1st Announcement (2010 PAEPI)

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The 20th Founding Anniversary ( 2nd PAEPI Biennial Conference)

THE PhilippineAssociation of Extension Program Implementers

8-11, December 2010 Aklan State University

31, July . 2010

Dear President: I am so pleased to inform you that the 20th PAEPI ( 2nd Biennial Convention ) will be held at Aklan State University on 8-11 December 2010 in Kalibo Aklan .The Main theme for the 20th PAEPI ( 2nd PAEPI Biennial Conference) is Implementation of Research-Based Extension Prorgam Towards Attainment of MDGS cum Advocacy on magna Carta for Extension Service Workers The objectives of the Conference are as follows: 1. Discuss best extension practice in various disciplines that contributed to MDG accomplishments 2. Involve and engage extension practitioners in policy advocacy on Magna Carta for extension workers 3. Reinforce and support development partnership among extension stakeholders 4. Recognize outstanding extension development initiatives of various institutions PAEPI Local Organizing Committee and Secretariat of PAEPI would like to invite you and your staff to participate in the 20th PAEPI convention. The schedule is as follows; ** Deadline for the Notice of Attendance: 30 August 2010 ** Deadline for the submission of abstracts: 30 August 2010 ** Deadline for the submission of full papers : 31September 2010 ** Deadline forsubmissionof accomplishment reports for inclusionon the souvenir programme and possible PAEPI awards and recognitions: 31September2010 I would appreciate if you could confirm your intention of participation by either fax ( ) and or via email (saladar_r@yahoo.com and acrelingo@yahoo.com ). For more details or querry , you may also contact the ASU VP for Research and Extension Services Dr Roberto L. Saladar at his mobile number (0928) 551-4109. In addition, please find attached documents on the PAEPI 2010. I look forward to your earliest reply. Yours sincerely, _________________________________________ Dr . Angelica M Baylon, MSBM, Phd, MBA , MS, BS Chem National PAEPI President

Secretary General, Secretariat of PAEPI


Organized And hosted Aklan State University

co-organized by the Secretariat of PAEPI The Maritime Academy of Asia and the Pacific

PAEPI 2010
The 20th Founding Anniversary and the 2nd Biennial Conference THE Philippine Association of Extension Program Implementers, Inc ( PAEPI)

8-11 December 2010 Venue: Aklan State University Kalibo Aklan

The 20th PAEPI Founding Anniversary THE 2nd PAEPI Biennial Conference

PAEPI 2010

8-11 December 2010 Aklan State University Kalibo Aklan

First Announcement and Call for Abstracts/Papers

1. Date and venue The 20th ( PAEPI ) is to be held 8-11 December 2010, at Aklan State University (ASU) in Kalibo Aklan . Theme It has been decided that the 20th PAEPI ( 2nd PAEPI Biennial Conference) Main theme is Implementation of Research-Based Extension Prorgam Towards Attainment of MDGS cum Advocacy on Magna Carta for Extension Service Workers with the following Objectives : 1. Discuss best extension practice in various disciplines that contributed to MDG accomplishments 2. Involve and engage extension practitioners in policy advocacy on Magna Carta for extension workers 3. Reinforce and support development partnership among extension stakeholders 4. Recognize outstanding extension development initiatives of various institutions

Pre-Registration Please pre-register (due date: 30 August 2010) as soon as possible in order for your institution to be placed on the mailing list for communications regarding the programme and accommodation arrangements.

CANCELLATIONS must be received by organizers in writing 30 working days before the date of the Conference (or not later than November 8, 2010). 4. Guidelines for abstract Academics , professionals and extensionists are invited to submit abstracts by e-mail for consideration by 30 June 2010 to the Secretariat of the following address:
Ms Janice K Wakat-Vergara Deputy Director Secretariat of PAEPI Maritime Academy of Asia and the Pacific Mariveles Bataan ,Philippines E-mail: jkwakat@yahoo.com

A one-page extended abstract shall be submitted in English (ca. 500 words) with some key words outlining the major points to be covered by the submission deadline. Abstracts of the proposed papers (in Microsoft Word) should be e-mailed to

jkwakat@yahoo.com . In the case of a multiple author abstract, please indicate which author will be the correspondent. For each author, please include the affiliation and address with e-mail, phone and/or fax number. Receipt of the concerned abstracts will be confirmed by e-mail. 5. General Guidelines for full paper The paper on extension services experiences/implementation /management and /or practices must be related to the theme of the convention or conference ( eg : attainment of the Millenium Development Goals). The paper must be original and unpublished accomplishments or documentation of an Extension Services experiences /implementation by the author(s) or the institution .The paper may focus on any of the following ES Implementation: Management and control system , external linkage and networking and organization management and support services All submissions should be in soft copy format ( 2003 MS Word version), laid-out on U.S. Letter size paper (8.5 inches by 11 inches), with a one (1) inch margin on all sides. Maximum number of pages is 8 (eight) including the abstract, tables, figures, diagrams, references and appendices. Font type is Time New Roman and the font size: is12 pts for text and 14 pts for titles of new sections.The Diagrams, figures and tables are to be black and white and not
grey as the latter would be difficult to reproduce in print. No color should be used at all. No color shading should be used at all on both text and figures, diagrams and tables.No indents to be used on new paragraphs. All paragraphs are to be right-justified. Each paragraph is to be separated by one line from the previous one. .A new section is to be separated by two lines from the previous section's last paragraph Full papers that do not abide by the above guidelines will be returned for corrections to authors All full papers are to be identified by filen ames as follows: <surname of principal author.firstname>.<paepi.doc so for example a paper from Angelica Baylon will be baylon.angelica .paepi2010.doc and if the author has more than one paper the papers should be identified as follows: baylon.angelica1 .paepi2010.doc and baylon.angelica2.paepi2010.doc

Submission of full papers should be done via email attachment by 31 August 2010 to the PAEPI Secretariat Deputy Director Ms Janice Vergara (jkwakat@yahoo,com) copy furnished the ASU local organizing committee Dr Anne Mae Relingo (acrelingo@yahoo.com) 6. Pointers for the development of the ES Paper or Poster Should the author wish that his or her paper be considered for publications in the PAEPI Extension Journal of Best Practices ( a project of PAEPI for 2011-2013), the paper/or poster should follow this format for uniformity . The authors paper should present actual practice /experience on how the ES ( Extension services ) project was implemented . It should depict any of the following : ES experience , concerns,issues or problems ( Implementation and control system , external linkages and networking

,organizational implementation concerns ) in conducting an ES project. Abstract What specific implementation theory, principle, practice , strategy ,innovation or issue is being highlighted by the extensionist in his /her actual experience in implementing the Extension Sevices project ? What implementation strategy /innovation was employed to what particular implementation problem or issue encountered in the conduct of the project ? What lessons, innovations or recommendtation can he /she give to other extensionists who may encounter similar problems /or issues in implementing Extension projects ? Introduction The intoduction must include the ratioanle and oobjectives of the paper among others .The rationale should provide the improtatnace on why a specific concern, issue ,innovation ,strategy ,prectice ,principleor theory is selected as focus of the paper presentation .The objectives on the other hand must provide the authors intention or wants to achieve in sharing his/her experience or preactices or program e.g to present common implementation problems/ issues /strategies /innovations /policy recommendations for implementation ( planning/organizaing / resource generation) a specific type ( e.g inter-agency / collaborative / community based ) of ES projects Methodology This portion must presnt the actual experience and strategies employed in implementing the ES project vis--vis Implementation theories /principles . Generally ,it has three components the project background ( provides the context of theimplemenattion experience. ,the implementation practices and the implementation strategies employed Discussion /Interpretation This may include the reasons or motives,the results and implications of the decisions/actions in the ES implementation . The Motives or Reasons for ES Implementation Decisions /Actions explain or present reasons ( factors considered ) why an extensionist decided to undertake such strategy ,approach ,technique or course of action to resolve specific problems/issues. The End Result of Implementation Decisions/actions present the positive and/or negative results of the extensionist decisions/strategies to either the project golas, the ES implementer and/or the team, the institution and/or the intended project benficiaries and stakeholders. The Impact or Implications of Implementation Decisions and Actions present the effect of the implementation decisions/ strategies undertaken either to the ES implementation as a field of study ,fellow extensionists ,institutions /organizations and toconcerned polciy making bodies Conclusions and Recommendations This portion provides the summary of the ES implementation lessons, innovations and recommedations (include precautions ,if any ) derived or based on the ES implementation experience presented and which could enhance ES implementation skills ,understanding

of the ES implementation or management principles and policy formulation for implementating ES projects 6. Local Organizing Committee (LOC) The local organizing committee form Aklan State University consists of the following: Dr Benny Palma Dr Robert Saladar Dr. Anne Mae Relingo Prof Paterno Rebuelta Dr Remedos Marabe Ms Sall Villasis Dr Clyde Abayo Ms Rose Molina Mr Rollie Democrito Ms Juvie Casimiro Prof Roger Felizardo and Prof Hadgie Ruzgal Ms Aileen Rellojero Dr Myrna Pelayo Ms Ellaine De La Cruz Ms Mayanne Pastrana Josephine Glariosa and Arthur Resmundo Michael Ibisate Dr Cecilia Reyes Engr. Ma Merlyn Marcelino Dr Molley 7. Contact Persons at ASU Dr Roberto Saladar and Dr Anne Mae Relingo 8. Sponsors The sponsors for the conference are as follows: The Aklan State University The Maritime Academy of Asia and the Pacific Other sponsors are found on the souvenir programme to be issued during the convention For more details, please kindly visit our website at: http://www.maap.edu.ph http : // www.asu.edu.ph http : // www.paepi@ webbs . com Chairman of the 20th PAEPI President, AklanState University Vice President, Research and Extension Services Director ,Extension Services Over-all Coordinator Bussiness and Finnance Committee Chair Program and Invitation Committee Chair Documentation , Proceedings and Evaluation Committee Chair Training Kit Committee Chair Souvenir Programme Committee Chair Publications Committee Chair Ways and Means Committee Chair Secretariat and Registration Committee Chair Awards and Certificate Committee Chair Field Exposure Committee Chair Accomodations Committee Chair Physical Committee /Convention Hall/ Stage Decoration/Public Address System Committee Chair Resolutions Committee Chair Reception /Corsages/ Speaker Committee Chair Transportation Committee Chair Election Committee Chair

9. PAEPI Policy Guidelines, Standards and Criteria for Recognition of Performance in Extension
Presented, reviewed and commented during the PAEPI BOD Meeting held at MAAP, Conference Room May 20, 2009 and approved by BOD. Furnished all the active members of PAEPI particularly the participants to the CHED-endorsed National PAEPI Consultative Forum held on May 21-23, 2009 at the Maritime Academy of Asia and the Pacific , Mariveles Bataan
9.1. POLICY TITLE. This document shall be called "PAEPI Policy Guidelines, Standards and

Criteria for Recognition of Performance in Extension". Whenever it is used in this document it shall be referred to as the "PAEPI Recognition Policy".
9.2. DECLARATION OF POLICY. PAEPI as a professional association of extension program implementers recognizes that the extension function is a strong force in bringing individual and social transformation in the country. It further recognizes the role that extension workers play in local and national development. Hence, it adheres to the managerial principle that the job performance should be given due recognition. As a professional association, therefore, PAEPI assumes the task of recognizing outstanding performance in extension to inspire and motivate the extension workers 9.3. SCOPE AND COVERAGE. The "PAEPI Recognition Policy" shall cover only the different categories of awards enumerated hereunder: 1. Outstanding Extension Program Award 2. Outstanding Chapter Award (Regional, Provincial and Municipal/City 3. Outstanding Institutional Member Award (School, NGA, NGO and LGU) 4. Outstanding Individual Member Award a. Lifetime/Regular Member and b. Honorary Member 5. Outstanding Extension Worker Award 6. President Commendation

The "PAEPI Recognition Policy" shall specifically apply to their memberships which are categorized as institutional chapter and individual members. Individual Member is further classified as lifetime, regular and honorary. Chapter Members are classified as regional, provincial, city /municipal and institutional. Institutional Members shall be classified as academe. Local government unit, national government agency, non- government organization or private enterprise. Institutional members classified as academe maybe state colleges and universities, TESDA regulated technical vocational institutions or DepEd Non formal education units in the school, district, division or regional level. Non -government organization may include non profit entities such as foundations and people's organizations doing extension work or similar functions. Private enterprise may cover corporations, partnerships, cooperatives, or private businesses that are accepted as members of PAEPI.
9.4. DEFINITION OF TERMS Extension Program is defined as a set of projects and activities in extension, community 7

outreach or similar functions regularly undertaken by an institutional member as part of its mandate or organizational vision, mission, goals and objectives. The extension program shall be one that enables the institution or entity to allow the participation of extension workers and volunteers in its activities to attain the goals and objectives set forth. The goals and objectives should indicate contribution to individual and social transformation and/or local, regional or national development. Extension Work refers to any activity of a specific duration governed by objectives, strategies of implementation, targets and expected results or outcomes that are geared towards individual and social transformation and/or contribution to local, regional and national development. Chapter refers to any recognized chapter of PAEPI. Recognition requires that the chapter has been conferred a certificate of recognition for fulfilling the minimum requirements in the revised PAEPI constitution and by -laws. Institutional Member shall refer to the institutional member of PAEPI. Individual Member shall refer to the individual members of PAEPI. Extension Worker shall refer to a PAEPI member who does actual extension whether managerial or operational regardless of academic or organizational rank or whether he/she does extension work as self-motivated extension worker or as part of his/her job function in a particular agency, association or enterprise he is where connected. Standards and Criteria shall refer to those contained under the "PAEPI Recognition Policy". Screening Committee refers to the duly appointed PAEPI members by the PAEPI board of directors who shall constitute the screening committee in the different categories of awards. Awards refer to the awards to be given by PAEPI to qualified awardees as contained in the "PAEPI Recognition Policy". Period shall refer to the different duration of time indicated herein within which to submit the nominations, applications with accompanying documents. screening or final approval of the recommended results. President Commendation refer to the awards given by the PAEPI President to honor Board of Directors and Officers who had exerted their very best effort to fulfill their functions and meet their commitments as leaders of the PAEPI and to inspire as well other high performing regions, regular members, high performing regions and project partners who contributed to the accomplishment of the VMGO of PAEPI regular members of PAEPI 9.5. SUBMISSION OF DOCUMENTS 9.5.1. Completeness of Documents. The Chair shall receive all documents submitted by the nominees. In case of incomplete documents, the Chair shall notify and give a period within which to comply and submit the missing documents to the nominee. Upon screening by the Committee, only claim substantiated by required documents shall be considered for awarding of points . 2. Return of Documents. Any nominee shall be entitled to return of documents submitted by paying the mailing of said documents. 3. Authenticity of Documents. Each document shall be considered authentic if duly certified by the concerned head or responsible officer of the agency. No certification, no credit to claim shall

be followed. 9.6. SCREENING AND APPROVAL 9.6.1. All nominations which meet the requirements for screening shall be duly screened during the period of screening. Requirements for screening are met when the nominee has submitted all documents within the period specified for submission. 9.6.2. The Chair and members shall be duly accountable to the Board of Directors for fair, reasonable and impartial screening of documents submitted by the nominees. 9.6.3. If after screening nominations for a particular award category, the committee finds out that none has met the minimum standard set, then said committee shall certify to this effect. Their certification will have the effect of declaring no qualified nominee for the award category. 9.6.4. The screening by the Committee shall be final. The Committee's recommendation of qualified nominees shall be unappeasable. The Board shall accept and approve the recommendations by the screening committee without any further deliberation. 9.7 EVALUATION OF QUALIFIED NOMINEES: The following standards and per award category shall govern the screening process by the Committee. 9.7.1. Criteria for the Outstanding Institutional Extension Program Award criteria

The member has obtained a percentage total of not less than 80 points with the following entry requirements namely the extension programs should be under the management of a PAEPI institutional or individual and the member managing the programs shall be one in good standing The following criteria with the corresponding points include: (1) Must currently implement a project or at least five activities that addresses any of the MDGs and promotes individual and social transformation (20 points) (2) Must utilize innovative strategies and methods of extension in current extension projects or activities with MDG integrated (20 points) (3) The project is geared towards the accomplishment of the MDG goals (20 points) (4) The project must be multi-sectoral (20 points) and The project receives institutional support (20 points) FOR A TOTAL OF 100POINTS 9.7.2 For the Outstanding Individual Extension Program Implementer Award, the member has obtained a percentage total of not less than 80 pts with the following entry requirements: a member in good standing. , has organized its institutional chapter with a minimum of 15 members with at least 80% of the members of its institution are members in good standing. It has sent delegates or participants to any of PAEPI national, regional or provincial trainings. The following criteria with the corresponding points include (1.) Maintains and sustains at least 3 relevant extension programs that address the MDG (30 points) (2) Maintains an office of extension manned by a competent staff (20 points) (3) A PAEPI member of good standing for at least two years (10 points) (4) Supports a least

two projects and activities that tackles the MDG with institutional budgetary allocation (20 points) (5.) Supports at least two PAEPI programs, projects and activities that dealt with MDGs through deployment of faculty/extensionist and use of facilities etc (20 points) for a total of 100 points .

Other Special Awards for PAEPI Commendations ( BOD efforts or individula efforts based on submitted accomplishment reports tobe presented during the PAEPI Conventions)

To qualify for the award, the nominee shall obtain a percentage total of not less than 80 points and meet the following entry requirements namely : the extension program should be under the management of a PAEPI institutional, chapter or individual member; the member managing shall be one in good standing 1.2. No. and titles of award with corresponding earned points: Most Outstanding Extension Program 95-100 pts. One award Outstanding Extension Program 80-94 pts. Two awards 2. Criteria No. of Points 20 20 20 20 20 100 Criteria 1. Must currently implement a project or at least five activities that promote individual and social transformation 2. Must utilize innovative strategies and methods of extension in current extension projects or activities 3. Project is geared toward sustainability 4. Project must be multi-sectoral 5. Project receives institutional support

B. Outstanding Institutional Member 1. Standard 1.1. To qualify for the award, the nominee shall obtain a percentage total of not less than 80 pts. And meet the following entry requirements: 1.1.1. The institutional member applicant must be a member in good standing. 1.1.2. It must have organized its institutional chapter with a minimum of 15 members. 1.1.3. At least 80% of the members of its institutional chapter are members in good standing. 1.1.4. It has sent delegates or participants to any of PAEPI national, regional or provincial trainings. 1.2 Number and titles of award with corresponding earned points:

Most Outstanding Extension Program 95-100 pts. One award Outstanding Extension Program 80-94 pts. Two awards 2. Criteria No. of Points 30 20 10 20 20 100 Criteria 1. Maintains and sustains at least three relevant extension programs. 2. Maintains an office of extension manned by a competent staff 3. Is a PAEPI member of good standing for at least two years 4. Supports at least 2 projects and activities with institutional budgetary allocation 5. Supports at least 2 PAEPI programs, projects and activities through deployment of faculty/extensionist, use of facilities, etc.

C. Outstanding Chapter Member 1. Standard 1.1. To qualify for the award, the nominee shall obtain a percentage total of not less than 80 pts. and meet the following entry requirements: 1.1.1. The chapter meets the minimum requirements for recognition under PAEPI Constitution and By-Laws 1.1.2. The chapter has been in existence for at least two years. 1.1.3. The chapter is duly represented in any of the Council of Chapter Presidents Meeting. 1.2 Number and titles of award with corresponding earned points: Most Outstanding Extension Program 95-100 pts. One award Outstanding Extension Program 80-94 pts. Two awards a. Regional b. Provincial c. Municipal/City 2. Criteria No. of Points 10 20 20 20 10 20 Criteria Organized/spearheaded/supported the organization of at least 1 school, 1 province and 2 municipalities. Conducted chapter trainings on extension that enhanced the capability of members Supported PAEPI programs. Projects and activities Engaged in actual membership expansion 100% members in good standing Conducted projects that contributed to individual/social transformation of

non PAEPI members to improve their quality of life 100 D. Outstanding Individual Member 1. Standard 1.1. To qualify for the award, the nominee shall obtain a percentage total of not less than 80 pts. and meet the following entry requirements: 1.1.1. The member should be a member of good standing. 1.1.2. The member must have been a member for at least two years. 1.2 Number. and titles of award with corresponding earned points: Most Outstanding Extension Program 95-100 pts. Outstanding Extension Program 80-94 pts. a. Regional b. Provincial c. Municipal/City 2. Criteria No. of Points Criteria 10 1. Attended at least one national convention and other PAEPI training/activities a. International 3 (6/day) b. N/R 2 (4/day) c. Local 1 (2/day) 20 2. Contributed to membership expansion through concrete evidence a. Organizer -3 pts. b. Resource Speaker -2 pts. c. Coordinator -1 pt. 20 3. Supported PAEPI programs, projects and activities whether it be national or chapter level (1 pt. per program/project/activity) 20 4. Engaged in actual extension work that contributed to individual and/or social transformation whether PAEPI conducted by self or by other agency or institution where employed or connected (5 pts. per program/involvement). 10 5. Received awards of distinction for extension work (for every award received) International -5 pts National -4 pts Regional -3 pts. Provincial -2 pts. Municipal -1 pts. 10 6. Published articles or books on extension Book -7 pts. Journal -6 pts.

One award Two awards

No. of Points 10

Criteria Manual -5pts. 7. Held leadership positions in PAEPI whether national or chapter level National- 10 pts. Provincial -5 pts. Regional -7 pts. Institutional -3 pts. l~

100 E. Outstanding Extension Worker 1. Standards 1.1. To qualify for the award, the nominee shall obtain a percentage total of not less than 80 pts and meet the following entry requirements 1.1.1. The extension worker must be a PAEPI member. 1.1.2. He/ she should have at least two years of actual work in extension or related activities. 1.2. No and titles of award with corresponding earned points. Most Outstanding Extension Worker 95-100 pts. One award Outstanding Extension Worker 80-94 pts. Two awards 2. Criteria No. of Points 15 15 10 10 20 20 10 100

Criteria 1. Shows impressive records of educational qualifications and training in extension (Ph. D. Extension or related fields 2. Shows contribution to enhancement of professionalism of fellow extension workers 3. Shows evidence of consultancy services in extension to any agency whether government or non -government 4. Shows leadership in extension 5. Implemented successful projects in extension 6. Evidence of outstanding meritorious services to people and communities 7. Published articles, books and others on extension

F. Presidents Commendation For all Board of Directors and Officers who had exerted their very best effort to fulfill their functions and meet their commitments as leaders of the Association, this President commendation will be awarded to distinguish outstanding accomplishments. This exercise aims to inspire succeeding new members in the Board as well as regular members of the Association. The Presidential Award of Commendation and Recognition to high performing regions, Board of Directors and other members will be awarded for the specific citations listed hereunder. President Commendations for 1. Building Organizational Image 2. Most Productive Participation and

Board of Director / Member

Involvement as Board of Director and Officer 3. Chapter Organizing Efforts 4. Capability Building of the Extension Sector 5. Certificate of Recognition as Coordinator for 5.1Annual Convention 5.2 National Trainings Conducted 5.3 Regional Trainings 5.4 Provincial / Sectoral Training 6. Pride of PAEPI for Promotion in Government Position 7. Posthumous Award 8. Service to PAEPI 9. Most Productive / Active Chapter 10. Citation for Hosting BOD Quarterly Meetings 11. Institutional Member Awardees 12. Special Award to LGU 13. Special PAEPI Partner Award 14. Resource Generation

1. 2.

XI. AWARDS AND AWARDING The award shall consist of a plague of merit and other monetary or material awards that PAEPI may generate through resource-generation efforts of the association. The awarding ceremony shall coincide with the conduct of the Biennial Convention and General Assembly Meeting of PAEPI. Awardees shall be given cash prize .

Deadline: 30 August 2010 2006


The 20th PAEPI Founding Anniversary and 2nd PAEPI Biennial Conference PAEPI 2010
Pre-Registration Form

Name (Mr./Ms./Dr./Prof.) Date of Birth Department Institution Address Phone E-mail ________________________________ website :_____________ __________________________________ Fax Name of the President ______________ (Given Name) (Family Name) Position _________________________________

Name (Mr./Ms./Dr./Prof.) Date of Birth Department Institution Address Phone E-mail Fax _______Name of the President Website :____________________ (Given Name) (Family Name) ______________ Position


(Mr./Ms./Dr./Prof.) Date of Birth Department Institution Address Phone E-mail Fax

(Given Name) Position

(Family Name)

Website : ___________________________

Name of the President .

Name (Mr./Ms./Dr./Prof.) Date of Birth Department Institution Address Phone E-mail Fax Passport No. (Given Name) Position (Family Name)

Return to : Fax _____________________________________ E-mail: saladar_r@yahoo.com and acrelingo@yahoo.com


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