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The kanya kumari district co-operative milk producers union Ltd., is a co-operative organization and it has been registered under co-operative societies Act on 25th January 1949 (25.01.1949) under registration no 2946. The union started functioning on 7th February 1950 (07.02.1950). Later it was elevated as NANJIL NADU MILK supply co-operative union on January 1951 and during 1961 it was renamed as kanya kumari district co-operative union. Then again it was converted as kanya kumari district co-operative milk producers union Ltd.,. This dairy is located at NAGERCOIL, the head quarters of kanyakumari district.

The elected board of this union was superseded and the District collector was appointed as special officer (S O) with the effect from 26.05.01 and Mr.Ashish kumar, IAS, the District collector is the current special officer of this union. Mr.C.RAJU,,Bse,IDD is the present General Manager of this union.

Artificial insemination
To improve the variety and introduce different breeds of cattles in their member societies, the Artificial insemination scheme had been introduced in this union from 22-09-1988. The union is taking various steps to provide adequate training to its employees to do AI by sending them various training institutes and place them in different societies to do AI services to the cattles of member societies.

Intensive dairy development program

Intensive dairy development is being implemented in this union at a total financial out lay of Rs. 291.77 lakhs for modernization of AI, strengthening of infrastructure of the union and for creation of societies. So far Rs.189.83 lakhs had been received from the government and related work is going on and balance amount of Rs. 101.94 yet to be received from the government.

DAIRY AT A GLANCE Date of registration Date of functioning Conversion as producers union Area of operation Total number of societies Functioning of societies Societies operated by women Dormant societies No. of societies supplying milk to union Milk Pouring members Total members Procurement per day No. of liters of milk procured by union Number societies doing artificial insemination Dairy capacity Pasteurization capacity Milk storing capacity Boiler Milk peda producing capacity per day Milk payment Milk purchase rate 25.01.1949 07.02.1950 16.02.1982 Entire kanyakumari district 112 77 33 35 42 4506 40527 39164 liter 6564 liter 18 30000 liter 5000 liter per hour 45000 liter 0.5 liter 160 liter For every 15 days Based on quality


Organization structure is the pattern of relationship among components or parts of the organizations. This prescribes the relationship among various activities and positions Organization structure can be best explained through an organization chart. An organization chart is the vital tool for providing information about organizational relationship. An organizational structure consists of activities such as task allocation, coordination and supervision, which are directed towards the achievement of organizational aims. It can also be considered as the viewing glass or perspective through which individuals see their organization and its environment. The set organizational structure may not coincide with facts, evolving in operational action. Such divergence decreases performance, when growing. E.g. a wrong organizational structure may hamper cooperation and thus hinder the completion of orders in due time and within limits of resources and budgets. Organizational structures shall be adaptive to process requirements, aiming to optimize the ratio of effort and input to output

General Manager

Input and procurement


Quality control




Manager dairy-1

Manager dairy chemistry-1

Manager administration-1

Dairy Deputy Manager1



Deputy Manager-1

Executive officer-1

Executive officer-1

Executive officer-1

Executive officer-1

Junior executive

Junior executive-5 Junior executive typist-1 Drivers-7


TECH-1 4 TECH-2(lab)





Designation General manager Manager admin Manager dairy Manager DC Deputy manager Executive officers Junior executives Junior executive typist Drivers Technicians Senior factory assistants TOTAL

No of staff 1 1 1 1 2 4 7 1 7 6 45 76

Kanyakumari district co-operative milk producers union has been producing variety of dairy products by its own and also it buys some dairy product and raw milk from other unions (such as Trunelveli, salem and Erode unions etc.,) and sell it through its various marketing channels this district. The following are the products which are produced here at present. Double tonned milk Cow milk Badam mix powder Milk peda Butter milk

Floured milk Buying and selling products

There are some products which have been bought from other co- operative union and sold under trade name Aavin. The following are the products that have been bought and sold here Ghee Butter

The above products are been sold under the common brand name of Aavin


The organization has many functional areas under the top management of general manager and his subordinates. The organization has various departments which are working collectively as well as independently to enhance the output of the organization. The following are the major functional areas which fall under detailed study in this project Input and procurement Production Quality control Administration Finance and accounting Marketing In this project, the above departments have been studied in detail and some findings and suggestion are put forward to uplift or develop the organization.


1-Input and procurement department

General Manager-1

Deputy Manager-1

Junior executive-1

The input and procurement department is headed by the general manager and he is assisted by one deputy manger and a junior executive. Everyday the co-operative union procures raw milk from the member societies. But few of their member societies may not supply milk regularly to the union. This may create fluctuations in procurement amount. However, there are sufficient milk producing member societies that supplies raw milk to the union on a regular basis.

Area of operation of this union

kalkulam Taluk

vilavan kodu Taluk

kanya kumari milk producers union Ltd

Agathees hwaram Taluk

Thovali Taluk

The diagram represents different area of the operation from which the company gets raw milk from the suppliers and the company collects the raw milk from the cooperative societies and bring to the union for production process and it is to be noted that there are 112 societies under this union and among that 77 are function functioning and 35 are dormant 33 societies are women operated societies.

There are five procurement routes in kanya kumari milk producer union namely; PROCUREMENT ROUTES

Azhagappapura m

Manavala kuruchi



Therisanam koppu

The above are the various milk procurement routes. The company procures and collects the raw milk from these routes. It is again to be noted that out of 77 co-operative societies only 42 are giving raw milk to the union.


A table showing procurement details

Total number of societies


Dormant societies


Pouring members


Total members


Total animals


Avg. procurement per day

39164 liter

Avg. raw milk per day

6564 liter


2-Production department Manger dairy




Executive officer-1

Drivers-7 Technician -4 Technician-1


The above graphical representation shows the present position of hierarchy of authority in production department. As shown in the picture, production department is headed by general manager and is controlled by manager dairy. He is assisted by a junior engineer. The personnel working under the junior engineer are Electrician, mechanic, operators and boiler man.


Production process
The raw milk is collected from the societies and brought to the union. Before homogenizing, milk sample from each union is taken by laboratory for testing FAT and SNF content in milk. If the SNF content in milk is less than 8.0%, the skimmed milk powder is added k to increase SNF content and there thereby milk standardization is executed. After adding SMP (skimmed milk powder) the milk undergoes pasteurization process. The pasteurization process involves several stages. In the first stage milk is heated by using steam and hot water up to stage, 73.5C to 80 C & the same temperature would be maintained for few seconds (this stage is called Holding stage) then it will be cooled suddenly by 4 C water circulation and after bringing down to 4 C,. This pasteurized milk would be stored in double jacketed tanks.

Production process



Raw milk


Homoge nization


Pasteuri zation




Pasteurization is a process of heating liquids or foods to kill microorganisms (such as Brucella, Campylobacter, E.coli O157:H7, Listeria, Mycobacterium bovis, Salmonella, and Yersinia) that can cause disease. It was developed by Louis Pasteur in 1864, and the practice became commercialized around the late 1800s and early 1900s. In addition to improvement in consumer safety, pasteurization can enhance the quality and shelf life of foods.

Methods for Pasteurization

1. High Temperature Short Time Treatment: Milk is pasteurized at 161 F for 15 seconds. 2. Low Temperature Long Time Treatment: Milk is pasteurized at 145 F for 30 minutes. 3. Flash Pasteurization: This type of pasteurization, which involves high temperature for 3 to 15 seconds followed by cooling and packaging, is used for drink boxes and other liquids that can be stored for long periods of time without refrigeration. 4. Steam Pasteurization: Pressurized steam is used to kill E. coli, Salmonella, and Listeria in beef carcasses. Exposure of the beef to steam results in a surface temperature of about 200 F. 5. Irradiation Pasteurization: Exposure to gamma rays can prevent the growth of some foodborne microbes in foods such as meats, spices, and produce. 6. Ultrapasteurization: Heating milk or cream to 280 F for 2 seconds can extend the refrigerated shelf life of milk from 60 to 90 days.


7. Ultra-High Temperature Pasteurization Heating milk to 280 to 302 F for 1 or 2 seconds followed by packaging in airtight containers allows storage without refrigeration for up to 90 days.

Myths and Facts about Pasteurization

Myth: Pasteurization reduces the nutritional value of milk. Fact: Sterilization of milk does break down some of the components of milk, but the actual effect on nutrition is considered marginal. Myth: Pasteurized milk causes lactose intolerance. Fact: Lactose is the natural sugar found in milk. Both raw and pasteurized milk contain lactose, and pasteurization does not change the levels of lactose. Raw milk advocates argue that raw milk contains Bifidobacteria, a probiotic (beneficial bacteria) that helps digest lactose. While raw milk may contain this probiotic, it results from contamination from animal feces and is not considered beneficial.

Effects of Pasteurization:
The ultimate goal in heat treating milk is to desttpy all pathogenic or disease-causing microbes. Usually (but not always), assuming the machinery is functioning properly, the process accomplishes this task effectively. Numerous studies have shown, however, that bad bugs are not the only thing destroyed by the heat: delicate proteins, enzymes, immune factors, hormones, vitamins, mineral availability- all undergo definite changes during the heating process. No one seriously disputes this fact. What is not clear though, due to conflicting science and belief systems, is to what extent the food value of the milk is actually impacted.


Plant layout-milk pasteurization unit of Aavin kumari


Cooling plant Raw milk

Milk pasteurization machine

Burner oil tank

Steam producing boiler

Pasteurized milk storage tank Effluent treatment plant Advanced packing machine

After pasteurization, the quality of milk is tested by the laboratory and if SNF is again less, then the SMP is added and the similar process is repeated. Finally, the pasteurization milk is stored in many tanks with the capacity of 5000, 10000, and 15000 liters. If there is no problem in the quality of milk, then from storage tank the milk will be send to Advanced packing machine, which uses poly film to pack the milk in various description.

Description of various machines observed

BOILERS Type 1 horizontal boiler Fire tube boiler Make-veeson Reg no-T6030 Ex capacity-1000/hr Type 2 vertical boiler Make-jaya boiler Reg no-T4736 Model-j-vertical Capacity-500kg/hr


Compressors-1 Ammonia compressors Size 5 1/25 Compressors-2 Cold storge compressor Make frick India LTD Type- HDI Size 44 Pasteurizer H.T.S.T pasteurizer Type-81 Capacity-5000/liter per hour SR n o 289.96-97 Date-2/2/1997 The mechanism of the above machines in the production department was observed during my project study and the process of milk treatment such as packing, pasteurization process was clearly explained in this department. Rpm 450


Plant lay out milk peda production unit

Milk processor for producing milk peda

Steam producing boiler

Water level

Water level

Steam producing boiler

Burner oil


The milk kova or peda production is being carried out on regular basis but however, the production of kova is low. The boiler cannot be switched on for milk peda production alone .Therefore the production of milk peda is done along with the milk pasteurization process. The average sales of milk peda per month are 10kg. For 10 liter of milk 1 kg of sugar is added as a standard mix to produce milk kova.

Badam mix powder production

The badam mix power is the special by- product of this union and raw material for production process is bought from external agencies and finished products are sold under the brand name Aavin throughout the Tami nadu. Mixture of raw materials for badam mix powder productio

Cane sugar SMP Badam nuts Corf loor Saffron essence Cardmans seed Lemon yellow powder

78% 11% 7.5% 2.5% 0.4% 0.5% 0.3%

The above raw materials are powdered and mixed in the mentioned percentage and packed in such a manner that ensures quality, safety and attractive for customers.

3- Quality control department

Quality control Department

Manager QC-1

Technician (Lab-2)
The quality control department is headed by the General manager and he is assisted by manager QC and two lab technician.

The raw milk will be sent to the lab for testing the fat and content and SNF using LACTOMETER. The lactometer reading is considered according to the temperature of milk. The process of testing starts by taking sample of 10.75ml of milk from each member societies and that 10 ml milk dropped into butyro meter and to that 10 ml of diluted H2SO4 (sulphuric acid) and 1 ml of Amy alcohol is added. Then it is shaken well and the meter is placed in a CENTRIFUGE MACHINE. The machine will revolve with that butyro meter and by this process the fat is separated.


Methylene blue reduction test is a kind of quality test for checking quality of milk and it is conducted by the use of methylene blue thiocyanate solution and a clear procedure for such test is given below


Procedure for Testing:

The following procedures are recommended. (1) Sterilize all glassware and rubber stoppers either in an autoclave or in boiling water. Be sure all glassware is chemically clean. (2) Measure 1 ml of the methylene blue thiocyanate solution into a test tube. (3) Add 10 ml of milk and stopper. (4) Tubes may be placed in the water bath immediately or may be stored in the refrigerator at 0o to 4o C for a more convenient time of incubation. When ready to perform the test, the temperature of the samples should be brought to 35o C within 10 minutes. (5) When temperature reaches 36o C, slowly invert tubes a few times to assure uniform creaming. Do not shake tubes. Record this time as the beginning of the incubation period. Cover to keep out light. (6) Check samples for decolorization after 30 minutes of incubation. Make subsequent readings at hourly intervals thereafter. (7) After each reading, remove decolorized tubes and then slowly make one complete inversion of remaining tubes. (8) Record reduction time in whole hours between last inversion and decolorization. It is to be noted that, if blue color is changed within 3 hours then, the quality of milk is considered as low and therefore milk will undergo pasteurization process once again. Suppose if blue color solution is changed into white color after 3 hours then, the milk is considered as good quality.


The suggested classification is listed. Class 1 Excellent, if not decolorized within 8 hours. Class 2 good, if decolorized in less than 8 hours but not less than 6 hours. Class 3- Fair, if decolorized in less than 6 hours but not less than 2 hours. Class 4- Poor, if decolorized in less than 2 hours.

The following reports are maintained in this department;

Monthly by products report Fortnight report Attendance report Mil parlous report Agent order advance report Monthly purchase report Monthly sales report Yearly sales report Yearly purchase


It is headed by the General Manager and controlled by an Executive Officer and store keeper. The receipt of materials received is maintained and the poly film, skimmed milk powder, sugar and spare parts are stored in this department for future use. In the store department the equipments are purchased from the companies or from the sellers and a register is maintained for this purpose.

Item purchase statement Current stock Store register Receipt of material register




Manager admin-1

Executive officer-1

Junior executive typist-1

Senior factory assistance-1

The administration department is headed by the General Manager of this union and is controlled by, Manager Admin. And he is assisted by an executive officer, junior executive typist and SFA.


FUNCTION OF ADMINISTRATION DEPARTMENT Maintaining records regarding employees and filling of vacant post as per the employment exchange rules and stipulation. Maintaining the postal and dispatch service properly. Scheduling the seniority of employees working in the union and submitting the day today affairs of the documents without delay. Taking all necessary steps to conduct administrative association meetings periodically and planning accordingly. Taking all the steps to provide family benefit fund for those employees who have passed away during their employment period. Determination of wages, bonus, gratuity, employees provident fund, promotions and demotion etc will be processed and decided in this department. Providing timely payment of all taxes including professional tax, municipal tax, industrial tax, and miscellaneous taxes to government. Recording absent/leave of employees in the document provided for that particular purpose. Considering and providing all necessary documents for final audit. The above are the major function of this department that I have observed in this union. NOW LET US HAVE DETAILED STUDY OF EACH FUNCTION WORKING HOURS The General Manager and office staff has no shift. Office time starts from 9.30 to 5.30 pm. The plant operation has 3 shifts. The duration period of one shift is 18 hours. I shift-6 am to 2 pm II shift-2 pm to 10 pm III shift-10 pm to 6 am


The package disposal section workers have 3 shifts. The duration period of one shift is 8 hours. I shift-6 am to 2 pm II shift-2 pm to 10 pm III shift-10 pm to 6 am

RECRUITMENT AND SELECTION The recruitment and selection is done through the District employment exchange. The administrative staff must have completed the degree with Diploma in Co-operative

Training(DCT).The recruitment and selection process are conducted by personal committee such as Special Officer, General Manager, Deputy Registrar dairy and National dairy development board officer. REMUNERATION & EMOLUMENTS EMPLOYEES BENEFITS The employees getting pay and allowances as per the government norms. They are getting the following benefits. Bonus Gratuity Family Benefit Fund EPF ESI Double wages Night allowance Leave facilities


BONUS Those who are getting the scale of pay of Rs.5500 and less are eligible for bonus(C & D) group of employees. Last year the employees received the bonus amount of Rs.8400 as the maximum (i.e.) Rs.350012=4200020%=8400 per year.

GRATUITY Gratuity is payable to an employee (nominee - in case of death of employee) who has rendered continuous service of five years or more on his termination of employment, superannuation, retirement or resignation. Completion of continuous service of five years is not necessary where the termination of employment is due to death of disablement. Gratuity will be calculated using the formula Last pay drawn15/26total service Pay=Basic Pay+GP+PP+DA Where, PP-Personal Pay GP-Grade Pay DA-Dearness Allowance Dismissed employees are not eligible to get gratuity. FAMILY BENEFIT FUND While Employees die in service their legal hairs are entitled to get family benefit funds and legal heir may have a chance of getting a job in that organization. At present 1.5 lakhs from the LIC of India through Kanyakumari District central co-operative bank.


EPF (Employee Provident Fund) 12% of employees contribution deduced from the employees salary. Maximum Rs.780/(i.e.) wages of Rs.6500012%-12% of contribution will be paid by the employee and it will credited 3,67% in their provident Fund Account and 8.33% will be credit in the pension fund account. How the Employees' Provident Fund Scheme works: As per amendment-dated 22.9.1997 in the Act, both the employees and employer contribute to the fund at the rate of 12% of the basic wages, dearness allowance and retaining allowance, if any, payable to employees per month. The rate of contribution is 10% in the case of following establishments:

Any covered establishment with less then 20 employees, for establishments cover prior to 22.9.97.

Any sick industrial company as defined in clause (O) of Sub-Section (1) of Section 3 of the Sick Industrial Companies (Special Provisions) Act, 1985 and which has been declared as such by the Board for Industrial and Financial Reconstruction,

Any establishment which has at the end of any financial year accumulated losses equal to or exceeding its entire net worth and

Any establishment engaged in manufacturing of (a) jute (b) Breed (d) coir and (e) Guar gum Industries/ Factories. The contribution under the Employees' Provident Fund Scheme by the employee and employer will be as under with effect from 22.9.1997.

EMPLOYEES STATE INSURANCE SCHEME[ESI] This scheme is extend to the employees those who are getting a salary less than 10,000 Rs. For this purpose 1.75% will be deduced form the employees salary as an employee contribution and 4.75% will be paid by the employer as employer contribution. From this scheme the employees entitled to avail the medical benefit. Such as treatment, leave salary and some other medical benefits. The employees those who are getting more than Rs.10,000 are eligible to receive only Rs.125 as medical allowance.


DOUBLE WAGES The employees those who are working on national and festival holidays are eligible to get double wages. PERQUISTIES The employees those who are working in plant and marketing transport are eligible to get two sets of uniforms and one pair of chapels per annum. They also given stitching charges(per year) monthly one soup and towel(three months) for above said employees. FESTIVAL GIFT During the period of Pongal the employees receive Rs.1000,1/2 kg Ghee,1/2 milk peda and 1 liters tetra milk as a pongal gift. During Diwali season every employee get 1kg ghee and 1 kg milk peda. NIGHT ALLOWANCE Those employees who work in night shift are eligible to get Rs.10

TRAVELL ALLOWANCE Those employees who travel for official works above 8 kilometer for the union are eligible to get travelling allowance. LEAVE FACILITIES Employees can avail 12 days CL (Casual Leave),32 days as EL(Earned Leave), and 12 days as medical leave for one year.

HOLIDAYS FACILITIES For administrative staff only 5 days per week are working days and for the plant workers 6 days working days. Administrative staff gets two holidays per week and one day weekly off allocated for plant workers.


QUALIFICATION For Administrative staff a degree with Co-operative training. Mazdors should pass in 8th Standard. Plant workers must have technical qualification. JOB SATISFICATION As far as the job satisfaction is concerned, all the employees are satisfied with the pay structures & working conditions. The employees and employers relationship is good. There was no strike or lockout for the past fifty one years.

DISCIPLINARY ACTION Any workers/employees are continuously disobedient and against the rules of the organization are punished in the following ways. Warning With holding increments Recovery of loss for and damage caused to the companys properties and assets. Dismissal as last resort.

GRIEVANCE HANDLING There is no separate grievance cell available. The general manager alone will handle the redress of all function. Grievance will be presented to the General Manager directly by the affected person.



It is headed by the General Manager and controlled by deputy manager of Accounting and Finance. They are assisted by an executive officer and junior executives.

General Manager

Deputy Manager finance-1

Executive officer-1

Junior executives-5
FUNCTIONS The accounting department functions are the transactions related to purchase and sales are recorded in the accounts book. The accounts are prepared under the finance department only. Cash is received in the evening and the amount is banked in the next day morning. All the payments are mostly paid by cheques. The accounts department is doing various functions regarding finance and it books all the expenses regarding purchase and expenditure The department also maintains proper record for profit and loss of the year It gives all the documents for final audit


Working capital management is concerned with the problem of that arise in attempting to manage the current assets and current liabilities relationship that exists between them. The term current assets refers to those assets, which in the ordinary course of business can be or will be converted into cash within one year without undergoing a diminution in value and without disruption of operation. The goal of working capital management is to manage the firms current assets and liabilities in such a way a satisfactory that level of working capital is maintained. The company avail the working capital from the nationalized Bank in the form of over draft account


The software which is used for the purpose of accounts are Tally , MS office,& MS excel software of 7.1 version which covers all recent updates, accounting standards and also tally software of 7.1 version covers VAT concept which marks very easy for company to fill the tax according rules and regulation.


YEAR 2004-05 2005-06 2006-07 2007-08 2008-09 2009-10 2010-11

PROFIT 169567.92 0.00 0.00 182688.84 2708304.95 8951169.26 4927951.05

LOSS 0 217938.06 5256557.12 0 0 0 0


5474495.18 5291806.34 2583501.39


Marketing department is headed by the General Manager and is under the control of deputy marketing manager. Under the control of marketing manager 38 members are working in the union. 106 agents also involved in the marketing. Marketing play an important role in selling the milk and milk products. It is a live blood of any products sales promotion and it also helps to increase the sales of the product. Milk is marketed in polythene covers such as 500ml and 250 ml.

General Manager

Marketing department

Executive officer-1

This union has been marketing its self produced product as well as it buys some product from other union and sell under the common brand name of Aavin. Here is the list of self produced product namely Milk Peda(Milk Kova) Butter Milk Flavored Milk Badam Powder Mix There are some product bought from other union and sold here such as, Ghee &Butter


The Aavin kumari is also having some retail out lets for direct sales

Sl no


Aavin Parlor near Anna bus stand Nagercoil

Aavin Parlor near Ullavar chanthi,Vadaseri bus stand

Aavin Parlor near SCTC bus stand Nagercoil

Aavin Parlor inside the collector office campus,Nagercoil

Aavin Parlor at Nagercoil railway station,Nagercoil

Aavin milk parlor at Kanyakumari railway station,Kanyakumari

Aavin Parlor nearby Kanyakumari co-operative milk producers union

The average sales per day is13000 liter and these sales are achieved through various medium such as 120 agents sales and 38 government and non governmental institutions.


Under tsunami rehabilitation scheme, there were 7 (seven) parlor had been set upped by the government in full subsidy which are now functioning by self help groups namely:

Place of milk parlors

Functioned by


Suriya Gandhi self help group


Malar udhaya marthandom self help group


Malar erisanaapalli self help group


Malar China Durai self help group


Salom good vision self help group


Pullathuvillai good vision self help group

Etham mozhi

Sakthi aangal self help group

The above parlors are being functioned by these self help groups and Aavin KUMARI is supplying dairy products to these parlors.


Pricing of various products marketed by Aavin kumari

Product Kg/ml/bottle/liter Price


500 gram

100 rupees

Badam mix powder

200 gram

55 rupees

Milk peda


180 rupees

Butter milk


5 rupees

Flavored milk

200ml in bottle

14 rupees

Flavored milk

200m;l in pocket

12 rupees

Double toned milk

1liter for agent

21.40 rupees

Double toned milk

1 liter for card holder

18.50 rupees

Cow milk

1 liter for agent

25.40 rupees


Since Aavin has good brand name among general public. It doesnt spend any money for promotional strategies such as advertisement, publicity etc.,

AAVIN milk is being sold to the public through 8 channels. The following are the modes of sales. Cash sales Special order sales Credit sales Milk parlor sales Card sales Vendors Agent sales Societies sales


The special order sales are given to the customers who require large amount of milk provided if they order in advance. The milk rate is for double toned milk Rs. 22 and for cow milk Rs. 26 in that case.


CREDIT SALES AAVIN Kumari has been supplying the milk in credit to many schools, hostels, college canteens, hospitals, etc. presently it is supplying double toned milk alone for RS. 22 per liter

AAVIN Kumari has 7 milk parlors, 7 tsunami milk parlors, and also 7 agent parlors through which they sell the milk packets. The rate per liter is for double toned milk Rs22 and for cow milk Rs 26

Milk cards are issued for those who pay the amount in advance. The card will be issued from 1 to 14th and all holidays of every month. The validity of the card is form 16th to next month 15th. The rate per liter is 18.50 for card sales. Both morning and evening milk is supplied.

For the agent sales, the agent has to pay the amount previously for needed milk packets. The agent will purchase the double tone milk for RS 21.40 The agents will be given a

commission of 0.60 paisa per liter.

Two societies are involved in selling the milk products. Societies purchased the milk form the union and selling to general public at MRP rate. The above are the various distribution channels of kanyakumari dist co-operative union ltd.,


While conducting strategic planning for any of the company it is useful to complete an analysis that takes into account not only your own business but also your competitors business and the current business well. The following description will highlight the strength, weakness, opportunity and threats of kanniya kumari milk producers union Ltd

High popularity of trade name i.e.,-Aavin Highly reputation for quality Non-adulteration Highly skilled employees Huge demand for Aavin product Variety of products Financial incentives and subsidies from government Highly dedicated employees Own retailing out lets

Lack of man power Lack of awareness among milk pouring members Increasing number of dormant societies Improper staffing in member societies Lack of sales promotional activities Lack of well equipped machineries


Huge demand for dairy products Product diversification Attracting foreign customers Availability of skilled workers and policy support Huge export opportunities and government support Having great opportunity to become a number one leading company in the Tamil nadu cooperative milk producers union Availability well connected road network There is good scope for company to grow in the present market because of the benefits such as subsidies given by the government

Continuous reduction of milk to union from pouring members New player in market with high advertisement Political interference Increasing level of adulteration tendency among milk pouring members Increasing number of dormant societies Uncertainty of regional government Inordinate delay in sanctioning government funds and subsidies


High popularity of trade name i.e.,-Aavin Highly reputation for quality Non-adulteration Highly skilled employees Huge demand for Aavin product Variety of products Financial incentives and subsidies from government Highly dedicated employees Own retailing out lets

Lack of man power Lack of awareness among milk pouring members Increasing number of dormant societies Improper staffing in member societies Lack of sales promotional activities Lack of well equipped machineries

Huge demand for dairy products Product diversification Attracting foreign customers Availability of skilled workers and policy support Huge export opportunities and government support Having great opportunity to become a number one leading company in the Tamil nadu cooperative milk producers union

Continuous reduction of milk to union from pouring members New player in market with high advertisement Political interference Increasing level of adulteration tendency among milk pouring members Increasing number of dormant societies



All the employees working in Kanyakumari District co-operative milk producer union are satisfied with their job and salary. The employees are highly skilled and able to accommodate any situation Proper utilization raw material

Many department managers post are found to be vacant in the union. Increasing number of dorments societies. Reduction in supply of raw milk. Inadequate staffing. Lack of sales promotion activities.. Overburdening of work.


SUGGESTIONS: It is suggested to administrative department to fill the vacancy post and take necessary steps. It is suggested that the marketing department may go for proper sales promotional activities. Such as , Advertisments Media Advertisments Online advertisement

The milk pouring members should be paid adquate price for their milk . So that the union may retain their raw milk suppliers. Proper staffs may be appointed at dormant socities. Other incentives may be paid to the suppliers of raw milk. The government must create awareness among general public regarding cattle growing and its benefits. Revival of dormant socities Build the relationship between workers and management Solve the employees problems frequently Human resource management should be properly organized Company should take more promotional activities in which add plays a crucial role, it can used to boost the sales figure Providing the recreational facility to the workers to reduce the boredom from long duration of work The company must substantiate the pricing of its product and use new technology


Aavin kumari has been enjoying monopoly in the field of Diary by marketting sachet milk in Kanyakumari district by adapting different technique like Door to door delivery,selling through the milk bars etc. SWOT analysis was done to identify the strength, weakness, opportunities and threats. It was found out that , with these strengths and opportunities they can drive out the threats from other competitors. But however from SWOT analysis it is more evedient that the supply of milk from pouring members considerably reducing month by month and also new competitors pays more amount to pouring members to trap them in their hands. Therefore it is advised that the management may take necessary steps to overcome these problem by initiating various programs, like cost reduction advertisment awareness among pouring members and customers.


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