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Short Answer Questions: Submit your written answers to the instructor.

1. Explain the difference between computer hardware and computer software.

Hardware is made up of the physical parts of the computer, including such components as the system unit, monitor, keyboard, and printer Software is made up of all the programs that instruct the computer 2. When you install software on your new computer, which do you install first, system software or application software? Explain your answer. system software. Because it includes the programs that assist with the proper functioning of the computer.
3. Monitors and printers are output devices. Identify an additional output device.

speaker, headphones, Computer-aided design 4. Currently, computer users have two ways to input information: directly (keyboard, mouse, touch pad) or indirectly (scanning, voice). What are some practical applications of voice input? You can control browser and application sw through voice commands. Or you can record your voice to mobile phone, cassette, CD,. What are the challenges with voice input? Voice needs to be strong, big and clear. The record sofware needs to be good and modern so that the voice output reaches high quality Do you think that voice input will replace traditional methods for data input that we use today? In some cases, voice input can replace traditional methods for data input but not all.

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