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1 Ward 12 (Uptown Chapter) Community Action Network (CAN) September 27, 2010 - 6:30 p.m.

Community Care Access Centre - Boardroom Meeting Minutes Attendees: Richard Munn, Chair Brian Kelly, Secretary Joscelyne Landry - Altmann, Councilor, Ward 12 Peter Clark, Bernice Hibbs, Judith Prior-Kelly, Uptown CAN residents Agenda Item 1. Welcome by Chair / Call to Order Chair Munn welcomed the group. 2. Approval of Agenda The agenda was presented to the group for approval. Motion to approve by Judith Prior-Kelly, seconded by Bernice Hibbs. Carried. 3. Approval of previous Minutes Motion to approve: Judith Prior-Kelly; seconded by Peter Clark. Carried. 4. 4.1 Old Business Sudbury Secondary School renovations: follow-up There are no developments on this item. 4.2 Vacant USW property Chair Munn reported that in view of the Vale labour dispute and the impending municipal elections, there has been no further feedback from the Mayors office, and this matter is on hold. As an aside, the question was raised as to whether money was still available to support a project commemorating the Tenth Anniversary of Greater Sudbury. Councilor Landry-Altmann indicated that this initiative has basically expired, but agreed to investigate further.


CPTED audit update Richard Munn reported that Cst. Ken Birtch has conducted the walkabout for the audit, and that a preliminary report has been completed. As well, Councilor Landry-Altmann and Cst. Birtch drove around the area to assess some of the features. Such things as obstructive foliage were noted. It was pointed out that there has been liaison between the Police Services and the administration at Sudbury Secondary School (SSS), and that the students have been informed that inappropriate loitering in the lanes or at the private property at 162 Mackenzie may result in expulsion or charges. Attendees indicated that they were aware of the increased level of police patrols in the neighbourhood. Richard and Bernice will meet with Ken to discuss the report and the recommendations. The object is to have a report ready for the next CAN meeting. Discussions then moved to the subject of graffiti in the area, including the retaining wall on the north side of Baker St. just east of Mackenzie. Some suggested remedies were a mural, or a poster, produced by the art students at SSS. Judith moved that the property owner be approached and if acceptable, the art teacher at SSS ( via the principal ), to undertake this project. Motion was seconded by Bernice. Councilor Landry-Altmann agreed to make the inquiries. Bernice and Richard will meet to draft a description of this project.


Planting Beds at Sudbury Public Library Judith Prior-Kelly reported that subsequent to the visit by her and Bernice in the summer, library staff thanked them for their participation. There has been no communication since, and Judith undertook to follow up regarding further activity on this project. [ p.s. by Secretary: Judith communicated with library staff, and the project will be reviewed in Spring 2011 ].


COPS Program update No update at this time.


Communications update Richard Munn indicated that the communications function for the CAN needs to be revitalized. It will be necessary to identify a communications manager/editor who will oversee website/newsletter activities. Richard undertook to follow up on exploring this subject.

3 4.7 Zone 30 Community Mobilization Project A number of Uptown CAN members attended the August meeting held at the Balmoral Apts. The meeting appeared to represent a number of social service groups rather than residents in 30 Zone, and it seemed focused on the Donovan and Flour Mill areas. Unfortunately, the Secretary did not obtain any follow-up notification of subsequent meetings. [ p.s. by Secretary: There was a meeting on October 20; an update on this meeting will be provided at the October (= Nov. 1) meeting). 4.8 Inventory of homes in neighbourhood update from Daniel/Judith Judith reported that there has been modest progress on this project. She indicated that some intersections do not have street signs (vis--vis sign toppers), and several laneways remain unnamed. A walkabout of the homes suggested by Jason Ferrigan has been done, and choices on target homes/buildings are being made. Photographs will be taken as a next step in forming the database. Next, a file on each property will be assembled with any available information, including inputs from the property owners.A discussion ensued regarding the steps in the process, and it was confirmed that the information collection and project scope will occur first, followed by identification of possible neighbourhood walks. An update on this will be provided at the next meeting. Judith also pointed out that the home at 62 Patterson St. was formerly owned by Robert Dickson ( deceased, Francophone professor at Laurentian U. ). Judith noted that the Mackenzie St. library appeared to have little or no information on M. Dickson, and agreed to further investigate this. 5. 5.1 New Business Planning for spring 2011 cleanup blitz, including school involvement A short discussion took place on this subject. It was resolved that during the winter, this project would be reviewed, and more detailed planning would be carried out. 5.2 Street/neighbourhood signage Chair Munn indicated that it would make most sense to amalgamate the project for street and neighbourhood signs with the work being undertaken on the graffiti mitigation with Sudbury Secondary.

4 5.3 Membership/Invitations Richard encouraged the attendees to continue any recruitment opportunities that appear. It was again agreed by the group that a project focus by the CAN would likely present the best appeal to potential members, particularly ones with good public visibility. The heritage project was cited as a good example. 6. Adjournment Motion to adjourn meeting: moved by Brian Kelly; seconded by Bernice Hibbs. Carried. Meeting adjourned.


The next meeting will be on November 1/10 at the CCAC Boardroom

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