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Im in the Bilingual Project because I want to learn more English, because its good for me and my future.

Now a lot of jobs are in other countries and the more English you know the better it will be for you. When I started in the Bilingual Project I thought that it would be very difficult but when I was 3 or 4 weeks I realised that it isnt so difficult; its like the not Bilingual Project group but a little bit more difficult. The Bilingual Project has advantages, like you learn a lot of English, but it has disadvantages like for most people the Bilingual Project is very difficult, but I think that is not so difficult. Next school year I want to be in the Bilingual Project too because its very good for me. Alejandro Toyos 1D

Im in the bilingual project because my brother went the last year and my parents signed me on for it. I thought that the bilingual project would be very difficult but I was confusing: only the science and a little bit English. I like it because my level of English is going up very fast but I dont like it because the science is very difficult. I dont like it because it has an extra hour. In general I think that it was worth it so next school year I repeat in the bilingual project. Diego Fernndez Artime 1A

MY EXPERIENCE IN THE BILINGUAL PROJECT I am in the bilingual project because my parents obliged me. My parents thought that it would be good for me because when I am old, I will know much English I thought before beginning that it will be very difficult because natural science in English will be very difficult. Now I think that it isnt difficult because I understand all I liked the teachers, the film, which was very good and the excursions, for example, to the Evaristo Valle. I dislike only natural science because it was very boring. In general, the year was very good, so the next year I am going to continue in the bilingual project.

My experience in the Bilingual Project

Im in the Bilingual Project because when I am older Im going to live in California and I need to learn a lot of English. Before beginning, I thought it was very difficult because I was very bad at English. But now I think its normal, its not very easy but its not very difficult. I liked when we went to the Week Camp because I learned a lot of English and I had a good time. I disliked Thursdays because I had one hour more and we are tired. In general I like Bilingual Project because I learned a lot of English in this school year. So I think next school year I will be again in the Bilingual Project to learn more English.


When I started this school year I was a little scared because I chose the bilingual project. Im here because I insisted in entering in the program. My mother said me that it wasnt necessary, but I want to speak English fluent because England and the USA have many things: works, universities And if you study languages you will have more possibilities in the future. I thought It was going to be easy, and I was right. I have no problems, if I study only a few minutes per day Its very easy. English is also very funny, natural sciences interesting. But arts We dont practise English, we only do some arts sheets. Last year and summer I did a summer notebook of 1 ESO review, and I had no problems. I prepared it very much! In general, Im very happy with my choice, and with the teachers and my classmates. Next school year Im going to be again here, I like it. Eva Armindo R. 1 A

Im in the Bilingual Project because my parents thought that it was good for me. Before beginning, I thought that it was going to be very easy, but things turned out quite more difficult than I expected. In the Bilingual Project, I liked the things that we do because those things werent boring and we spent a good time in the class. But I also disliked when Begoa gets nervous and shouts too much. In general, everything was very well and I think that next school year I will come to the Bilingual Project. JOAQUN 1D

When my mother signed me on the bilingual project I thought I wont pass ; I wasnt wrong. I like it because I have a very good time with my friends and Begoa ,of course. I dislike it because this level of English isnt for me. My favourite activity was when we did the poem for Saint Valentine . I will miss the project's take bilingual. LUIS DEL POZO VILLA 1D

We like the bilingual project very much: We are in the bilingual project because we wanted to learn English and our parents wanted too. First, we thought that the bilingual project was very difficult but we saw that it wasnt. We like it because we learn English not only in the classes of English. Also, we liked the trips in English such as: Weekcamp or the film Horrid Henry. We dislike some activities of arts, and the last hour on Thursdays. In general we like the bilingual project so next school year we are going also to the bilingal project.

By Hector and Jorge 1D


I'm in the Bilingual Project, because I would like to know much English, because I want to go everywhere in the world and if I go to the U.S.A. I want to understand everything people say. Also, because my parents wanted. I thought that it would be difficult, because I didnt know enough English. But now it is normal, so now I think that it is easy. The things that change was: Im passing the exams, but no with excellent grades. Im very happy with that, also I want to have more grades. I liked the teachers, but no all the teachers. I liked the subjects. I disliked the Arts teacher, because she didnt learn anything. In general I am Bilingual Project.

going to choose the next year the


My experience in this project is very good I thought that this is a good class of English because take advantage of the other people in the normal English class. I use this time to learn more and increase my vocabulary and grammar. The exams are good for being more intelligent and clever in the matter. On Thursdays I go to bilingual class tired and in this class I m not ready to learn so much, but Its happy and fun. Also, my friends go to the bilingual project and this aspect influences my extra classes with Begoa. I got good marks in the exams and terms so I like the bilingual project. Pablo Redondo Sirgo 1D

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