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1 Ward 12 (Uptown Chapter) Community Action Network (CAN) November 23rd, 2009 - 6:30 p.m. Ste.

Anne des Pins Church Meeting room Meeting Minutes Attendees: Bobb Hibbs, Chair Brian Kelly, Secretary Ginette Forget-Rose, Community Development Coordinator, Louis Delongchamp, Bernice Hibbs, Bonnie Jackson, Richard Munn, Jim Robidoux, CAN residents Agenda Item 1. Welcome by Chair Bobb Hibbs. Chair Hibbs welcomed the group. At this time, Chair Hibbs discussed the change of meeting dates. As presented in the October 26 Minutes under New Business, it was decided to move the meetings to the second-last Monday of each month. Ginette identified a problem of availability of the meeting room at the Library on some of those dates, so Sudbury Secondary School will be investigated as a venue. Members will be advised of the meeting location prior to the next meeting (which will be on January 18; please note.) 2. Approval of previous Minutes: Motion to accept Minutes: Bernice Hibbs. Seconded by Richard Munn. 3. Discussion re: New Uptown CAN Chair Chair Hibbs indicated that he has approached both Aaron Beaudry and Richard Munn about a Chair/Co-Chair arrangement among the three of them. Aaron is currently occupied with matters related to the VALE-INCO strike, but was willing to be involved. Chair Hibbs stated that the matter would be discussed and hopefully resolved at the January meeting.

2 4. Previous Business: COPs Program activity: - Presentation December 14 - Liaison with Flour Mill / Donovan Ginette Forget-Rose summarized the details of the December 14 COPs presentation, indicating who was presenting and what details would be covered. The group discussed including flyer distribution into the Flour Mill area, (in the interest of recruiting volunteers), along with those which will go to the Donovan/Elm West area, and it was agreed to do so. Hence, invitation flyers will be distributed with the Northern Life newspapers in the December 1 issue. The presentation will include discussions of what a COPs volunteer will be expected to do, as well as possible twinning arrangements with the other CANs with respect to coverage area, etc. 5. Update on Municipal Heritage Committee activity Brian Kelly stated that he had been in contact with Jason Ferrigan regarding the status of the Heritage Designation project. Jason indicated that they were nearing completion of the physical inventory of the neighbourhood, as well as the preliminary historical research. He indicated that he would present his findings at our next meeting, and Brian will arrange to have Jason speak on January 18/10. As an aside on the subject of heritage designation, Chair Hibbs raised the subject of a zoning approval at the proposed Mackenzie condominium site; this is an agenda item for the November 25 City Council meeting. It appears that there are differences between this change request and the recommendations made by the Planning Committee at the Mar 3/09 meeting, (specifically, the special shared access and parking arrangements) and the group was asked if this CAN should address concerns about this, in writing, to our Councilor. It was agreed that we should, and Brian will undertake to do so straightaway. ( Amended Feb. 3/10: a letter was sent to Art Potvin, Manager of Development Approvals, and the reply confirmed that the reference to Shared Parking Arrangements ( approved w.r.t. the Options for Homes application) are on Title, and still apply. ) 6. 7. New Business: Next Meeting / Agenda: The next meeting will be on January 18/10; location to be confirmed 8. Adjournment: Meeting adjourned; moved: Jim Robidoux; seconded: Brian Kelly. None

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