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Subject Date Time Year Number of pupils Topic Subtopic

: Mathematics : 8th March 2010

: 11.15 a.m. 12.15p.m. : 4 Kaliber : 38 : Length : Estimate the length of object

Learning objectives : Pupils will be taught to : Subtract units of length Learning outcomes : At the end lesson, the pupils will be able to :Subtract units of length involving conversions of units in: 1. Millimetre 2. Metre and centimetre 3. Centimetre and millimetre

Previous knowledge: The students have learnt measuring length in year 3 Value Teaching aids Critical and Creative Thinking : Relating, explaining : Careful, cooperation : Ruler , string , measuring tape



Teaching and learning activities


Set induction (10 minutes)

Recall pupils previous knowledge. -playing tin tac toe (oral recall of basic multiplication

1. Teacher ask pupils to revise about previous lesson 2. Teacher provides a tictac-toe game for pupils. 3. All boys are assume as a one group and their symbol as O. 4. All girls are assuming as one group and their symbol is X 5. A first question goes to

Creative and Critical thinking :1. Identify 2. Relating 3. Generatin g ideas Values:


boys and the second one is for girls. 6. If they can answer the question correctly,they can choose any place to mark. 7. Sample of question: What the units to measure length that you know? What are the tools that suitable to be use in measuring length? Give a few questions to students that they have to convert such as: 300cm = ___m 8. 2.5cm = ___cm

1. Confident 2. Alert

Step 1 (25 minutes)

Subtract unit of length

1. Teacher asks pupils with different in height to come forward.Measure their height and write the measurements on the board. e.g: Azrul is 156 cm tall Fikri is 128 cm tall 2. Then teacher asks pupils: What is the difference in their height? 3. Teacher guides pupils to write the number sentence. e.g : 156cm 128cm=_____cm 4. Teacher asks pupils to subtract the units of length in vertical form,

Creative and critics thinking :

1. Explainin g Teaching aids : 1. Ruler 2. Measurin g tape 3. Pencils 4. Plain paper Values : 1. Careful

starting from the ones and work towards the bigger place value.

1 51 616 cm -1 28 28 cm cm

5. Teacher guide pupils to subtract units of length in mm,then convert the answer to cm. e.g: 87 010 4 3 mm -6 7 1 3 2 0 mm 2 3 mm

6. Teacher show pupils how to convert using portioning. Remind pupils that 10mm=1cm.
1323mm=1000mm+300mm+20m m+3mm =100cm+30cm+2cm+0 .3cm =132cm+0.3cm =132.3cm 7. Proceed with subtraction involving compound units with answers in metres. 11th m 28128 cm - 3 m 64 cm

m 64


Subtract 64 cm from 28 cm: cannot be subtracted.

Regroup 1 m to 100 cm . 100cm +28 cm =128cm Subtract:128cm-

64cm=64cm Subtract :10m-3m=7m The answer is 7m 64cm metres using concept of decimals. Step 2 (15 minutes) Enrichment 1. Individual activity 1. Pupils doing selfassessment based on the topic learnt. 2. Pupils have 5 minutes to finish the questions. 3. Pupils discuss the answers with the teacher. 4. Whoever wants to answer the questions should rise up their hands. 5. Teacher rectifies pupils mistakes. Creative and critics thinking : 1. Relating Teaching aids : 1. textbook Values : 1. Cooperati ve

8. Convert 7m 64cm to

- exercises from textbook

Closure (10 minutes)

Summarize today teaching content.

1. Teacher asks pupils to give the conclusion to today lesson. 2. Teacher concludes the lesson.

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