Redeem Property in MIchigan

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125.1448c Bringing amount due into court before judgment of sale; dismissal of complaint. Sec. 48c.

Whenever a complaint is filed for the satisfaction or foreclosure of any mortgage on real estate or land contract held by the authority, upon which there is due any interest or any portion or installment of the principal and there are other portions or installments to become due subsequently, the complaint shall be dismissed upon the defendant's bringing into court, at any time before the judgment of sale, the principal and interest due, with costs. (tell the court clerk you wish to satisfy the mortgage, please bring it for your inspection if they refuse, submit a criminal complaint ).

125.1448g Deed of sale; execution; operation; right, title, and interest vested in grantee; recordation; redemption of premises. Sec. 48g.

(1) The person making the sale (sheriff, tax etc) shall execute deeds specifying
the names of the parties in the action, the date of the land contract or mortgage held by the authority, when and where it was recorded, a description of the premises sold, and the amount for which each parcel of land described in the deed was sold; and shall indorse(back side) upon each deed the time it becomes operative if the premises are not redeemed according to law. Unless the premises or any parcel of them are redeemed within the time limited for redemption the deed shall become operative as to all parcels not redeemed, and shall vest in the grantee named in the deed or his or her heirs or assigns all the right, title, and interest which the mortgagor had at the time of the execution of the mortgage or at any time thereafter. (2) The deed of sale as soon as practicable, and within 20 days (until then the sheriff/tax man has it) after the sale, shall be deposited (not recorded) with the register of deeds of the county in which the land described in the deed of sale is situated, and the register shall indorse upon the deed the time it was received and shall record the deed at length in a book to be provided in his or her office for that purpose (special book?) and shall index (readers digest version) the deed in the regular index of deeds, and the fee for recording the deed shall be included among the other costs and expenses allowed by law. If the premises or any parcel of them are redeemed the register of deeds shall write on the face of the record the word redeemed and shall write at what date the entry is made and sign the entry with his or her official signature

125.1448i Redemption of premises; effect on deed of sale; affidavit. Sec. 48i. (1) The mortgagor, the mortgagor's heirs, executors, administrators, or any person lawfully claiming under the mortgagor or the mortgagor's heirs, executors, or administrators may redeem the entire premises sold by paying, within 6 months from the date of the sale, to the purchaser or the purchaser's executors, administrators, or assigns, or to the register of deeds in whose office the deed of sale is deposited as provided in the court rules, for the benefit of the purchaser, the sum which was bid with interest from the date of the sale at the interest rate provided for by the mortgage. (2) The vendee of a land contract, the vendee's heirs, executors, administrators, or any person lawfully claiming under the vendee of a land contract or the vendee's heirs, executors, or administrators of a land contract may redeem the entire premises sold within 6 months from the date of the sale by paying to the purchaser or the purchaser's executors, administrators, or assigns, or to the register of deeds in whose office the deed of sale is deposited as provided in the court rules, for the benefit of the purchaser, the sum which was bid with interest from the date of the sale at the interest rate provided for by the land contract. In case the sum is paid to the register of deeds, the sum of $5.00 shall be paid to the register of deeds as a fee for the care and custody of the redemption money.

(2) Upon the payment of sums required under this section, the deed of sale is void.
If a distinct lot or parcel separately sold is redeemed, leaving a portion of the premises unredeemed, then the deed of sale is void only as to the portion or portions of the premises which are redeemed. The register of deeds shall not determine the amount necessary for redemption. The purchaser shall attach an affidavit with the deed to be recorded that states the exact amount required to redeem the property, including any daily per diem amounts, and the date by which the property must be redeemed shall be stated in the certificate of sale.

The purchaser may (may means must in law) include in the affidavit the name of a designee responsible on behalf of the purchaser to assist the person redeeming the property in computing the exact amount required to redeem the property. The designee may charge a fee as stated in the affidavit and may be authorized by the purchaser to receive redemption funds. The purchaser shall accept the amount computed by the designee. ( I think they mean the register of deeds)

(4) The amount stated in any affidavits recorded under this section shall be the amount necessary to satisfy the requirements for redemption under this section.

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