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bethenny frankel
distinctive voice candid point of view Bethenny, the show, embodies Bethenny the woman. real honest informative entertaining her fans get: the unvarnished truth common sense expertise and a always healthy dose of humour wit and wisdom Her show covers all areas women care about. The queen of too much information. Psychologist will be on hand. Rare talent: who is exactly the same off-camera as she is on. The show weaves reality, behind-the scene-moments into the talk show. Honest about her own struggles and imperfections. She has given millions of women permission to be flawed but strive to improve their lives. Bethenny is a destination where women can continue that conversation and come every day to: learn laugh feel inspired. A Place of Yes: 10 Rules for Getting Everything You Want Out of Life, ~ puts personal experiences into a framework of rules encourages readers to take action when good enough really isnt good enough. Committed brand collaborator, developer and marketer. A mission: to democratize healthy living making info available to everyone she can reach through her

appearances books columns blogs daytime talk show -Emotional Branding: Fuel for Success in the 21st Century -Branding is not only about ubiquity, visibility, and functions; it is about bonding emotionally with people in their daily life. Only when a product or a service kindles an emotional dialogue with the consumer, can this product or service qualify to be a brand. Joel Desgrippes, d/g* worldwide NYTimes article, Over the last fifty years the economic base has shifted from production to consumption. It has gravitated from the sphere of rationality to the realm of desire: from the objective to the subjective; to the realm of psychology. Simple ideas, such as computers, have morphed from technology equipment into larger, consumerfocused concepts such as lifestyle entertainment. How can something enhance our lives? Universities as knowledge banks, focusing on a new kind of flexible lifelong, global learning. In order to be relevant and survive, must understand the vast changes afoot and compete differently. Gallatin! Intangible assets have become more valuable to the consumer than tangible assets. Creativity is overtaking capital as the principal elixir of growth. In this business atmosphere, ideas are money. -Emotional Branding: anthropology imagination sensory experiences visionary approach to change It focuses on the most compelling aspect of the human character; the desire to transcend material satisfaction, and experience emotional fulfillment. A brand is uniquely situated to achieve this because it can tap into the aspirational drives which underlie human motivation. -Brand Identity... starts at * h o m e * A brand is brought to life for consumers first and foremost by the personality of the company behind it and that companys commitment to reach people on an emotional level.

-Consumer democracy is becoming more and more of an issue. Indeed, brands do not belong to corporations anymore, but to people. Sometimes just listening is the most important thing a corporation can do... Bethennys talk show! Daniel Golemans Working with Emotional Intelligence -new way of judging and being judged: how we handle ourselves and each other. The most important thing a company can do today is begin to foster a creative, caring business atmosphere internally. Courage daring energy => contagious forces ** a job should be less a human doing and more a human being; humans should be inquiring rather than working. The first century will be about humanity and spirituality. Me first generation has understood the art of the deal. -Intrapreneurship -Universities will have to reinvent themselves to train students to be entrepreneurs, not only managers or consultants. ie. BU is creating a new diploma to specifically reflect a new way to look at management training for the future economy; this diploma will include a major in technology so that the graduate students can immediately immerse themselves in the new business world/paradigm. -Wired mag, Harvard undergrad critique the disparity between the cultures of entrepreneurship & academia. This is the dominance of a people culture over a bureaucratic culture, the advent of emotions, creativity, and community over past business formulas. -The Concept of Cool and the Power of Imagination Fast Company Red Herring Wired --replacing Forbes & Fortune (who are nevertheless rising to the occasion & trying to reinvent themselves in a less stogy format). Also, new work titles.

ie. Chief Learning Officer Customer Evangelist (zealous advocate of something, seeks to convert others to the faith); to announce good news. -The days of silos are gone. The true asset has become knowledge, which is rendered so much more valuable when shared. Its a great time to be an idea person. Megamerged companies. The life expectancy of brand images is also shorter--just like celebs. ie. fragrances and cars We are learning together in a time of unsurpassed connectivity that will contribute to greater ideas and concepts--the Web melting pot. Cool factor: ultimately about cultivating the kind of connectivity and intimacy with your market that can serve as a medium to anticipate changes and guide the creative process for new product ideas. The more you know about the real world and real people, the more you can predict peoples desires and expectations. Imagination can really come to life in exciting and profitable ways when one is in sync with the expectations of the marketplace. -You is Really IT! The Ascendance of the Individual Emotional Branding is a means of creating a personal dialogue with consumers on the issues that which are most meaningful to them. Culturally relevant Socially sensitive and have presence at all points of contact in peoples lives. Branding strategies: always about mind and emotions share. -Serving the whole you People today feel empowered...and feel capable of influencing the world with their beliefs and shaping part of their own future. We will see people seek and redefine for themselves the quality level of their life. They will fulfill their desires for themselves and for everyone around them by bringing on an unprecedented personal and emotional dimension of their choices and decisions. The increasingly important quality of life concepts of hassle-free shopping, time management, stress reduction, connectivity, and heightened pleasure will profoundly affect consumers overall receptivity to new product or marketing ideas.

There is a new mandate of tailoring every aspect of business toward serving the whole person. Howard Schultz, Pour Your Heart into It -Branding is about trust and dialogue. -From Product To Experience Products fulfill needs, experiences fulfill desires. The latter will remain in the consumers emotional memory as a connection made on a level far beyond need. From Honesty To Trust Honesty is expected. Trust is engaging and intimate. It needs to be earned. From Notoriety To Aspiration Being known does not mean that you are also loved! Notoriety is what gets you known. But if you want to be desired, you must convey something that is in keeping with the customers aspirations. From Identity To Personality Identity is recognition. Personality is about character and charisma. Identity is descriptive. It is recognition. Brand identities are unique and express a point of difference vis-a-vis the competitive landscape. Brand personalities, on the other hand, are special. They have a charismatic character that provokes an emotional response. American Airlines has a strong identity, but Virgin Airlines has personality. From Function To Feel From Ubiquity To Presence Ubiquity is seen. Emotional presence is felt. ...strategized as a lifestyle program. From Communication To Dialogue Communication is telling. Dialogue is sharing. Dialogue, a two-way street, a conversation with the consumer.

Progress in digital media is now allowing this evolution to take place, and finally will help foster a rewarding partnership between people and corporations. From Service To Relationship Service is selling. Relationship is acknowledgment. -Underlying concept of the Emotional Branding process is based on 4 essential pillars: Relationship Sensorial Experiences (offering a multisensorial brand experience) Imagination (break the ceiling of the expected and reach the hearts of consumers in a fresh, new way; to find both outrageous and subtle ways to continually surprise and delight consumers). Vision (ultimate factor of a brands long-term success; must be poised to reinvent themselves constantly, which requires a strong brand vision; the companys tools must help align a company behind a cohesive brand direction and focus with emotional resonance for todays consumers). -Baby Boomers 1946-64: respond to cues of achievement, status and performance their mores, their music, their clothes, their politics, their own. fought for success in the 80s--affluence--redefining success, materialism, and the American Dream in the process. Gen Xers: value imagination, creativity, and relationships Gen Y: responds to fun, interactivity and experiences. -Brands today must shift from communication and commodities to emotion and inspiration. We must revive our exhausted, overly familiar offerings. It is time that branding embraces the same philosophy that is at the heart of the jazz culture and starts jamming, or more exactly, brandjamming. ...meaning brands need to connect w/culture and reach peoples hearts. Relies on collaboration innovation intuition risk Breaking rules & changing peoples perceptions by energizing their minds. Writing on branding requires developing theory. -What Women Really Want, Celinda Lake & Kellyanne Conway People are favoring independence and control, and product innovation and communications will have to reflect this. Gastineau Girls on E reality show: Closing generation gap between mom and teen daughter. --

Expressing Who We Are Revealing a different kind of body (a pregnant one), exhibiting another kind of lifestyle (the sexy pregnant professional woman), or simply contesting popular norms--each of these demonstrate the spirit of affirmation and the tremendous influence women have in transforming culture. The message I am trying to communicate is one of strength, transformation and beauty ~ Jennifer Loomis, maternity photographer. Emotionally, this kind of design can be viewed as a celebration of one of lifes greatest miracles. -Nike Womens Reality Anatomy: Nike Women: launched of the first major ad campaigns to feature real women and their bodies, openly celebrating big butts, thunder thighs, and tomboy knees. Doves breakthrough Real Women, Real Curves campaign by Ogilvy & Mather (also Shift 6) posed real women, not models... Talking about womens bodies is a hot topic right now. In terms of branding, the hot topic is that women are getting in touch with what their bodies naturally look like, not what they should look like. This need in women to be represented honestly in the media. Nancy Monsarrat: Women come in all shapes and sizes, which is no surprise, but when you talk to women in an honest way, they respond. -Our cultures greater movement toward self-awareness has most likely shaped this trend toward naturalism. -It is this drive to meet the changing needs of women that hs proved to be one of the biggest agents in promoting new design. -Howard Shultz, Pour Your Heart into It -Companies that endure have a noble purpose. Joe Jaworski, Organizational Learning Center, MIT Built to Last, James Collins & Jerry Porras No company can ever be a utopia. But if you dont aim high, if you aim for only good enough or above average, thats precisely what youll get. If you reach for excellence, youll inspire your team to work for a higher goal. Your people will be more forgiving if they understand the common mission you are working together to achieve. -Life is like a box of chocolates.

I began to think about why that film, which wasnt especially profound, produced such a powerful, emotional effect on so many people. Its hero was a man who, though obviously slow, proved to have more insight than anyone else because he hadnt let the worlds negative values muddle his understanding of what really matters about life. Also, Hoop Dreams... Inspired strong feelings of hope. Were all so hungry for a hero, for a story that rings true, that everyone can relate to. Were all eager for something upbeat, something honest, something authentic. In the ethical vacuum of this era, people long to be inspired. Even if its just a movie, or a TV program, or a great cup of coffee, they want a break from the negative noise that inundates (overwhelms to be dealt w/) us all. Success should not be measured in dollars: Its about how you conduct the journey, and how big your heart is at the end of it. ~ galvanizes (shocks into action; coat with a protective layer of zinc; protect from corrosion, damage, being destroyed) and inspires team...taps into their INNER DRIVE, the company of people can perform miracles together. It takes courage. Remember: Youll be left with an empty feeling if you hit the finish line alone. Much of the reward comes from hitting the tape together; you want to be surrounded not just by cheering onlookers but by a crowd of winners, celebrating as one. -What Women Really Want, Celinda Lake & Kellyanne Conway For me a successful day is when all my relationships are clicking. < women thrive > Its not exactly news that men tend to isolate while women communicate; the news is the way this one simple reality has sparked a movement. Cubicle by cubicle, neighborhood by neighborhood, on playgrounds, in coffee bars, on commuter trains, at community and school functions, in shops and health clubs, at conferences and retreats, informal female networks are relaying information, offering support, solving problems, and making a difference. Women arent just smaller, weaker versions of men. Theyre unique. Even in recent, more enlightened times, women have typically been defined not by what they are but by what they are not. A woman on her own is unmarried. She is childless. If she is at home raising children, she is nonworking. Many women have thus been diminished by the language of the day. Politically, womens influence for most of the 85 years since they earned the vote has been relegated to soft issues--education, health, and family values. Candidates didnt talk to female audiences about the stock market, business, crime, or the military. They talked about schools or the environment. More and more, women are not fighting for a place in the establishment. They are the establishment. intelligent curiosity the most successful brands are built on a single, clear idea that continues to provide creative energy for the business. an idea must resonate and generate its own energy.

focus on an idea that is big enough to power you with its own momentum. brands are trying to move beyond trustworthiness and respect towards loyalty and love. this shift is now seen more and more as the imperative for young, aspiring brands. brand communicators realise the potential of language to achieve their objectives. i write to find out what i really think ~ to release the emotion contained by a powerful thought. indeed, it is the emotion that makes it powerful. corporate revolution; revolutions succeed if they have a cause that people identify with. the cause is two-fold: 1. businesses need a way to connect more powerfully with audiences, networks and media. greater lightness and flexibility are needed, and language is central to this. 2. individuals also need to find ways to relate more emotionally to the organisations they work for. language is a large part of the answer. the contention of this book is that the way for businesses and individuals to break through, to inspire greater loyalty and love, is by giving greater value and attention to language. Wallace Stevens, Thirteen ways of looking at a blackbird. ~ seeming to promise an unfolding of ideas and meanings that go beyond the conventional or literal. The BlackBerry has become the new writing instrument, the 21st century pen. * The Invisible Grail, John Simmons The different approaches to the days news are a source of constant fascination -- and worth examining for tone of voice contrasts. Think New York Times vs. LATimes * ~ the idea of contact versus impact ~ * The brand, like a human being, is more than an identity, they have a narrative, and that narrative gives them substance, personality; the brand is the same thing. Thats where we must work hard on brands: their personalities. When we express ourselves: every word we choose to speak every article of clothing we choose... to wear every product... to buy ~ ~> all are manifestations of our true nature. ~ ~> brands are how we can make our true nature public; give back; do good; make our mission into a cause. this is how we embody our abstract ideas (of ourselves)... by giving it image! this is how we embody ~ how we give tangible/clear, definite form....

this is how we become an expression of our theories, and how we give our personal theories - missions - a visible form how we incorporate brands - personalities - are how we provide a spirit (with physical form ie. a product, a book, a skinnygirl margarita) -an inspired connection between a brand identity and its customers, also different cultures (maybe the extravagant woman and the everyday woman). infuse reality... infuse television with humanity itself. and business with humanity itself also. in all its worldly manifestations, the firm aims to show the consistency of the human element throughout its designs and elements, to craft, ultimately, the emotional brand experience. -thats what emotional branding is: it is creating a strong, affectionate relationship between the consumer and the brand. -desgrippes gobe steers clear of scholarly, academic interpretations and follow their gut instincts, listening so closely to what a brand has to say they can hear the story inside waiting to be told. -anne hellman -aim: inviting authentic interaction. aim: to have the intention of achieving ~ point or direct at a target (keep going ahead, figure out what you want) ~ direct information or an action toward a particular group (campaigns) ~ intend: have a course of action as ones purpose or objective or plan to have meant, to design or destine (for a particular purpose or end). goal: the object of a persons ambition or effort, the desired result.

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