Developmental Milestones

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Age Neonate One month Two months Three months

Physical Neuro

Gross Motor head lag


Fine Motor Reflexes grasp

Language Cry

Interpersonal Social Prefers human face


Feeding Root, suck, swallow Strong extrusion reflexes Extrusion reflex, fades, drools Attempts to bring lips to cup Anticipates food, begins solid Begin finger food, self feeding

Dance reflex (stepping) Closure of posterior fontanels Grasp reflex disappears Lifts head on prone position Spends time looking at the hand or uses them as toy (hand regard) Brings hands together Two hands grasp Holds bottle with two hands (palmar grasp) Differential crying, coos, gurgles Social smile Recognize the mother

Follows mobiles

Plays with rattle

Four months Five months Six months Moro reflex gone Doubles birth weight, dentition (first teeth central incisors erupt)

Lifts head & chest on prone position Rolls over Sits with support, hitches Bounces, feet in mouth Sits without support Crawls then creeps Moves from prone to sitting, pulls self to standing positioN

Laughs aloud Vocalizes displeasure May say vowel sounds (oh-oh) m-m-m when crying

Very talkative

Extends arms to loved person Coughs to get attention, begins to fear strangers Height of stranger anxiety Cries when scolded Transfers object from hand to hand Uses thumb and fingers to hold peek-a-boo, pat a cake picks up small objects

Seven months Eights months Nine months Ten months

Chews, bites, begins to have food preference

Preference for one hand (pincer grasp) Points for one hand

Says first word (dada) Understands No , responds to own name

Drinks from cup, uses spoon but may spill

Eleven months Twelve months Triples birth weight, Babinski reflex disappears

Cruises, almost ready to walk Stands alone, walks with support

Puts objects in a container Attempts to lower blocks Says two words plus ma-ma and da-da Follows directions Enjoys several toys, enjoys dropping objects to see where they will go Grasps the POWERHOUSE spoon Has a favorite

15 months Plateau Walks alone Notes in Pediatric Nursing by JUNDELL A. CASTARDO, USRN 18 months Anterior fontanels Sits self on a chair Attempts three

Names familiar objects, 4-6 words Uses phrases; 7-20

Vocalizes Smears tool, started

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