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Bukhari being used to check Azam Khan for smooth running of Akhilesh govt?

Submitted by admin4 on 13 June 2012 - 9:57pm Indian Muslim By TCN Special Correspondent, Lucknow: A Muslim name which is taken seriously in Uttar Pradesh these days is S hahi Imam of Delhi's Jama Masjid Syed Ahmed Bukhari. After two successful rounds Imam Bukhari is now taken seriously in political circles of UP. Bukhari's rising importance has taken its toll as his bete noire senior cabinet minister Azam Khan now remains mum on any query related to Imam Bukhari. The Bukhari saga started during assembly elections in the state. Samajwadi Party (SP) supremo Mulayam Singh Yadav shared stage with Imam Bukhari while the latte r announced his support to the party. Bukhari's son in law Umar Ali Khan was als o fielded by SP from Behat in Saharanpur. Party's senior leader Azam Khan openly decried the step by Mulayam. Eventually U mar Ali Khan lost his election. Soon after elections came the time for Rajya Sab ha nomination. Azam prevailed as his close aide Munawwar Saleem was preferred ov er Bukhari's brother Yahya Bukhari. All these were things of the past. Suddenly Bukhari's graph started soaring in p arty circles. His son-in-law Umar Ali Khan was nominated for MLC seat. Azam once again revolted. But it was overlooked as 13 MLAs including some ministers met B ukhari at Delhi and extended their support. Bukhari descended to Lucknow and ann ounced in presence of CM Akhilesh Yadav that not only Umar but another vacant se at will also go to a Muslim. This was done while Azam kept on his opposition. The battle of supremacy was once again witnessed when Waseem Ahmed Khan, a relat ive of Bukhari was appointed on the important post as Chairman, UP Pollution Con trol Board. The post comes with state minister rank and a red beacon. Azam read the writing on the wall and now kept mum. Meanwhile Bukhari kept on playing with full throttle. He openly announced that m ore representation has to be given to Muslims in administration. He vouched for posting of more Muslim officials in the field. The remarks earned him applause t hough they may not materialise. Now these days, Azam never utters a word when Bukhari's name is spelled. To his close aides he shares his note of dissent but not in public. Political experts see a larger strategy in the whole game. Bukhari is not a poli tician. He may not be able to catch votes for the party. Still he is given impor tance by SP top leadership including Mulayam Singh Yadav. The reason is simple. Bukhari is being pumped enough so that he can be projected as anti Azam force with Muslim MLAs and ministers rallying behind him. In this way Azam Khan can be kept in check while Akhilesh rules. For how long it will continue only time will tell. But presently Bukhari means b usiness in UP politics.

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