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HW1 Due Tuesday 28 Feb at the BEGINNING of class 1) Follow the required homework format to solve this shear

review problem. See the example problem on the HW format page on the LEARN site in the folder called Course Information Part of a transmission mechanism may be represented by a thin plate separating two viscous fluid channels h1 , 1 , and h2 , 2 as depicted. The plate has length L = .1m and width (into page) W = .05m . The plate moves to the left at VP 2m / s , while the top and bottom surfaces of the enclosure are stationary. a) Assuming a linear velocity profile and using the given coordinate system, give the equation of the velocity profile for the fluid in the upper and the lower sections. b) Draw a free body diagram of the plate and label al the forces acting on the plate indicating their direction with arrows. Find an expression for the Force (F) required to move the plate at constant velocity VP in terms of Vp, h1, h2, 1, 2, L, and W. c) What is the required force to value given the following data: h1 1mm, 1 .001kg / ms, and h2 1.5mm, 2 .003kg / ms




In Questions 2 - 3 the assumptions and a sketch is not required.

2) A velocity field is known to follow: V 4 xt i 2ty j 4 xz k a) Identify the u, v, and w components of the velocity field. DV b) Find the total acceleration, , of this field. Dt c) Identify the Local Acceleration d) Identify the Convective Acceleration. e) What is the difference between the local and the convective acceleration? 3) Using the continuity equation, show whether or not the following flow is incompressible. V 4 xy i 2 y 2 j 4 z k

Homework Format
Homework Format: Homework MUST follow the following format to be given full credit. Book examples provide additional guidance for the format. Known Clearly state what is happening in the problem: this is not a copy of the problem statement. Find State what exactly the problem asks you to find Schematic / Sketch A drawing representing the system, including applicable coordinate system, control surfaces, representative heat transfer processes, and labels Assumptions List assumptions made to solve the problem Properties List relevant property values including units Analysis/solution method State the governing equation or relation used to solve the problem Solve the problem symbolically first, showing steps to reducing the problem The numerical values should be used only after the problem has been reduced, show units when entering numerical values Expected format Box the answer One problem per page and only write on the front Staple multiple pages together Be neat

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