Possessing God's Promises

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Good News MCM Publication

Possessing Gods Promises!

Hebrews 11:6b says, For he that cometh to God must believe that he is and that he is a rewarder of them that diligently seek him. The Spirit of God has treasures that we havent seen yet. It comes through a careful search of the Word of God and fellowship with the Spirit of God. Have you ever read a scripture many times and yet something inside of you prompts you to read it again and again? That is the prompting of the Holy Spirit letting you know that there is treasure for you in that scripture. When you think about it, the Word of God has so much power, it can actually bring itself to pass. The great mistake that many Christians make is that they take the attitude that they have heard it all, read it all and therefore know it all. This is dangerous because that way of thinking actually shuts them off from further knowledge of Gods Word and His ways. I Corinthians 2:9-10 states, But as it is written, Eye hath not seen, nor ear heard, neither have entered into the heart of man, the things which God hath prepared for them that love him. 10 But God hath revealed them unto us by his Spirit: for the Spirit searcheth all things, yea, the deep things of God. God has depths that we havent taken full advantage of yet. Think of the vastness of God and His infinite wisdom and knowledge and of how we really need the Spirit of God to open the eyes of our understanding in order to perceive the great and marvelous things he has prepared for us. When the children of Israel were guided to the land of Promise, God told them in Deuteronomy 11:10-15 the land was a place of supernatural provision, it was a land that was better than the land they came from. It was a land that Gods eyes were upon the land from the beginning of the year to the end of the year. I have read these scriptures many times and saw that the application for us today as New Testament believers, we are to have the continual interaction of the hand of God in our lives (land). We are no longer to live our lives as people who have no relationship with God. He wants us to understand that He alone is our salvation, our help and our hope! Educations has marvelous benefits in life and I am not downgrading this but if our intellect is defying the knowledge of the Lord, then a change must be made. The question that I wish to present to you is, do you trust God? Every Christian has been faced with this question and some have even chosen to ignore it and go on without making any changes.

1 Corinthians 2: 9 -10
But as it is written, Eye hath not seen, nor ear heard, neither have entered into the heart of man, the things which God hath prepared for them that love him. 10 But God hath revealed them unto us by his Spirit: for the Spirit searcheth all things, yea, the deep things of God.

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Good News MCM / Monthly Publication

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The truth of the matter is faith in God must be continually cultivated. Romans 10:17 says, So then faith cometh by hearing, and hearing by the word of God. Time with the Word of God and the Spirit of God can and will change a mundane life into one brimming with Gods creative power. Continual time with the Word and the Spirit of God can cause us to walk in wisdom beyond our years! Gods plan is that we as the Church are to make known the manifold wisdom of God, read this in Ephesians 3:10. The question I asked the Lord when I read that scripture is, How, how do I make known the manifold wisdom of God? The answer was simple, Spend time with me, spend time with my Word. He meant for us to meditate upon His word until it transforms our thinking, and then faith comes. Faith doesnt come from memorizing the Bible; it comes through hearing Gods Word. Hearing can come through hearing anointed preaching and teaching; hearing can also come through listening to you speaking that word to yourself! The times in which we live call for a higher level of living, and the only way to live this life is by the Word of the Lord. The days, in which we live, require a deeper commitment to the Word of God than ever before. A casual acquaintance with Jesus isnt enough; we must come closer than before. The world is screaming at us, circumstances are screaming for our attention. God is saying, Attend to my words, (Proverbs 4:20) Dont let my words depart from your mouth! (Joshua 1:8) When we attend to Gods word, we are attending to God, himself. When we attend to God, He attends to us! What sweet fellowship! Mikki

Yes! You can trust God! He is Faithful, Dependable and Trustworthy!

The days, in which we live, require a deeper commitment to the Word of God than ever before. A casual acquaintance with Jesus isnt enough; we must come closer than before. The world is screaming at us, circumstances are screaming for our attention. God is saying, Attend to my words, (Proverbs 4:20) Dont let my words depart from your mouth! (Joshua 1:8) When we attend to Gods word, we are attending to God, himself.

Good News!
In case you missed it! We have received an official registration certificate from the government of Democratic Republic of Congo (DRC) to expand our ministry there. About DRC - Congo
The DRC-Congo is the third largest nation in the continent of Africa by area. It has a population of more than 68 million people. It is the eighteenth most populous nation in the world, the fourth most populous nation in Africa, as well as the most populous country where French is an official language. We currently have three students from DRC-Congo training at Kenya Bible Training Center (KBTC). Upon their graduation at the end of this year, one of them (Pastor Mweni Ake Mwenembuka) will return to continue overseeing the operations of Missions for Christ Ministries in that nation (DRC-Congo). Glory to God! If you are not yet a partner with this ministry financially, we ask to pray about it, ask the Lord what He would want for you to do. MCM is a debt free ministry endeavoring to see lives changed by the Word and Spirit of God. You will be blessed and encouraged to be a part! Your donations of any amount towards MCM missions are greatly appreciated. You can also securely donate online from our web site!

Missions for Christ Ministries, Inc

P.O Box 7721; Lakeland Fl. 338077721 Email us @ mcm@missionsforchristministries.org
See details online!


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