"Magic TOEIC": What Is TOEIC Test?

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What is TOEIC test?

The Test of English for International Communication (TOEIC) was first developed in 1979 by ETS to assess the English language skills of people working in multinational companies, schools, and government organizations around the world. Since English is one of the most commonly used languages for international commerce, the new test TOEIC has evolved to take into account current theories of language proficiency and to reflect the needs of todays test users. It includes a variety of tasks and emphasizes communication.

Who takes the TOEIC test?

Your employer may ask you for a TOEIC score for promotion or you may have to provide a TOEIC score in order to apply for a certain job. May be you are finishing a language program and want to have official score and certificate to take with you to show with your employer or school.

What is the format of the TOEIC test?

The TOEIC test takes two hours. It tests your listening and reading skills through a range of authentic tasks. These tasks are designed to reflect the kinds of situations you might encounter in the global business world. Listening Test (45 minutes) Part 1: Photos 10 items Part 2: Question-Response 30 items Part3: Conversations 30 items Part 4: Talks 30 items Total 100 items Reading Test (75 minutes) Part 5: Incomplete Sentence Part 6: Cloze Passages Part 7: Reading Comprehension Total

40 items 12 items 48 items 100 items

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What is being tested? Listening Test

This part tests your ability to understand spoken English. The listening items become increasingly longer and more difficult as the test proceeds, moving from one spoken sentence in part 1 to a short talk in part 4. You will hear varied accents, including US, British, Australian, and Canadian, in order to reflect the reality of the workplace. In part 1 You will see a picture in your test book and hear four short statements. You should select the statement that best describes the picture. In part 2 You will hear two speakers. The first speaker will ask a question or make a statement. The second speaker will give three possible responses. You should choose the best response to the question or statement. In part 3 You will hear some conversations between two people. You will read three questions in your test book about each conversation. Each question is followed by four responses. You should select the best response in each case. In part 4 You will hear some short talks by a single speaker. You will read three questions in your test book about each talk. Each question is followed by four responses. You should select the best response in each case.

Reading test
In the reading test you are tested on your ability to understand written English. Your knowledge of vocabulary and grammar is tested, as well as your ability to identify the main idea of a reading passage and find the answers to questions about details. In part 5 You will read some incomplete sentences. Four answer choices with words or phrases are provided for each sentence. You should select the answer choice that best completes the sentence. In part 6 You will read a cloze passage. This is a passage with a word or phrase missing in some of the sentences. Four answer choices are provided and you should select the answer choice that best completes the sentence. You may have to refer to the other parts of the passage to complete the sentence. In part 7 You will read a selection of texts, such as letters, articles, notices, emails, and advertisements. Each text is followed by several questions. You should select the best response to each question. In this part of the test, some reading tasks require you to read two related texts and answer questions about them. You will need to connect information from both texts to be able to answer some of the questions

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The difference between the TOEIC test and the TOEFL test
Both TOEIC and TOEFL is the international standardized test. They are from ETS (educational Testing Service) from United States. What make them different is TOEFL is a requirement test for people who want to continue their study in abroad, especially in United States. What is being tested in TOEFL usually relates to academic, for example: biology, chemist, physic, economic, American history etc. On the other hand, TOEIC was developed to get the ability of good spoken English on business especially in a multinational company, school/university, and government organization. What is being tested in TOEIC usually relates to the daily conversation in business area.

Listening Section
Part 1 Photographs
In this part of the test you will see some photograph on your test book, and listen to four sentences. Next, you are asked to choose the best answer which best described the photograph. The sentences are NOT written in your text book. In answering the questions of this section, you can pay attention to those three main ideas, they are: Assumptions You may have to make assumptions when you listen to the TOEIC test. These assumptions will be based on what you can infer in the photograph. You will have to determine which of the four statements you hear is true or might be true. One statement on the answer choice will be true or will most likely be true. That choice will be the correct answer. People You may have to identify the people in a photograph. You may identify them by number, gender, location, description, activity, or occupation. Pay attention to the aspects in every photograph, and make sure that you know the type of 5W 1 H questions: subjects-Questions, Wh-/How-questions, and yes-no questions. What are they doing? (e.g. watching TV, discussing something, repairing car, etc) Where are they?(e.g. at the hotel, supermarket, factory, office etc) Who are they? (e.g. manager, doctor, teacher, police officer, bank teller, etc) What are the characteristics of the people? (e.g. fat, thin, bald, has moustache etc) How are their expressions? (e.g. happy, sad, upset, sick, confuse, etc) Whats happening? (e.g. accident, demonstration, robbery, etc)
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Things You may have to identify things in the photo. When you look a photo, try to name everything you see. Pay attention to the photos of something or object, then try to guess: What picture is it? Where is it? How is the scene? Whats happening? What is it made of?

TIPS AND TRICKS - The answer for each question is depending on the type of question - DO NOT RE-LOOK on the photograph you have done, pay
Statement Characteristics the next question. attention to The statement is usually in a form of Present Continuous tense. E.g. the man is driving. The statement is usually using pronoun. E.g. he is writing a letter.

- Make sure that you dont leave your answer sheet empty

Example: you will not read these four statements in your test book. Number1. Look at the picture marked number 1 in your test book. A. The woman is opening the door. B. The train is being repaired. C. The passengers are entering the train. D. The floor is slippery.

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Part 2 Questions Response

In this Question Response section, you will hear two speakers. First speaker will ask a question, and then you will hear three options from the second speaker. You are asked to match every question with the correct statement provided by the second speaker. The total test of this part is 30 questions Language points tested Statements Subject-Questions Wh-/How Questions Yes/No Questions

Statement is a short statement which is usually used for giving suggestion, announcement, request, offer, or imperative. For example: Statement Answer Statement Answer Statement Answer : The coffee is cold : Let me make you a fresh cup : The museum is closed on Sundays : Then, lets go on Saturday : My marketing manager is out of town now. : You should make an appointment first

Yes/No Questions is a short question which the answer mostly yes or no or even short expression like sure, certainly, of course, may be, perhaps, have no idea, not sure, Im afraid not, etc. For example: ~ Are the products ready for shipment? Sure ~ Did you have a good trip? Yes, Its very pleasant ~ Are the workers off this week? Of course not ~ Will you attend the annual meeting? No, I am afraid not WH Questions is a question which is used Wh-words or how. These can be Subject question or Non-subject question. Subject Questions this type of question require subject as the answer For example: ~ How many guests will attend the party? More than 500 persons ~ What factors brought about the loss of the company? Poor bad Management ~ What has happened? The meeting is cancelled ~ Who is the new marketing manager of PT. Ford? Mr. Samuelson Non-subject questions For example: ~ How much increase do we expect? 3% to 5 % increase ~ How much salary do you expect? Rp. 2.400.000 ~ What are they talking about? New marketing policies ~ When will the meeting begin? At 9.00 a.m

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Scope of Questions-Responses
Occupation: What is he ? What is her/his job/profession? Example: Are you a new staff here? Yes Whats the mans job? A marketing manager What are you? A salesman Location: Where? Can you tell me the way to? Preposition (in, on, at, near , etc) Example: Where will the annual meeting be held? In Ibis Hotel Where is the fax machine? Its beside our bosss table Where was the key? Over there, on the wall next to calendar Topic: What is the topic? What are they talking about? Example: What are they talking about? The impact of globalization towards traditional market What is the conversation about? A new trend in the world of information technology What is the topic of the discussion? New tax policies Activities: what doing? Whats happening? What is going on? Example: What are they discussing? The advantage of opening new stores What has happened? Someone stole our saved data What is the man doing? He is fixing the computer Suggestion and opinion: Lets How about What should what about Example: What should the man do? The man should open a bank account first What does the man suggest the woman do? He advised the woman to take a taxi How does the man feel about his present job? He feels his job is very challenging. Time: When..? How often? How long? Example: When was this company established? In 1975 How long will the economic crisis last? About two years. How often does the party occur? Once in a year Reasons: why..? What is the reason? Example: Why does the woman want to apply the job? Because, she is interested in that job Why is the man going to resign from his position? Because, he thinks that its too risky Why did Mrs. Samantha feel upset? Because some of her workers were absent.

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(In the real test, you will not read the statements and the answer choices in your paper test.) Directions: On the compact disc, you will hear a question and three possible answers. Choose the answer that most closely answers the question and fill in the corresponding oval on your answer sheet. 1. (Woman) : Who is in charge in this office? (Man B) : a. Mr. Philips, our manager. b. Every afternoon c. About two hundred dollars 2. (Woman) : What did you name your daughters\? (Man B) : a. She will meet us at around noon b. We call her Elaine Marie c. She was born on Wednesday 3. (Woman) : Why are you studying French? (Man B) : a. My brothers family lives there. b. For no reason except that I enjoy it c. Because I just got up 4. (Woman) : How much can this trailer hold? (Man B) : a. Its two meters deep. b. About 15 metric tons c. No. We bought it in January. 5. (Woman) : How often do you wax your car? (Man B) : a. At noon. b. Only in the evening. c. once a month, except in winter 6. (Woman) : Could you please take these papers to Mr. Jones? (Man B) : a. Weve already met, thank you. b. Shell meet you at the entrance. c. once a month, except in winter 7. (Woman) : How often do you wax your car? (Man B) : a. At noon. b. Only in the evening. c. once a month, except in winter 8. (Woman) : Hi, June. This is Tom. Are you busy? (Man B) : a. Yes, I am. Can I call you back later? b. We wont be able to finish it until September c. No, I havent been asked. 9. (Woman) : Do you really think that the matter will come to a vote? (Man B) : a. No, Ive never been there. b. Everybody says it will c. Yes, if the weather is good 10. (Woman) : Did you hear that our program was canceled? (Man B) : a. Next Sunday b. Yes, and I am very disappointed c. I am sure shell be a good manager
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11. (Woman) (Man B)

12. (Woman) (Man B)

13. (Woman) (Man B)

14. (Woman) (Man B)

15. (Woman) (Man B)

16. (Woman) (Man B)

17. (Woman) (Man B)

18. (Woman) (Man B)

19. (Woman) (Man B)

20. (Woman) (Man B)

: Whats the date today? : a. No, its not too late b. Its March 25th c. Never today : When does your plane leave? : a. Well plan a trip to London b. At 2 in the afternoon c. Where the mountain meets the plain : How much money did you spend? : a. Ill send those messages now b. There were too many c. About fifty dollars : What a good time it was! : a. Its 10:30, I think b. It was a very nice time c. Im sorry I dont have watch : How long did you wait for her? : a. Only about 15 minutes b. Its a long way here c. She doesnt weight much : Whose hand phone is this? : a. Lucias b. I need a new hand phone c. I buy my new hand phone : Hes not usually on time, is he? : a. No, hes often late b. No, hes never late c. no, hes usually on time : Where did you park the car? : a. Its very large park b. Right under the tree c. Mr. Park is from South Korea : Do you prefer coffee or tea? : a. Coffee, please b. Yes, this one is my cup c. The plane is very big : What should I wear to the party? : a. I dont know where it is b. Put on your new black dress c. I put it somewhere

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