Active Parents 0001

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Do at I Do:
Active Parcnts Make
Active Families
ffi BYMASARAHVAN EYCK ued, "fparents] have to real-
for Capital Newpaperd ize that taking care of them-
With the immeasurable selves is taking care of their
demands of raising a child, babies."
staying fit as a parent can be Dana Micinski, a mother
difficult. Especially in the of two who teaches a pre-
first years, when parenting is and post-natal fitness class at
an around-the-clock job, the west branch of the
what used to be a mind-clear- YMCA of Dane Count5r,
ing, exhilarating workout can agrees. "You have to have a
feel more like another chore. little time to decompress so
Add sleep deprivation to the that you can deal with being
challenge and few parents a mom again," she said,
would choose an invigorating Micinski, who has been an
three-mile run over a pilfered obstetrics nurse for 10 years
snooze between feedings. and a fitness instructor even
But medical advice tells us longer, also says that mothers
Eeectant mom |{d,rcn Zanoya keeps in shape by attendint a pte- and post-natal that the benefits of being in benefit from the social aspect
fihess crass at the WestYMCA. pHoro: ATMANDA wEcNER shape while expecting and of her classes, as they follow
raising children are clear: one another's pregnancies
mothers experience easier and ask advice about every-
labors when they are strong thing from epidurals to
and flexible, we all sleep breastfeeding. "I dont know
more easily and deeply after why they cant ask those
a workout, and regular exer- questions in a doctor's
cise makes any parent better office," she laughs, "but they
able to handle the tossed peas feel more comfortable when
and harrowing car rides that everybody's talking about it."
accompany life with small Often, she said, pregnant
children. women who have never exer-
"Mindful exercise can be cised or who have come to
so important," said Dr. class, just to meet new people,
Alison Craig-Shashko, a end up staying long past their
pediatrician with the due dates once they realize
Universigr of Wisconsin the benefits of being in
Hospital and Clinics, shape. "Getting started and
"because it makes you take finding a class that fits a per-
time out for yourself." As a son's needs and has
new mother herself, however, aspect is key," she explained.
slre algo knows how challeng- '1But once th"yr"illze lhuJ
ing tliis can be. "You have to enjoy fthe class], they stick
be realistic with your eners/ #ttt it."
reseryes," she conceded. "Eat While some glms, like the
as well as you can, exercise YMCA, offer in-house child-
when you can. But the rest is care, staying in shape need
up to nature, you just do not induce separation anxi'
vour best." Still, she contin-
continu0 on page 15

AC{iVg continuetfrom pase Io

ety. In fact, a whole line of athletic equipment is geared
to-ward parents *ilIi"€ to take children along for the
ride. Baby packs and carriers, for example, make a walk
aiound the late or even a day s hike possible. Baby
Joggers - three-wheeled, lightrveigtt strollers ! come
witH full surpension *ttd a le.rh thx loops aro-und the
wrist, allowing parents to run while pushing the stroller

Fo. cvclist*-toroud-p"t"nts, the bike trailer - a

brightb'"-q6lori, t""i-t[" nylon carriage that attaches
to tbe seat stern of an adult bike - is also an option'
According to Darin S"hultr, manager of Budget
Bic-ycle C,,utier. main store, the bike trailer is a safe way -
in friends, personaligr to iansport up to three kids, thanks t" i* lo*-L-the-
Teens changes, failure to make cur- grorrrrdlonst uction and aluminum frarne, which makes
it "pretty much a built-in roll cage." Burleyi fully col-
continae?from page 12 few and being unusually
uncommunicative. While lapsible modelwith quick-release wheels can easily be
qr in general. Your teen will most teens go through nor- tossed in a trunk and its optio"t stroller aftachment
develop an attitude of mal periods of difficulty in allows for a quick transition from bike toui to zoo tour'
responsibiligr and caring these areas, it can also signal At some poiot, ho*"ver, kids can get tired of sitting
in the stroller or trailer and watching the world go by.
toward others that will carry drug use or clinical depres-
"That's where the trailer bike comes in," said Schultz.
over into adult life. s10n.
"Communigz involvement Work out house rules with Basicallv a child's bike without a front wheel, the trailer
bike attlches to the stem or ra"L of atty JJt biLe to
gives the kid self-esteem," your teen instead of imposing
said Kiefer. them. Kiefer convert it into a tandem. Whil" bike rides are not limit-
You aren't urges Parents to o" bik" h*ndiitg tkill*, kid"
Second, "Jr"-ift. "ftifa!.tr."sth
can still contribute tolhe ride by pedaling, said Schultz,
involvement be realistic
your cbi[22 "it
" makes them feel like one of the adults."
with a mentor regarding rules
s"il;; ;;il;i.-;;;;;;;,o be as a",i,,"
from outside the frien?-
you are tlae onb
like curfew. Be
as they *.r" befo.."*"y Ua children. pquipment like
can give a teen j' a,
:ii"'l:I T .
nu age-aPProPnate.
Baby joggers and bike trailers are a popular solution,
pu".[""tirr". Thi. trIom or DaA
^ your con- {.Jse
he conjectured, because "the;4 allow parents to take
their whole f.*ily with them and still do the things they
adult serves as a Cbil/ Will cerns, such as
UOU.v used to do." And by watching and participating in par-
role model and , 9uestlonable
e\er laa7e. ents'activities, kids are more likely to live acJive
gives the teen a fiiendships, to
Iifestyles, he said. "11 ..rlly has to do with the whole
neutral adult highlight posi-
familv being active."l
viewpoint. The emotional tive attributes, such as loyal-
baggage or conflict between a ty. You'll open your teen's
parent and teen is absent in eyes to a bigger picture.
this relationship, and that Most of all, realize the
may make it easier for a teen power you have as a Parent.
to share feelings, fears or You aren't your child's friend Dress-up Theme
Parties for Children
worries. - you are the only Morn or
Ages 5 & Up
Be alert for signs of trou- Dad your child will ever
ble in your teen's life. Note have. Use your position of - 7{E4tsoofttg
Qarden fairy -lPrfficess,
any changes in behavior, power to give your teen
lPirate A.drtenture
Kiefer explained, such as everything needed to suc'
changes in grades and school ceed'
E La-'Tea-D o I tea eafties
We offer partyAroslin8.andochildren s
attendance. Keep track of "And catch your kid doing
Internet use. Pay attention to something right!" Bushy (608) 455-3WSr{
warnings such as disinterest said'l www. 3

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