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Big Friend Little Friend, Inc

July 2012 Newsletter

Mentor a Child. Be a Hero.

PO Box 1101 Yankton, SD 57078 665-6365

Stacy Starzl
Executive Director

Outdoor Campus & Sertoma Butterfly House

Fishing Fun! Kids get a fun introduction to fishing and safety! This program has games, basic fish ID, casting practice and handson fishing at the pond.

July Fun Function:

When: July 12th

Paddling Learn the basics of flatwater paddling in canoes and kayaks. Course includes basic safety, paddling strokes and handson practice at our pond. Wear shoes and clothes that can get wet! Summer Nature Hike Our naturalists and trained volunteers lead our group on an ageappropriate tour of the wildlife and plants along our trails. Stumble across frogs, beavers, ducks or toads. Who knows what youll see on the trail!

Where: Outdoor Campus & Butterfly House Sioux Falls, SD Time: Meet the bus @ 8:00 am in the mall parking lot by Fryin Pan, BRING YOUR PERMISSION SLIPS. You will need to pack a sack lunch with a drink.


Come enjoy a day of : Outdoor fun, learning to cast, paddle, take a hike while looking for wildlife, then a trip over to the Butterfly House to tour the Marine Cove and Tropical House. We will be back in Yankton about 5:00 Please be there waiting for your child/ren. Cell phones will be allowed on bus, but must be turned in to me before getting off the bus, and will be returned when back on the bus. This includes ALL electronics as well. No drink except water on the bus.

Please dress appropriately, you will be hiking so will need good shoes, yet will be around water, Absolutely NO FLIP FLOP shoes allowed. To ensure safety, children who arrive inappropriately dressed will NOT be allowed to particpate.

Is there a camp you are interested in going to this summer? If so, tell us about it. BFLF would like to sponsor you to go to camp this summer. It could be your church, or one you have been wanting to attend. Let us know. We want to send you!!

To help United Way better understand the impact provided by YOU, our partnering agencies, they are conducting a 2012 Community Survey.and they need your help!! Take the survey and you have a chance to win $50 in Chamber Bucks. If you do not have a computer, they are a also in paper form. bqlu1r/start

MENTORS/PARENTS: Want to help chaperone? We will need a few to help with extra eyes and rounding up and counting.of heads. Let me know asap, as we will only have room for a few. Thanks

Thank you to the Morning Optimists for all you do all year long for Big Friend Little Friend. In May the Optimists presented BFLF a check at the Sioux Falls Fighting Pheasants vs. Sioux City Explorers game. All mentors, parents, & kids were invited to attend. Those that went on the field with me are : David, Kelby, Brady &Breyton. Presenting the check was John Lillevold.

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Big Friend Little Friend,Inc

Permission Form for Field Trip

Field Trip Destination: Outdoor Campus Date of Trip: July 12, 2012

Child/rens Name: ______________________________________________________________________________ Time Leaving: Yankton: 8:00 AM Returning: 5:00 PM As the parent/guardian of the above named child/ren, I give permission for my child to attend the BFLF-sponsored field trip on the date shown and to the place indicated. I fully understand that students are to abide by all rules, regulations and instructions regarding safety and protections and that failure to comply may result in my childs exclusion from this activity. As stated in Big Friend Little Friend policy I understand that I hold Big Friend Little Friend, Inc, its officers, agents, and employees harmless from any and all liability or claims, which may arise out of or in connection with my childs participation in this activity. Please initial acceptance of this section _________ I give permission for my child to receive any emergency medical treatment that may be necessary. Health Needs: (check applicable line) ___ My child has no special needs the staff should be aware of, and NO medication is required on this trip. ___ My child has a special health need. The following medication should be given to the staff member in charge to administer as necessary: _____________________________________________________________________________

Emergency Phone Numbers: Home # _______________________ Mothers work # _____________________ Mothers cell # ____________________ Fathers work # _____________________ Fathers cell # ____________________ Guardian work # ____________________ Guardian cell # ___________________ Medical Insurance Information: Primary (Parent Name): ____________________________ Insurance Company: _______________________________ Policy or Group # __________________________________ Secondary (Parent name): __________________________ Insurance Company: _______________________________ Policy or Group # __________________________________ Transportation: Chartered Bus: __X____ Private Automobile: ______ Other: ______

____________________________________________ Parent/Guardian Signature/Date

Please check if available to chaperone: _______________ Please check if available to drive (if necessary): ________

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