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SIXTH FORM BULLETIN Week Beginning 18th June 2012

WELCOME BACK All year 12 students will be back in lessons from Monday 18th as A2 courses start in earnest. Students will be expected to attend all their lessons for all of their subjects until the end of term. Many thanks to Julie Calder for a record breaking Work Experience programme. It is quite exceptional to have secured 120 year 12 placements. We are looking forward to hearing of your experiences. Senior Student Leadership Team will be meeting in the Lecture Theatre 12:25 on Monday this week. Can we please remind students to check their school email account at least once a day ASSEMBLY Tuesday 19th 8:45am Expectations for the next 5 weeks including dress code and attendance & UCAS application process. REQUEST FOR ABSENCE We strongly recommend that you do not take time off over the next five weeks as the A2 courses will have started. For unavoidable circumstances please ensure that you complete a green form in advance. YEAR 12 WORK EXPERIENCE A fantastic 97% of students went out on placement last week. Any students who have not been out and want help with finding a summer placement see Julie Calder next week. There is still time in summer to organise a second experience for any students keen to do so. Please could students complete the evaluation sheets given to form tutors this week and return Julie. Julie is available Tuesday, Wednesday &Thursday to review students experiences and discuss feedback from employers where references have been supplied. UCAS TRIP 4th July A letter was sent home via parentmail before half term. See JC if you need a copy of the letter. Reply slip needs returning with 5 fee for coach by Friday 22nd June JOB APPLICATIONS and INTERVIEW SKILLS WORKSHOP I am extremely pleased to be able to offer a workshop for any year 12/13 students who would like help with Job Applications/CV writing and Interview skills. Mr Roe who has kindly offered to run the workshop has extensive knowledge and experience in this field and has previously specialised in delivering seminars on this subject. If you would like to reserve a place on the workshop please confirm via email to A great opportunity to polish your skills if you are soon to be seeking employment. Date: Wednesday 27th June, Time: 9am. Venue to be advised. LIBRARY NEWS All students and staff are welcome to come along to the Library at Break time 10.00-10.20 this Monday 18th June, to meet the thriller/fantasy author, Laura Powell. She is talking to Year 9 girls p.1 but will then be in the Library signing books and meeting students. Her newly published novel, 'Burn Mark' about East End witches is available to buy on the day priced 6 per copy. This is discounted from the RRP of 6.99 by kind arrangement with Books@Hoddesdon which is organising the event with SBS Library and the English Department. Please make cheques payable to Simon Balle School. Why not buy a book as a present for someone? For further details on Laura's writing and to read the first chapter see We look forward to seeing you on Monday. SCHOOL LEAVER OPPORTUNITIES If you are looking for employment post exams and would like to find out more about school leaver programmes and apprenticeships see a list below of just some companies who are advertising to recruit A level students for their trainee programmes: Barclays, RBS, Aviva, Price Waterhouse Cooper, KPMG, Baker Tilly. Log on to their website and have a look at what they are offering. There are some fantastic schemes, most of them asking for a minimum of 260 UCAS points or BBC grades. Alternatively there are numerous apprenticeship schemes on offer, simply register via , state your area of interests and search results lots of work/training schemes available. TFL OPPORTUNITIES Transport for London (TfL) is responsible for keeping seven million people moving across London, and it takes over 28,000 members of staff to make this happen. TfL would like to invite your students to apply to their apprenticeship programmes and join the expanding team of staff at their London office. They are looking for talented, enthusiastic students who are looking to bypass university and enter the world of work. As well as receiving excellent training from leading professionals, TfL will offer your students the chance to earn whilst they learn, and they will receive a number of staff benefits including free travel on tubes and buses. All students need to do is fill in their details and answer two questions.

The deadlines for applications are fast-approaching, so please read their message below or visit the following page on their website for more information: FINANCIAL SUPPORT FOR FUTURE ENGINEERS Institution of Mechanical Engineers We prize engineers Financial support when you need it If you are looking to study mechanical engineering or are ready to progress your career in the industry, were here to reward you. We are committed to developing, inspiring and encouraging engineers at every stage in their career, with practical, financial help. Each year, we support the educational and development needs of students, graduates and members with grants totalling some 400,000. Go to for more information. Criminology Student Conference - 3rd December 2012 - London Places can now be booked for the above conference for any interested Sociology/Psychology students. The conference is designed to help students gain an insight into the academic study of Criminology and is chaired by one of the countries leading criminologists along with high profile speakers presenting throughout the day. To book a place or for more information phone 01869 336410 or There is also a poster advertising the talk on the careers board. ARRIVING & LEAVING SITE On the rare occasion that you arrive late to school please ensure that you sign in at the main school reception. It is important that when leaving the school site all sixth form students sign in and out of school at the main reception. PARKING Can we remind students that parking is not permitted on the school site without authorisation. SIXTH FORM IMPORTANT DATES Fun Run Sports day Year 13 Leavers Assembly & Hoody Collection District Athletics champs Sixth Form Induction 25th June, periods 4 & 5 27th June 28th June, 2pm 29th June Monday 2nd & Tuesday 3rd July

Year 12 UCAS Convention Wednesday 4th July (Letters have been emailed to students and via parentmail/InTouch) Summer Concert Megadrive (Year 12) Results Day Wednesday 4th July Thursday 5th July A levels Thursday 16th August GCSEs Thursday 23rd August


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