The Inside Track - Volume

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ck The Inside Track The Inside Tra

Blue Skies Ahead for Foodmate

Its hard to believe that a year has passed since the successful opening
of Foodmates North American Sales and Service Center. During this
frst year, we have accomplished many things that have allowed for
rapid sales growth and employee expansion.
More and more customers are starting to realize the benefts of our
R&D efforts. More than 10 plants have now successfully installed our
new OPTI Leg Processor and customers are now realizing the benefts
of the new OPTI Thigh Deboner. Other successes have come from the
purchase of a highly customized 16-piece cut up system by one of the
worlds largest poultry processors.
As a result of our rapid growth, Foodmate US upgraded its facility from
5,800 sq. ft. to 31,000 sq. ft. to support our current and future growth. In
addition, Foodmate is investing in key employees with many years of
poultry processing industry experience to support our customers in
the feld and behind the scenes from our offces.
Our manufacturing plant in the Netherlands continues to make
investments to support our growth. Just recently we invested in several
state-of-the-art CNC machining centers that are capable of making
quality parts at a cost effective price.
We are excited about the progress we are making, and that our
customers are seeing signifcant benefts from our developments.
It is our goal to develop new products that allow for a fast return on
investment while keeping your overall operating and maintenance
costs low.
We wish you a successful and productive 2012 Poultry Show.
New Branding 2
Innovations 3 - 6
Sharp Ideas 7
Successes 8 - 9
Expands 10
Meet Our Staff 11
Representatives 12
Special IPE edition
Foodmate monthly newsletter Volume 3 January 2012
The Inside Track The Inside Track ck
Foodmate Introduces New Branding
These are exciting times at Foodmate! In January 2012 we launched our new
logo and branding. The new logo is a refection of the refresh taking place
inside Foodmate, and our renewed sense of purpose showing our core
business as a manufacturer of poultry processing equipment.
The new design is indicative of more improvements to come as we grow and
develop into an industry leader.

The graphic in the Foodmate logo shows progression and forward

movement. The new logo applies two colors, namely green and blue,
symbolizing the chicken and the cut up parts.

We thank our clients, colleagues and staff for sharing in our journey to get to
this point. We look forward to your continued support as we work to further
improve and continue to make a positive impact in the industry and in the
communities we serve.
Old Logo New Logo
Flexibility and Yield
The Foodmate OPTI Leg Processor is designed to
anatomically remove the back from the saddle to
create a back out whole leg. The unique design of
the OPTI Leg Processor lets the saddles run straight
through the machine and never change direction.
The legs are pulled away from the back and there is
no need to twist the back away from the hip sockets.
This results in a smoother process, putting less strain
on the backs and hocks, and improving yield. The
machine can run a wide size range while maintaining
an optimal anatomical cut with minimal to no adjust-
ments. Since the introduction in 2011, numerous
customers have installed and benefted from the
OPTI Leg Processor. All have reported very positive
results with signifcant yield improvements while
reducing rework caused by bone content. The
OPTI Leg Processor can be installed in either a new
Foodmate Cut-Up System or it can easily be
integrated into your existing frame or fex
cut-up system.
Newest innovations Newest innovat ations
lncreases operations fexibility by acconnooating
a wide size range with minimal adjustments
Reouces strain on the back with the elinination
of the turn
Reouces bone content
Improves oyster retention
lnproves yielo
lncreases the fnal orun ano thigh presentation
since the legs do not twist in the machine
lncreases biro size acconnooations via
height adjustment by the actuator
OPTI Leg Processor
Unique Features and Benefts of the OPTI Leg Processor:
Newest innovations Newest innovat ations
High Yield and Hand-Cut Appearance
The Foodmate OPTI Thigh Deboner was developed to
solve problems commonly found in both manual and
automated thigh deboning operations. The unique
concept and design of this machine will provide high
meat quality and optimal yield, and only requires a few
trimmers and inspectors.
The innovative scraper design and tendon cutting
system gives the meat a hand-cut appearance and does
not shatter or crush the bones. Unlike other automated
thigh deboners, the OPTI Thigh Deboner does not require
a rubber disc to clean the bone, which signifcantly
reduces operating cost.
There are many benefts with the OPTI Thigh Deboner over
hand deboning systems. Adding this feature will provide
more consistent results, requires less operator training and
more importantly, doesnt create ergonomic issues with
your employees due to repetitive motion.
OPTI Thigh Deboner
Meat pull down unit Oyster tendon cutting unit
Unique Features and Benefts of the OPTI Thigh Deboner:
lnproves proouction speeo with easy loaoing to
handle 80 100 thighs per minute
lnproves the ability to acconnooate various sizes
with the self-adjusting thigh holder
lncreases yielo with nininal nanual trinning neeoeo
Elininates bone shattering or fragmenting
Provioes a hano-cut neat appearance
Reouces labor costs
Acconnooates skin on or oII thighs
Eviscerating Equipment
Foodmate offers a full line of eviscerating
equipment with line speeds up to 8000
birds per hour. The Foodmate eviscerating
machines are constructed to meet the
highest hygienic standards with maximum
accuracy. The Eviscerating Line consists
of all the equipment to manage your
eviscerating needs.
Food Service Cut-Up System
The Foodmate Food Service Cut-Up System is
designed to meet all 8-piece, 9-piece and dark
meat cut-up requirements.
A typical 8- and 9-piece machine consists of a tail
cutter, food service wing cutter, inline fat puller,
pre-cut and/or keel cutter. For a 9-piece cut, it
includes the lengthwise halving machine, thigh
popper, food service halving machine, food service
thigh/drum cutter and static un-loader. All pieces
can be collected in a synchronized conveyor
with pockets.
The Foodmate Food Service Cut-Up System
is supplied with auto-correcting magnetic
cut-up shackles which signifcantly reduces the
opportunity for the shackles to be turned
in the wrong direction when entering the
cutting modules.
The unique turn point and side plate confguration
makes the machine easy to clean and fexible for
future line modifcations.
The standalone machine requires minimum
installation time because all of the single point
connections are integrated into the machine.
Eviscerating Machines:
Automatic Vent Cutter
Autonatic Cpening Nachine
Autonatic Eviscerator
lntestine Harvesting Station
Autonatic Package Renover
Autonatic Cizzaro Processing
Autonatic Cropping Nachine
Autonatic Neck Breaker
Autonatic Lung Renover
lnspection Stanos
lnsioe-Cutsioe Washer
Super Wing Tip Cutter
Magnets Help Improve Wing Tip Cutting
To help address the issues with skin damage and to
provide more consistent joint cuts, Foodmate developed
a completely new approach to online wing tip cutting.
The wings are presented back frst and are guided into the
machine. After the wings are placed into position, a special
indexing wheel fips the wing tips in an upside direction.
The indexing wheel uses magnetic technology
to consistently position the wing for accurate
cutting. The specially shaped indexing wheel is
designed to accommodate various wing sizes with
no adjustments.
Breast Cap Deboner
The Foodmate Semi-Automatic Breast Cap Deboner was
developed to fllet breast caps in an effcient manner, with
the emphasis on speed, high quality product output and
yield, fexibility, and to minimize the number of
machine operators required.
The Breast Cap Deboner flleting machine is
4100 mm in length and the capacity is
approximately 1400 breast caps per hour,
requiring four operators to manage at
this capacity.
The line speed is frequency controlled and
is manufactured according to CE guide rules.
The length of the line can be extended
to meet your operational needs and is
delivered standard with the de-skinning unit.
Newest innovations Newest innovat ations
Splitter Blade
How to Reduce Rework on Whole Bird Splits
Many suppliers to the food service industry often struggle
to meet production goals and quality standards due to
off-center cuts caused by the whole bird splitter. As a result
of this feedback, Foodmate has developed a cost-effective
and simple solution to this problem.
The new Foodmate whole bird Splitter Blade has proven
to increase effciencies and reduce the amount of rework in
many food service processing facilities.
Our customers have reported a signifcant decrease in
rework which improves fock utilization throughout the
processing facility.
The Foodmate blades are designed to maximize yield,
reduce rework and improve cutting effciencies by
providing a quality and cost-effective blade solution.
Foodmate recently introduced a new double
bladed, front halving machine to address
problems commonly found with single bladed
front halving machines.

Using two blades instead of one large blade gives
a straighter cut across the hips and gives more
control over the number of ribs that stay attached
to the front half.

Double Bladed Halving Machine
Sharp Ideas dea Sharp Id as
Unique Features ano Benefts oI the Double Blaoeo Halving Nachine:
lncreases consistency ano allows Ior a straight cut
Elininates the neeo Ior a pre-cutter
Allows Ior easy aojustnents oue to the sinple construction
lntegrates easily into existing Irane or fex cut-up systens
Customer Successes Customer Successes cesses
Heys Poultry Processing, locateo in Frieslano (one oI the Northern Dutch
provinces) has been one of Europes main KFC suppliers over the last 25
years. With regard to the strong growth of chicken fast food worldwide,
ano especially in north western Europe, Heys Poultry Processing
explored the possibilities of automating their cut-up process and
selected Foodmate B.V. as their supplier for this project.
Several key points were extrenely inportant to Heys Poultry Processing:
cutting accuracy, labor savings, hygiene, capacity, shelf life of the end
products and return on investment.
As a main supplier to one of the leading worldwide fast food chains, we
absolutely cannot afford to make any mistakes and not meet the strict
specifcations by our valueo custoner, says Nr. J.J. Hanning Iron Heys
Poultry Processing. Before we decided to automate the process, we
thoroughly researched the available options. Largely in part because of the
Foodmate B.V. team of product specialists, we selected Foodmate B.V. as
our partner. Besides the satisfaction in meeting our requirements and
specifcations, service and support is just as important for us. The
Foodmate B.V. people involved have the 'know-how' and have done an
excellent job. As a matter of fact we found out that the number of miscuts
signifcantly went down with the Foodmate system.
The systen oelivereo to Heys Poultry Processing is able to cut the whole
birds into 7-, 8- or 9-pieces based on customer fnal quality, weight and
cutting/packing specifcations. The system has been equipped with
additional wing modules to achieve a multi-functional line.
Heys Poultry Processing Starts Fully Automatic KFC/Fast Food Cut-Up System
Since l4, Anapaht (Anarant), a neat processing plant
from the Lipetsk region in the Russian Federation, has selected
Foodmate to upgrade and automate their cut-up and
deboning department.
Amarant is a privately owned, medium meat poultry
processing company. As part of the market changes and
growing demand on portioned and deboned chicken parts,
Amarant decided to upgrade this production process.
For Amarant several points were extremely important:
Cutting quality
Service ano aIter sales
Labour savings
Return on investnent
After an intense evaluation in the market, Foodmate
was proudly selected to be Amarants supplier for this
important project.
In our fast changing market, we were obliged to invest in high
quality equipment that could meet our expectations says Mr.
Shubin (Presioent oI Anarant), "aIter reviewing ano inspecting
various equipment, it was an easy task to select Foodmate. We
quickly felt comfortable with Foodmate. In addition to their state
of the art equipment, we have experienced excellent customer
service and superior sales support.
For a company like Amarant, with very demanding customers,
it is of extreme importance that there is a very quick response,
because they can't aIIoro any oowntine, says Davio Hazenbroek,
President of Foodmate B.V.
Mr. Shubin continues, In the plans for our further perfection
of technology and improvements of our quality, we are
confdent that Foodmate will always do their utmost to keep
production running.
The Amarant project consists of a fully automatic compact
cut-up systen (AOl - Al3), thigh/orunstick oe-boners
(BOl-BO2) ano belt conveyors (COl - CO2) Ior a capacity
of 6000 birds per hour.
Amapaht Selects Foodmate
Foodmate B.V. Expands Their Machinery Park
As part of our steady and coordinated growth program, we have invested in two
new state-of-the-art high performance CNC machines. With the purchase of these
machines, a CNC turning and a vertical machine center, we have greatly expanded
our inside machining capacity.
As our customer database grows, we are depending more and more on a
structured supply of materials. With the acquisition of these new high performance
machines, we are able to manage a lot of the milling production inside the
company which is needed for the assembly of poultry processing machines.
We have also reduced our customer response time with the growing demand for
replacement parts.
Foodmate Machinery Park:
Hwacheon Hitech 2OOB NC Turning Center CNC, Fanuc Progranning
Pinqcho S4 C/2OO Turning Center CNC, Fagor Prograning
Cronatic Conventional Turning Nachine, 4OO x lOOOnn
YCN NV76A, Vertical Nachine Center, CNC, Fanuc Progranning
Fanuc, Tape/Drill Center, CNC Fanuc Progranning
Abene, Conventional Vertical Nilling Nachine
Meet the Staff US Meet the Staff Netherlands
Scott Hazenbroek
President and Founder of
Foodmate US, Inc.
Phone: 678-819-5274
Scott Hazenbroek has l7 years
experience in the processing
equipnent business. He oversees
the companys operation in North
America. Scott graduated college
in the Netherlands and is bilingual
in Dutch and English, and speaks
Cernan ano French.
Matt Foster
Regional Sales Manager
Phone: 678-995-2410
Territory: Arkansas, Iowa, Kansas,
Missouri, Nebraska, North Dakota,
Oklahoma, South Dakota, Texas
Tim Morgan
Area Sales Manager
Phone: 404-219-9276
Territory: Alabama, Delaware,
Florioa, Ceorgia, Kentucky, Louisiana,
Maryland, Mississippi, North Carolina,
South Carolina, Tennessee, Virginia,
Washington DC, West Virginia
John Trayler
Senior Service Engineer
Phone: 678-995-2361
Davio Hazenbroek
President and Founder of Foodmate B.V.
Phone: +31-653259348
Davio Hazenbroek has a thorough
background in all aspects of food
processing. He has l3 years oI
international sales experience. David
grew up around the poultry and food
processing equipment business and is
a second-generation company owner.
Rik Wijnhorst
Ceneral Nanager
Phone: +31-653268477
Benno De Vree
Project and Service Manager
Phone: +31-653269351
Jerry Stepien
Area Sales Manager
Phone: +48-015021031
Mobile: +48-601270015
Cerben Slooter
US Account Manager
Phone: +31-623094009
Sales representatives
B.F.E. Service Pty Ltd
Mr. Jrgen van den Bos
Phone: +61-414594527
SOOO Trimex
Mrs. Daria Prilepina
Phone: +37-5172222164
Mr. Luiz storino Filho
Phone: +55-1155896935
Anglia Autofow North America LLC
Nr. Peter CoIIe
Phone: +1-9055890199
Phone: +1-416414676
Central America
STIA Comercializadora S.A.
Mr. Pedro Vargas Paniagua
Phone: +5O-62263l45 (Costa Rica)
ITA International Ltd.
Mr. Jairo Caceres Salazar
Phone: +57-3174314771
De Boer Trading
Mr. Zlatko Mavracic
Phone: +38-598249478
Mr. Patrick Ledez
Phone: +33-687829170
Mest Ltd
Nr. Ceorge Drossopoulos
Ceneral Nanager
Phone: +30-210603053
RND Automation
Mr. Nikhil David DuBois
Phone: +91-2026930100/936
Ilshin Fm Co Ltd
Mr. Moon Ki Back
Phone: +82-24242249
Danfei de Mexico SA de CV
Nr. Juan Carlos Carcia Torres
Phone: +52-15554027451
New Zealand
B.F.E. Service Pty Ltd
Mr. Jrgen van den Bos
Phone: +61-414594527
Foodmate Polska
Mr. Jaroslaw Stepien
Phone: +48-601270015
SC Novasol SRL
Mrs. Rodica Enaceanu
Phone: +40-722310001

Russian Federation
Contact Foodmate BV for the
correct representative.
Mr. Rik Wijnhorst
Phone: +31-186630240
De Boer Trading / Soforebo d.o.o.
Mrs. Maike Sedlanov
Phone: +38-125432300
De Boer Trading / Soforebo d.o.o.
Mr. Bojan Sodnik
South Africa
Inkhuku Technology CC
Mr. Vikesh Rooplall
Phone: +27-844007406
PF Sistemas Para Mataderos
Mr. Felix Chafer Salvany
Phone: +34-935650375
Erawan Union Ltd
Mr. Aisoon Sirichainakhon
Phone: +66-844497890
Foodmate Turkey
Mr. Selim N. Sarioglu
Phone: +90-5434166138
Proxima Ltd
Mr. Pavel Khanikevych
Phone: +38-0503589974
Foodmate US Inc.
Scott Hazenbroek
Phone: +1-6788195270
If your country is not listed in the above list,
please contact Foodmate BV the
Netherlands, Phone. +31-186630240 or
contact Nr. Rik Wijnhorst (
or Annette Becht ( by
Rntgenstraat 18 Oud-Beijerland
Postbus 1405 3260 AK Oud-Beijerland
Phone: +31-186630240 Fax: +31-186630249
3OO Wilbanks Drive, Ball Crouno, CA 3OlO7
Phone: 678-8l-527O (U.S.) Fax: 678-819-5273

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