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Season 6 Episode 13


Previously On Lost:

Richard saving Claire at the Barracks in 6.1.

Richard looking at his note: "108" in 6.1.
Roberta wanting the end in 6.10.
Maxwell shutting the Island off in 6.10.
Daniel telling Jack Maxwel reset the Island in 6.12.
Jack saying someone needs to sacrifice themselves in 6.12.
The Island moving and the Black Rock arriving in 6.12.


The camera is focused on the outside of the Orchid elevator as the doors slowly open.
The camera is on the legs of those inside and it slowly pans up to eventually reveal that
Kate and Claire were in the elevator. Sayid, Sawyer and Jack must still be inside or are no
longer on the Island because one or more of them moved the wheel. Claire and Kate step
off of the elevator and both have tears in their eyes as they look at each-other then look




When do you think we are?


I have no idea, but I bet we're about to find out.

They look into the jungle and Kate pulls a gun out. They start walking into the jungle
very slowly and looking around into the trees very cautiously.


Let's go... we're gonna find him and if Frank... or anything tries to stop us...

Kate looks at her gun and Claire understands. The camera cuts to:


Walt, Frank and Aaron walk up to the Temple and they look at it. Walt eyes it up and he
looks at Frank.


Something doesn't feel right.


What cha mean?


I... I don't know... something just... doesn't feel right.


Well... this is where he wanted us to bring him.


We can't just leave him here, Frank!


If we don't... we'll die, at least... I think that's what she said...


Great, Frank... and who told you that? Christian?! You can't trust him!

Just then, behind them, we hear him:


Walter... what happened to your faith in me?

Frank and Walt turn around and sure enough, Christian is standing there with an
eerie smile on his face. The camera cuts to:


Juliet and Charlotte hide behind a tree as there is random gunfire upon them. Kaname
and Jin continue to fire their bows into the Black Rock crew as the camera cuts to the
Captain, black bearded and mirror-glassed eye, looking at his arm and there is an arrow
sticking out of it. The Captain turns and looks behind him and he sees the convicts running
in his direction with men behind them in loin-clothes who are shooting arrows at them and
in his direction. The camera is clearer now and we see that it is Kaname and Jin. The
Captain quickly gets up and begins to run into the jungle. followed by Richard! Kaname
looks at Daniel and says:


What the... was that Richard?!


I... I uh... I think so!

Jin throws down his bow as the attack from the Black Rock folk seems to die down. Jin
bends down over Ji Yeon and she looks up at Jin.

Ji Yeon! Why didn't you tell me?!

Ji Yeon:

I... wanted to. But it wasn't the right time.


Sun would have...

Ji Yeon:

Father... I know.

Just then, Juliet and Charlotte run over. Juliet bends down over Ji Yeon and Jin says:


Will she be ok?


She's been shot in the back. Can you move your legs?!

Jin Yeon tries, but to no success. Juliet looks worried and Jin sees this.




The bullet must of hit her spinal cord. There's... there isn't anything I can do.





The camera cuts to Daniel and Kaname. Daniel looks at Kaname and says:


If that was Richard... we gotta follow him.


You see where he went?!


Yeah, that way...

The camera cuts to the Captain running through the jungle and looks behind where the
natives were. He stops and looks around. Suddenly there are sounds in the bushes around
him. The whispers. Out of nowhere, the Captain is lifted upwards from the ground and the
Captain turns to reveal that the smoke monster has him in his grasp! The flashes begin and
FLASH FLASH FLASH! The monster roars and the Captain looks down and sees an arm
pulling his leg. The Captain falls to the ground and is helped up by someone and is running
from the monster. Captain looks back and the monster trails off into the treeline. The
Captain finally falls again onto the ground. Heavy breathing is heard. The Captain looks up
at his rescuer and we see him... it is Richard Alpert!!! with a broken chain around his wrist!
He says:


Captain, you all right?


I... I think so... thank you... for helping me.

Richard just nods as he is looking at the Captain. The flash sound begins...


The camera is focused on Jack as he walks down the hall. He is sporting his beard he
acquired in his first ever flash forward. The scene from "Through the Looking Glass" plays
out: Jack reaches the end of the hallway and he looks on the TV screen and the reporter


This morning... [inaudible]... bridge was shut down for several hours in the wake of a fiery
car accident that left two injured, an unidentified forty year old woman and her son...

Jack looks down from the TV and he sees a 8 year old boy sitting there. The boy waves
to Jack and then Jack looks back at the TV.


Fortunately for the two of them, Doctor Jack Shephard, who was at the scene of the crash,
pulled both victims from the burning wreckage and treated them at the scene until
paramedics arrived. The victims were later transported to Saint Sebastian Hospital. Further
details of their conditions have not yet been....

Jack walks out of the door marked Exit (end of what we saw in 3.22). The camera turns
back to the 8 year old boy. The woman next to him leans over him and says:


Is that the man who saved you?



The woman looks down at the boy's leg. She looks back up at him.


Is your foot bothering you?


A little...


Well, you should take your shoe off then.

The woman gets up and bends down to the boy's foot and gently removes his shoe.
There is a bandage over the small toe of the shoe. She looks up at the boy and says:


There... isn't that much better, Richard?

The music builds as the boy shakes his head "yes."


Good thing that's the only one you lost in the crash...

8 year old Richard smiles as the music builds and the camera cuts to:



The camera is focused on a framed photo of a blonde woman in her 30's. The camera
pulls back and we see that it is sitting on a easel that is standing over a tombstone that
says "Patricia Arlen." The camera pulls back and there is a priest reading from a bible. On
the side we see 8 year old Richard sitting next to the woman who was sitting with him in the
hospital. Richard's mother has died. To Richard's left is a man who looks down at Richard
and doesn't seem happy. The camera cuts to the end of the funeral and everyone is walking
back to their cars. In the background we see a man in a black coat hanging out around the
tree line, but we can't see his face. The camera follows as Richard and the woman walk to
the car and she opens the back door for him. She says:

If you need anything... you know my phone number ok?

Richard looks at her with sad eyes as the man from earlier that gave him the unhappy
look gets into the car and shuts the door. Richard hugs the woman and she shuts the door
and watches her through the window as the car pulls away. The camera then focuses on the
man who was in the treeline. He steps out from behind a tree and we see that it is Richard,
44 years old, as he walks out and walks up to the grave site. He bends down over it and


I miss you, mom.

The camera cuts to:


Young Richard and the man are sitting around the dinner table in complete silence. The
man stares at Richard and then gets up from his chair and walks over to the kitchen cabinet
and opens it up. He pulls out a bottle of liquor and he pours himself a tall glass. He then
takes the glass and sits back down at the table and looks at Richard.


What am I supposed to do with you now?

Richard doesn't say anything. He is still wearing his sling from when we saw him in the
hospital. The man downs his drink and just continues to stare at Richard.


If you didn't have to be picked up from your fathers house so late... this wouldn't have

Richard looks down, sad. The man slams his drink down on the table and he looks at


Look at me when I'm talking to you!!!

Richard shoots a look up at him. The man is obviously drunk and he appears both
horribly sad and very angry.


It's because of you she's dead.

With that, the man stands up and walks out of the room. Richard sits there and begins to
cry. He then gets up and walks over to the bookshelf where he picks up a photo of him and
his mother. He looks at it for a little while and he says:

I'm so sorry, mommy. I just didn't want to stay at dad's house anymore... the needles he
put in his arm scared me...

Little Richard has a tear fall from his face onto the photo as BANG!!! There is a loud gun
shot heard from upstairs. Richard gets up and he runs upstairs to find out what happened.
He turns the corner and runs into a bedroom where we see a rifle laying on the floor and
the man's body next to it. The bed is in the way so we can only see his legs. Little Richard's
eyes get huge as he runs back downstairs and dials the phone. It rings.


Aunt Lilly!! Something happened!!

The camera goes to black then re-opens on:


Richard is sitting in the departure area as the woman he was with earlier sits next to him.
She turns and looks down at him and says:


Are you ok, Richard?


Why can't I just stay with you, Aunt Lilly?

Aunt Lilly:

Oh, Richard... we've been over this. I can't... you know I can't... not in the condition I'm in.


...but the doctor said you will be ok, didn't he?!

Aunt Lilly:

Richard, the kind of cancer I have... I won't ever be ok... this is why... this is why you have
to go. There's no one here anymore for you.

Richard looks down, sad. Aunt Lilly says all of this with great compassion and she hugs
Richard close.


It's all my fault.

Aunt Lilly:

No, Richard. It's that doctor's fault. If Dr. Nadler would have done the surgery right... we
would never be here. And what your step-father did... well, Sam Alpert was not a good
man... he was weak. (pause) You will be fine, Richard. This school is exactly what you
need... it's a fresh start... and they take in boys just like yourself. There will be other boys
there in the same situation as you, you'll see.

Just then, Richard grabs hold of Aunt Lilly and hugs her as the camera cuts to behind a
woman walking down the terminal. The camera follows her as she walks up to Richard and
Aunt Lilly. Finally, Aunt Lilly looks up and says:

Aunt Lilly:

You must be Ms. Hawking.

The camera turns and it is revealed that it is, in fact, Ms. hawking!

Ms. Hawking:

Yes, and this must be little Richard. Nice to meet you, Richard.

Ms. Hawking puts her hand out and Richard shakes it.

Ms. Hawking:

Are you ready to go back to England with me, then?

Richard turns to Aunt Lilly and she bends over and gives him a big hug. She whispers in
his ear:

Aunt Lilly:

Remember, Richard... I'm a phone call away. I love you very, very much.


I love you too.

Aunt Lilly stands up.

Aunt Lilly:

It was very nice of you to come all this way to pick him up... I'm not supposed to fly in my

Ms. Hawking:

Oh, not a problem, my dear. I enjoy flying.

Aunt Lilly:

This is all his information... his medical history, family history and well... everything you'll

Ms. Hawking:

Thank you, dear. Shall we?

Aunt Lilly hugs Richard again. Ms. Hawking grabs his hand and they walk down the
terminal to their gate as Richard turns back and looks at Aunt Lilly. The camera cuts to Ms.
Hawking and Richard arriving at their gate as the plane is boarding. Ms. Hawking looks over
at the gate and she sees Desmond boarding the plane! She looks a bit confused as she
looks down at what he is holding. It is the book, "Our Mutual Friend." This is the same day
as Kate was arrested at the airport and Desmond bought the book and is returning back to
the UK to visit Charlie's father as seen in 5.11 "Our Mutual Friend." They share the same
flight. The camera cuts to:


Ms. Hawking and young Richard walk into the front doors of her Antique Store in London.
Richard is holding his luggage as Hawking walks in and puts her keys down on the table.
Richard looks around and says:


What is this place?

Ms. Hawking:

This is where I do my work... sort of.


Where do you live?

Ms. Hawking:

Oh, just upstairs of here.

Richard sits his bags down and walks around looking at the various things. He comes
across a painting of an old pirate ship and he takes an interest in it. Ms. Hawking notices
this and she says:

Ms. Hawking:

You like pirates, do you?


They're ok.

Ms. Hawking:

Have you ever heard of the Black Rock?



Ms. Hawking:
Oh, well, it was a slaving ship, but on it's last voyage it was transporting English prisoners
to Australia. In it's journal, it's last log was rounding the tip of South Africa then it vanished.


How does a ship just vanish?

Ms. Hawking:

Sometimes the hard to understand is best explained first person.

Richard just looks at Hawking strangely. Just then, at the door, there is a knocking. Ms.
Hawking walks over to the door and opens it. It is Donovan!

Ms. Hawking:

Come in, come in. Richard, I would like you to meet Donovan. He is a very good friend of
mine and he'll be assisting with finding out just exactly where you belong.


Where I belong?

Ms. Hawking:

Yes, Richard. I want to see how special you really are.

Ms. Hawking walks over to Richard and bends down in front of him and says:

Ms. Hawking:

Why don't you run along now and get yourself settled in. The stairs are through that door
and your room will be the first on the left.

Richard picks up his things and he walks out of the room staring at Donovan the entire
way. Richard is gone and Hawking looks at Donovan. She walks over to him and hits him in
the arm.

Ms. Hawking:

Why the bloody hell didn't you tell me that Desmond was on the move?!


That's why I'm here... I've been measuring the electromagnetic fields around the globe.
There was a disruption sometime late a little over a day ago...

Ms. Hawking:

Yes, and?


I used our resources.

Donovan puts down photos of Kate being arrested in LA, Jack behind her, Sayid and Ben
going through customs in New Zealand and Hurley sitting in a waiting area in San Francisco.
Sun getting a car in South Korea. Hawking looks them over.

Ms. Hawking:

Where is Widmore?


He's gone.

Ms. Hawking:

His daughter? The 15 year old boy, Walter... where is Widmore's assistant, Christine?!


I think they made it through... to the Island.

Ms. Hawking:

Why didn't you tell me this sooner?!

Hawking walks over to the counter. She turns and says:

Ms. Hawking:

What happened... this... isn't right.


I believe that Mr. Widmore was correct. I think that the factors are people and not actions
like we first thought. I think these people who tried to go back are the factors, Ms. Hawking.

Ms. Hawking:

Why didn't any of them make it back?


Because I believe that Mr. Widmore was correct. The chain of events started when the
freighter found the Island... when Desmond used the fail-safe key.

Ms. Hawking:

What does that mean?!


Everyone who was on the Island before the key was turned has to go back.
The camera focuses on Hawking as the music builds and the camera goes to black. The
camera opens back on:


Ms. Hawking and Richard are eating dinner in her apartment above the antique store.
Richard is looking at the food in front of him and it looks horrible and he plays with it.
Hawking notices this and she says to him:

Ms. Hawking:

I'm not the best cook, I apologize, Richard.


It's ok... so, when do I see my new school.

Ms. Hawking:

You'll see it in due time, my boy. First we need to run some tests on you to see where you


What kind of tests?

Ms. Hawking:

Psychological tests. Nothing that will hurt, I promise.


How did you find me?

Ms. Hawking:

Well... I have people all around the world looking for children who lost both parents.


But, my father isn't dead.

Ms. Hawking:

Yes, but he is emotionally dead... he is a drug addict. You will be better off here.

Richard looks down. Suddenly, Hawking hears a knocking from below. She stands up and

Ms. Hawking:

I'll be right back, Richard.

Ms. Hawking stands up and she walks out of the room. Richard stands up and walks into
the hallway then down to Ms. Hawking's bedroom. He opens the door and walks in and he
sees pictures on her wardrobe. They are photos of Ms. Hawking with a young Desmond,
a very young Desmond. Richard looks over the photos and he sees something that catches
his attention. He picks it up and it is a photo of Ms. Hawking with a man. The photo is
extremely old looking, almost as if it was taken right when cameras were first invented.
Richard is about to dust off the glass where there is dirt covering the man's face, but we
hear a BANG! Richard drops the photo and runs out of the room and down the stairs to the
store below. He turns the corner and he sees a man laying on the floor and then he sees
Hawking calling 911. Richard turns the corner and we see it: it is the scene where Desmond
shot himself in the head trying to defy Destiny. Hawking turns to Richard and screams:

Ms. Hawking:

Richard! Get back upstairs! Donovan will be over soon to stay with you!!


Who is he...

Ms. Hawking:

Go upstairs, now!!

Richard turns and he runs upstairs. The camera turns back to Desmond as he lay there in
a pool of blood. The music builds and the camera cuts to:



Young Richard is sitting at a table and Donovan is across the room on a computer
running some numbers. Donovan turns to Richard and he says:


Who did you say saved your life the day you and your mother were in the car accident?


Dr. Shephard.


Jack... Jack Shephard?


Yes. Why?


Holy Mother Mary... I think... I think I've got it!

Donovan runs over to a phone and he picks it up.


When did Ms. Hawking say she'll be back?


When she's finished her business with Desmond in Los Angeles.

Donovan dials the phone and we hear Hawking on the other end answer. The
conversation plays out as we heard in 6.11:


I ran the final test... it turns out that Widmore was right.

Ms. Hawking:

How so?


The factors to the equation... they aren't things... or variables like we first thought. They
are people. There are 6 factors... but there is a variable... The boy we have here... he is the
variable. He is the one to change all of this...

Ms. Hawking:

You mean...


Yes. Richard Alpert is the missing link in the chain.

Ms. Hawking:

My word... So Charles wasn't mistaken... he actually knew what he was doing all along...
and to think, I called him a fool.


Does this change anything?

Hawking grows silent. She looks like she is doubting herself.

Ms. Hawking:

No, Donovan... we keep on course.


Donovan hangs up. Richard looks at him.


I'm the missing link?!


Yes, my boy. You're the catalyst... you are the one. The one who brings about the new


New order?!


I'm sure Ms. Hawking will explain when she gets back... until then... why don't you begin
your studies.

Richard gets up and he walks off. Donovan looks up as he goes. The camera fades to


Ms. Hawking comes in with a suitcase as Donovan stands there with papers in his hand
waiting for her. She looks at him like "what now?"


What happened?!

Ms. Hawking:

They all went back... like you said they needed to. Everyone who was there when he turned
the fail-safe key.


Desmond too?!

Ms. Hawking:



If Desmond doesn't go back... then... we are good. The DS will succeed.

Ms. Hawking looks at Donovan out of the corner of her eye like she is hiding something.
We know that she is no longer thinking with the mind of a DS person. She turns to Donovan
and says:

Ms. Hawking:
Phone Noor. Tell her we will need her to lure Desmond to Australia.



Ms. Hawking:

Desmond needs to be persuaded to go back... that the Island needs him.


I don't understand? Why? Why didn't you just have him go back now?

Ms. Hawking:

Because... it's not the right time just yet.

Donovan is about to say something, but Ms. Hawking holds her hand up and he shuts up.
Ms. Hawking sits down and she looks exhausted and a bit perplexed by the situation. She
looks at the Black Rock painting and she says:

Ms. Hawking:

I suppose we will meet again, you old bastard.

The camera cuts to black. It re-opens:


Hawking walks into her apartment and sitting at the table is an 8 year older Richard
Alpert. He gets up as she walks in and he says:


Where's Donovan?! I finally figured it out!

Ms. Hawking:

Donovan had an accident... hes no longer with us...


You mean...

Ms. Hawking:

I'm sorry, Richard... he's dead.

Richard sits down and looks a bit confused. Hawking seems to lack emotion, but she
finally walks over to him and says:

Ms. Hawking:
I'm sorry, I know how much he meant to you...


He was like... a father to me.

Ms. Hawking:

You are 18 years old now, Richard... time for you to be a man... There is something I need
to share with you...


What is it?

Ms. Hawking:

Richard... the man who you saw shoot himself 8 years ago... Desmond Hume?



Ms. Hawking:

He awoke fro his coma today and he has no memory of who he is.


That's a good thing then, isn't it?!

Ms. Hawking:

It is, for all of us. He will abide by Mr. Widmore's wishes and he will take control of
Widmore's fortune. We will tell him of the end that will come in 2042 and we will persuade
him to lead a crusade against it.


That is wonderful news then, isn't it?

Ms. Hawking:

Yes, but I must tell you of your role, Richard. Your job in all of this is much more important
than what Donovan and I have let on. It will be you, Richard... who persuades Desmond to
do this. It is you, Richard... who will make Desmond take on Mr. Widmore's task of creating
the Dharma Initiative. It is you, Richard... who will start the new order.


How?! Why me?!

Ms. Hawking:
Jack Shephard, the one who saved you... by attempting suicide that day, Richard... he
started the change in Destiny's plan. All along I thought that the plane crash and keeping
those people on that Island would prevent any disruption in Destiny's path, but the second
that Desmond turned that fail-safe key... Widmore's theories were correct. Those six got off
the Island... Ben Linus turned that wheel and the Island moved.


That's just it! I found it!

Ms. Hawking:

How in Jacob's ghost did you find the Island?!


Using Donovan's co-ordinates. Look!

Desmond pulls out a map and the Island is in the middle of the Indian Ocean.

Ms. Hawking:

My word, Richard... you are a good boy!

The camera fades to black. It re-opens:



Desmond, Nadia, Ms. Hawking and Richard are in a private jet as it is prepping for
landing. Desmond, with his breathing tube in, turns to Ms. Hawking:


I was thinking.

Ms. Hawking:



When we arrive, I will take on the name of Charles Widmore... as a... a homage to him for
everything he's done.

Ms. Hawking:

That is very thoughtful, Desmond. All the planning for the past 12 years has finally paid off.

Hawking gets up and walks to the back of the plane and sits down next to Richard.

Ms. Hawking:
He's changing his name to Widmore.

Richard looks at Hawking then they both bust out laughing.


If he only knew...

Ms. Hawking:

Yes, the irony is killing me.

They get serious.


Why are you letting him go on with this plan with the Dharma Initiative? There has to be an
easier way.

Ms. Hawking:

It is what he wants and we shall let him do it. Besides, when you go back you will see that
the Dharma Initiative is very important to the cause. They will look after the Island doing
mindless work until the six factors arrive. And besides, not all of the work they will be doing
is pointless... some of it is very beneficial to the cause.


So we send the Island back to 1960 after I've gone back and put the idea of the numbers
leading up until the end of the world into the heads of the scientific community?

Ms. Hawking:

Yes, the Valenzetti equation. Exactly. Once you have sparked the interest of Alvar Hanso, he
will finance the DI and keep the Island a secret from the outside world. It is very important
that we have Mr. Hanso on board. He is very vital to keeping the Island off of the world's
radar so that we never have to worry about it falling into the wrong hands. Do you



Ms. Hawking:

But first... we need to build the stations and we need to prep the Island for our past friends.


Please take your seats and fasten your seat belts, we will be landing momentarily.

Richard looks at Ms. Hawking and realizes something.


My God! Desmond... he'll time trip if he goes through the magnetic field!

Ms. Hawking:

No, he won't.


He has no constant!

Ms. Hawking:

In the memory loss we know his memories don't connect the same way they once did. To
him, he has never traveled to this Island before.


Oh. Thank goodness.

The plane tilts down and Ms. Hawking says:

Ms. Hawking:

I know you didn't do this yet, but you better hope to hell that you do it when you do go


What's that?

Ms. Hawking:

Construct a runway!

The camera cuts to the plane as it lands where the runway should be built. Instead, it is
all dirt and there is no pavement, but it appears as if the jungle has been cleared in a long
strip that looks much like a runway. The plane has a very rough landing. The camera cuts to
them all getting off the plane. Nadia walks over to Hawking and says:


Why are the trees cleared out? Why is there nothing else on the Island? No stations, no

Ms. Hawking:

Annie Lewis. When the Island is moved by the wheel, the actual Island is moved. When
Annie moves it, the Island stays put, just the matter on the Island is moved in time.
Including the pavement of the runway.

So that's why the Island is here and we're able to do construction on it?

Ms. Hawking:

That's why Richard must clear the trees so we have a place to land, though bumpy, it gave
us the opportunity.


On the Island, we see much construction going on around the Hydra and the boat docks
being built that we saw the DI have earlier in the season. The camera cuts inside where we
see Roberta, Maxwell, a 70 something year old Desmond, Richard and a 70 year old
something Nadia sitting around a table. There is a slide-show on the wall.


This is it. This is what it all boils down to. The changing of Destiny.

Desmond clicks the projector. We see the construction of the replica stations on the


As you can see, we have constructed the mock stations here on the Hydra Island. The real
stations are being built on the main Island as we speak.

Desmond clicks the projector. We see the construction of the Staff Station. He clicks
again and we see the construction of the Orchid.


The Orchid will serve as Richard's escape route if and when he feels it necessary to come
back here, to our time for whatever reason. For past security reasons, we will make it so
that the Orchid is only accessible by people whom Richard can trust.


There is a Dr. Chang that I would like the DeGroots to seek out and put in the station. He
isn't a very good scientist, but he appears to be trustworthy.


For even more security reasons, the main porthole to the valve, a.k.a the "wheel," will be
concealed behind the chamber. We don't want them finding that. That could potentially
move the Island to a non-desired place. In the event of an emergency where the Island is at
risk for being found, Richard will indirectly provide the secret of the wheel to Dr. Change so
it can be moved.


Yes, but won't all of this technology make the scientists in the '70's question the true nature
of where the Island came from?

Nadia, please.

Nadia clicks the projector. A photo of the wheel turns up and we see DI employees
carving hieroglyphics onto the wheel.


We are creating a station called the Temple and placing ancient looking hieroglyphics
throughout the Island to make it appear as if it has some sort of Atlantis type mystique
about it. The technology we have here in our time can't be discovered and used in the
mid-1900's. If it falls into the wrong hands, then it could lead to wars and other events that
would be counter-productive to our cause. The scientists of that time will have no
explanation for it except for some sort of magical ancient effects.


When Margaret arrives, I think we should have her research this and deem whether or not
this is a smart way to go. These people will be scientists trying to figure out a way to stop
the end from coming... if we plant the idea of magic in their heads, won't it be counter


We don't think so. Any other questions?

Nadia clicks the projector one last time. There is a photo of the 4-Toed Statue being
constructed. We can see Richard's face. Richard looks at it and is astonished. Nadia looks at
him and she says:




What is this?!


Well, don't get too excited. We thought it would be a nice gesture if we went ahead and
built this statue for you, in your honor...


We can't have that when we send the Island back!


Oh, it won't be there. When we demolish the Hydra replicas we will demolish the statue as
well. All that will be left is your four toes... that should throw the past scientists off a little.

Richard chuckles and the people around the room all clap.

Richard, you are doing the world and myself a great service by sacrificing yourself to go
back and ensure that everything goes as planned.


Thank you, everyone. This is all very kind. Now, we have work to do.


The team should be arriving any time now.

Everyone is walking out of the room. The room is empty as Richard sits there. Ms.
Hawking walks in and sits with Richard.

Ms. Hawking:

That was a very nice presentation, but you know, Richard. There is a magical quality to this
Island. When that meteor crashed here it brought along the ability to do everything we are
doing here now. You must respect that.


I do.

Ms. Hawking:

You know what you have to do when you go back, Richard. You can't let any of them know
what this whole project and the Island is really about. It is about stopping the end, but we
are using the factors to do it. They don't know about that.


I understand.

Ms. Hawking:

Good, now go get ready. You've got work to do shortly.

The music builds and the camera cuts to:



The scene picks up directly after the DeGroots are sent back, as we saw in 6.11. Richard
turns to Ms. Hawking and says:


You aren't going to kill me after you send me back are you?

Ms. Hawking:
Not for the first 108 times anyway...

Ms. Hawking smiles at Richard and walks off. Richard turns back to the Chamber where
Sanjit is taking the bodies of the DeGroots out. Ms. Hawking is gone and Richard is
approached by Maxwell.


Are you ready, then?


Yes. I think so.


Ok. This time, this is your 1st attempt. You have a total of 108. Each time you go back, a
bit of your frontal lobe is damaged. If you go back a 109th time, you will die.


Why can't you just send back a copy of myself?


If we send back copies then bits of your memory would be erased. If the wrong part is
erased, then you would be useless.

This is what happened to Kaname's copy. He forgot how to do CPR.


This time, your objective is to become Enzo Valenzetti. Put the facts of the numbers out
there and create the Valenzetti equation. Give them the actual date that the world is going
to end. The date when communication from the future stops. Do you understand?




Good. Let's begin. And remember, if anything goes wrong, just kill yourself. We have 107
more chances.


... oook.

Richard steps into the chamber and Maxwell hits a button. The light flashes and Maxwell
opens the door. Richard steps out.

That's it?!


Yes. Want to go again?


I guess so...


Ok, this time... you will go back and you will ....

Maxwell's voice trails off as we see Hawking watching on from across the room in the
darkness. Nadia joins her.


Did you tell him?

Ms. Hawking:

No. Not yet.


You're going to have to eventually.

Ms. Hawking:

I know. The less he knows now, the better. He will have to do that on his 107th trip.

Nadia looks at Ms. Hawking and she doesn't seem thrilled at whatever they are talking
about. The camera cuts to:


Desmond is sitting at his desk as Ms. Hawking comes in.

Ms. Hawing:

There is something you must know, Desmond.



Ms. Hawking:

I want to say goodbye.

Where are you going?

Ms. Hawking:

If you haven't noticed, Desmond, I never age.


I've noticed... you haven't aged a day since I woke up 33 years ago.

Ms. Hawking:

Why did you never question it?


Because I figured you knew too much about the end of the world and how everything plays

Ms. Hawking:

You got me. I don't age, Desmond... because I'm not... I shouldn't really be here... or alive.


I don't understand.

Ms. Hawking:

You wouldn't and it's too much to explain.


Try me.

The camera cuts to:


Nadia walks up to Richard, who appears to be taking a break. She sits down next to him
and she says:


What time is this?


It's my 107th coming up... and not a damn thing has changed.


I know, Richard. There's a reason for that.




Ms. Hawking wanted me to tell you this... she is gone. She loves you and she is sorry for
not saying goodbye.


What?! Why?!


It's very complicated, but... the reason that nothing has changed is because nothing could
change. You've done this all before, Richard. We all have, but we just don't know it.


What are you talking about?!


I will explain, but first you need to go back one more time. You need to go back to the birth
of John Locke. Then, you need to visit him as a child and do a test. You need to test him for
his future role on the Island.


Why?! What is this?


You've done this before too, Richard. You need to go back in order for everything to happen
the way it did until this point. It is the way it always has happened and the way it always
will happen. The world doesn't end in 2042, Richard. It's the end of time... of sorts.


The end of time?!


Yes. Time then loops back to the beginning. It's the way of the Universe... a glitch. The six
factors that Hawking has you working with... the ones she is making you get to the Island...
they can fix it... they can keep time moving forward.


This is all...

I know. It was for me too, but you don't have time to think about it now. You need to go
see John Locke. All the information you will need is in this.

Nadia hands Richard a folder. Richard stands up and walks over to the machine. Nadia
follows and she sits down and sets the date of Locke's birth. She smiles at Richard and
pushes the button. The camera cuts to:


Nadia is sitting on the edge of a flower box as Ms. Hawking walks over to her and sits

Ms. Hawking:

How did it go?


He thinks you sent yourself back.

Ms. Hawking:

Good. When Shephard and Maxwell turn the Island off, I'll be gone.


Is there anything else I should know?

Ms. Hawking:

Yes.... there is.


What is it?

Ms. Hawking:

I've grown very fond of you.

Nadia smiles and Ms. Hawking chuckles. Nadia puts her arm around Ms. Hawking.


What does it feel like?

Ms. Hawking:

What, dear?


You know... being like you... what you are.

Ms. Hawking:

Knowing everything isn't a cup of tea, Noor. At least now, now... things will be different. I
don't know anything past when Maxwell turns off the Island. Hopefully, this time... this time
things will work out in favor of the future.

Around the corner we see Richard watching on.

Ms. Hawking:

Whatever the factors do from here on out... is hopefully the right thing that will change all
of this. Else wise, it's going to happen again... and again... and again...

Richard walks away and he walks over to the Orchid Elevator. He gets in and the camera
cuts to the bottom as he walks out. He says to himself:


Why would this keep happening...

Just then he spots Roberta talking with Amelia. He stops and listens.


Nothing has changed and hes gone back 108 times now. This whole project has been a
waste of time!


What do you suggest we do?


Well, I've already sent you back once to keep an eye on things, but sending you back hasn't
seemed to do any good either.


I'm sorry, Roberta.


I think we need to usher in the end, Amelia. We need to let it happen. This will be my
chance at creating the ultimate Utopia. It makes sense, doesn't it?


What does?

This Island is special... and almost impenetrable to the outside world. If the world ends, we
will survive here on this Island. I can put forth all of my work and finally do what all the
great philosophers have dreamed of. I will create Utopia!


This sounds a bit crazy, Roberta.


No, we'll start by creating the Cerberus machine. We'll weed out those on this Island who
pose detriment to the Utopia.

The camera cuts to Richard as he watches this. It cuts back to Roberta:


I will need your help though, Amelia. You must help me make the end come... no matter


I understand.



Maxwell rushes down the hall and he says:


Roberta, you need to come quick. There's been reports of anomalies coming from the area
around the Temple Station.


What kind?


Things are changing around the Island... we need to talk with Mr. Widmore.

Roberta, Amelia and Maxwell rush down the hall past Richard, who is hiding in a
doorway. He walks out and he rushes over to the computer. He checks it and he looks at
the number of times he has gone back. It does say 108. He says to himself:


That's not right... Nadia must have doctored it... to make them think I've gone back 108
times... so they don't send me back again to my death.

Richard sits back and thinks. He then realizes it.


The loop keeps happening because I have one more shot to change the past... I have a
108th try!

The music builds as the camera cuts to:



Richard is sitting in the Orchid Station and he is crunching some numbers. He suddenly
hears it. Over the Walkie he hears:


This is Roberta, Edward, come in.


This is Edward.


We've got some bodies out here.




Two dead Asians, one wounded horribly... a fat guy, some guys in their mid-40's... a Middle
Eastern man.


My God.


Get this... Richard was with them.



The camera cuts to Richard's face (in the Orchid). He looks shocked. He pulls a list out of
his pocket and on that list we see the names of the O6, labeled "The Factors." Just then,
Nadia runs down the hallway. Richard turns to her and says:


They've killed them! The factors... Jack, Sayid, Hugo... they are dead!

They think the Smoke Monster killed them.


Nadia, I know you changed the computer to make them think I've gone back 108 times... I
know I've only gone back 107. I can go back and change this... stop this from happening.


You can't!


Where is Ms. Hawking?!


She went off. I don't know where she went.


Don't you understand?! The reason time keeps looping and nothing is changing is because
of you! You led me to believe that I had used up all my chances! I have one more chance to
go back and save them.


How do you know what to do?


Claire. They said that Hugo is dead. When Keamy blew up her house, she died... that's what
must have happened! Because she died, she wasn't there to save Hugo! I need to go back
again. I need to go back and save Claire!

Richard walks over to the computer and he puts in the date for his 108th trip. He jumps
into the chamber and he says:


Push the button, Nadia!

Nadia reluctantly walks over to the computer and she presses the button. The doors close
and the light flashes! A moment later, Richard walks out. He grabs his head and looks as
though he is in pain.


Are you all right?!

I will be in a minute... radio Roberta.




Ask her what they found at the Temple.

Nadia radios Roberta.


Who's this?


It's me, Roberta. I need an update of what you found at the Temple station.


Well, we found about half a dozen people.


Are they alive?


Yes, everyone is fine except for an Iraqi. He was badly injured. And get this, Richard is with
them. We're bringing them to the Hydra.

Nadia shoots a look up at Richard. She flashes the biggest smile ever as he smiles back
and says:


You were right! You changed it! They're all alive!!!

Richard smiles.


It's all in a day's work... now go, go make sure they take care of Sayid.

Nadia rushes up to Richard and gives him a big kiss on the cheek. She then rushes down
the hallway and on to the elevator. Richard sits down and he smiles. He then
crosses off "Trip 108." The camera fades to black.

*For those who are confused. We just saw what happened in Claire's flashback at the start
of 6.1. We then saw Richard go back on his "108" trip and prevented Claire from dying as
we saw in her other flashbacks in 6.1. Because he went back and saved Claire that changed
what happened at the Temple that night and allowed Jack and all our other friends to live.
Now, there are 2 Richards on the Island. The origional we've seen through this episode and
the one who arrived on the Island when Annie moved it to 2042. The Richard who arrived
with the Annie group is the 108 trip Richard. I explained this because it would
be understood if seen on TV, but harder to visualize as you read it here.*


Richard is inside the Orchid Station peeking out through a door. He sees Roberta shoot
Edward and her ask Maxwell to keep an eye on Jack and the others. He then sees Maxwell
tell Jack that they need to stop Roberta. This is right before Maxwell and Jack head to the
Epsilon and shut it off. As they leave the station, Richard walks out of the door and grabs
his walkie.


Nadia... you there?


I'm here. Why are you calling on the secure channel?


Because. They're going to shut of the Epsilon. Maxwell's gonna send the Island back!


This could ruin everything!


Maybe, but I can stop it.


What do you mean, Richard?


I can send myself back again... before he turns the Island off.


You'll die! That would be your 109th time! Maxwell said that you will die!


I know, but if I can send myself back I can explain to them.


Explain what?!

I can explain their roles in this whole thing. They don't know what... or who they are.


Richard, you're going to die!


I know, but... listen to me. If Maxwell resets the Island... it will loop back. We know that the
Island comes in contact with the Black Rock at some point, right?!


Yes... it was here on the Island. Sayid talked about it after the 06 got off back in 2009.


Exactly. I will get myself on that ship. I will surely run into them! Nadia, I have to do this.
It's the only way to prevent the loop from continuing!

There is silence. Finally Nadia says:


Fine. What do you want me to do?


Make sure they find me once the Black Rock arrives.


I don't know if this is going to work, Richard. I mean, the Island could reset to any time!


I'll take my chances, Nadia. You've got to trust me on this. You do what I said, ok?


Ok, good luck, Richard!


You too, Nadia.

Richard puts the walkie down. He takes a deep breath and he walks over to the
computer. He puts in the date that the Black Rock sets sail from England. He looks around,
then he kneels down on his knees and he appears to pray. Then he stands up and he
pushes the button and the doors to the chamber begin to close. He runs over to them and
he narrowly gets shut in right before the light FLASHES! A moment goes by and the light
stops and the doors open. We see a lifeless Richard fall out of the chamber and land on the
floor. Richard, the original Richard, has died. The camera cuts to:


The camera is focused on a pier where we see people walking around wearing clothes
that appear to be from the 1800's. The camera pans over and we see the Black Rock and it
is boarding a long line of prisoners all in shackles. Then, out of nowhere, we see a flash of
light and then we see Richard appear in mid-air and fall into the water next to the pier! The
camera cuts to Richard as he pulls himself out of the water and stands on the pier looking
around. Finally, he spots it: The Black Rock. Richard is dressed in clothes from 2042 and he
looks down at them. He then sees a man walking past and Richard grabs him and he knocks
him out! Richard pulls him behind a crate and a few moments later he walks out wearing
clothes from that period. He pulls out the wallet of the man that he took the clothes from
and he takes out old money. He thinks for a minute then he rushes over to a small boy and
says to him:


Boy, I need you to do me a favor.


Where you from, Mister? You sound American! Are you from America?! How is it there, I
hear it's quite lovely!


Look, I don't have time for that. I will give you all this money if you go over to that guard
and tell him that you saw me escape from the line of convicts.


Why would you want to do that?! They're on their way to bloody Australia! They take them
there to die!


You want the money or no?

The boy looks at Richard for a minute and then grabs the money out of his hand and runs
over to the guard. The boy points in the direction of Richard and the guard runs over with
his club out! He reaches Richard and raises his club! Richard takes a deep breath and BAM!
The camera fades to black. There is a mini-montage of the following:

A) Richard being shackled inside the boat as he is unconscious.

B) The boat on the seas sailing.
C) The attack of the Pirates as seen in 5.10.
D) The Pirates taking control of the boat as seen in 5.10.
E) The bright flash of light from the Island moving from whoever moved it.
F) The Black Rock landing on the Island.
G) The convicts escaping from the hole in the side of the ship. Richard being one of them.
H) Richard saving the Captain from the Smoke Monster.

We are back to present time as we see Richard sitting next to the Captain. Richard takes
a deep breath and he thinks for a moment. Richard finally stands up and looks at the


What's yer name, convict?


Richard, sir.


Thank ye for savin' me life.


No problem.


Why'd you do that?

Richard thinks for a minute.


I... I don't know.


Cause you're a good man, that's why.


Yeah, I guess.


What was that beast?


You don't want to know...


Ay, I don't. Twas Satan himself...

In the jungle we see Kaname and Daniel walk up in the tree-line. Richard looks over and he
recognizes them. Kaname and Daniel run out of the jungle towards Richard and the Captain
turns and reaches for his gun and pulls it out on Dan and Kaname in their native-looking
gear. Richard sees this and says:


No! Stop!


They're tryin' to kill us, mate!


I know them... just stop.


You know them?!

Dan and Kaname reach Richard and the Captain.


Richard... what the hell?!


What were you doing on the Black Rock?!


They speak English!


I came to tell you guys... where's Jack and Juliet?


Jack's at the Orchid, he moved the Island.

The captain is trying to follow along. He interrupts.


Who the bloody hell are these savages?!


Kaname.... who the bloody (he says bloody in a mocking British accent) hell are you?!


Ay! I be Captain Jacob Hume!

There is dead silence between the men as the music begins to build. Richard, almost not
believing his ears, looks at the captain and says:


Jacob, you said .... you are ... Jacob?!

Richard swallows hard as the music builds and cuts to:


The camera is about 30 feet in the air looking down on someone who is laying in sand on
their stomach. The camera cuts to right over top of them and we see they are bleeding from
the arm. They turn over and it is revealed to be Sawyer! He must have moved the island!
Sawyer sits up and grabs his arm (much like Ben did) and then bends over and throws up
on the sand beside him. He looks around. Then the sound comes up and we hear:


Oh my God!!!

Sawyer looks in the direction of the girl.


That guy is freakin' wasted!

The camera cuts to the girl and her two friends as they point and laugh at Sawyer.
Sawyer stands up and he looks around. The camera cuts to a view of the ocean. Then the
camera does a full 180 as Sawyer turns and then we see it: There are about a hundred
people on the beach all wearing bikinis and swim trunks. Sawyer looks very, very confused
as loud music starts to play. Sawyer
looks over as he hears someone say:


Spring Break Cancun!!!! Put your hands up!!!!

Sawyer looks where it is coming from and he sees a stage with a DJ playing Milkshake,
by Kelis. Above him is a sign that says "SPRING BREAK 2004, CANCUN!" Sawyer looks like
he is in disbelief as he says to himself:


Son... of... a... bitch....

Milkshake builds as the camera cuts to:

VO: Jacob has arrived.

1) Clip of Jacob punching Richard.

VO: Christian is Back.

1) Clip of Christian taking Aaron.

VO: Richard needs to fill the group in...

1) Clip of some of the Pirates grabbing Richard.

VO: ... but will he get the chance?

VO: And Sawyer is back in 2004...

1) Clip of Sawyer holding a gun on someone.

VO: On the Next Lost...

Cast in order of Appearance:

Kate Austen.............Evangeline Lilly

Claire Littleton..........Emilie de Ravin
Walt Lloyd...............Malcolm David Kelley
Frank Lapidus...........Jeff Fahey
Aaron Littleton.........???
Christian Shephard....John Terry
Daniel Faraday.........Jeremy Davies
Kaname Tanizaki.......Steve Tanizaki
Jin Kwon..................Daniel Dae Kim
Juliet Burke..............Elizabeth Mitchell
Charlotte Lewis.........Rebecca Mader
Ji-Yeon Kwon...........Song Yun-ah
Richard Alpert...........Nestor Carbonell
Sam Alpert...............???
Aunt Lilly.................???
Ms. Hawking.............Fionnula Flanagan
Donovan..................Shishir Kurup
Desmond Hume.........Henry Ian Cusick
Nadia Abed Jazeem....Andrea Gabriel
Roberta Owen...........Kathy Bates
Sanjit......................Hrithik Roshan
J. Clark Maxwell.........Ben Stein
Edward Lorenz..........Jaleel White
Spring Break Girl........???
James "Sawyer" Ford..Josh Holloway
Questions Asked:

1) How is the Captain Jacob?

2) What did Ms. Hawking mean she isn't alive?

Questions Answered:

1) The Statue was of Richard as a honor.

2) The End is really a Loop back to the start of time.
3) Richard was ageless because he kept putting a copy of himself at the age of 44 in the
past in different times.
4) The hieroglyphics, like the statue, was a ruse planted by the future DI.
5) Sawyer moved the Island and wound up in 2004 on Spring Break Cancun.
6) The reason there were 2 Amelias is because Roberta sent her back once.
7) Richard was on the Black Rock in attempt to get back to Jack and the others.
8) 108 times because the 109th will kill you.
9) All of the Questions regarding the Future/Original DI are answered.
10) Valenzetti/Horace/Karen and Gerald were all used to impliment the DI in the past.

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