India Proposal 2

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Revised Research Proposal on


The Indian Economic Policy Reforms

By Suresh D. Tendulkar Department of Economics Delhi School of Economics University of Delhi Delhi - 110007, India and T.A. Bhavani Institute of Economic Growth Delhi University North Campus Delhi - 110007, India


The Indian Economic Policy Reforms

1. Motivation The wide ranging economic reforms in India since 1991 involved a major shift in the development strategy. The earlier strategy adopted public sector dominated autarchic investment planning of industrialisation with direct discretionary controls on private investment. The interaction of this strategy with the institutional framework of functioning markets and predominant private ownership of means of production pushed the economy into persistent low growth equilibrium. Economic reforms of 1991 aim at putting the economy on a sustained and rapid growth path through greater participation in international division of labour and private capital movements, and greater reliance on private initiative and markets, and the consequent shift to market-friendly policy regime. In this context, the present study proposes to Analyse the motivations underlying the wide ranging policy reforms in 1991 which appeared socio-politically infeasible earlier; Take stock of the implementation of the reforms undertaken so far with reference to their (mostly) slow pace; Undertake detailed discussion of two specific interconnected areas with wide ranging repercussions, namely, public sector and labour market reforms which have constrained the potential benefits of trade liberalisation so far and which are likely to pose very serious constraints on future growth. 2. Development Strategy and Evolution of Economic Policy Regime The rapid economic development strategy of post-Independent India had been one of self-reliant industrialisation under centralised investment planning. It had emphasised basic and heavy industries and adopted public sector as a major instrument in the institutional framework of a mixed economy where private ownership of means of production was permitted in a democratic political environment. The elements of path dependence of this strategy can be traced in the past to the identification of the causes of

India's economic underdevelopment in the British colonial policy with laissez faire and free trade (Nayyar 1997). Under this strategy, the activist state, acting on behalf of the society, assumed heavy responsibility of not only initiating economic development, which the private sector was deemed unwilling or unable to undertake but also shaping the entire pattern of investment (Second Five Year Plan 1956-61, pp. 21-24). The direct involvement of the state in economic development resulted not only in the heavily regulated markets and private economic activities in a functioning market economy but also in a significant extension of the public sector into diverse economic activities going well beyond the traditional economic rationale provided by market failures (Minhas 1991). The strategy of self-reliant industrialisation that has been characterised as "economic nationalism" by Nayyar resulted in restrictive trade policy regime which had same elements as of the Nurksian strategy of import-substitution-driven industrialisation. Keeping the exchange rate overvalued, which discriminated against exports, and using tariffs and quotas on imports as instruments to contain the resulting excess demand for foreign exchange. Import requirements of basic and heavy industry-oriented industrialisation put further pressure on balance of payments and resulted in progressively more restrictive controls on imports of commodities and capital and perpetual shortage of foreign exchange in the face of non-expanding exports (Bhagawati and Desai 1970). In order to enable the activist state to guide the course of development toward socially desirable directions, domestic industrial policy reserved strategic industries like iron and steel, machine tools, heavy machinery and minerals for exclusive development in the public sector (Industrial Policy Resolution 1956). This extended the boundary of the public sector activities beyond those justified by the perceived market failures, namely, electricity, telecommunications, rail - road - and air transport network and other public utilities. Private industrial activity was sought to be guided toward socially desirable activities under the Industries (Development and Regulation) Act 1951. The important policy instruments used for this purpose included industrial licensing, controls over capital

issues, price and distribution controls, and restrictions on foreign collaborations as well as imports of technology. The activist state needed to transfer financial resources from private savers to itself in order to finance its own expanded activities as also to finance private sector activities in the priority sector. Initially, indirect taxes (excise and customs) were used as instruments to mobilise resources while allocation of private investment was sought to be controlled through industrial licensing. Later commercial banks were nationalised in 1969 to acquire control over private savings in the form of bank deposits. The instruments of administered interest rates and progressive hike in cash reserve ratio and statutory liquidity ratios were used to transfer the private savings to the government. These were re-channelled through publicly owned term-lending institutions to finance investments in public sector enterprises and government approved private corporate investments. Apart from keeping the administered interest rate artificially low in order to induce private investment, the activist state enacted labour legislations to protect the interest of the industrial workers. 3. Consequences of The Earlier Policies The evolution of post-Independence economic policy discussed above had three basic features: autarchic trade policy, extension of public sector, and direct, discretionary and quantitative controls on the private sector. These features interacted in the institutional environment of functioning markets and private ownership of means of production to generate perverse incentives that constricted the operation of the market forces and private economic agents and resulted in a low rate of economic growth of 3.5 per cent per annum despite the doubling of the rates of domestic savings and investment over the thirty year period 1950-80. Public sector units were expected to operate efficiently and generate resources for further investment. Instead, they were saddled with multiplicity of often-conflicting objectives, they had to accept politically driven inappropriate administered prices for their products and services, and were subjected to bureaucratic and political interference, which made their efficient operation difficult. They also faced the 'soft-budget constraint' with neither penalty for losses nor rewards for efficient functioning. Poor performance of

public sector units had multiplier effects through inefficient, low quality and often irregular and fluctuating supplies of infrastructure services and universal intermediate inputs (like iron and steel and financial services), which partly contributed to the inefficiencies of the private sector units. At the macro level, they became a drain on the exchequer through their recurring losses instead of generating resources for investment. Direct, discretionary, mostly quantitative controls on international trade and domestic investment and economic activities were not only inefficient micro economically but also generated perverse incentives (Bhagawati and Desai 1970, Bhagawati and Srinivasan 1975, and Joshi and Little 1994). Progressively restrictive trade regime insulated the domestic producers of import-competing products from international competition with often fair amount of 'water' in high tariffs. The quantitative controls on domestic investment sought to micro-manage the private enterprises at the upper end of the investment scale by restricting their freedom with respect to output-mix, scale of operation and choice of technology thereby constricting their adjustment to changes in functioning markets. On the other hand, these controls unintentionally offered incentives to divert resources to directly unproductive rent-seeking activities aimed at pre-empting entry of potential competitors. The resulting non-competitive markets did not offer incentives for improving productivity or quality. Thus, the private industrial units had neither the freedom to adjust to market signals nor incentives generated by competition to improve efficiency. They did not lead to 'planned' allocation of private investment either (Tendulkar 1993). At the same time, complex structure of differential indirect tax rates as also administered interest rates and labour legislation led to distortions in relative product and factor prices and resulted in not only inefficient allocation but also misallocation of resources out of line with relative scarcities of capital and labour. Indian government used the public sector dominated financial system as an instrument of public finance with a complex set of regulations on fixed deposit and lending rates, and channelled credit to the government and priority sectors at below market rates (Hansen and Kathuria 1999). All these amounted to tax on financial intermediation, which not only reduced the allocative efficiency of intermediation but also resulted in the loss of efficiency and lower real growth of economy (Ahluwalia

1999). These regulations made maximisation of working capital and cash-credit loans and project financing as the primary objectives of banks and financial institutions. Monitoring debtors and recovering loans got low priority encouraged by budgetary support. As a result lending occurred with inadequate project appraisal and favoured companies established in line with government dogmas and loan amounts did not have any relation with perceived risks and expected returns (Goswami 1996). In addition, there was no uniform system of accounting practices, no provisioning for non-performing assets and valuation of securities held in the bank (Goswami 1996 and Ahluwalia 1999).

4. Shifts in the Development Strategy: Economic Policy Reforms of 1991 Trade policy deregulation started slowly in the 1970s under the compulsions of the oil price hikes and the breakdown of the Bretton Woods system of fixed exchange rates (Mitra and Tendulkar 1994) gathered some pace in the 1980s supplemented by hesitant relaxation in domestic industrial licensing. The result was the emergence of the Indian economy out of the low growth equilibrium. The growth rate of aggregate GDP that got stuck around 3.5 per cent per annum for thirty years till 1980-81 rose to 5.7 per cent per annum in the decade of the 1980s. However, this coincided with unsustainable fiscal and external deficits leading to the macroeconomic crisis of 1990. The combined external (balance of payments) and internal (fiscal) crisis provided the necessity as well as opportunity to correct the inefficiencies in the public policy framework that was directly responsible for India's inferior economic performance. The result was a strong dose of macroeconomic stabilisation as also microeconomic structural adjustment-oriented policy reforms. During the last decade of economic reforms, important changes have taken place in the liberalisation and rationalisation of (a) import and export trade controls, (b) domestic and foreign investment, (c) tax structure and (d) public sector and financial sector activities including infrastructure. Some of these steps have been irreversible while others are reversible. These reforms are being carried out in the environment of coalition politics at the centre. The apparent macroeconomic outcome indeed is impressive: a further rise in the aggregate growth rate

in the post reform period to an average of over 6 per cent per annum. International comparisons show that India has been among the fastest growing economies in the world. However, this average picture, impressive though it is, hides certain disturbing paradoxical features at the beginning of the millennium, namely, slow down in growth rate since 1997-98, re-emergence of large fiscal deficits, excessive accumulation of food and foreign exchange reserves, current account going in to surplus during 2001-02 and April - November 2002, slowdown in private foreign investment, public sector commercial banks are holding more government securities than they are required to hold, interest rates are falling, and despite current agricultural drought inflation is not a problem. This constellation does not indicate a healthy state of affairs of the economy after a decade long reforms and clearly requires to be understood and explained. In the context of understanding the Indian policy reforms, the present study seeks to 1. Analyse the motivations underlying the wide ranging policy reforms in 1991 which appeared socio-politically infeasible earlier; 2. Take stock of the implementation of the reforms undertaken so far with reference to their (mostly) slow pace; 3. Undertake detailed discussion of two specific interconnected areas with wide ranging repercussions, namely, public sector and labour market reforms which have constrained the potential benefits of trade liberalisation so far and which are likely to pose very serious constraints on future growth. Both the issues have been on the reform agenda since 1991. Both involve institutional reforms in comparison with mostly procedural reforms that have been carried out so far. Consensus building in a situation of coalitional politics at the centre and some states, and where different political parties might be ruling at the centre and states in a federal structure is a challenging task for both the issues. Most important the benefits from trade liberalisation are going to be undercut by the continued inefficiencies of the public sector and rigidities in the labour market. In terms of scope, the discussion of public sector reforms would take us into considering important and critical components of the reform process, namely, financial

sector reforms critical in the context of capital account convertibility, reforms in the area of provision of infrastructure services with clear cut externalities, disinvestments and privatisation of public sector commercial enterprises which remain shackled with liberalisation applicable only to private sector units, and finally reforms of the taxation system with rationalisation of rate structure and reduction of transaction costs associated with compliance. Public sector has also become a dominant employer in the organised segment of the Indian labour market. Elaborate and protective labour legislation applies to all the public sector units and only large private units. With private units finding legal and extra legal ways of getting around the labour legislation and with gross over-manning of public sector establishments, efficiency gains from privatisation critically depend on right sizing the public sector units to which all trade unions and left parties are staunchly opposed. This is where the two areas selected for detailed discussion get connected. Needless to add, labour market reforms are otherwise critical for efficiency gains that would accrue with rationalisation of distorted price structure, which would bring resource allocation in line with relative resource scarcities. Mobility of both capital and labour is an indispensable condition for efficiency gains. In the process of analysing the issues (1) to (3) mentioned above, the present study is expected to improve the understanding of not only the dynamics of the reform process in a democratic coalitional politics but also provide a coherent explanation of the constellation of paradoxical features of the Indian economy mentioned above at the beginning of the 21st century. References: I.J. Ahluwalia, Rakesh Mohan and Omkar Goswami (1996). Policy Reform in India. Paris: OECD Ahluwalia, M.S. (1999). "Reforming India's Financial Sector: An Overview" in Hanson, J.A., and Sanjay Kathuria (ed). India: A Financial Sector for the Twenty-First Century. Washington, D.C: The World Bank and Oxford University Press Bhagawati, J.N., and Padma Desai (1970). India: Planning for Industrialisation. Delhi: Oxford University Press

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