooks. This new rule would add an exception to the penalty enforcement section of the rule book, and any PSK foul by R would be enforced from the end of the kick (the spot where the ball either becomes dead or is possessed by R).

Answer Options Yes, I approve this rule change proposal. No, I do not approve this rule change proposal.

Response Percent 100.0% 0.0%

Response Count 12 0 12 0

answered question skipped question

Rule clarification: Add a post-scrimmage kick foul definition and provision for penalty enforcement. This is a rarely used provision in flag football, and exists in every other level of football

Yes, I approve this rule change proposal. No, I do not approve this rule change proposal.

provision for all, and exists

pprove this rule change

not approve this rule

2012 Gay Bowl Rule Change Proposals

Rule clarification: Make encroachment a dead ball foul, and make offsides a live ball foul. In an ongoing effort to clean up the rule book, in the referee meeting in Houston, we discovered that in one section of the rulebook, encroachment is listed as a dead ball foul (stops the play from starting), and in another section, it is listed as a live ball foul (official flags the foul, but play continues). The proposal is to pass something similar to the NFL and college football rule: - Encroachment = if a defensive player is offsides and touches any player of the opposing team or the ball dead ball foul; stops the play from starting - Offsides = if a player is in the neutral zone or on the opposing teams side of the line of scrimmage at the snap live ball foul (official flags the foul, but play continues)

Answer Options Yes, I approve this rule change proposal. No, I do not approve this rule change proposal.

Response Percent 91.7% 8.3%

Response Count 11 1 12 0

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Rule clarification: Make encroachment a dead ball foul, a

Yes, I approve this rule change proposal. No, I do not approve this rule change proposal.

pprove this rule change

not approve this rule

2012 Gay Bowl Rule Change Proposals

Rule clarification: Illegal substitution Currently, our rule reads: - No substitutes shall enter during a down. Between downs, any number of eligible substitutes may replace players provided the substitution is completed by having the replaced players off the field before the ball becomes live. This basically means that a team could send out 10 players into the huddle, and then as long as they are all off the field before the snap, its perfectly legal. This is not fair, and contradictory to a fundamental of the game of football. New rule proposal is: Any number of eligible substitutes may replace players, under the following conditions: a. The substitution must occur between downs. No substitute shall enter during a down. (Live ball foul - 5 yds) b. A replaced player must be off of the field before the ball becomes live. (Live ball foul - 5 yds) c. A replaced player must begin to leave the field within three seconds of being replaced by a substitute. (Dead ball foul - 5 yds) The three second rule is stolen from the high school football rule book. Obviously, an official is not going to be running a 3-second clock on the field, but thats a good amount of time for the substitute to get to the huddle, inform the player that hes in for him, and for the player to begin to leave the field.

Answer Options Yes, I approve this rule change proposal. No, I do not approve this rule change proposal.

Response Percent 91.7% 8.3%

Response Count 11 1 12 0

answered question skipped question

Rule clarification: Illegal substitution Current

Yes, I approve this rule change proposal. No, I do not approve this rule change proposal.

pprove this rule change

not approve this rule

2012 Gay Bowl Rule Change Proposals

Rule proposal: Add a rule that doesnt double-penalize a quarterbacks team by also using the scrimmage running play when he just barely steps over the line of scrimmage and throws an illegal forward pass. Many think that its a double or even triple penalty when a QB steps over the line, throws an illegal forward pass, and is penalized 5-yards from the spot of the foul, plus loss of down, PLUS loss of the teams run. The new rule would read: If the illegal forward pass occurs within 1 yard of the line-of-scrimmage, it is a 5-yard penalty and loss of down, but does not count as a running play. However, if the illegal forward pass clearly occurs beyond 1 yard of the line-of-scrimmage, it shall count as a running play. This is currently a rule in Chicago, and the feedback received from that league has been very positive.

Answer Options Yes, I approve this rule change proposal. No, I do not approve this rule change proposal.

Response Percent 75.0% 25.0%

Response Count 9 3 12 0

answered question skipped question

Rule proposal: Add a rule that doesnt double-penalize a quarterbacks team

Yes, I approve this rule change proposal. No, I do not approve this rule change proposal.

erbacks team

pprove this rule change

not approve this rule

2012 Gay Bowl Rule Change Proposals

Rule proposal: Add rules coverage for a safety on a try During a try, team A may score 1 point for a safety by B under rules governing play at other times during the game. The change we made last year allowing a try to be intercepted and returned for 2-points by team A left a small hole in our rules! This would certainly be a rare occurrence , because the only two ways this would be possible is: - During a try, the qb throws an interception to a defensive player in the end zone. That defender runs out of the end zone to try and advance for 2-points, and then goes BACK in the end zone, and is deflagged there or steps out bounds while behind the goal line. - Or during a try, the qb throws an interception to a defensive player on the 1 yard line. That defender then runs into the end zone to avoid being deflagged, and is deflagged there or steps out of bounds while behind the goal line. The reason this came to our attention: It almost happened in a game in one of our cities during league play, and theres simply nothing in the rule book that addresses it. In college football, you can intercept and return a try, just like our rules and if that happened in college football, the original team on offense doing the try after a TD would score 1 point for a safety on a try, and thats why the exact college rule is being proposed. Under the current and proposed rule, if a defender intercepts a try in the end zone and never leaves the end zone and is deflagged or steps out of bounds, it is always a touchback.

Answer Options Yes, I approve this rule change proposal. No, I do not approve this rule change proposal.

Response Percent 83.3% 16.7%

Response Count 10 2 12 0

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Rule prop

Yes, I approve this rule change proposal. No, I do not approve this rule change proposal.

pprove this rule change

not approve this rule

2012 Gay Bowl Rule Change Proposals

Rule proposal: If a team has fewer than 5 players on the field, then the game becomes a forfeit. Our current rule only requires each team to have a minimum of 6 players to start a game, and states that you can play with fewer than 7 players at any time, and each team may play with up to 7 players regardless of the number of opposing players.

Answer Options Yes, I approve this rule change proposal. No, I do not approve this rule change proposal.

Response Percent 75.0% 25.0%

Response Count 9 3 12 0

answered question skipped question

Rule proposal: If a team has fewer than 5 players on the field, then the game becomes a forf

Yes, I approve this rule change proposal. No, I do not approve this rule change proposal.

en the game

pprove this rule change

not approve this rule

2012 Gay Bowl Rule Change Proposals

Rule proposal: Change the penalty enforcement on a delay of game penalty to be 5yards. The current rule reads: The offending team will be charged a time-out; if a team has no time-outs, a 5 yard distance penalty will be assessed. This proposal just gets rid of the team burning a time-out requirement. It makes the rule more standardized with other levels of football. Response Percent 100.0% 0.0% Response Count 12 0 12 0

Answer Options Yes, I approve this rule change proposal. No, I do not approve this rule change proposal.

answered question skipped question

Rule proposal: Change the penalty enforcement on a delay of game penalty to be 5-yards. The current rule reads: The of

Yes, I approve this rule change proposal. No, I do not approve this rule change proposal.

me penalty to

pprove this rule change

not approve this rule

2012 Gay Bowl Rule Change Proposals

Rule clarification: Modify rules regarding ejections -- in regards to suspension from teams next game(s) and tournament. We felt the need to address this rule because there was an on-field altercation in the Fort Lauderdale tournament that almost resulted in a major fight. We probably need a few clarifications and additions to this rule. Current rules read: - Flagrant Personal Fouls - mandatory disqualification for the rest of the game & the teams next game. NOTE: Fighting causes all fighters to be ejected regardless of who started the fight. - Misconduct Towards an Official - If flagrant, mandatory disqualification for the rest of the game and the teams next game. This proposal would make the new rule: - Two unsportsmanlike conduct penalties in one game = ejection for the rest of that game - Fighting with another player = ejection from current game and team's next scheduled game, and possible current and future tournament disqualification, to determined by the board. (Fighting is defined in the rule book as: intentionally striking an opponent with a fist, locked hand, forearm, elbow, knee or foot.) - Misconduct towards an official = ejection + sit out teams next scheduled game - Striking an official = tournament ejection, and possible future tournament disqualification, to determined by the board.

Answer Options Yes, I approve this rule change proposal. No, I do not approve this rule change proposal.

Response Percent 91.7% 8.3%

Response Count 11 1 12 0

answered question skipped question

Rule clarification: Modify rules regarding ejections -- in regards

Yes, I approve this rule change proposal. No, I do not approve this rule change proposal.

pprove this rule change

not approve this rule

2012 Gay Bowl Rule Change Proposals

Rule proposal: Add a rule to allow for a team to try for three (3) points after a touchdown from the 20-yard line. Currently, we allow a 1-point try from the 5 yard line or a 2-point try from the 10 yard line. This is currently a rule in the NIRSA Flag Football rulebook, which is what most college intramural flag football leagues use.

Answer Options Yes, I approve this rule change proposal. No, I do not approve this rule change proposal.

Response Percent 33.3% 66.7%

Response Count 4 8 12 0

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Rule proposal: Add a rule to allow for a team to try for three (3) points after a touc

Yes, I approve this rule change proposal. No, I do not approve this rule change proposal.

oints after a

pprove this rule change

not approve this rule

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