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DOCTOR WHO "City of the Undead" A Fourth Doctor and Sarah fan fiction Part One By Ben Thatcher

CITY. EXT. DUSK. ESTABLISHING SHOT. The city is huge, full of skyscrapers, futuristic, lights everywhere. The camera zooms into a small cabin, that looks completely out of place at the front of the city. CABIN. INT. DUSK. The cabin is made of wood, only one room, privative and medieval looking. A man in medieval style clothes sits there, drinking water out of a dark old cup. MEDIEVAL MAN This is just stupid. They should have never given in. Suddenly his cabin door rams open and its broke off its hinges. A pair of silver boots slam to the ground. The camera only reveal these. MEDIEVAL MAN No! No! Get away! Get away! The camera zooms to a silver and red-ringed alien gun. MEDIEVAL MAN No, just leave. I havent done anything to you! Just leave me alone, please. The gun fires three blue rings of energy at the MAN. They hit him and his body sparks. Blood leaves the wound and the body collapses. The silver foot leaves, a great thud with every step. TARDIS. INT. SECONDARY CONSOLE ROOM. SARAH observes the DOCTOR as he pilots the TARDIS. SARAH Where are we going? DOCTOR Im hoping for Nightshade. SARAH Do you know any planets with a nice name? Nightshade isnt very welcoming. DOCTOR You havent seen it yet. SARAH Not sure that I want too.




DOCTOR Its better than Florana. SARAH I never saw Florana either. After Exxilon we skipped Florana and went straight to Peladon. DOCTOR Well, nothings perfect. SARAH I was looking forward to a holiday. DOCTOR Nightshade is a holiday world. SARAH You sound sure were going to land there. DOCTOR We are. SARAH We always end up right place wrong time or wrong place right time. DOCTOR Nightshade never has a bad time, so that is no longer issue. SARAH Wrong place right time. DOCTOR No, right place, wrong time. SARAH Five quid says we dont land on Nightshade. DOCTOR Are you sure? I dont want to take money from you. SARAH Five quid says we land somewhere else. DOCTOR All right, youre on Sarah Jane Smith.




SARAH Are we gonna shake on it? They shake hands. SARAH I wonder what Ill spend that on. DOCTOR I could buy the Brigadier that pint he wanted from me. SARAH I hope you have a fiver to give over. The engines stop. DOCTOR Weve landed. SARAH Where have we landed? DOCTOR Lets take a look. The DOCTOR flicks a switch, two wall panels open to show the scanner screen. It shows the city. SARAH That doesnt look like a holiday resort to me. DOCTOR Lonsis. SARAH What? DOCTOR Were on Lonsis. SARAH That doesnt sound like Nightshade to me. DOCTOR Sarah, you dont understand. SARAH Its a city and the planet is Lonsis, what else is there to understand?




DOCTOR Lonsis was the first planet to be colonised by the Cybermen. SARAH Cybermen?! DOCTOR Yes Sarah, Cybermen. SARAH I didnt like them the last time we encountered them. DOCTOR Hopefully they havent colonised yet. SARAH Im guessing were going out there then. DOCTOR Yes, Sarah. There is smoke in that city, come on, lets see if we can find its source. CABIN. EXT. DAY. The TARDIS is outside the CABIN. The DOCTOR walks out followed by SARAH, closing the door behind her. DOCTOR Look at the door, Sarah. SARAH Its been broken off. DOCTOR Hmm, yes. SARAH Forced entry? DOCTOR Possibly. SARAH Cybermen? DOCTOR No, no, look at the city. She does.


CONTINUED: (2) SARAH What about it? DOCTOR The centre building doesnt have a Cyber-logo on it. Cyber cities always have the logo on the centre building. SARAH That means were here before Cybermen. DOCTOR Exactly. SARAH Maybe we can stop the colonisation! DOCTOR No, that interference with the timeline is far too great. We must not take the risk. The DOCTOR walks towards the cabin. SARAH Everywhere we go has death. CABIN. INT. DAY. The DOCTOR walks in, followed by SARAH. SARAH Doctor, look! She points at the body. DOCTOR Hes been blasted by some kind of energy weapon. SARAH So the Cybermen are here. DOCTOR Not necessarily. I will need to investiagate the body to discover the origin of the blast. SARAH Were going to get in trouble again. The DOCTOR walks over to the body, kneels down and examines it, he feels the wound.



CONTINUED: (2) DOCTOR The wound is cold. SARAH The death wasnt recent. DOCTOR Some time last night, probably. SARAH Its always in the night. DOCTOR Definatly a projected energy weapon. That rules Sontarans out. KARLONG (V.O.) Who are you?


They turn around to see OFFICER KARLONG and two OFFICERS, all in uniform, arming guns at them. SARAH Im Sarah, thats the Doctor. DOCTOR Good introduction, Sarah. SARAH I do my best. KARLONG What are you doing here? DOCTOR You have a dead body on your hands Officer, I dont know your name. KARLONG Karlong. Captain Jackrov Karlong. DOCTOR How do you do? Im the Doctor. KARLONG I already know who you are, youre accomplice told me. SARAH Accomplice? You dont think we did this, do you? KARLONG Well youre at the scene of the crime, youre prime suspects. You two, arrest them. (CONTINUED)



DOCTOR We only just arrived. KARLONG It doesnt take long to kill. The OFFICERS start to drag the DOCTOR and SARAH out. DOCTOR Feel the wound... its cold... They have been dragged out, KARLONG is alone with the body. KARLONG You had it coming. CELL. INT. The DOCTOR and SARAH are locked up. SARAH We need to get out of here. DOCTOR We cant use the sonic screwdriver, too many questions if we get caught again. SARAH Well there has to be something they can do. DOCTOR There is. We wait. SARAH What? DOCTOR They are going to want to interrogate us, we prove our innocence then. SARAH The burden of proof rests on the Prosecution, Doctor. DOCTOR On Earth maybe. But were not on Earth, were under the law and rule of Lonsis now. SARAH Im guessing their laws arent simmilar to Earth.


CONTINUED: (2) DOCTOR Ive never been on Lonsis long enough to find out. An OFFICER walks in. OFFICER You will be interrogated one at a time, the girl first. SARAH What do I do? DOCTOR Tell the truth Sarah, tell the truth. SARAH Ok, good luck Doctor. SARAH Good luck, Sarah. SARAH walks out with the Officer. PRESIDENT OFFICE. INT. DAY. The PRESIDENT- Lola Vettry and her AID- DANTON are discussing things. DANTON Madame President, the two strangers have been sent for interrogation. LOLA That was not supposed to happen without my authority. DANTON You want to be present? LOLA Yes, Danton, of course I do. DANTON It has been a long while since you were present at interrogation, Mam. LOLA This is different, theyre strangers. DANTON The saviours dont want to be present.





LOLA Thats his choice, isnt it? DANTON Their interrogating the girl first. The least intelligent out of the two. LOLA Where? DANTON The Police Station. LOLA Call Karlong, I want to be there. I want to ask the questions. I know what to ask, he does not, inexperienced cretin. DANTON Consider it done. Dont forget about the shuttle landing from the saviours later. LOLA I wont. POLICE STATION. INTERROGATION ROOM. INT. DAY. SARAH and KARLONG are alone, staring at each other. KARLONG You claim your name is Sarah Jane Smith. SARAH Thats a statement, not a question. KARLONG Do you have any proof of this claim? SARAH I have my driving license. KARLONG I dont know what that is. SARAH Its a thing, from Earth, where I come from, that allows people to drive these vehicles called cars.




KARLONG Show me. SARAH gets out her driving license, and gives it to KARLONG. SARAH See. KARLONG I cant read this, what language is it in? LOLA (V.O.) Earth, English. LOLA closes the door behind her. KARLONG Madame President?! Im sorry. LOLA You knew I wanted to be present for this. KARLONG Yes. LOLA So why didnt you wait for me? KARLONG Because... you werent here... LOLA You should have waited. Leave us now. KARLONG But... LOLA I said get out. KARLONG Yes, Mam. KARLONG stands up and leaves, shutting the door behind him. LOLA leans against the wall, and picks up the dribing license. SARAH You can read English.


CONTINUED: (3) LOLA Not all of us on Lonsis are as stupid as Karlong. SARAH I can tell. LOLA How did you get here? SARAH In the TARDIS. LOLA Is that some kind of space shuttle? SARAH Yes, it travels through time as well. I remember my first trip, medieval England. LOLA I dont believe you. SARAH I still dont believe it. LOLA Why did you come to Lonsis? SARAH The TARDIS doesnt exactly work properly, we were meant to arrive on Nightshade, but I knew we would end up somewhere completly different. LOLA Youre in the right star system. SARAH Better than usual then. LOLA So youre space ship always lands in the wrong place. You should get that checked out. SARAH Weve tried, we landed in the wrong place though. LOLA (Laughs, but soon stops). So, you arrived in the early hours of the morning. He died last night.





SARAH Thats what weve been trying to tell you. LOLA I see. SARAH Were innocent. LOLA I know. SARAH So... can I go? LOLA I want to talk to the Doctor. SARAH Is my information not good enough? LOLA Thats not what I meant. SARAH I was joking. Hes brilliant. LOLA I have a problem, maybe he can help. SARAH What is this problem? LOLA Theres this race, they claim to be saving us, but Im not so sure. SARAH Saving you from what? LOLA All this city and presidency stuff happened a month ago. Id rather tell the Doctor, I dont like telling stories twice. PRESIDENT OFFICE. INT. DAY. LOLA enters, followed by the DOCTOR and SARAH. DOCTOR So, Mam...




LOLA You can call me Lola. DOCTOR So Lola, tell me about your little problem then. LOLA Two months ago we were a dying world, poverty, famine, disease. Then they came, the saviours. They built is a city, gave us medicine, shelter. They claim that they are trying to help us. I dont believe them. DOCTOR Nor did that man in the cabin, I take it. LOLA People have been going missing, a lot of people, and the saviours numbers seem to be increasing. DOCTOR I dont like the sound of that. SARAH These saviours, what do they look like. LOLA I dont know. DOCTOR You dont know, how can you not know, have you not seen them?! LOLA Believe it or not, I havent. SARAH So how did your story happen? LOLA They contacted us through print, they sent this letter and a crate of resources, lots of crates and we just did the letter said. It was like an instruction manual. The man who died, I never knew him, he opposed them, he spoke against them.




DOCTOR Likely cause of death. SARAH I wonder why they didnt want to be seen. DOCTOR Theres only one way to find out, come on. LOLA Where are you two going? DOCTOR To find your saviours. The DOCTOR walks out, followed by SARAH. DANTON You never mentioned the shuttle landing today. LOLA I never intended to. CITY. EXT. DUSK. A man in a suit walks on the path outside the city. He is carrying a briefcase and keeps walking. He turns around, and screams. He turns back and starts running. Blue energy rings hit his foot and he falls, he reaches for his briefcase but he cant. MAN No! No! Dont take me away! A silver hand punches his head, drawing blood and rendering him unconscious. The two hands pick the man up out of shot. CABIN. INT. DUSK. The DOCTOR walks in, followed by SARAH and LOLA. DOCTOR Now, I can do my post... where is the body? LOLA In the morgue. DOCTOR And you didnt tell me!




LOLA I thought it was obvious. SARAH In our line of work, we find bodies anywhere and everywhere. LOLA You do autopsy then? SARAH No, we always end up where something bad is happening. LOLA I see. DOCTOR Lola, where is the morgue? LOLA Ill take you there. MORGUE. INT. DUSK. It is a stereotypical morgue, but with superior technology. Dr. PASTURES is the pathologist and she is holding a scalpel over the body of the MEDIEVAL MAN. The DOCTOR walks in, followed by SARAH and LOLA. PASTURES Mam President, who are these? DOCTOR Im the Doctor, thats Sarah. Step away from that body. PASTURES Im sorry? DOCTOR Step away from that body, Dr. PASTURES Is he okay? LOLA Do as he says. PASTURES If youre sure... PASTURES walks away from the body, the DOCTOR walks up to the body and checks behind the ear, nothing, normal skin.




DOCTOR No evidence of control. PASTURES Control? DOCTOR Between us being taken away and the body ending up here, the body was exposed. Nobody was guarding it. LOLA So? DOCTOR The murderer could of put a control disk on the brain to re-animate him. Thankfully there isnt one. SARAH You only checked one side, Doctor. DOCTOR Shoot. The DOCTOR goes to roll the body over. PASTURES Dont move the body! If I dont reanimated dont want (Pause). I DOCTOR find out, he could be and kill us all, now I that happen, do you? didnt think so.

PASTURES Just dont impair results. The DOCTOR rolls the body over, and checks behind his ear, there is a chip there. SARAH Youve found something, havent you? DOCTOR A control disk. PASTURES What? Let me see. PASTURES walks over to the body and stares at the disk.




PASTURES Im sorry, Doctor whoever you are, you were right. DOCTOR We have to get out of here, now. PASTURES Its not going to reanimate, its dead, you cant bring the dead back to life. DOCTOR Yes you can! Ive seen it happen myself. Ive made it happen myself. Have you ever heard of a near death experience? PASTURES Hes been dead too long. DOCTOR They can re-animate and control the husk. That technology is very advanced. PASTURES Tell it to someone who believes in folk law. I have a job to do. SARAH The Doctor isnt usually wrong. PASTURES There is a first time for everything. PASTURES puts her scalpel down next to bodies hand and turns to face LOLA. LOLA I think we should listen to him. DOCTOR You should. PASTURES No, hes being stupid and illogical. DOCTOR He will be reanimated and he will kill you. PASTURES By who?




DOCTOR Whoever killed him. PASTURES Prove it. The MEDIEVAL MAN suddenly sits up, SARAH screams. LOLA Oh my God. DOCTOR Turn around. PASTURES does so and gasps. DOCTOR Is that proof enough? LOLA Impossible. PASTURES Oh shoot. The husk picks up the scalpel and stabs PASTURES in the head. Blood starts to pour and her body falls. The husk stands, ripping the scalpel out of her head. SARAH runs for the door, its locked. SARAH Were locked in! DOCTOR NO were not. The DOCTOR sonic screwdrivers the door. The HUSK walks towards him. The doors open. LOLA runs out. SARAH follows. The DOCTOR looks at the approaching husk, but SARAH pulls him out. CORRIDOR. INT. DUSK. The three run through the corridor, the husk enters the corridor. CITY. EXT. DUSK. The three are out of the building. SARAH Where now? DOCTOR The cabin. Thats where it all started!


The DOCTOR runs off, SARAH and LOLA follows. The husk exits the building and follows them. CABIN. INT. DUSK. The DOCTOR runs in. DOCTOR Now we wait. SARAH For what? DOCTOR The husk. LOLA You sound like you have a plan, Doctor. DOCTOR Of course I do. LOLA Care to share it? DOCTOR It being outside will attract attention, hopefully leading its controller straight to us. LOLA That doesnt sound very smart too me. DOCTOR Well find out two things at once. SARAH Who were up against and who the saviours are. LOLA What makes you so sure their one in the same? DOCTOR Well, its the only logical conclusion. If they are both different I will be extremely surprised. SARAH You still owe me that fiver.




DOCTOR Ill pay you when all this is over. LOLA That blue box... was that your... DOCTOR That was indeed my TARDIS. LOLA Bit small isnt it? DOCTOR Its bigger on the inside Lola. Dimensionally transcendental. SARAH Look- theres the husk! The husk walks into the cabin, slowly, holding the scalpel. DOCTOR I was wrong. LOLA Its controller isnt here, is it? DOCTOR Thats not fair, Im never usually wrong, am I usually wrong Sarah? SARAH Not really. The DOCTOR kicks the table forward and it hits the husk. He grabs SARAHs hand and they run around the other side of the table, followed by LOLA. The husk gets back up and slowly turns around, following them outside of the cabin. CABIN. EXT. DAY. The DOCTOR, SARAH and LOLA start to run, but he stops them. SARAH Why have we stopped? DOCTOR I dont think were being followed any more, do you?


CONTINUED: (2) LOLA I dont want to hazard a guess. SARAH Youve been using a lot of Earth sayings. Is there something youre not telling us? DOCTOR There is no time for this debate now.


The DOCTOR turns around and sees the husk, electricity rages through his body, until his skin burns and turns to ash and the skeleton falls to pieces. SARAH What happened? DOCTOR Must have had to much power reanimating it, it must have blown a fuse. LOLA He wasnt a robot. DOCTOR I know, but its the simplest way of explaining it. LOLA I see. DOCTOR Do you? LOLA Not really... DOCTOR I dont know where to look next, no chance of autopsy, no chance of anything really. We have nothing to go on. LOLA Actually, there is something I should of told you. DOCTOR I need to know everything you understand, everything! LOLA Their planning to land a small fleet, today.




SARAH Where? DOCTOR When? LOLA Half an hour, north east outskirts of the city. DOCTOR Which one of the outskirts are we on? LOLA South-west. DOCTOR Wed better get going then, hadnt we? LOLA I dont think its a good idea. SARAH You should have told us. LOLA What, two strangers that a fleet of aliens claiming to be saviours are going to land. DOCTOR At least we know it isnt Cybermen. SARAH Not their style is it? DOCTOR If this was a colonisation they would have done it by now. CITY. OUTSKIRTS. EXT. DUSK. LOLA, the DOCTOR and SARAH stare at the landing grey shuttle craft. LOLA Im dreading this. DOCTOR Youre saviours appear to be in a war ship.




LOLA Thats why Im dreading this. The shuttle lands. SARAH You should have bought Guards. LOLA I was told to come alone. DOCTOR Well you havent, have you? LOLA I had to tell you, I had no choice. DOCTOR Everybody has a choice, Lola. Two doors on the shuttle opens. SARAH I never thought Id be frightened of saviours. A pair of silver boots leave the ship. SARAH You were wrong Doctor. A CYBER-LEADER stands there, with two CYBER-SCOUTS in the "MOONBASE" armour. CYBER-LEADER President Lola, you have betrayed us. DOCTOR Cybermen! The CYBER-SCOUTS take aim and fire. To Be Continued.

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