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2nd Quarter 2006

The first step in global church growth. Digitize your church today.

2002-2006, Dot Church, LLC. All Rights Reserved. CONFIDENTIAL

Table of Contents
1.0 Executive Summary 1.1 Products/Services 1.2 Strategy 1.3 Market 1.4 Management [proposed] 1.5 Funding/Use of Proceeds 1.6 Corporate Information 2.0 Products/Services 3.0 Market Analysis Summary 4.0 Industry Analysis 5.0 Competition 6.0 Strategy Summary 7.0 Competitive Advantage 8.0 Sales & Marketing 9.0 Advertising & Public Relations Strategy 10.0 11.0 12.0 13.0 Project Summary Milestones Management Team [ proposed] Projected Financial Statements 13.1 13.2 Projected Profit and Loss Projected Balance Sheet

2002-2006, Dot Church, LLC. All Rights Reserved. CONFIDENTIAL

1.0 Executive Summary

Dot Church seeks to become the world's leading faith based domain name registry by introducing and selling the .church domain names, a new extension that offer greater relevance and meaning than current faith based web site addresses ending in .com, .net, .org and other existing top-level domains. We are making this possible initially through our partnership with, an idealab! incubator company. is encouraging millions of users to activate their Internet browsers to recognize domain names and partnering with leading Internet Service Providers to activate the .church domain names automatically at the network level. Through this partnership, we now have tens of millions of users that have access to domain names, particularly the .church domain names. We are confident that .church domain names will soon be recognized universally across the Internet. Our primary objectives are to sell a domain name that churches, ministries, and faith based organizations genuinely want, and to make the Internet an easier place for users seeking spirituality to find what they are looking for. Product/Services The companys primary product is our .church domain registration service. Our customers apply to register .church domain names either directly through our web sites and e-mail-based registration templates or indirectly through affiliate partners. We accept registrations and reregistrations in one-year increments for periods up to ten years. Strategy Dot Churchs strategy is to develop an online destination perpetuating the culture of the .church opportunity and phenomenon. This will be accomplished primarily by the establishment of a global affiliate sales program designed media related entities, entrepreneurs, and specifically, service providers to the faith based market. Market The business model for domain registration has been proven by leading market leaders such as Verisign, Network Solutions, and Management (proposed) Rodney Sampson, Chairman of the Board CEO, TBD COO/CTO, TBD VP, Business and Relationship Development, TBD

Funding/Use of Proceeds The company believes that the total capital requirements for its first round of funding will be $1,000,000.00 for 20% of the company. Capital will be used principally to develop the companys marketing campaign and online global sales affiliate program. Specifically, these funds will provide entry into the marketplace, the lease of office space and equipment, local area network build out, sales site development, payroll, marketing and advertising, administrative expenses and working capital.

2002-2006, Dot Church, LLC. All Rights Reserved. CONFIDENTIAL

Corporate Information The corporate office of Dot Church is located at 1350 Spring Street, Suite 725, Atlanta, GA 30309 USA. Please contact Rodney Sampson at (404) 724-0003 with any questions regarding this plan.

2.0 Products/Services
The companys primary product is our .church domain registration service. Our customers apply to register .church domain names either directly through our web site, and e-mail-based registration templates or indirectly through affiliate providers and others. We accept registrations and re-registrations in one-year increments for periods up to ten years. Dot Church provides churches, ministry organizations, faith based organizations and individuals with the following services: .church web domain registration [e.g.] - Our customers apply to register .church domain names either directly through our web sites and e-mailbased registration templates or indirectly through affiliate providers and others. The .church domain names are also offered in multiple languages such as Spanish, French, and Portuguese, Dutch & Italian. This offers tremendous opportunities of up sell for domain registration. Through, we will accept registrations and re-registrations in one-year increments for periods up to ten years. Dot Church will provide churches, ministries, faith based organization and individuals with the following value added services. Email capturing and marketing services [through third party partnership] Email, website and virtual domain hosting [through third party partnership] Once a customer has purchased it web domain, they will have the opportunity to immediately retain email addresses and reserve web space. This service will be outsourced. Web design [through third party partnership] The next step after setting up email and reserving hosting space for the domain name if to build out a website to meet the current budget and online needs for the customer. This will service will be outsourced. Streaming audio & video services [through third party partnership] Due to the growing need and demand for global content delivery mechanisms for churches and faith based organizations, Dot Church has strategically positioned itself with the Digital Faith brand which is the premier provider of turnkey Internet and digital broadcast services. Digital Faith offers turnkey live broadcasting services, 24/7 digital broadcast channel services, video/audio broadcasting on 24/7 digital broadcast channels; and video/audio on demand services.

3.0 Market Analysis

Before we talk about strategy for future development, we have to understand where we are, and where we've been. Strategy is about playing towards strengths and away from weaknesses. Marketing is about understanding our target markets and target market needs. Therefore, we begin this section with our market analysis, looking in detail at our target industry, target market and market needs.

2002-2006, Dot Church, LLC. All Rights Reserved. CONFIDENTIAL

The Internet The Internet is a global web or conglomeration of over 50,000 computer networks, the first of which were developed more than 25 years ago. The Internet was installed using UNIX-based computers, which were developed by AT&T, a telephone company, and thus had very sophisticated communications capability for our time. Although the Internet served the objectives of the United States Department of Defense, others looked it upon as awkward because of our arcane commands and non-user friendliness and therefore, the growth of the Internet for many years was modest. The development of the communications transport protocol TCP/IP made it possible for each Internet computer to pass on packets of information without using a switchboard, but by using different computers. The Internet now connects computers capable of running the Internet protocol (TCP/IP), as opposed to other devices such as telephones, facsimile machines or dumb terminals. Specifically, anyone or any computer can link onto the Internet and the conglomeration of networks results in costs that are fundamentally lower than, and structured differently from, stand-alone networks. Communication on the Internet occurs primarily between a client and a server, or so-called host computer. The client computer initiates a request for information or other activity and the server computer responds to, or serves, that request. Furthermore, server computers run specialized software specifically designed to provide a variety of services to client computers. Notably, many host computers operate as mail servers or file servers that enable the downloading or transfer of files. The Internet has historically been used by academic institutions, defense contractors and government agencies primarily for remote access to host computers and for sending and receiving electronic mail and has traditionally been subsidized by the United States Federal Government. As an increasing number of commercial entities have come to rely on the Internet for business communications and commerce, the level of federal subsidies has significantly diminished and funding for the Internet infrastructure and backbone operations has shifted primarily to the private sector and end users. In addition, according to industry market research, as far back as October 1994 the number of commercial domains on the Internet surpassed the number of educational domains. Individuals are now connecting directly to the Internet through Internet access services such as those provided by MCI Telecommunications Corporation, NETCOM, Performance Systems International, Inc., UUNET Technologies, Inc. and WebTV. These services are growing as easyto-use software packages that make accessing the Internet as easy as getting onto the popular consumer on-line services. To compete with these direct Internet access providers, consumer on-line services including America OnLine, Inc., EarthLink, Inc. and Prodigy Services Co. have also introduced Internet access gateways for their subscribers. With these gateways, the on-line services effectively become large Internet "on-ramps," bringing large numbers of subscribers onto the Internet. The World Wide Web Much of the recent growth in Internet use by businesses and individuals has been driven by the emergence of a network of servers and information available on the Internet called the World Wide Web (the "Web"). The Web, based on a client/server model and a set of standards for information access and navigation, can be accessed using software that allows non-technical users to exploit the capabilities of the Internet. The Web enables users to find, retrieve and link information on the Internet in a consistent way that makes the underlying complexities transparent to the user. Electronic documents are published on Web servers in a common format described by Hyper Text Mark-up Language ("HTML"), which is a series of tags or codes added 2002-2006, Dot Church, LLC. All Rights Reserved. CONFIDENTIAL

to a text document to format a document or add links to other documents. Web client software can retrieve these documents across the Internet by making requests using a standard protocol called Hyper Text Transfer Protocol ("HTTP"). Browsers and HTML are an essential part of the success of the Internet and our growth in users. Browsers allow a user to wander around the Internet with relative ease while HTML allows the exhibitor of a Web page to navigate to either some other page at that particular Web site or to a relevant page at another website. The introduction of commercial Web pages introduced a new and substantial opportunity for users of the Internet. The proliferation of Web users has created significant demand for software to enable Internet servers and private servers on corporate networks to function as websites, which are used by content providers to offer their products and services on the Internet and to publish confidential company information to employees inside the enterprise. E-Commerce E-commerce is the buying and selling of products and services by businesses and consumers over the Internet. E-commerce provides companies with the opportunity to serve a rapidly growing market as consumers increasingly accept the Internet as an alternative shopping vehicle. Growth in Internet usage has been fueled by a number of factors, including the large and growing installed base of personal computers in the workplace and home, advances in the performance and speed of personal computers and modems, improvements in network infrastructure, easier and cheaper access to the Internet and increased awareness of the Internet among businesses and consumers. The increasing functionality, accessibility and overall usage of the Internet and online services have made them an attractive commercial medium. The Internet and other online services are evolving into unique sales and marketing channels, just as retail stores, mail-order catalogues and television shopping have done. Companies operating online can interact directly with customers by frequently adjusting their featured selections, editorial insights, shopping interfaces, pricing and visual presentations. The Internet also provides e-commerce companies with an opportunity to serve a global market. Online operators have the potential to quickly build large common global customer bases and to achieve superior economic returns over the long term. International Data Corporation ("IDC"), an information technology market research and consulting firm, has predicted that the number of people accessing the Internet had reached approximately 100 million by the end of 1998 and will reach 320 million by 2002. According to IDC, revenues through the purchase of goods and services over the Internet in the United States will reach approximately US$250 billion in 2002. IDC has also reported that approximately 13% of all United States households were online in 1996 which figure increased to 20% by early 1998. IDC estimates that the number of Internet users buying goods and services on the Internet worldwide will exceed 128 million by 2002, as compared to 18 million in 1997, with the amount of commerce conducted over the Internet exceeding US$400 billion by 2002. In addition, IDC estimates that worldwide Internet services revenues increased by 71% in 1998 to reach US$7.8 billion and has forecasted that such revenues will surpass US$78 billion by 2003. IDC has also reported that the United States accounted for more than 50% of worldwide Internet services spending in 1998 at US$4.6 billion. IDC has also estimated that corporate spending in the United States in the area of Internet-based products and services will increase from US$85 billion in 1999 to over US$203 billion by 2002. Broadband Access The number of households accessing the Internet via high-speed or broadband connections will surpass the number of dial-up households in 2007, according to a study by technology consultancy the Yankee Group.

2002-2006, Dot Church, LLC. All Rights Reserved. CONFIDENTIAL

At the end of 2001, there were 54.4 million dial-up households in the U.S., compared to 10.8 million broadband households, the study said. The Yankee Group expects the number of dial-up households to remain at 54.4 million by the end of 2002 before dropping slightly to 52.8 million by 2003. The number of broadband households is expected to double in two years - to 16 million in 2002, expanding to 21.3 million by the end of 2003. The study said dial-up will continue to decline through 2007. The number of dial-up households is predicted to drop to 50.1 million in 2004, followed by 47.1 million in 2005, 43.8 million in 2006 and 40.5 million in 2007. Broadband, in contrast, is expected to maintain a steady growth rate, and will pass dial-up in 2007. The Yankee Group said the number of households with high-speed Web access will hit 26.7 million in 2004, 32 million in 2005, 37 million in 2006 and 41.7 million in 2007. Many homes are broadband enabled, and operators soon will be making a pitch to get consumers to switch from dial-up. For example, Cox Communications is offering customers in Las Vegas a "limited" broadband service - which offers 256 kilobits per second instead of 450 for $26.95. The industry analysts foresee increased migration from dial-up to broadband over the next five years. Dial-up is losing some customers to broadband, but it is adding some new customers as well. The study said cable modem and DSL will account for the vast majority of broadband households through 2007. Of the 10.8 million broadband households at the end of 2001, 7.2 million were cable modem, with 3.4 million DSL. Satellite broadband accounted for just 145,000, with fixed wireless MMDS chipping in 45,000. Through 2007, cable modems are expected to maintain nearly a two-to-one advantage over DSL. Of the 41.7 million predicted broadband households in 2007, 24.2 million are expected to be cable modem users, with 13.8 million DSL, the study said.

4.0 Industry Analysis

Dot Church will focus primarily on small, medium, large and mega churches and/or faith based institutions within the United States, Europe, Asia, and The Caribbean with special focus on nondenominational church with 5-25 employees and an existing online website ministry. We have broken our markets into groups according to standard classifications used by market research companies: small [1-500 members], medium [501- 2000] large [2001-5000], and mega [5001+] churches. Exact definitions of these market segments are not necessary for our marketing planning purposes here; general definitions will suffice. We know our large and mega church customers tend to be heavy marketers, now wanting turnkey global delivery solutions. These organizations

2002-2006, Dot Church, LLC. All Rights Reserved. CONFIDENTIAL

also like technology, computing and creative ways of disseminating their information. Most of these churches employ media and IT directors. Industry Demographics There are approximately Four hundred thousand (400,000) churches in the United States, Two million (2,000,000) churches throughout Europe, Four million (4,000,000) churches throughout Africa and the numbers are growing at 10% per year. The largest growing paradigm is the nondenominational church. Our estimate in this plan for the faith-based organizations in our market is based on an analysis published four months ago by Barna Research Group. Faith based organizations include several types. For our plan, the most important are the churches that currently have website. These are likely to be the non-denominational and more prominent denominational churches in the country. These organizations are lead up by sophisticated clergy who maintain return on investment, directly or indirectly as a key factor in theyre decisions making process. In addition, the leaders of these institutions are better educated, generate more revenues, and make decisions faster compared to their denominational colleagues. Qualified churches in our market include virtually any church that [a] has a website, [b] has a desire to launch a website, [c] has a message to communicate to their local and global economies, and [d] has products and resources they want to sell. Again, we estimate 500,000 such churches in our immediate market, the United States. Once we expand into the Caribbean, African, and European markets, the number of qualified churches expands exponentially. Industry Needs A recent survey of American teenagers by the Barna Research Group of Ventura, California, underscores the increasing use of the Internet for religious purposes among young people. Currently, 4% use the Internet for religious or spiritual experiences. Although that represents a modest gain from a year earlier, the most revealing insight concerned their expectations for the future. One out of six teens (16%) said that within the next five years they expect to use the Internet as a substitute for their current church-based religious experience. Significantly, this notion was most common among teenagers who currently attend church regularly. AfricanAmerican teens were four times more likely than white teens to expect to rely on the Internet for their future religious experience (31% vs. 8%, respectively). If that seems outrageous, consider the fact that a recent survey by Barna Research among adults shows that 12% of the adult population is already using the Internet for religious purposes. The most common of those purposes is to interact with others via chat rooms or e-mail about religious ideas, beliefs or experiences. That represents about 25 million adults who rely upon the Internet for religious expression each month. Not surprisingly, there is a clear generational bias in cyber faith. Younger adults are more likely to turn to the Net for religion. Overall, 17% of Baby Busters (ages 18 to 32) use the Net this way, compared to 11% of Boomers (ages 33 to 51), 8% of Builders (ages 52 to 70) and 4% of Seniors (71 or older). An unexpected outcome was finding non-white adults being 60% more likely to use the Internet for faith matters than white adults (16% versus 10%, respectively). Also, nonChristians are nearly as likely as Christians to seek spiritual input through the Net. Churches that retain members and constituents in the 21 century will rely heavily on Internet based marketing and broadcast delivery mechanisms. 2002-2006, Dot Church, LLC. All Rights Reserved. CONFIDENTIAL

Industry Trends Our target churches are on average as dependent on reliable Internet technology as any other business. They care more about reliable turnkey service and confidence than about the rockbottom lowest price. They don't want to rely solely on their own expertise, so they choose to deal with us instead, with our promise of service and support when needed. There is an extraordinary amount of ad-hoc purchasing from non-denominational leadership in churches. If the Senior Pastor sees the vision and usefulness of the technology, they commit on the spot. Often the administrators and staff try to discourage this, but are only partially successful. Once the technology is deployed, the administrative staff becomes convinced that the Pastor made the right decision. Industry Growth Overall we see the number of qualified potential customers in our small church and medium church markets growing at about 8-9% per year, over the next few years. This is just a simple calculation based on industry trends, particularly as it relates to new Internet technologies. We see a more interesting market opportunity in the skyrocketing expansion of the churches that use of digital cameras and inexpensive post editing equipment. The next big wave is connectivity, LANs, and the Internet. The growth figures in these areas are spectacular. According to Harper's Internet Index, there are now 57 million Internet users in the United States, and that number has doubled in two years. There are currently over 6 million websites, up from 100,000 in 1996. Meanwhile, demand for Internet broadcasting continues to grow. The IDC forecast for this quarter suggests 14.1% growth in sales of Internet related broadcasting services in the United States, compared to the same quarter a year ago. Faith Based Marketplace The Market The business of faith has long been recognized as a multi-billion dollar industry by companies and organizations that provide services and products to faith-based institutions. The relationship between an institution of faith and its loyal constituents has been found to be stronger than that enjoyed by some of Americas most powerful, successful brands. Today, more and more companies are experiencing the emergence of the Christian community as a viable purchasing force. The Demand Consumer demand for media and entertainment with strong moral and spiritual values has exploded in recent years. In 2001, the # 1 and 2 best-selling fiction books were faith-based stories Left Behind and Prayer of Jabez both written by church pastors. Religion is listed #1 among the top 16 categories of consumer book market revenues. According to the Christian Booksellers Association (CBA), Religious book sales are expected to grow by 15% per year, while consumer product sales in general are expected to grow by less than 9%. We see no cap to the religious category in the general market; our sales are only limited by our ability to execute.

2002-2006, Dot Church, LLC. All Rights Reserved. CONFIDENTIAL

Meanwhile, inspirational or Christian radio has gone from a handful of stations 20 years ago to over 1,600 today. Inspirational, faith-based shows like Touched By An Angel are netting high TV ratings, and MovieGuide magazine reports that the number of films with strong biblical themes has skyrocketed over the past decade. Moreover, Hollywood has a renewed interest in family films. The family film genre is an area that has great intensity right now, said Michael Nathanson, production president for MGM. Recently the market has become much more recognized. (Variety) And for good reason. A 1999 study commissioned by the Dove Foundation showed that of the 2,380 films given a wide U.S. release during the decade ending in 1997, G-rated films yielded the highest gross profit$94 million on averagewhile R-rated films earned only $11 million on average, and PG films earned about $26 million on average. G-rated family films generated eight times more gross profit than R-rated films. Not one of the 20 top-grossing feature films of all time carries an R or NC-17 rating. One industry analyst remarked, A studio executive seeking to reduce downside risk and increase upside possibilities could do so just by shifting production dollars out of R-rated movies into G, PG, and PG-13 movies (Los Angeles Daily News). Indeed, films like Shrek, Monsters Inc., Ice Age, and The Rookie which together earned over $800 million in U.S. box office are heralding a new trend. The studios have ramped up their family film slates for what seems like an insatiable family audience. (Variety) The Opportunity Our central business premise is that the same faith and family market" that been voraciously consuming faith-based and family-friendly books, music, TV and radio will likewise consume high quality services, technology and products that drive everyday value. These services and products include any and everything related to the improving the value and quality of life. While still in various stages of implementation, corporate partnerships with institutions, companies, and publications of faith have and continue to emerge throughout the world thus maximizing the core competencies and objectives of each respective organization.

5.0 Competition
Currently, there are no companies that are selling the .church domain name. In addition, all companies that approach to sell the .church domain name must contact us directly. This arrangement is for 1 year. If we reach our sales directives, we can extend the arrangement. If not, other companies, if so desired, will be given the opportunity to sell the .church domain name. It is imperative that we move forward with our aggressive marketing strategies in order to achieve our sales goals.

6.0 Strategy
The growing need and demand for more relevant domain name registration for churches and faith based organizations strategically positions the Dot Church brand and primary service offering. Dot Church plans to exploit this by: 1. Optimal targeting of churches, ministries, faith based organizations and key decision makers 2. Developing direct and reseller sales affiliates.

2002-2006, Dot Church, LLC. All Rights Reserved. CONFIDENTIAL


3. Forming relationships with leading faith based players, retailers, Internet exchanges and infrastructure service providers to prepare Dot Church to support the anticipated rapid growth of the .church domain registration opportunity and up sale opportunities. 4. Differentiating us with a level of product development, service and support that our clients will come to expect. 5. Developing value added services for clients that inherently evolve the state of faith based Internet communication and commerce past its present stage of development 6. Provide a full online communication and commerce opportunity for our customers to maximize online sales and commerce opportunities.

7.0 Competitive Advantage

Our competitive advantage will stem from the extensive relationships with have developed within the faith based market. Our relationships with denominational and non-denominational Bishops are unparalleled. Collectively, these leaders represent more than 250,000 churches world wide. Likewise, our relationships and future strategic partnerships with major media vehicles [print, radio, TV, and Internet] will position the Dot Church brand and primary service offering in the hearts and minds of people world wide. Another core advantage will include our turn-key service offerings [outsourced] that are necessary to complete the online presence process after the registration of a .church domain name. These services include [1] email hosting, [2] website development, and [3] website hosting.

8.0 Sales and Marketing

We are implementing targeted sales programs that will effectively focus on specific off-line and on-line markets. The various elements comprising our sales strategies will include: 1. Implementing referral agent programs and value-added reseller networks with denominational leadership and the major faith based television, radio, print, and Internet vehicles. Revenue sharing arrangements will be solidified with these entities. 2. Implementing a local and global direct sales campaign targeting the key decision makers at churches, ministries, and faith based organizations. 3. Conducting an opt-in Web-based sales affiliated program for small entrepreneurs to sign up to resell the .church domain names and affiliated services. Our initial marketing and sales programs will be directed toward joint ventures with channels that will generate mass awareness to quickly build our brand awareness. These joint ventures will also deliver business opportunities that establish new markets to contribute to accelerated profitability. We will establish focus groups to determine the best strategy and then target the domain name registration services through several key channels and intermediates. The determining factors in choosing these entities are the extensive networks of potential business partners, business channels and business opportunities they access. We are initiating a revolutionary culture and relevance for the presence and viability of churches and faith based organizations on the Internet. A specific model for our sales and marketing efforts include: 1. Offline Strategy: Our offline marketing strategy includes the following: a. Television & Radio: We will conduct a direct response campaign on the major networks to drive traffic to our simple and user friendly sales site. These national 2002-2006, Dot Church, LLC. All Rights Reserved. CONFIDENTIAL


and consistent marketing campaigns will drive interest, awareness, credibility, and sales. b. Call Center A call center relationship will be established to contact ministry leaders to drive awareness and sales via telephone and direct mail. c. Conferences, Concerts & Events: The best way to reach the Bishops, Pastors and Directors, the key decision makers in our target market, is by attending leadership conferences, trade shows and concerts. Dot Church has identified the over 50 conferences for 2006 and 2007. We will attend at least four conferences per month, thus effectively reaching more than 150,000 churches in the United States. At these conferences, we will obtain: Booth space; Leadership presentation luncheon; Full-page color ad in event portfolio booklet; Banner space (5); Mobile Billboards; CD-ROM distribution; Post card and bookmark distribution (25,000 minimum); Media kit distribution; and live Internet broadcast of conference

d. Magazines: Aggressive advertising in key faith based publications is a smart move. The majority of the key decision makers in churches subscribe to these publications to stay on the cutting edge of faith. We will also selectively advertise in mainstream publications as well, especially those that maintain a spiritual influence. This is especially critical given the recent return to faith in the world given the global change in events. e. Billboards: Our national billboard campaign will focus on the areas that are heavily populated with churches. Areas will include: Atlanta, GA; Dallas, TX; Los Angeles, CA; Detroit, MI; Chicago, IL; and Miami, FL. This will drive high traffic to our online destinations and encourage our potential clients to do business with us. f. Public Relations: Our procured PR firm will be responsible for securing interviewing and articles on the major traditional content delivery platforms such as national TV, radio, and print.

g. Affiliate Program: Our affiliate program will allow other vehicles to sell our .church web extensions. Affiliates will be identified in the offline and online market spaces. 2. Online Strategy: Because of our business nature, it is critical that we use the Internet and World Wide Web to consistently market our products and services. The Internet is an excellent branding medium. There is a consistent link between online ad recall and important brand metrics. Impact appears especially strong among new brands (products) compared to those with higher levels of existing brand awareness. Sites deliver exposure frequency, and for many advertisers a different audience than other media. This would be accomplished in the form of: a. Search Engine Marketing b. E-mail promo campaigns i. Procurement of targeted email lists ii. Launch of weekly and monthly email blast viral campaign to include: 1. Text blasts 2. Post card blasts 3. E-Newsletter blasts c. Launch of website banner advertising on major website portals d. Capturing of demographic information from offline and online campaigns

2002-2006, Dot Church, LLC. All Rights Reserved. CONFIDENTIAL


In addition, we will complete the following: Tracking and follow-up: Will we have the discipline, as an organization, to track results of the marketing plan and make sure that we implement? Market segment focus: We will continue to stay focused on providing and enhancing our domain registry services to the multi-billion dollar faith based marketplace. Saying no: We will say no to special deals that take us away from the target focus. We will say no to unprofitable deals.

9.0 Advertising & Public Relations Strategy

Our strategy for advertising and promotion is to position Dot Church as the leading domain name registered by churches, ministries, and faith based organizations. We will integrate public relations with advertising to maximize our impact and credibility while building brand awareness through repetition of our key messages and benefits. Phase I of our advertising and promotions will be to target prospective partners and resellers, thereby generating immediate revenues for Dot Church. Also during this phase, we will seek highly targeted mediums that allow us to reach decision makers at churches, ministries, and faith based organizations. Phase II will consist of broadening our efforts to reach our channels end customers, thereby creating pull through for our domain name registration and related services. During this phase, we will implement media plans that reach a global audience of customers. Phase III, we will continue our other efforts while adding highly targeted advertising and promotions aimed at the global customer base.

Our marketing critical launch goals include: Awareness campaigns reach 400,000 churches in six months with a credible, benefitsrich message for the registration of the .church domain name. As available, customer testimonials in marketing and public relations materials to strengthen credibility and demonstrate benefits of owning a .church domain name.


Project Summary

The company is currently in the seed funding stage and will seek private equity funding of $1,000,000 in its first round. The use of capital is covered in section 1.0 of this plan and in greater detail in the attached projections. Dot Church has formed a strategic partnership with to resell its .church domain names worldwide. In addition, we are in the process of solidifying relationships in order to offer complimentary services such as email hosting, web hosting, and web development. These services will serve as secondary and ancillary sources of revenue.

A listing of some of the recommended companies and the areas they represent includes: 2002-2006, Dot Church, LLC. All Rights Reserved. CONFIDENTIAL


Company Salem Web Network Bulk Register TBD TBD Ryla Tele Services TBD TBD Apple []; HP [] GoYe.TV

Area of Expertise Advertising Partner API & Customer Support Advertising Partner Email Hosting & Ancillary Services Technical Design Direct Mail; Outbound Calling Residential Broadband Commercial Broadband PCs and Hardware Streaming Service Provider



The following milestones highlight our planning and implantation schedule. This schedule will maximize Dot Churchs momentum to take advantage of early market opportunities if executed by the time periods indicated: Execute contract with domain creator Identify management team Build out and launch of sale website Become profitable within the first year Q22002 TBD Q12006 Q42006


Management Team

Rodney S. Sampson, Chairman Business & Social Recognized business innovator and Atlanta businessman Rodney Sampson creates and advances world-class projects and high-impact initiatives that change and improve the way people learn, work, live and experience the world through technology, business, and entertainment. During the dot com boom, he co-founded Multicast Media Networks and - one of the worlds first successful digital broadcast companies involved in creating the one million channel universe to be delivered over broadband. Mr. Sampson remained the companys chief operating officer until 2002, and is a founder and investor in the World Christian Times, and Intellectual Currency Exchange, 2002-2006, Dot Church, LLC. All Rights Reserved. CONFIDENTIAL

14, which includes The Intellect Group, Intellect Media Group and TM Living Legacy Systems as its subsidiaries. In addition, Sampsons investment portfolio includes an ownership interest in a privately held financial services company. Mr. Sampson has a Bachelor of Science degree in Psychology from Tulane University, an MBA from Keller Business School, and an honorary Doctorate of Ministry degree from The International Gospel Fellowship Theological Seminary in Greenville, SC. Sampson also completed three years at The Pennsylvania State University College of Medicine in Hershey, PA. Mr. Sampson is an active member in a number of organizations including the Atlanta Symphony Orchestra, Prophetic Relevance, The Full Gospel Baptist Church Fellowship, Relevate, Rainbow Push, National Religious Broadcasters and the One Ninety One Club (Atlanta Society Member). Mr. Sampson is also an International Leadership Trainer and Speaker with Dr. John Maxwells EQUIP, Special Consults: In 2003 and 2004, Sampsons Intellect Group worked directly with Mel Gibson and Icon Productions to make the major motion picture, The Passion of the Christ, a global success. In 2005, Sampson was asked to endorse and provide marketing services for The Chronicles of Narnia: The Lion, The Witch & The Wardrobe. Sampson also serves as a leadership, legacy and strategy consultant to His Excellency Omar Bongo Ondimba, President of The Gabonese Republic. For his contributions to humanity, Mr. Sampson was awarded The Phoenix Award the City of Atlantas highest honor by Mayor Shirley Franklin in 2004. Sampson and his wife Shanterria reside in Atlanta, GA with their four children. Motivational & Spiritual Sampson is an intellectual dynamo. A man young in age, yet mature in business, thought, execution & philosophy. He is empowered to change lives by serving as a global conduit for knowledge, information, relationships and wealth. Sampsons business & spiritual focus includes execution of principles and opportunities related to the creation of a living legacy through information, economics and leadership. Sampson challenges the leadership of corporations, faith based organizations, governments and the decision makers in popular culture/hip-hop to eradicate every negative and mundane attitude in their minds in order to effectively create and birth ideas, visions & goals that ultimately create wealth and new markets hence the principal, a mind without barriers creates ideas without limitations. Kelly Robinson, Interim CFO Kelly Robinson is currently Founder and Managing Partner of a consulting practice that specializes in providing interim executive services to start up and early stage companies. Prior to this 1 -year old venture, Mr. Robinson accumulated 14 years of corporate experience with tenures at Fortune 500 institutions. His last corporate tenure involved him serving as a Senior Vice President at Wachovia Corporation, which merged while his employ with First Union, where he was responsible for effecting enterprise change by directing the design and implementation of a strategic plan (processes, tools, technology and training) to increase loan margin lift across the entire Corporate Banks portfolio of commercial real estate, business banking, regional corporate and large corporate accounts. As Vice President of Collaborex, Inc., Mr. Robinson oversaw the creation of organizational units responsible for optimizing the performance of consultants worldwide by building departments to address Knowledge Management, Corporate Research, Methodology (delivery) plus Associate Programs. Prior to that, Mr. Robinsons tenure at IXL, Inc. (an e-consultancy) involved him serving as a Director. Specifically, Mr. Robinson oversaw the organizations second largest revenue generating account ($50 million) directing the thought 2002-2006, Dot Church, LLC. All Rights Reserved. CONFIDENTIAL


leadership of several teams involving over 130 associates. Mr. Robinson held business development, client services as well as operational responsibilities involving P&L as well associate development responsibilities. Mr. Robinson served at Sapient Corporation while providing program management and customer relationship management thought leadership for top tier clients such as Hewlett Packard, American Century and J.P. Morgan. Mr. Robinson served as head of project management at BUYPASS Corporation (now Concord EFS) being responsible for the implementation of electronic financial products for financial services, petroleum and super market industries. Mr. Robinsons tenure at Prudential Bank involved him serving in various services, operational and marketing roles with the highlight of his tenure involving the successful introduction of the Banks entire family of commercial products to the marketplace: small business, corporate, and purchasing card programs. Mr. Robinson holds a Master of Science (Management) and Bachelor of Business Administration (Marketing) from Georgia State University in Atlanta, GA. Mr. Robinson also has an independent consultancy that he uses as a platform to give back to budding entrepreneurs through business and financing consulting and seminars.


Projected Financial Statements

There are three critical elements to Dot Churchs financial plan: 1. Become profitable in the first year and break even overall in the second year; 2. Maintain a health cash flow based on initial capital investments, strong revenues and efficient use of funds; and 3. Build up significant shareholder equity. The following three-year projected financial statements show that the four target goals will be met or exceeded. The sales projections reflect very aggressive assumptions due to the growth volatility of the faith based Internet. These assumptions are based on: 1. The global Internet entering a period of intense development; and 2. Churches, ministries, and faith based organization continuing the trend of thinking on the cutting edge as it relates to distributing their information strategically and effectively to the world. 3. B2C e-commerce growth, while beginning to show signs of slowing down, will still increase from $53.3 billion in CY2000 to $454.4 billion by CY2004. Churches, ministries, and faith based organizations must be apart of this e-commerce revolution. 4. There are six billion people in the world and the majority of them seek spirituality in the form of a church. Churches must deliver content to them and make it easy to find. See attached projections.

2002-2006, Dot Church, LLC. All Rights Reserved. CONFIDENTIAL


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