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Department of Science and Technology Regional Office No.


FOS-TTC-05-F13 Rev 1/22 Oct 2010

GIA PROJECT PROPOSAL Project Title Location Proponents : : : Enhancement of the Capabilities of Product Development and Training Center (PDTC) Cagayan State University- Lal-lo Campus Lal-lo, Cagayan Cagayan State University Lal-lo Campus Lal-lo, Cagayan Provincial Science and Technology Center Cagayan Total Project Cost : P 208,000.00 CSU-Lal-lo - P DOST 02 - P I. Background/Rationale The Cagayan State University, Lal-lo Campus at Lal-lo Cagayan under the 1st district of Cagayan has been identified for community-based projects on Cacao Processing, Citronella Production, Coconut Processing and Mushroom Production in support to the existing MSMEs on the community-based projects being supported by DOSTs flagship program on the Small Enterprise Technology Upgrading Program. Considering CSU-Lal-los capabilities will greatly help the DOST regional/provincial office specially in the conduct technology transfer trainings on food processing and related fields. Furthermore, conduct of product development activities within the chosen service will further develop the universitys research function, and conduct of trainings to further enhance its extension function. 108,000.00 100,000.00


Project Objectives: General: To enhance the capabilities of the product development and training center at CSU Lal-lo Specific:

To enhance operations of MSMEs and other organized groups in the area through technology transfer trainings.

2. To conduct product development on cacao-based products including

possible product developments on renewable energy. 3. To assist the PSTC in providing S&T services to its customers through product development and technology trainings, S&T monitoring and evaluation, S&T services and other office routine activities.

Mode of Implementation A. Livelihood Training The Product Development and Training Center shall be used as a venue for the conduct of basic skills as well as upgrading trainings on various technologies (mature for transfer) by CSU-Lal-lo and the DOST Institutes. An Annual Training Plan will be prepared by the Chief Executive Officer (CEO) of CSU-Lal-lo or assigned personnel/coordinator with a list of experts, course outline of technology and corresponding budget per training. For any government or private individual who would like to conduct a training in the center, there should be a contract of agreement between the parties concerned where certain percentage should be given for the training center for its maintenance and improvement . An impact assessment and evaluation of the training will be conducted by the DOSTR02/PSTC staff to some of the participants , and promote S&T programs where the skills learned in the training can be practiced by them for livelihood development. To ensure continuity and sustainability of training, affordable training fees can be charged from the participants by the Training Center. B. Product Development Services The Center shall conduct product development activities in support to DOST 02S community-based projects on cacao, citronella, mushroom and coconut particularly in the 1st district of Cagayan. Consultancy services shall be catered to clients by DOST experts and also by other industry experts for both public and private institutions. Products/technologies developed should be used to further improve the operations of existing meat-based MSMEs in the province as well as to introduce new concepts/techniques to strengthen the identified industry.

The Center will also showcase its mature technologies on cacao, citronella, mushroom and coconut processed products and other related technologies that can be transferred for commercialization utilizing abundant resources of the province.

IV. Schedule of Activities No. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 Activities Preparation of an Annual Plan showing quarter schedule Attend semi-annual meetings, DOST and PDTC Conduct trainings on food/meat processing and other DOST technologies Conduct Product development Prepare Quarter and Annual Report Prepare and Submit Financial Audited Report Attend trainors training Expected Outputs 1 annual plan divided into quarters 2 meetings attended 24 trainings 2 products 5 reports 2 reports 2 trainings to be attended by PDTC trainor/coordinator Q1 x Q2 Q3 Q4

x 6 1 1 6 1 1 1 1 6 1 1 1

x 6 1 2 1

Budgetary Requirements - Proposed Line Item Budget (LIB) for One Year Budget Class/Particulars A. Personal Services 1. Salaries



Salary of one Project Staff @ P9,000/mo for 12 months


2. Honorarium 2.1 Honorarium of one Project Manager/Coordinator of the PDTC @ 1,500/month for 12 months 2.2 Horarium of one PDTC Trainor @ 1,200/month for 12 months B. MOOE Travelling Expenses of PDTC Staff Supplies and Materials (Training) Supplies and Materials (Office) Documentation and Communication Administrative Cost Sub-total TOTAL PROJECT COST

18,000.00 14,400.00

15,000.00 30,000.00 7,500.00 7,500.00 7,600.00 P 108,000.00 P 100,000.00 P208,000.00

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