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The case:

Madam, its time- Rehana Akhter, Recruiting Manager, EnterSun Ltd. , was going through some files on her desk when her secretary came in. She was about to have a teleconference with Khalid Hasan, Head of operations in the Chittagong plant of the company. She stood up, took some files with her and headed towards the conference room. On her way, she came across the notice board, read it just like she does every day and entered the conference room with a smile on her face. The reason that made Rehana smile was a picture of the employee of the month and it was a group photo of the employees like the previous times. Entersun ltd., a leading manufacturer of Solar housing systems in the country, has some unique practices in terms of organizational culture and the notice board is just a manifestation to that. Their brand statement Naturally energizing lives well serves their purpose in the market and testifies for the organizations commitment to the stakeholders. It also stands for the organizations candid and sharing environment, where employees are motivated in a synergistic way with the cultural practices and harmonious management of business functions and resources. The corporate head office in Dhaka and the production plant in Chittagong are the 2 main branches of EnterSun. At present they have 120 staff working in different divisions of the company. Unfortunately, despite the gender-bias free company culture, no female employee has till date served in the plant. All the 35 employees in the Chittagong plant are enjoying an in-built, in-group culture that has taken its own shape over the years. However, slight differences in every day work behavior in the 2 branches have not been a matter of concern for management till date. Now was the time it was about to raise concern and Rehana was totally unaware, even before the teleconference, that she would be the one to bring that up. In todays conference, Rehana was supposed to discuss the potential recruits for the now vacant post of IT and Automation maintenance specialist in the plant. The Job description in the recruitment advertisement reflected the key responsibilities of the specialist, mentioned the workplace, compensation offer and also the academic background requirement of a B.Sc. Engineer (Mechanical/Electrical) with no experience requirement. As mentioned earlier, EnterSun does not differentiate between genders (unless it is extremely necessary) and therefore, no preference on the basis of gender has been specified on the job specification. Out of around 200 applications for the post she has primarily selected 2 candidates. And then was the time to discuss the results with Mr. Khalid and move on to the final job offer. Particularly for this recruitment, Rehana had some surprising results to share. But given the

increasing diversity and emerging non-traditional practices in the workforce, lately introduced in Bangladesh, the company was supposed to get a taste of it now or in the near future. And what was the ground-breaking result that bears so much importance for the company? Contrary to the common perception and practices in our country regarding women in production based jobs, plenty of female candidates applied for the post. And to Rehanas utter surprise, the most suitable recruit for the post turned out to be a female- Elina Hayat, a fresh graduate from a reputed engineering university. To her advantage, Elina has participated in several IT projects during her academic life and meets the job requirements with added qualifications. A girl scout in her early life she proved being capable of undertaking challenging and laborious tasks. Elina with the other applicants faced an assessment test in the companys IT section in Dhaka office and she scored the highest in the test. And in an assessment test taken in the companys IT section in Dhaka, Elina competed with all the other applicants and scored the highest. Asif Raihan, the candidate only second to Elina in the assessment test, came close and has almost similar academic qualifications like Elina. Both Elina and Asif meets the specific requirements for the post, but if Rehana was to judge properly, her top recruit would be Elina with her test scores, relevant work experience and well-manifested willingness to serve the company. That is what she was telling Mr. Khalid over the phone when suddenly the meeting took an unexpected turn. I run a plant full of guys working in here- how is a girl supposed to fit in here?- exclaimed Mr. Khalid. Rehana tried to stress on Elinas qualifications but Mr. Khalid seemed quite stubborn on his decision. He was boldly excited as he said, A fully functional plant is far from the theoretical achievements you are bragging about. Its real life out there, and in that plant over there its a mans job to tackle. And even if this candidate of yours is to survive there, she will need a long time orienting with it, who will provide all this support to her, you sitting out there in your office? Because I certainly aint gonna be the one. Rehana remained silent. At this point of the conversation, Mr. Khalid realized that he has been too rough on her and it may provoke her against him. He then peacefully reasoned his opinion, his logic being that Asif can fulfill the responsibilities with no added pressure on him (Mr. Khalid) to make him feel comfortable in the plant. Mr. Khalid stressed on his decision reasoning: Everything EnterSun stands for will go astray without the value that we create in our plant, our zero-defect SHS systems. A smooth work environment is a must to ensure a quality value creation in here. With the issue remaining unresolved, the teleconference came to an end for the week. Rehana returned to her cabin thinking what decision will be finalized the next week. Resting on her chair, eyes closed, she pondered over the writings on a poster on the company notice board, a wonderful message the Vice President of EnterSun sends to the employees-

EnterSun has always and will always ensure justice in decision making for the employees and the company environment of free communication is only there to avoid the wrong doings of anyone- even me! You may think that would be a problem with our private information, but there is nothing to hide and nobody can escape the system; the system that is us.

Learning objectives:
The learning objectives include our purpose to relate theoretical knowledge of HRM with a hypothetical yet practical situation with specific focus on recruitment and selection related issues:

To understand the long and short term implications on the organization occurring from
discriminating behavior in recruitment. To analyze the strategies and goals of recruitment and understand their impact on organization functions.

Questions and Answers:

To facilitate the learning objectives, we have drawn 2 questions. In our preparation, we have studied the case, taken help from external resources and used our analytical abilities to derive at the answers. Question 1: Suppose Elina gets rejected. What would be the specific implications on several aspects of the organization? Ans: Discrimination in workplace, whether subtle or blatant, takes a heavy toll. Despite its being an unfavorable outcome of any sort of decision making, particularly in todays communicating work world, many a times bias comes into picture to create discriminated results. Here, supposing a scenario where Elina actually gets rejected, it represents not only a bias but also a different aspect of organizational consciousness, defined by the want of recreating institutions as they have been, despite their disharmony with the larger world. And the

rippling effects of such decision will slowly but surely reach the other aspects of the organization as well. The first thing that comes into mind is the legal implications. Though Bangladesh has not achieved much in terms of Equal Employment Opportunity but association with foreign development or social agencies has addressed some binding acts that can be implemented when rules are violated. Gender is not a genuine job requirement here. This gives Elina an opportunity to voice her protest which will tarnish the companys hard-earned reputation in the market within days. This possibility poses threat for EnterSun both from outside and inside of the organization: External threats: The Company sends a message to the consumer and labor market that it is free of artificial practices in the process of value creation. This effort will go astray if the news of discriminations gets spread. EnterSun may find the quality of applicants dropping as qualified candidates have been known to bypass companies they know have had discrimination issues. Moreover, discriminatory hiring practices can blind a company to the most qualified applicants available, even if they do apply. Internal complications: It is going to be a complete rebuttal to the organizations core values. As mentioned in the case, this organization is based on a principle of equal employment opportunity employees working for EnterSun might interpret this event negatively and take resort to steps which are unfavorable for the company ( job turn-over, mental or physical withdrawal, resistance etc.). And even if discrimination doesnt come to light, it can have a potentially negative result. There will be traces of it within the organization and it may discourage diversity movement in the organization. A company without diversity may find itself without differing opinions and background, leading to stagnant thinking in the workplace. Besides, it may also send an inherent message to the existing male employees that providing a comfortable environment for women is a difficult task to do and they can simply avoid the burden by denying. This may hamper theexisting gender balance in the organization. On another level, the organization faces a conflict situation where the employees within the organization have different standpoints, whereas one stands for the proclaimed cultural practices another argues that the culture exerted in reality is much different. And an extreme decision will totally reject an employees opinion; who is actually responsible for recruiting in the organization and wants to be loyal to its morals. And lastly, even if it is the only case where a question of discrimination was ever raised, it opens the floodgates in the minds of existing employees and customers. People may wonder if their group will be discriminated against next, and those who have been discriminated against are often likely to show solidarity with others. And so in turn, discrimination in the workplace leads to an increase in employee turnover and creates a hostile work environment.

Question 2:

What in your opinion are the recruitment goals of EnterSun in the context of its present organizational culture? What recommendations would you suggest to management regarding changes in recruitment goals and strategies and why? Ans: In todays competitive market, the fight for gaining an edge over the competitors have compelled the organizations to consider their employees as their most valuable resources, more than ever. EnterSun Ltd., being a participant of the competitive market of this millennium has acknowledged the fact in a motivating manner. The company promotes an organizational culture of sharing and candor, which they believe serves their purpose of creating value for the lives they are naturally energizing. EnterSun puts stress on the quality of its workforce and the work environment, being a smart organization, for the creation of ultimate value in the services that it provides. It is needless to say, recruitment, selection and other HR practices must be of immense importance for the organization to manage effectively. Recruitment goals: The given cultural scenario of EnterSun helps identify the recruitment philosophy in practice and it seems to be in alignment with the organizations overall culture. A detailed job description , zero preference for gender mentioned- a job advertisement having all this criteria justifies the alignment. It suggests an approach towards establishing horizontal fit in the organization. If analyzed further, external recruitment technique encouraging fresh graduates gives the notion that the organization welcomes age diversity in its workplace. Through its recruitment approaches, the organization is promoting its brand statement and practices in the labor market. Willingness to harness this promotion opportunity significantly influences the companys recruitment technique. In a nutshell, EnterSun desires to add value to existing workforce through new recruitments in a synergy with its culture and promote its legacy in the labor market for favorable future recruitment responses. Despite the existence of a well-designed recruitment strategy, there have been some flaws in it that has generated the selection-bias conflict. Adopting corrective actions in this sector is necessary to sustain the organizations legacy in the long run. Trend analysis and case study provides some ideas that the management can consider at present.


The gap between the practiced cultures of the 2 branches is merely the organizations
fault. The trend for women to participate in technology based jobs is quite recent to Bangladesh and absence of female employees in the plant is just an outcome of the long-prevailing practice in the market. However, the conflict suggests that the organization has failed to maintain an informative database for past recruitments. Introducing a well-developed HR information system can help reduce the gap in recruitment consistency.

Recruitment not only attracts a large number of suitable candidates but also attracts
the ones deemed appropriate for the job or work environment by the decision units

(top level of the management, line manager, supervisor etc.) of the organization. Had Mr. Khalid been involved in the recruitment strategy formulation, he could not have refused to take the extra burden of shaping the plants culture for Elina to work efficiently. Ensuring proper participation of the affected parties of a new recruitment is something EnterSun should take into consideration.

Since, gender is not a genuine occupational requirement (GOR) neither a genuine

occupational qualification (GOQ) for the post in question, discrimination can not be exercised in this situation. But, to have a balance between the organizations existing culture and the possible emergence of gender based diversity management issues in the plant; EnterSun should focus more on the extensive internal promotion of their culture rather than making it a significant part of their external recruitment goal. This is a short term procedure which will yield favorable results if carried out with diversity management training in the plant.

Realistic job preview is an important recruitment tool that is designed to lower

applicant expectations and presenting the real scenario of the job. It also helps screening out the candidates who may impose some sort of burden on the recruiting organization. To eliminate the uncertainty whether or not a candidate will be able to contribute significantly to the organization, usage of a realistic job preview is a mandatory recruitment strategy for a company like EnterSun. Had Elina been selected in the presence of a realistic preview in the recruitment process, it would not have created the room for bias in the first place. Recruitment results and performance reviews after that can be food for job analysis for EnterSun to avoid future conflicts. This should be taken into consideration while formulating goals and strategies. These measures, if applied effectively, can benefit EnterSun not just at present but in the challenging times in the future as well.

Appendix A: case source and reference


Teacher wins discrimination case An English teacher has won a sex discrimination case against a school in the Borders. A tribunal ruled that Susan Rowley, who taught at Berwickshire High, was discriminated against when she was turned down for a promotion in 2004.

Scottish Borders Council was told to pay Mrs Rowley 21,000 after the job was given to a lessqualified man. David Hume, the council's chief executive, said recruitment practices had been reviewed following the ruling. Mrs Rowley, who has now left the profession, was an experienced teacher with a postgraduate qualification. I hope my case will make sure this does not happen to other women teachers Susan Rowley The employment tribunal heard the colleague who got the job of principal teacher pastoral did not have the experience or qualifications directly related to the post. Other candidates for the post had been told that Mrs Rowley's qualifications and experience were of no advantage to her. They were also told the job would be given only on the basis of answers given at the interview. The tribunal found that the recruitment process was hasty and the school's rector had watered down the personal specifications to favour the successful candidate. It said the rector had failed to properly follow SBC's own policies and procedures. The council was told to pay Mrs Rowley 16,000 in compensation and 5,000 for injury to her feelings. 'Take action' Following the decision, she said: "To have put in so much work gaining the qualifications and experience required to be a good pastoral care teacher and then see it count for nothing was frustrating and disappointing. "Although I have now left Berwickshire High, I hope my case will make SBC take action on recruitment issues and make sure this does not happen to other women teachers." The Equal Opportunities Commission Scotland, which supported the case, said it showed sex discrimination was still being openly practised in Scotland. As an organisation one of our key values is equality of opportunity, and sexual discrimination is simply not tolerated in this council David Hume SBC chief executive Rowena Arshad, EOC Scotland commissioner, said: "This case serves as a cautionary tale for anyone who is involved in recruitment and selection of staff. "When policies and procedures are ignored sex discrimination can creep in and the best person for the job can lose out."

She said it was crucial the recruitment process was transparent or it could leave schools open to "jobs for the boys" allegations. Speaking after the ruling, SBC's chief executive said steps had been taken to address any previous problems. "As an organisation one of our key values is equality of opportunity, and sexual discrimination is simply not tolerated in this council," said Mr Hume. "Our policies, training programmes and recruitment procedures in 2004 (when the case arose) were not consistently applied across the council. "This I believe is the nub of the issue and it is something we have addressed and continue to give this a high priority." Story from BBC NEWS: Published: 2006/07/31 09:39:49 GMT BBC 2012

BBC News, 2006. Teacher wins discrimination case. [online]. UK: BBC News. Available from: h_of_scotland/5227278.stm [Accessed 11 May 2012].

Appendix B: References and Bibliography

Peter Senge, 2004, Presence: Human Purpose and the Field of the Future. In: The Institute for the Study of Organizational Consciousness, [online]. Available from: [Accessed 22 May, 2012].

C. D. Fisher, L. F. Schoenfeldt and J. B. Shaw, 6th Ed. 2009. Human Resource Management. USA: Dreamtech Press.

GMEMPLOYMENTRIGHTS, Nov 2010. Sex Descrimination, [online]. Available from: [Accessed 22 May, 2012].

AHMED, H.L., 2012. Recruitment and selection process: recognize the advantages and disadvantages of internal and external recruitment decision [lecture]. Human Resouce Management. Institute of Business Administration, Institute of Business Administration, University of Dhaka, room 321, 04 April.

GLOVER, J., 2007. Effective Recruitment Strategies and Practices :Addressing Skills Needs & Gender Diversity Challenges in ITEC and Related Sectors. [online]. London, London: Portia. Available from: [Accessed 22 May 2012 ].

The Economist, 2012. Too many suits And not nearly enough skirts in the boardrooms. [online].The Economist. Available from: [Accessed 21 may 2012].

Reskin, B., Sex segregation in the workplace, Annual Review of Sociology Annual 1993 v19: 241-269. Pp. 248-265.

Peoples Daily Online, Official denies turning down "introverted" job seeker. [online]. Peoples Daily Online. Available from : [Accessed 22 May 2012]

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