High Return Investing: Passive Income and Financial Freedom

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Passive income and financial freedom

The concept of passive income grabbed me about 10 months ago. I got to know a couple of people who were already experiencing different sources of passive income. They either earned affiliate commissions, ran an online program or even owned houses for rent. Passive income is money you earn while you dont have to put in a lot of time. Most of the time it only needs to be set-up and then it will run itself. Ill give you two common-known examples. 1) The author of a best-selling book. He only needs to write the book once and publish it. After these actions, which initially dont make him any money at all, he will receive money off every book sold, forever! This is passive income! 2) When you loan money from the bank you will need to pay a (monthly) interest. All the bank needs to do is send you this money and at some point make sure you return it. This is passive income too! The concept of financial freedom takes you a step further. While earning passive income doesnt mean youre financially free, being financially free does mean youre earning passive income. Why? Because youre only free when your passive income sources are paying you enough to pay your bills with. Youre only financially free when you dont need your work (active income) to support you.

Why help you?

In this document youll find a few sources of passive income that Ive recently discovered. I will show you how easy you can make money off them, without having to invest hundreds or thousands of dollars and how quickly they will turn your life around. These plans will grant you financial freedom, within a couple of months. Why am I helping YOU? Good question, heres why: Ill put the obvious one in first place. On each plan I put in a link so you can register. I will be earning money off your investments. Im very clear about that, you can see how much too. By the way, you wont notice a thing from that once youre in. Youre not paying a penny more or earning a penny less. The company invested in just sends me part of your investment as a thank you. Some wont even let you register without a sponsor. When you read close enough, youll see I dont really need your money to become financially free myself. I plan achieve financial freedom in 7 months, with the earnings I receive whether I refer you or not. Because it can do no harm, I like to spread my knowledge and really help you. Once one is financially free he (or she) can change his (or her) life around. We can start doing what weve always wanted to do. We can go places we never thought wed go. We can buy things we never thought wed buy. But also, we can use our time to do something for this world, whatevers up your alley. Maybe you want to help third world countries, or maybe its the elephants for you. Maybe just to educate the kids in your street. Successful Habits twitter: @SuccesfulHabits


Well then, here it is
On the next pages youll find 5 different investment plans. All of which require only a small investment ($1 to $25 are the minima) but offer high returns. What does your bank pay you on your savings? 3% a year maybe? What if it were 10%, do you think thats a lot? Can you live off that? What if I told you you can receive 3% a DAY? Well, you probably wouldnt believe me. Im also a sceptic, cautious by nature. Thats why Ill prove you that these plans really work, really pay out. Not all of them pay out 3% by the way, most about 2% but then again one pays out 7%. Of course there is a risk, like in every other investment you make. The companies you invest your money with, will take that money, pile it up with all other investors, and make big investments their selves. Mostly they already receive a massive amount of income to pay your interest with. Undoubtedly there will be a point, sooner or later, on which their investments start failing. They might start to make less than the interest they need to pay. At that point, you can be sure they will grab the rest of your money (thats already in the program) and go. You will be left without any income. Sounds bad to you? Well, sure, I do agree. But remember that these plans offer high returns. You can withdraw your initial investment within a couple of weeks if you want, and continue with your profit. Also, theres a reason why I lay out 5 plans for you. Dont invest all your money in 1 program! Spread it over all 5 of them. And better yet, use part of your profit to invest in more reliable forms of passive income, like real estate. These plans Im telling you about Ive already checked out and are paying out right now (not only on their balance but also to your e-currency account). You might come across tens of other plans like this on your way, but please be careful to join them! You can always ask me if they are reliable, I have my sources to check this. Just find me on twitter: @SuccesfulHabits The e-currency account I recommend you to use is Payza (http://bit.ly/M9Vpo8).

These investments are legal, and you should pay taxes over them. Tax rates will be different per country, but in almost every country investors are much better off than workers. In the Netherlands for example, where I am from. We pay 33% to 52% taxes over our work-income, whilst over our assets we pay no more than 4%...!

My investments
In the next pages Ill tell you about my own investments per plan. I thought it would be nice to summarize: Total investment (1 to 2 months ago): Total earnings till yesterday: Expected earnings first 12 months: $365,00 $805,44; most of which I re-invested $67.305,97 (!!)

2 Successful Habits twitter: @SuccesfulHabits


JUST BEEN PAID http://bit.ly/Iu8kvk Facts
Investments: buying positions for $10 each first position is for free to get started, but will be withdrawn later 2% on Mondays to Fridays and 1,5% on Saturdays and Sundays the positions expire after paying out 150% ($15), which means they last about 81 days the initial investment is not returned, meaning each position gains you $5 manually, by units of $10 expired positions fill matrices which will double the total gain, but only after upgrading your account for $15 10% of referrals investment on the first level, 5% on the second

Daily interest: Duration:

Total gain:

Compounding: Matrices:


My strategy
I started on April 7th 2012 only using the free pay it forward position. On April 28th I deposited $50. Now, after 70 days, my total investment earnings are $71,90 of which I compounded $60. I will compound until I make about $40 a day. Than Ill withdraw the earnings for 5 days each month. Today earning: In 1 month earning: In 6 months earning: In 12 months earning: $1,80 (1,5% for it is a Saturday) $4,00 a day ($120 a month) $17,20 a day ($516 a month) $65,00 a day ($1.950 a month)

Total interest first 12 months: $8.197,60

3 Successful Habits twitter: @SuccesfulHabits


JUST BEEN PAID http://bit.ly/Iu8kvk Proof
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4 Successful Habits twitter: @SuccesfulHabits


ROYALTY 7 http://bit.ly/Lr1JXc Facts
Investments: Daily interest: Duration: Total gain: Compounding: Matrices: Refferals: starting at $25 per investment, a maximum of 7 active investments 7% Mondays to Fridays (for the classic plan) 1 month; total interest about 150% the initial investment is not returned, meaning you gain about 50% manually, by making a new investment of at least $25 not available in this plan 5% of referrals investment on the first level

My strategy
I started on April 30th 2012 by depositing $100 and on May 22nd I deposited another $50. Now, after 47 days, my total investment earnings are $655,62 and some referral bonuses. I have withdrawn $80,51. For now, my strategy is to keep up 7 active investments at a time, compounding about $150 each time and withdrawing what remains. Mondays earnings: In 1 month earning: In 6 months earning: In 12 months earning: $43,28 $66,64 a day ($1.449 a month) $73,50 a day ($1.598 a month) or more the same, unless I start compounding more

Total interest first 12 months: $19.036,14

5 Successful Habits twitter: @SuccesfulHabits


ROYALTY 7 http://bit.ly/Lr1JXc Proof
Zoom in to see details!

6 Successful Habits twitter: @SuccesfulHabits


METAL ROI http://bit.ly/JKNMT7 Facts
Investments: Daily interest: starting at $10 Mondays to Fridays: 2% when investing $10 to $999, 2,2% when investing $1.000 to $4.999 or 2,5% when investing $5.000 or more 120 days; total interest 270% on the lowest plan without automatic compounding the initial investment is returned, meaning you gain at least 270% automatically, by selecting a percentage between 0% and 100% not available in this plan 3-6% of referrals deposit on the first level and 1% on the second


Total gain: Compounding: Matrices: Refferals:

My strategy
I started on May 22nd 2012 by depositing $50. Now, after 24 days, my total investment earnings are $21,41. I have the compounding rate set on 100%, I will keep this up for a while, withdraw a part of my principal return and later on lower the compounding rate. Mondays earnings: In 1 month earning: In 6 months earning: In 12 months earning: $1,43 $2,12 a day ($46 a month) $11,61 a day ($252 a month) $53,37 a day ($1.160 a month)

Total interest first 12 months: $4.442,03

7 Successful Habits twitter: @SuccesfulHabits


METAL ROI http://bit.ly/JKNMT7 Proof
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8 Successful Habits twitter: @SuccesfulHabits


FELMINA ALLIANCE http://bit.ly/J8MVy2 Facts
Investments: Daily interest: starting at $20 on working days: 1% when investing $20 to $999, 1,25 % when investing $1.000 to $4.999 or 1,6% when investing $5.000 or more 180 days; total interest 180% on the lowest plan without automatic compounding the initial investment is returned, meaning you gain at least 180% automatically, by selecting a percentage between 0% and 100% not available in this plan 5% of referrals deposit on the first level


Total gain: Compounding: Matrices: Refferals:

My strategy
I started on May 22nd 2012 by depositing $50. Now, after 24 days, my total investment earnings are $9,82. I have the compounding rate set on 100%, I will keep this up for a while, withdraw a part of my principal return and later on lower the compounding rate. Mondays earnings: In 1 month earning: In 6 months earning: In 12 months earning: $0,60 $0,72 a day ($15 a month) $2,05 a day ($44 a month) $4,03 a day ($87 a month)

Total interest first 12 months: $572,09

9 Successful Habits twitter: @SuccesfulHabits


FELMINA ALLIANCE http://bit.ly/J8MVy2 Proof
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10 Successful Habits twitter: @SuccesfulHabits


SILVER STRUCTURE http://bit.ly/K8vRFj Facts
Investments: Daily interest: Duration: Total gain: Compounding: Matrices: Refferals: starting at $1 2% 150 days; total interest 300% without automatic compounding the initial investment is returned, meaning you gain at least 300% automatically, by selecting a percentage between 0% and 100% not available in this plan 4% of referrals investment on the first level, 2% on the second level

My strategy
I started on May 16th 2012 by depositing $25. On May 22nd I deposited another $40. Now, after 32 days, my total investment earnings are $46,69. I have the compounding rate set on 100%, I will keep this up for a while, withdraw a part of my principal return and later on lower the compounding rate. Todays earning: In 1 month earning: In 6 months earning: In 12 months earning: $2,28 $4,13 a day ($124 a month) $53,29 a day ($1.598 a month) $377,04 a day ($11.311 a month)

Total interest first 12 months: $35.058,11

11 Successful Habits twitter: @SuccesfulHabits


SILVER STRUCTURE http://bit.ly/K8vRFj Proof
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12 Successful Habits twitter: @SuccesfulHabits

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