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December 8th, 2011 CEVAZ Lvl 18 Manuel Cedeo

Sex Education and Sexism

Sex Education is a gathering of teachings or instructions that focuses on the bodys sexual anatomy, abstinence, methods of avoiding STDs (Sexual Transmitted Diseases) or STIs (Sexual Transmitted Infections) and many others non-wanted consequences of the unprotected or premature sexual intercourse, while Sexism is a kind or type of discrimination that consist in harming or threatening someone (of any gender) based on stereotypes or beliefs related to the persons gender, as well as their sexual orientation and role in life. Sex Education began, in a formal way, at the end of the 19 th Century, as a solution for the world-wide problem of non-expected pregnancy and premature sex, besides the high rate of youth that had STDs or STIs such as AIDS or Gonorrhea and didnt know it, consequently spreading those diseases beyond the limit that can be controlled. Although Sex Education had good intentions, it ended in a complete failure since youth only got more curious about how would it feel or how important it is to do it, instead of thinking how it would affect them, so they started doing it sooner, despite not being emotionally, physically or economically prepared for the huge changes and consequences that it would bring for the rest of their personal and professional life, for instance, all the teenagers that had to quit collage or high school because of an unexpected pregnancy. A few months ago, a fourteenth years-old girl, who got pregnant and had to quit high school, was interviewed by the local news; she said that it was impossible for her to have a normal life again and that she had dishonored her family and herself. Sexism has always existed and its one of the main causes of family violence. A long time ago it was believed that men (males) were the dominant gender over women (females), for this reason women couldnt be considered anything but mothers, lovers, housekeepers, etc. Even though that has changed, there are still many people who believe that women are submissive or weak and that they shouldnt work, vote or have a major role in society.

To conclude, sex education is related to sexism since sex education shall not only refer to ways of preventing people from infections or unexpected pregnancy, using condoms, pills, or any other contraceptive methods. Moreover it shall also cover the emotional part of a relationship, teaching that it should be based on values like respect, responsibility and moderation, because that shall be the solution for the huge problem that Sexism and the lack of a good Sex Education represents. Sex Education ought to be taught by everyone, since each one of us has had unique experiences.

Manuel Cedeo C.I.: 24.241.116

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