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Grading & Homework Policies
In order for your child to have the best education possible, parents and teachers need to work together. In order for us to work together this year, I feel that it is extremely important to explain some of my classroom policies. These policies are intended not to bog students down with rules, but to create responsible students who can take initiative, as well as to develop their self-direction and organizational skills. Grading. In third grade, your child will receive the traditional letter grades. The grading scale below is provided to you so that you are more informed about your childs success in the classroom. A = 94-100% A- = 90-93% B+ = 87-89% B = 83-86% B- = 80-82% C+ = 77-80% C = 73-76% C- = 70-72% D+ = 67-69% D = 63-66% D- = 60-62% F = 0-59%

Homework. It is my opinion that students should not be required to spend much of their evening completing homework. These days, they are as busy in the evenings as I am! For this reason, all students will be given the opportunity to complete the majority of their work throughout the school day. In rare circumstances, you child may bring home work that he/she did not complete during the day, although this should be just that: rare. If you find that your child is bringing home school work consistently, then it's probably time that we have a little chat.

Every night, your child will bring home a math game. These math games are designed to increase their comfortability with - and memorization of - standard math facts and operations. It is extremely vital that you take 5-10 minutes each night to sit down with your child and play these games. I think you'll find that they are a great way to spend quality time with each other! In addition to the math game, your child should be reading independently for at least 60 minutes every week (including the weekend). Your child will start bringing home a reading log the second week of school. Each Monday, I will collect the previous week's log and hand out a new one. You should aim for at least 10 minutes every night, and at least 10 more during the weekend. You are required to initial for each entry in your child's log. The class will be working toward a goal of total minutes read, so I thank you in advance for your help! Make-Up Work. I understand that there will occasionally be times when your child must miss school. In these cases, your child will most likely have work that they missed, which they will need to complete. If you know your child will be missing school ahead of time, let me know and I can send home work with them. If not, simply call the school (or shoot me an email) to let me know and Ill gather the work that the student missed. I will allow 2 days from the day your child receives his/her homework for it to be completed. If you plan on missing school for a longer period of time, please let me know so that arrangements can be made.

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