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"If I had an army to say the Rosary," Pope Pius IX once said, "I could conquer the world." And he said this because the Rosary, next to the Mass, is the most powerful weapon in the Churchs arsenal. Now most people are aware that the Christian Navy defeated a large Moslem fleet, against overwhelming odds, at Lepanto on October 7, 1571. And most people are aware that this victory was won because Pope Pius V organized a Rosary procession to pray for the success of the battle. However, most people are unaware of the many amazing victories won through the power of the Rosary in the Twentieth Century. And so it is fitting to study some of these miraculous and divine interventions because this will help us to strengthen our faith in Marys intercession and to deepen our trust in the power of her Rosary. One of the most amazing miracles in history occurred at 8:15 a.m. on August 6, 1945, in Hiroshima, Japan. At that time the Americans dropped the first atomic bomb, and it landed just eight city blocks from the Jesuit church of Our Lady of the Assumption. A half million people were killed instantly when the bomb hit, and homes and buildings for miles around were instantly levelled. Yet the Jesuit church and rectory as well as the four Jesuit priests inside it were undamaged and unhurt. Why? Because the priests prayed the Rosary daily. (see our article on page 25) This miracle, as great as it was, however, was just the beginning of the many wonders that Mary would work through her Rosary in the second half of the twentieth century. First, there was Austria. After WWII the communists of Russia took over Austria. To shake off this yoke, a Franciscan priest, Fr. Peter Pavlicek, organized a Rosary crusade in 1948. It began on September 12, the Feast of the Holy Name of Mary. Fr. Peter asked for a tithe of Rosaries. He asked that ten percent of all the Austrians pledge to say the Rosary daily until the Soviets left the country. The people of Austria responded generously. They prayed for seven years, and then on May 13, 1955, the Soviets mysteriously just packed up and peacefully left. The Soviets, however, did not give up on their plans to take over western countries. Five years later Nikita Kruschev visited the United Nations Headquarters in New York City and boasted that he would bury the United States and the Western world. And to emphasize his point, he took off his shoe and pounded it on top of the table. The West seemed in danger of a Soviet takeover. But Pope John XXIII had read the third secret of Fatima, and so he had authorized the Bishop of Leiria (Fatima) to write to all the bishops of the world, inviting them to join with pilgrims of Fatima on the night of October 1213, 1960, to pray the Rosary for peace and for Russias conversion. About a million pilgrims responded to the request and spent the night outdoors in a bone-chilling rain before the Blessed Sacrament praying the Rosary. And in addition to this, over 300 dioceses throughout the world joined them. The Rosaries and sacrifices of millions obtained another astonishing intervention. For that same night the Soviets new long-range Abomb missile unexpectedly blew up during a test, killing three hundred top military leaders and scientists. This set back Russias nuclear program twenty years. Shortly after this happened, Dona Amelia Basto organized a Rosary campaign in Brazil to save the country from a communist takeover. She managed to recruit 600,000 women in 1962 to say the Rosary in Sao Paulo for peace. And through this demonstration of faith and prayer, the country was spared a communist dictatorship. Something similar happened in Portugal in 1975. The communist government in that country was peacefully overthrown after a national Rosary crusade for peace was launched. All these wonders, however, were surpassed on March 25, 1984, when Pope John Paul II called for a Rosary crusade because of the grave danger to world peace at that time. In response to his request, a major "Rosaries for peace" crusade was launched by the Blue Army and other Marian organizations. There was a magnificent response. And on May 13, 1984, one of the largest crowds in Fatima history gathered at the shrine to pray the Rosary for peace. And that very day an explosion at the Soviets Severomorsk Naval Base destroyed two-thirds of all the missiles stockpiled for the Soviets Northern Fleet. The blast also destroyed the workshops needed to maintain the missiles as well as hundreds of scientists and technicians. Western military experts called it the worst naval disaster the Soviet Navy had suffered since WWII. Besides this, the Soviet Defense Minister, the mastermind behind the invasion plans, suddenly and mysteriously became seriously ill and then died in December of 1984. Four years later, during the night of May 12, 1988, as thousands prayed the Rosary at Fatima, another mysterious explosion wrecked the only factory that made the rocket motors for the Soviets deadly SS 24 long-range missiles, which carry ten nuclear bombs each. Now all these events, it should be noted, are understandable and explainable only in light of the Fatima apparitions of the Blessed Mother. For when Mary first appeared at the Cova da Ira on May 13, 1917, she said to the children: "Pray the Rosary every day in order to obtain peace for the world and the end of the war." And at each of the other five apparitions, she said: "Pray the Rosary every day." Also, it should be noted that the Blessed Mother expressly asked for prayers for the conversion of Russia and that she also prophesized that this nation would endanger the peace and security of the entire world if her words were ignored. In the third apparition on July 13, 1917, she warned: If my wishes are fulfilled, Russia will be converted and there will be peace. If not, Russia will spread her errors throughout the world, promoting wars and persecution of the Church. The good will be martyred, the Holy Father will have much to suffer, and various nations will be annihilated. And so by making this prophecy, Mary made the Rosary the indispensable and necessary condition for world peace. In other words, there will be no peace in the world there can be no peace in the world until the Rosary is prayed on a wide scale. Before going further, it should be stressed that the Rosary is not only the best protection for countries and societies, but it is also the best protection any individual person could ever hope to have. For St. Louis de Montfort states in his classic book, The Secret of the Rosary: "If you say the Rosary faithfully until death, I do assure you that, in spite of the gravity of your sins, you shall receive a never fading crown of glory. For even if you are now on the brink of damnation, even if you have one foot in hell, even if you have sold your soul to the devil sooner or later you will be converted and will amend your life and save your soul. If you say the Rosary devoutly every day of your life." There are several reasons why this is so. "First, the Rosary leads us to meditate on all the major mysteries in the life of Christ and therefore to adore and thank God for his love and mercy, which is the principal duty of all the faithful. Second, this prayer takes place through the mediation of Mary, which is most pleasing to God, since she is our spiritual Mother." Third, the Rosary puts us into contact with the holy angels. For St. Alphonsus Liguori says that at each Hail Mary the angels are attracted to us, while the devils are repelled. And Pope Leo XIII states that "each time we meditate on the mysteries of our salvation in the Rosary we in some way imitate the sacred duties once committed to the angels. For they revealed each of the mysteries in its due time; they played a great part in them with expressions of joy, of sorrow, and of triumphant exultation." What then, he asks, "could be greater and more delightful than to mediate and pray with the angels by saying the Rosary?"



by Fr. Paul Ruge, O.F.M.I.
At 2:45 a.m. on August 6, 1945, a B-29 bomber took off from the island of Tinian to drop the first atomic bomb on Japan. At 8:15 a.m. the bomb exploded eight city blocks from the Jesuit Church of Our Lady's Assumption in Hiroshima. Half a million people were annihilated. However, the church and four Jesuit fathers stationed there survived: Fathers Hugo Lassalle, Kleinsorge, Cieslik and Schiffer. According to the experts they "ought to be dead," being within a one-mile radius of the explosion. Nine days later on August 15, Feast of Our Lady's Assumption, U.S. forces were ordered to cease fire. This is the incredible story of the late Fr. Hubert Schiffer, as retold by Fr. Paul Ruge. I met Fr. Schiffer in the late 70s at the Tri-City Airport in Saginaw, Michigan, as he was going to give a talk for the Blue Army Novena/Triduum. As I chauffeured him around he told me stories of his life, especially of the atomic explosion at Hiroshima. On the morning of August 6, 1945, he had just finished Mass, went into the rectory and sat down at the breakfast table, and had just sliced a grapefruit, and had just put his spoon into the grapefruit when there was a bright flash of light. His first thought was that it was an explosion in the harbour (this was a major port where the Japanese refuelled their submarines.) Then, in the words of Fr. Schiffer: "Suddenly, a terrific explosion filled the air with one bursting thunderstroke. An invisible force lifted me from the chair, hurled me through the air, shook me, battered me, whirled me 'round and 'round like a leaf in a gust of autumn wind." The next thing he remembered, he opened his eyes and he was lying on the ground. He looked around and there was NOTHING in any direction: the railroad station and buildings in all directions were levelled to the ground. The only physical harm to himself was that he could feel a few pieces of glass in the back of his neck. As far as he could tell, there was nothing else physically wrong with himself. Many thousands were killed or maimed by the explosion. After the conquest of the Americans, their army doctors and scientists explained to him that his body would begin to deteriorate because of the radiation. Many of the Japanese people had blisters and sores from the radiation. To the doctor's amazement, Fr. Schiffer's body contained no radiation or illeffects from the bomb. Fr. Schiffer attributes this to devotion to the Blessed Mother, and his daily Fatima Rosary. He feels that he received a protective shield from the Blessed Mother which protected him from all radiation and ill-effects. (This coincides with the bombing of Nagasaki where St. Maximilian Kolbe had established a Franciscan Friary which was also unharmed because of special protection from the Blessed Mother, as the Brothers too prayed the daily Rosary and also had no effects from the bomb.)

Divine Wonders of the Blessed Sacrament

A work called the Divine Wonders of the Blessed Sacrament, published in Paris in 1859, brings to notice an authentic document drawn up by the Venerable Peter, Prior of Guadalupe, Spain in which he confirmed a miracle that happened to him while celebrating Mass. This holy monk, who was a member of the Order of St. Jerome, was at one time strongly tempted to doubt the Real Presence of Jesus under the sacramental species. Day after day he was tormented by thoughts of distrust, yet he committed no sin, for deep in his heart he believed in the holy doctrine. It happened on Saturday that he was celebrating Holy Mass in honour of our Blessed Lady. Bowing down before the altar in the customary manner after the Consecration, he reverently recited the prayer, "We suppliantly implore you". What was his astonishment when he raised his eyes to see a wonderful cloud enveloping the altar and hiding the sacred species from his gaze! The good Father was beside himself with amazement. He felt his blood congeal in his veins, and was so much disturbed that he hesitated before continuing the Mass. With a fervent prayer he begged Our Lord's forgiveness for his incredulity. Hardly had he concluded his supplication when the cloud seemed to rise and vanish from his sight. On close inspection he found that the Sacred Host was no longer lying on the corporal, nor was there a drop of Blood in the uncovered chalice. Again having recourse to the all-merciful God, he asked pardon for his unbelief and acknowledged his utter unworthiness to offer up the Holy Sacrifice. In his distress, with suppliant attitude, he turned to the Mother of God, in whose honour he was celebrating the Mass. Then raising his eyes, he noticed in the air the brilliant paten, from which proceeded rays of light illuminating, the church. Slowly the golden disc descended, bearing on its surface the Sacred Host. As it rested in an upright position over the chalice, he discerned drops of Blood trickling from the sacramental Particle and falling into the chalice, until the quantity therein was equal to that of the wine he had used at the Offertory. Then the Host descended upon the corporal, while the pall, without the aid of human hands, covered the chalice. At the sight of these wonders, the good priest, being very much puzzled, knew not what to do. But immediately a low voice whispered to him, saying, "Continue the Mass, and keep as a profound secret that which you have seen, for it was for you alone that God granted his vision, that you might no longer doubt the Real Presence of the Lord Jesus Christ under each of the appearances of bread and wine". Until the day of his death the holy man kept this heavenly secret, but as he was about to leave the world he considered that, for the glory of God and the confirmation of faith in the Real Presence, it might be well to leave this simple record to others who might be tempted to doubt as he did. O Sacrament most holy, O Sacrament divine! All praise and all thanksgiving be every moment Thine. Meugorje Herald - Ireland


"Keep making the swap with Our Lady. She'll take care of everything. I made the swap about my job last week. Today, I got a promotion. Wahoooo! It works." After reading this note from my friend Christine, I wrote back and asked: "Did I miss something? What is "the swap"? Christine wrote back and told me that the "swap" is giving your troubles, worries and intentions to our Heavenly Mother, while you pray for her intentions - the conversion of unbelievers, peace in the world, priests, youth, healing of the sick, etc. Christine told me she had three "swaps" taken care of in two days. "I can't believe how fast she handles things," Christine said. "Sister Emmanuel taught this to me. It's so easy and it works!" I was intrigued. I wanted to know more, so I wrote to "Children of Medjugorje," the organization with which Sister Emmanuel is affiliated, and asked how I could learn more about the "swap". I was informed that I could learn more about it on one of Sister's audio tapes, "True Consecration to Mary." I immediately ordered the tape. Sr Emmanuel reveals on the tape how the idea of the "swap" originated. She was with Ivan's prayer group on the mountain one night when Our Lady's message was, "Dear children, give me all your worries, all your problems. Then your heart will be free to pray. And pray for my intentions." As Sister reflected on this message, she thought Our Lady was suggesting that we make a trade with her. We give her our worries and we pick up her worries. A similar message was given to Mirjana in March of 1991, when Our Lady said to her, "Help me, and I will pray to my Son for you." The idea of a "swap" is hardly a new one though. Over 600 years ago, Jesus said to St Catherine of Siena, "You take care of My business; I'll handle yours." Sister Emmanuel tried the swap herself and said it worked perfectly. Explaining further, Sr Emmanuel said that Mary, in the role of our Heavenly Mother, wants to help you, to make your life peaceful and joyful. She wants to take all the pressures and crosses in your life. She wants to pick up your problems, all those things that prevent you from being peaceful with God and peaceful with other people. She wants you to give the problems to her so that she can take care of them. She knows much better than you do how to take care of your problems. After all, she has been a Mother for a very long time! So once she picks up that problem, you will be free of it. Instead of your heart being focused on a problem A man's daughter had asked the local priest to come and pray with her father. When the priest arrived, he found the man lying in bed with his head propped up on two pillows. An empty chair sat beside his bed. The priest assumed that the old fellow had been informed of his visit. "I guess you were expecting me", he said. "No, who are you?" said the father. The priest told him his name and then remarked, "I saw the empty chair and I figured you knew I was going to show up." "Oh yeah, the chair," said the bedridden man. "Would you mind closing the door?" Puzzled, the priest shut the door. "I have never told anyone this, not even my daughter!", said the man. "But all of my life I have never known how to pray. which will obsess you all the time, you will be able to open up your heart to the whole world. For instance, if you are praying for the conversion of one of your children, and make the "swap" with her, then instead of your heart being focused on your child alone, your heart will become like her motherly heart, taking care of all the children of God. You enlarge your heart to the dimensions of God's heart.! But it is not as if you have stopped praying for your own intention either, because your intention will be included in Our Lady's intentions. If you are praying for your teenagers. Our Lady's intentions include prayers for young people. If you are praying for a sick friend. Our Lady includes prayers for the sick in her intentions. Maybe you are praying for a job situation. Chances are that the people causing you grief at your job are unbelievers, so when you pray for unbelievers, you are in essence, praying for your own job situation. The list goes on. A few months ago I decided to try a "swap". This may seem like a trivial intention, but I was having trouble with my computer. It looked like it was a lost cause, so I told Our Lady, "You get my computer fixed so I can continue to do your work, and I will pray for your intentions." Every time I would start to think about my problem with the computer, I would say a "Hail Mary" for Our Lady's intentions. That night, my husband worked diligently on the computer and was able to fix it. As of this writing, it is working better than it has ever worked before! Our Lady is a powerful intercessor! An added benefit of the "swap" that Sister Emmanuel did not mention is that you become more youthful looking and also healthier. Think about it. It makes sense. It is no secret that stress causes lines in your face and causes damage to your body. So if you give your problems to our Heavenly Mother, it's OK because her glorified body can handle it. The visionaries say that she is so beautiful because she loves, and she would love to have your problem. Don't be surprised if your problem is solved in a way different to what you had planned, though, because she and her Son always know what is best. As my friend Christine says, "Imagine if we were all praying for Blessed Mother's intentions instead of worrying about our own problems! Imagine what could be accomplished!" We could change the world?! (Extract from an article by June Klins in The Spirit of Medjugorje Magazine, May 2002)


The priest was deeply moved by the At church I used to hear the pastor talk about prayer, but it went right over my story and encouraged the old man to head. I abandoned any attempt at prayer, continue on the journey. Then he prayed until one day four years ago, my best with him, anointed him with oil, and returned to the church. friend said to me, Two nights later the daughter called to 'Johnny, prayer is just a simple matter of having a conversation with Jesus. Here is tell the priest that her daddy had died that what I suggest. Sit down in a chair; place afternoon, "Did he die in peace?" he asked. an empty chair in front of you, and in faith Yes, right before I left the house about see Jesus on the chair. It's not spooky because he promised, I will be with you two o'clock, he called me over to his bedalways'. Then just speak to him in the same side, told me he loved me and kissed me on the cheek. When I got back from the way you're doing with me right now.' So, I tried it and I've liked it so much store an hour later, I found him dead. But there was something strange about that I do it a couple of hours every day. I'm careful though. If my daughter saw me his death. Apparently, just before Daddy talking to an empty chair, she'd either have died, he leaned over and rested his head on a nervous breakdown or send me off to the the chair beside the bed. What do you make of that?" funny farm." What Makes Man Human By Peter Maurin 1. To give and not to take, that is what makes man human. 5. And if need be to die and not to live ,that is what makes man 2. To serve and not to rule, that is what makes man human. human. 3. To help and not to crush, that is what makes man human. 6. Ideals and not deals, that is what makes man human. 4. To nourish and not to devour, that is what makes man human. 7. Creed and not greed, that is what makes man human.


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