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do one of three things. 1) Tell people what is necessary 2) what is wrong 3) what is not necessary So now that you know the is an example:

How to Make a Cup of Coffee

First you need to buy some coffee and a coffee maker. Then you have to put the water into the bottom of the coffee maker. You needn't boil the water, cold water is fine. Next you have to put the coffee in the coffee compartment and screw the top of coffee maker on. After that you need to put the coffee pot onto the stove. Then turn the stove on hight and wait. You don't have to move the coffee pot. When the water boils and goes into the upper part of the pot you then have to remove the pot from the heat. Finally you pour some coffee into a cup, add sugar and milk and enjoy. Giving instruction adalah sebuah instruksi dan atau sebuah petunjuk yang brfungsi menjelaskan tahapan sebuah perbuatan. Dalam Giving Instruction biasanya selalu di awali adverb/kata-kata keterangan first, next, then, after that, dan finally. Ketika kita memberikan petunjuk biasanya kita menggunakan Imperative from of the Verb/kalimat perintah yang di dalamnya berisi kata kerja/ perintah (comment). Contoh kalimat perintah, yaitu: Dont cry Dont run Close the door Give he a flower Contoh adverb for giving instruction, yaitu: First, Prepare the batter by placing eggs and milk into one bowl. Next, Combine the flour, breadcrumbs, and seasonings into another bowl. Then, Dip each chicken piece, first, into the flour, then the batter, and again into the flour. After that, Take a large, deep chicken fryer, add oil, and heat on the stove at a medium setting. Finally, Remove from pan after the chicken is a golden brown, and place on paper towels, on the co top.

Asking for Instructions

How do you (do this)? How do I . . . ? What is the best way to . . . ? How do I go about it? What do you suggest? How do you suggest I proceed? What is the first step?

Giving Instructions
First, (you) . . . Then, (you) . . . Next, (you) . . . Lastly, (you) . . .

Before you begin, (you should . . .) The first thing you do is . . . . I would start by . . . The best place to begin is . . . To begin with,

Starting out
After that, The next step is to . . . The next thing you do is . . . Once you've done that, then . . . When you finish that, then . . .

The last step is . . . The last thing you do is . . . In the end, When you've finished, When you've completed all the steps,


Reported Commands and Requests

Requests and commands are formed using the "to-infinitive" in statements and "not + to-infinitive" in

negative statements. If we report somebody's commands, we use the verb told. If it's a request, the word used in the main clause is usually asked. He asked me to close the window. Commands Go to bed! He toldme to go to bed. Don't go to bed! He toldme not to go to bed. RequestsCould you buy some eggs? She asked me to buy some eggs Don't buy any eggs please. She asked me not to buy any eggs.

We use modals to change the mood of a sentence. For example, "You should help her" is more polite than "Help her!" Other modal verbs you can use to make requests are: Could: Could you make me some tea? Can: Can you come here please? Will: Will you shut the door please? Would: Would you wait here until the doctor is ready for you? 3. Use an introductory phrase to soften the order Instead of using an imperative, you can use a phrase instead. Here are some common ways of phrasing an order, in order of the most indirect to the most direct: Would you mind possibly (+ ing) (Most indirect) Would you mind possibly moving your car? It's parked right in front of mine. I was hoping you could (+ infinitive without to) I was hoping you could spare me a few minutes this morning. Do you think you could (+ infinitive without to) Do you think you could do this photocopying for me? If you have a couple of minutes spare If you have a couple of minutes spare, the office needs tidying up. I'd like you to I'd like you to file this correspondence for me. I want you to I want you to finish this by tomorrow. 4. Use sequencing words You can use sequencing words to make instructions clear. Firstly, make sure the appliance is disconnected. Secondly, open the back with a screwdriver. Then, carefully pull out the two black cables.

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