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ARTICLE SUMMARY (Submitted to Mr. P. Sishir)

Name: Lakshmi Pujitha. S Roll No: 10123

Article Title: Targeting children online: Internet advertising ethics issues By M. Jill Austin, Mary Lynn Reed

SUMMARY The favorite pastime for American children is accessing internet. Not only entertainment but also learning is also enhanced through use of educational websites. Advertising on kid based websites become rapidly growing. Due to vulnerabilities of children, legal and regulatory limits have been placed on advertising. There were several acts issued that address internet advertising. Internet advertising directed to children raises special concerns. Legislation has been proposed to insure that children's welfare is considered in Internet advertising. Federal trade commission act prohibits advertising in any medium. FTC issued an opinion describing Internet information collection practices that are considered unfair or deceptive to children. With growing concerns about Internet advertising to children, the Center for Media Education (CME) has begun to scrutinize Web sites targeting children. DMA has taken many initiatives to ensure protection of children who use internet. it also suggests that Internet users have an option on their computers to stop unwanted e-mail solicitations. Reviewing and evaluating child directed advertising in all media is the basic activity of CARU. When children's advertising is found to be misleading, inaccurate, or inconsistent with guidelines set by CARU, the organization asks the companies responsible to voluntarily make changes in their advertising. Advertising directed to children on the Internet presents unique

ethics issues for advertisers. Additional guidelines were developed from an evaluation of Internet pages of major companies that are commonly visited by children: Kids' clubs According to Director of Electronic Privacy Information Center: Most companies say they do not target children one-on-one unless a parent approves. Most companies do not share information that is gathered from their sites with other advertisers. Some websites offer free items to children and they may talk about prizes children win which creates unrealistic expectations. On many kidbased websites there is separation in selling aspects of the site. Internet presents challenges for advertisers who want to be ethical in their marketing practices.

ARTICLE review (Submitted to Mr. P. Sishir)

Name: Lakshmi Pujitha. S Roll No: 10123

Article Title: Targeting children online: Internet advertising ethics issues By M. Jill Austin, Mary Lynn Reed

REVIEW I agree to the authors point that ethical aspects of children using internet the American government introduced some acts to regulate the vulnerability issues if children through advertisements and the advertiser are attracting the children by providing games in the advertisements, with that the spending power of children is increased and the children and the teenagers are spending their parents amount for those games. Children dont whether the advertisers are providing the right content or not and the to how much extent the information is ethical they cant judge it, so children are easily attracted so children became advertisers main target customers. Legal and regulatory issues regulated the vulnerabilities of the children up to some extent. Author mention about some acts like Federal Trade Commission Act (FTCA), Communications Decency Act(DCA), Child Online Protection

Act(COPA), these acts regulate the unfair advertising, indecent speech should be prohibited, Sensorship provision, restriction of harmful material in internet to the children. Advertising media is taking care of internet advertising before they are advertise to know whether they are ethical or unethical, and forums are created to exchange the information to avoid unfair and mislead information, I agree to all but we cant give assurance that they are 100% safe and ethical.

Finally as author said marketers should target the children in the ethical way and they should consider the rules and regulatory issues, and they should differentiate the marketing and entertaining segment and advertise the proper information. Children should view website in presence of their parents until they get the ethical knowledge about internet, in making a purchase through online children should concern their parents. Pop ups mainly create problem in advertising and internet marketing, so with that pop-ups children are easily attracted and they use the improper information in internet advertising children think with one click they can get range of games with online payment and they use the credit cards of their parents and they spending money for the online games and accessing the information. With this advertising in some cases cultural issues also damaged. Not only that in internet advertising we will face unethical, illegal, and Internet marketing and online advertising frauds and E-business email scams with all of these we are unable trust online.

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