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OSI Model Application Interfaces with the application, Provides network access to apps.

. Presentation generifies the data, encryption services. Session starts and ends sessions, logically keeps session separate. Least important in Cisco.

Transport dictates how the data is sent, defines well-known services (ports). Network provides logical addressing, finds best path to a destination. Data Link mac, network switches, provides physical addressing, ensures data is error-free. Physical nics, cables, wan links, provides access to the cable, electrical signals.

All people seem to need data processing.

How OSI and TCP/IP (Department of Defense DOD) Relate

Application Presentation Session Transport Network Data Link Physical Transport Internet Network Access Application

TCP/IP Suite Telnet TCP IP Ethernet Token Ring Frame Relay ATM FTP SMTP DNS UDP RIP SNMP

Class A IP Address 1-126 Subnet Class B IP Address 128-191 Subnet Class C IP Address 192-223 Subnet

Private IP Address, only usable on internal networks. Class A: Class B: Class C:

Loopback range: 127.X.X.X Auto-Configuration: 169.254.X.X

Well known TCP ports 0-655357 21 FTP 22 SSH 23 Telnet 25 SMTP 53 DNS Server 80 HTTP 110 POP3 443 HTTPS

UDP ports 53 DNS Client 69 TFTP

Carrier Sense, Multiple Access / Collision Detect (CSMA/CD) Carrier: the network Signal Sense: the ability to detect Multiple accesses: all devices have equal access Collision: what happens if two devices send at once Detection: how the computers handle collisions when they happen

MAC Addresses 00:19:D1:22:DC:F3 Origination Unique Identifier (OUI) 24 Bits (6 HEX Characters) Vendor Assigned 24 Bits ( 6 HEX Characters)

CAT5 Unshielded Twisted Pair (UTP) Distance: 100 meters Connection: RJ-45 Multi-Mode Fiber Max Distance: 275 meters to few miles Connection: Varies Single-Mode Fiber Distance: 1 mile to many miles Connection: Varies

T568A + T568A = Straight-Thru, use to connect unlike devices. T568B + T568B = Straight-Thru T568A + T568B = Crossover, use to connect like devices. T568-B Mostly used now days

Hub One collision Domain, One broadcast domain. Half Duplex Communication. Switch Each port is a collision Domain. Full Duplex Communication.

Cisco IOS The Internetwork Operating System A command-line method of configuring a Cisco device. More powerful than any graphic interface. Terminal Program Nyperterminal, Tera Term, Minicom, Securecrt Set it to connect via COM port with: Bits per second: 9600 Data Bits: 8 Parity: none Stop Bits: 1 Flow Control: none

Configuring a Switch Switches forward broadcast packets out all ports by design. Redundant connections are necessary in business networks. The place of spanning tree: Drop trees on redundant links (until they are needed)

Wireless A wireless access point WAP communicates like a hub Shared signal Half duplex

Uses unlicensed bands of radio frequency (RF) Wireless is a physical and data link standard Uses CSMA/CA instead of CSMA/CD Faces connectivity issues because of interference

802.11B Official as of September 1999 Up to 11 Mbps Most popular standard Three clean channels

802.11G Official as of June 2003 Backwards compatibale with 802.11B Up to 54 Mbps (12 data rates) Three clean channels

802.11A Official as of September 1999 Up to 54 Mbps Not cross-compatible with 802.11B/G 12 to 23 clean channels

The Service Set Identifier (SSID) unique identifies and separates wireless networks. When a wireless client is enabled: Client issues a probe Access points respond with a beacon Client associates with chosen SSID Access point adds client MAC to associated table

Correct Design of a WLAN IPv4 Four octet (byte) address Can be one of the three different classes When combined with a subnet mask, defines a network and host portion Operates at layer 3 of the OSI model RF service areas should have 10-15% overlap Repeaters should have 50% overlap Bordering access points should use different channels

Subnetting Determine number of networks and convert to binary Reserve bits in subnet mask and find you increment Use increment to find your network ranges

The Great Exception Because binary begins counting from zero -these network values may throw off calculations: 2, 4, 8, 16, 32, 64, 128 -these host values may throw off calculations: 3, 7, 15, 31, 63, 127 To play it safe, always: Subtract 1 when finding networks Add 1 when finding hosts

Types of Routing Protocols Distance Vector Easy to configure Not many features RIP, IGRP

Link State Hybrid The best of both worlds Proprietary EIGRP Difficult to configure (more knowledge required) Feature-riffic OSPF, IS-IS

Understanding RIP Algorithm first developed in 1969 Comes in two versions: RIPv1 and RIPv2 RIPv1: Glassful version (does not support vlsm) No authentication

Uses broadcast RIPv2 Classless version (support vlsm) Adds authentication Uses multicast

Styles of WAN Connection Leased lines: Dedicated bandwidth between locations T1, CAS E1, CAS

Circuit Switched: On-demand bandwidth between locations Dial-up modems ISDN

Packet Switched: Shared, but guaranteed, bandwidth between locations Frame Relay ATM

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