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Volume 3 Issue 9
Life Changing Experience
Goals Incoming Exchange Outgoing Exchange Actual

AIESEC in Universiti Utara Malaysia

140 73 80 16 220 89


Either you run the day or the day runs you.

Jim Rohn

In this issue

Outgoing Exchange Preparation Seminar Last AIESEC Gathering term 2011/12 Transition Camp 2012 Coming Event : National Convention 2012 Our Partners and Supporters

Volume 3 Issue 9

AIESEC in Universiti Utara Malaysia

Outgoing Exchange Preparation Seminar

n May 22, 2012, AIESEC in UUM was proudly to conclude the Outgoing Exchange Preparation

Seminar. This seminar was held to prepare our AIESECers either mentally and physically with the coming internship. A total of 63 AIESECers from Universiti Utara Malaysia would be experiencing the life changing experience in the coming months of July and August whereby they would be undergoing the internship programme in aboard for a minimum of 6 weeks in various countries around the World. AIESEC in UUM wishes all of the participants of internship programme to have a wonderful life changing experience aboard !

Volume 3 Issue 9

AIESEC in Universiti Utara Malaysia

Last AIESEC Gathering term 2011/12

The last AIESEC Gathering for the term 2011/12 was happening on 22nd May 2012 in DKG 2/4, UUM. In this Gathering, all departments of AIESEC in UUM were recognized in a simple rewards and recognition ceremony.

RED Wave Initiative


Talent Management

The recognition was presented by our Local Committee President, Ms. Khor Gaik Huey to every department, represented by their leader or member.


Non-Corporate Relations

Corporate Relations

Volume 3 Issue 9

AIESEC in Universiti Utara Malaysia

Last AIESEC Gathering term 2011/12

In this Gathering, we have our recap video on all our journey of term 2011/12 from the beginning of the term in July, last year until May, this year. It was a wonderful journey we had in AIESEC and we will remember every single minute that we had experienced together in AIESEC.

Outgoing Exchange

External Relations

Tre3 Branch

Thank you to all the Management Team 2011/12 and members of AIESEC in UUM, without your contribution to AIESEC, we would never achieve our goals. Thank you!

We wish all AIESECers in UUM, all the best in the month of June for their final exam.
MT 2011/12
Finance & Administration AUUMAN

Volume 3 Issue 9

AIESEC in Universiti Utara Malaysia

Transition Camp 2012


Delegates of Transition Camp 2012

On the 24th, 25th, and 26th of May 2012, AIESEC in UUM had Expectation settings held a transition camp in Changlun, Kedah. As usual, before we end our term, the executive board of current term will lead this transition camp with next term's management team in order to let them get ready for new term ahead.

The sessions in this transition camp were emphasizing on the personal understanding, AIESEC knowledge, team bonding, skills development, and review of the planning from next term's board.

Volume 3 Issue 9

AIESEC in Universiti Utara Malaysia

Transition Camp 2012

It's was an intensive 3 days 2 nights for everyone in the camp and it's glad to see the proactive team there! Besides that, we are happy to have two alumni, Mr. Kenny Woo and Mr. Daniel Loh came to Changlun to attend our Transition Camp. They joined us to have a sharing session with everyone. Finally, all the best for the next term's management team!

Kenny Woo

Outgoing team

Few messages from outgoing team:

Do Well from Ng Yuen Heng Enjoy from Chang Mun Keat Never Regret from Christine Loh Grab the Opportunities from Irene Lee Believe in Yourself from Chen Shen Chieh Do Your Best from Lee Hui Yi Keep Moving Forward from Khor Gaik Huey

Watch our recap video :

Daniel Loh

Volume 3 Issue 9

AIESEC in Universiti Utara Malaysia

Coming Event : National Convention 2012

AIESEC in Universiti Utara Malaysia is proudly to host the National Convention 2012 in this coming July 2012. National Convention is an annual national meet for AIESEC in Malaysia to plan and strategize National Initiatives with all the departments and local committees from different universities. Every year, over 250 Executive Board and Management Team representatives from 12 Local Committees in Malaysia will attend this event. Visit our website for more information :

Volume 3 Issue 9

AIESEC in Universiti Utara Malaysia

Coming Event : National Convention 2012

The delegates for National Convention would include those come from the following universities:

Universiti Utara Malaysia, Kedah Universiti Sains Malaysia, Penang Universiti Teknologi Petronas, Perak Universiti Putra Malaysia, Kuala Lumpur Universiti Kebangsaan Malaysia, Kuala Lumpur Unversiti Malaya, Kuala Lumpur Taylors University, Kuala Lumpur The University of Nottingham, Malaysia Campus SEGi College Subang Jaya, Kuala Lumpur Universiti Pahang Malaysia, Pahang Universiti Teknologi Malaysia, Johor Universiti Curtin Malaysia, Sarawak

Volume 3 Issue 9

AIESEC in Universiti Utara Malaysia

Our Partners and Supporters

The Official Exchange Partner Agro-Industrial Supplies Sdn Bhd

The Official Exchange Partner Berjaya Resort, Langkawi langkawi

The Official Exchange Partner Berjaya University College of Hospitality

The Official Exchange Partner Cellnique Paramedical

The Official Project Partner Han Chiang College

The Official Project Partner Han Chiang High School

The Official Printing Partner KOOP Photocopy Centre

The Official Exchange Partner Love & Shine Special Needs Children Development

The Official Exchange Partner Menara Alor Star

Volume 3 Issue 9

AIESEC in Universiti Utara Malaysia

Our Partners and Supporters

The Official Exchange Partner MS Elevator Sdn Bhd

The Official Exchange Partner Vision College

The Official Project Partner Chee Lean Construction Sdn Bhd

The Official Exchange Partner BUYanihan Phils. Inc.

The Official Exchange Partner RBC Dexia Investor Services

The Official Exchange Partner Science of Life Systems 24/7

The Official Project Partner Apple 101

The Official Exchange Partner Teow Soon Huat Holdings Sdn Bhd

The Official Exchange Partner The Andaman Resort

Volume 3 Issue 9

AIESEC in Universiti Utara Malaysia

Our Partners and Supporters

The Official Exchange Partner Wealth Mastery Academy

Supporter of AIESEC in UUM Hal Ehwal Pelajar ( HEP) Universiti Utara Malaysia

If you don't design your own life plan, chances are you'll fall into someone else's plan. And guess what they have planned for you? Not much.
Jim Rohn

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